Basically, your wife's an exclusive prostitute. Moreover, if a Muslim man gives this wife the 3rd talaak, (i.e. talaak, talaak, talaak) then if he wants to take her back, then she has to have sex with another man. Imagine you are drunk and talaak your wife, its a mistake, now the only way you can have your wife back is if she goes and fuck another man! damn. And worst of all you can't even watch.
It seems Muhammad's policies were fantastically badly thought out.
Or very well thought depending on how you look at it
Well, I'm working from the assumption that Muhammad did want to keep order in society. So I understand why he set up the law so that the woman you divorce would have to have sex with another man before you re-marry her. Look at it like this. In Islam, being indesicive is looked down upon a great deal. Changing your mind a lot is suppose to be a symptom of stupidity (there is a hadeeth to back this up). So the longer it takes to change your mind about something, the less stupid your supposed to be. We don't want a nation of stupid idiots, we want a nation of clever, reasonable people. If your actually a stupid idiot, it is still better to copy what the clever, reasonable people would do, so that maybe you would become reasonable yourself, in time. So if you were to divorce your wife in a fit of drunkedness or rage, even if it was a stupid mistake, you should not be able to change your mind immediately and re-marry her. Indeed, what if it was to happen again and again and again? Now that really would be stupid. So it is better if you put on the cloak of a reasonable man and leave some time between the divorce and re-marrying that person. But how long for? Muhammad doesn't do things by half. For him, it's got to be a very long time, so long that potentially you will be dead before you are able to re-marry her, which is useless, but it would serve you right anyway. Anyway, how are we going to measure a 'very long time'? Well, how about if that woman was to marry another man? Assuming the woman isn't stupid, it would take her a while to assess the pros and cons and decide to go through with a marriage to another man. Now, ideally, the marriage will last forever. In such a case, the previous husband will be getting his just desert. However, as we know, divorces happen. Hopefully not too quickly after marriage though; that would show indecisiveness, and that's stupid. So if a divorce was to occur, then it would only happen a long time after the marriage. Well, let's say that after such a long wait, if the previous husband hasn't been fully satisfied yet (i.e. having 4 wives) then such a poor man should be forgiven by now and entitled to marry the woman he divorced all them years ago, should she want to marry him again, too. So yeah, when Muhammad says you have to wait until your ex-wife has married somebody else, had sex with them, and then divorces him, until you can get back with her, it is really just another way of saying, you have to wait a bloody long time now either as punishment or to prove that your decision to divorce her was well-informed!
Now, it sounds like a magnificent idea. But Muhammad was a bit stupid, as it happens, and he didn't really see the very obvious loophole in this god-awful piece of law, which can easily be argued to contribute to social corruption and further immorality.