I'm guessing he is still a Muslim, yeah. And I haven't seen him in ages. We fell out over Mum's inheritance because Mum left nothing for him except 10 grand. The rest was divided between me and my sister. My mum made a formal explanation to go with her will aswell, saying it is because she felt betrayed by her son's conversion to Islam and changing the name that she gave him. I kind of felt guilty that I too was a Muslim yet she gave me a portion of the inheritance. This is what my brother used to say to me as a reason why I should give him a share of the money. But that is seriously insulting my mother's intelligence. I think she knew I was a Muslim but funnily enough I think both me AND my mum didn't want it to come out in the open... for the moment anyway... which turned out to be as long as she would live.
My brother fell out with my sister long before he fell out with me. He fell out with her because she wouldn't give him any of the inheritance. He then started accusing her of drugging my mum up on morphine and then made her leave him out of the will, which is absolute bollocks because mum finished writing the will before the drugs came onto the scene - I remember coming home one day from school and a lawyer was in the living room with my mum and I was told to go upstairs. A great deal of effort is made to separate the process from any other member of the family. Also, they had to get witnesses to witness my mother signing the will, and none of us know who these witnesses are. Anyway, it made me wonder why my brother hadn't fallen out with me, cuz I wasn't prepared to give him a fixed portion of the inheritance. I was pretty innocent at the time so I just put it down to the fact that I was still a minor (kinda) and so my brother wouldn't want any money from me. How wrong I was... one day he confronted me about it so I suggested to him that if he needed any money that he asks me for it and why he needs it, then I will consider giving him the money for it. I was really shocked by his reaction. Suddenly he went ape shit! "Fuck off!!! You want me to come grovelling to you whenever I need some money?!?!" I thought at the time that he had a point but that's only because all my life my brother made me feel like he was an elder to me and so I ought to treat him with much respect and privilege. Whenever we saw each other he would say "why haven't you been keeping in touch with me?" and I would feel guilty like it was entirely my fault, not even considering that it is a two-way street and that he ought to make the effort to get in touch with me too, if not moreso since I was living with my mother and didn't have a method of transport or know how to use public transport.
So yeah, he basically wanted a fixed percentage of the inheritance. From then on we got into arguments whenever we met. One day he invited me round to dinner with the in-laws, who I really like. He picked me up along with his brother in-law, who is a really likeable character. We had an argument, which my brother blamed on me saying that I always start it, and then he went so fucking crazy I thought he was going to kill me or something. He suddenly turned the car round, started driving the other way, then his wife called asking for me and he just said "unfortunately James can't make it". I was sat in the back when he was saying this but I was too scared to speak out. That was probably the first time I saw his manipulative side which I had been warned about before but which I always ignored. Then he dropped me off in an alleyway somewhere in the middle of town. I never go there but I hear that is where all the backstreet prostitutes and drug dealers hung out. He kicked me out of the car screaming so hard that his voice was breaking: "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU OR THAT COW (his word for my sister. I don't tell her that though, she'd be too upset) IN MY LIFE EVER AGAIN UNTIL THE NEXT TIME I LOOK IN MY BANK ACCOUNT I SEE A BIG LUMP OF MONEY EQUAL TO A THIRD OF THE INHERITANCE. ONLY THEN WILL I BE INTERESTED IN SEEING YOU AGAIN!" I got out and walked all the way home from the middle of town, hungry and crying.
We did speak to each other again though. He asked me to forgive him because he was going on Hajj and I said I did. But he maintained that his brother in-law at the time said I was out of order. I don't believe that for a second, I could see his bro in-law was nearly as scared as I was and was telling him to calm down. Anyway, it didn't last long because I inadvertedly brought up the incident and my brother went "I knew it! I knew you could never forgive me!" The fact is I did forgive him, I was just bringing it up as an example of something which I can't quite remember. I wasn't bringing it up on it's own just to use it to attack his character. Anyway he took it so seriously, I felt as though he just wanted a reason to be mad at me. This all happened over msn though. The next time I was to see him after when he kicked me out of the car in town, was when he came round to my sister's house to pick up a hoover and a clothes horse, which I thought was odd. He left half of the clothes horse saying he would pick it up at another time. Weird. Anyway, he had changed quite a bit... his clothing and his general appearance was even more Islamically orientated than the last time I saw him and he had a new van. He only drove a car beforehand. However, the one thing that shocked me the most was his wife. For the first time in my life she was wearing a niqaab and she was dressed in all black. I had never seen her dressed in all black before and I had only seen her outside with a hijaab on the odd time, usually when she going for eid namaaz or something special like that. This time she was wearing a niqaab! She wouldn't even look at me, either. I was lookingg at her, trying to catch her eye and then smile at her - I got on well with her when I used to go to my brother's house, but now she wouldn't even look at me. I don't know whether that is because she shared my brother's view that I ought to give him a third of the inheritance and therefore she hated me, or whether it was some other unknown reason, such as she was in a mood with my brother or she was scared of my brother. I dunno, but from then on I worried about her. I wonder how she is doing now. Anyway, I took care not to go too close to my brother or help him put the stuff in his van out of genuine fear that he might kidnap me. Heck, my sister was so damn scared that she didn't come out with me to keep me safe. In fact, she was so scared she locked me out of the house! Then when she was sure that he went, she unlocked the door and let me back in. I told her off for that, asking her what she was gonna do if our brother did try to kidnap me or something. She said she wasn't thinking, she just focussed on the possibility of his storming up the stairs trying to get in the house, so she locked it.
My brother doesn't know that I'm not a Muslim anymore, or at least I haven't told him. I wouldn't be surprised if he does know, to be honest. I had this friend from mosque called Jamal and he was perhaps the most understanding mosque friend that I had. He seemed a little bit westernized so I thought I could trust him by telling him I couldn't believe in Islam anymore. I even fantasized that maybe I would be able to convince him that Islam wasn't true and that me and him would become a team and tackle the multiple intricate Muslim influences in that awful community. He turned against me like you would expect someone who had never had contact with Western ways before would do. He started giving me creepy phonecalls and texts where he asked the same thing every single time, "are you a Muslim?" Really weird... anyway, one day I decided to give these books back to another mosque friend I had who was much older than me and could drive. His name was Abbas. I met up at an agreed place and had a chat with him. I just wanted to give him the books and go, as I did not want to be in the company of a fundamentalist. Deep down it made me sick to the core. I guess I was also scared that he might figure it out that I wasn't a Muslim. Lol, paranoid or what? How could he just "figure it out"? Of course he couldn't do that. So I just laid back a little bit and I was beginning to enjoy the chat. Then suddenly he says "I heard your not a Muslim anymore." I felt like my heart stopped, then getting over the initial shock, started racing like mad. That was an unbelievably uncomfortable feeling. I didn't know that Jamal and Abbas had ever even met before. To be honest, if anyone knows anything about how rumours can spread like wildfire in a Muslim community, then you will know that it isn't necessary that Jamal and Abbas know each other at all. They don't even go to the same mosque! But to anyone immersed in Islamic culture, that shouldn't be too surprising. The Islamic community is just freaky, man.
I'll leave it at that for now. Cool thread, man. Thanks for helping me remember and ponder over some of my experiences, fading

Btw, IsLame you said you were from the North. Would you mind me asking whereabouts?