I have recently started making a note of things like "Subscribers" - "Views" etc... and the thing that really shocks me is that idiots get absolutely insane number of subs and views - that guy Converted2Islam for example has about 8,000 Subscribers - WTF? Some idiots get about 10,000 views in a day!???
It just made me a bit pissed off since I put a great deal of thought and effort into my videos and I have about 745 Subscribers (which is good - but compared to some - it's nothing).
Anyhoooo I thought I would make an effort to raise my profile.
I posted this on Richard Dawkins forum.
If you can help by posting links to my Channel elsewhere I would be grateful - thanks
Hi Everyone,
My name is Hassan - many of you know me. I have a Youtube Channel here:
http://www.youtube.com/user/discussislamI make videos critiquing religion - and Islam in particular!
I am making an effort to make my videos more visible so I can get my message across better. I think you will agree that there is far too much religious bullshit out there that gets a crazy number of views - yet the sane and more rational channels really don't get half as much as they should.
If you know my channel and like the videos - then please support it by subscribing.
If you don't know it, then please take a quick look - if you like it, then again I urge you to Subscribe.
The more subscribers, views and reps I get - the more visible they will be.
Thanks and Best wishes,
PS also if you know of others who might be interested in my videos please let them know too - thanx
Hass, your channel is the dogs nads! Coherent and to the point. No sophistry of any kind. My own favourite is "Hit them" makes me laugh everytime I watch it.