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 Topic: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim

 (Read 46770 times)
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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #150 - August 20, 2009, 10:58 PM

    Let's see....

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) Obviously felt that it was very sinful yet felt allured to do it and funny enough I did end up doing it before marriage under some weird religious set up - muta lol.

    (b) Sex is sex, it's good fun.  I like taboo sex, I'm not the vanilla type and at the end of the day if two consentual adults want to do whatever gets them off, well good luck to them.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) I felt sorry for homosexuals because I didn't understand why they were so hated, but at the same time I saw them as a bit disgusting too - it was quite twisted. Also, I was bi-curious then so felt ashamed as well.

    (b) I know gay/lesbian people now so really don't see what the big deal is and it is quite natural.  If they're happy, it's fine by me. 

    3) Pork

    (a) I never ate pork - i was disgusted by the sight of an innocent pig.

    (b) I did eat pork for a while and didn't have any problems with it until recently as I am a vegetarian now. 

    4) Alcohol

    (a) Never touched alcohol during my goody2shoe days. Like pork, it was a major no no.

    (b) I like drinking - I don't binge though. :-)

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) Always felt suffocated in hijab but obviously thought of the eternal hellfire

    (b) People can wear whatever they want - modesty is very subjective. 

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) I sympathised with the palestinian suicide bombers.

    (b) I understand it's a very grey area for certain people and feel upset that people have to resort to such violence.

    7) Jihad

    (a) Thought it was a god given right

    (b) Absolute bollocks.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) Hated them because I suppose I was conditioned to.

    (b) Don't like God or organised religions.  They're interesting myths though.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) The beloved prophet of course.

    (b) A very psychotic man.

    10) Allah

    (a) The almighty

    (b) Allah who? Oh, the Muslim God, the one who literally screwed up my relationship with my family.  I hate this imaginery thing.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) For boys it was the done thing, never questioned it.  In my culture they didn't do FGM.

    (b) Personally circumcision makes a penis look better and I know people who get it done for medical reasons.  FGM is totally out of order.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) I never really wanted to think about it - somehow conveniently ignored it for 19 years of my life.

    (b) It's disgusting and to think most people see nothing wrong with it is just attrocious.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) Religious burial

    (b) Haven't thought about this yet.

    'The greatest glory of living lies not in never falling but in rising everytime you fall'
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #151 - December 19, 2009, 04:00 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) Didn't think I'd ever do it, or maybe thought i could try something like mutta :p
    (b) Totally natural, just use birth control when needed.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) Had a hatred built into me towards gay people, oblivious to anything else since I had never even met a gay person
    (b) I got more educated around my time of apostasy, learnt about genetics and their influence on behaviour. Subsequently I have no problems with homosexuality and have numerous gay friends.

    3) Pork

    (a) Taught to hate it, taught it was disgusting and almost like cannibalism
    (b) Love it, one of the best meats in my opinion.

    4) Alcohol

    (a) Never would have drank as a Muslim, but wanted to experiment.
    (b) Grew to like the taste of certain drinks, but since I'm underage I don't really get wasted much. Anything is good in moderation.

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) Was very conservative, wouldn't want my family to go out dressed as hookers but didn't mind seeing my neigboors low cut top Smiley
    (b) Couldn't care less, my girlfriend doesn't dress 'modestly' and she is neither a whore nor a bad person. I wouldn't mind my sister dressing up in suspenders now, it's all just silly tradition. Most tribal african men and women walk around pretty much naked.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) Wrong, called suicide bombers kafirs.
    (b) Ditto.

    7) Jihad

    (a) Would do anything if it came to it, even though i never prayed or went to mosque.
    (b) Religious war of any sorts? inner, maybe, but anything physical is just pointless.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) Wrong, Islam was the true path. Other religions contradict themselves (oh the irony)
    (b) All religions are virtually the same and are all flawed.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) Greatest guy that ever lived.
    (b) Paedophile, rapist, hypocrite, could go on for ages.

    10) Allah

    (a) Most merciful, gracious etc
    (b) Fuck allah. I didn't ask to be created so I refuse to be ''tested'' with your infinite mercy.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) It's correct, nothing wrong with it and has many benefits.
    (b) Mutilation. Wrong.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) Always wanted to get married in my late teens for some reason. Getting married any earlier for anyone to me was a little wrong, especially when arranged.
    (b) Get married whenever YOU want to, no forcing.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) Islamically.
    (b) Couldn't care less.

    Be yourself.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #152 - December 19, 2009, 05:26 PM

        * 1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

          (a) Haram!  finmad
          (b) Still waiting....

          2) Homosexuality

          (a) Didnt know about such behaviour until I was 15 years old, got freaked out and disgusted because of ignorance
          (b) After realising they too are human beings, just slightly different, I am cool with them. They deserve respect and acceptance.

          3) Pork

          (a) Haram!
          (b) Yet to try it, but I will probably savour it the first time  dance

          4) Alcohol

          (a) Haram!
          (b) Meh.

          5) Modest dress code

          (a) Halal!
          (b) Dont care. Better to dress and be comfortable rather than over-do the "modesty" part

          6) Suicide bombing

          (a) Felt it was against Islam, esp. when it simply targeted innocent people.
          (b) Realised how brutal but effective it is as a tactic of asymmetrical warfare. Hate it even more, esp. when it targets innocent people.

          7) Jihad

          (a) When push comes to shove, it should be done to save Muslims
          (b) Religiously motivated warfare? fuck no!

          8 ) Other religions

          (a) Misguided and wrong
          (b) George Carlin

          9) Mohammed

          (a) The Greatest Man who EVER lived.
          (b) The Most Cunning and Devious man who ever lived.

          10) Allah

          (a) I am His slave and I am born to serve only Him.
          (b) The Giant from Jack & The Beanstalk > Allah

          11) Circumcision/FGM

          (a) Against FGM because it being a sub-saharan African practice wrongly adopted by many Muslim societies. Pro-male circumcision
          (b) Against both. Its torture for the kid!

          12) Young marriage

          (a) Didn't mind it at first, but realised it doesnt work.
          (b) Okay it definitely doesnt work.

          13) How you wish to be buried

          (a) Namaaz-e-Janaza etc
          (b) Dont care, but a wild idea would be cremation and sprinkling my ashes into the Indus river.  grin12

    Pakistan Zindabad? ya Pakistan sey Zinda bhaag?

    Long Live Pakistan? Or run with your lives from Pakistan?
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #153 - December 21, 2009, 03:12 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) Nothing wrong with it. A natural/biological phenomena which occurs in almost all species, so didn't see what was wrong with it as long as you used protection.

    (b) My views remain the same with more understanding of the reasons why this was made a taboo subject, e.g by making people feel guilty about their natural desires the religions try to control them.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) When I first found out about it my immediate reaction was that it was unnatural/gross, but that was only for male-male sex, I've always loved lesbians  Cheesy. Eventually I came to understand the reasons why some people are homosexual and I perfectly respected them - as long as the male homosexuals stay away from me  yes.

    (b) My views remain the same except now I'm an even bigger fan of lesbian porn  dance

    3) Pork

    (a) I had a gut level repulsive reaction and would never eat it, even though i never tried it. Although as part of some cooking classes I would handle it with my hands without wearing gloves.

    (b) I still haven't tried it and still have a bit of repulsive reaction to thinking about eating it, however I plan on trying this the next opportunity I get.

    4) Alcohol

    (a) I was neutral about it, didn't mind others drinking it, but didn't drink myself both because of religious & health reasons.

    (b) I still think its healthier to not drink and plan on staying a non-drinker. And i don't like the taste.

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) It used to make me very angry and frustrated at why perfectly sexy women had to be wrapped around in robes looking like a sack of potatoes.

    (b) Still the same views!

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a)  As a kid I read stories made to sound heroic of brave soldiers who would lie down under tanks and get blown up during wars. When I grew up I began to view them as stupid, and the bombings as inhumane when they kill civilians. I always considered them brainwashed and un-islamic, and that islam never advocated suicide bombings.

    (b) My views remain the same - i view the bombers as stupid, bombings as inhumane. However I think that perhaps in certain situations such as during a war they can be effective tool against military targets, but never against civilians. Personally I would be opposed to using or doing this though.

    7) Jihad

    (a) As a kid I used to favor them and view it as a sort of heroic fight, thanks mostly due to the media & brainwashing children's books & magazines published in Pakistan. When I grew older I gradually began to break out of this trance, thanks in part to the internet and some good influences in my family, and began relating it to terrorism. Although I kept up the shield of 'jihad being only for defense' while I was a muslim.

    (b) I'm now completely against all forms of military action taken to spread a religion, and all offensive action taken against civilians such as terrorism. Although to others I still say that terrorism is not jihad & its un-islamic, just to turn them against the idea.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) Embarassing  wacko. I used to view all other religions as being deluded, stupid, made fun of the rituals they had and how idiotic they were, etc, and how islam was the only true religion. I'm thankful to a good family influence who taught me about tolerance and racism, and since i was about 15-16 I view all of them as humans and wanted to make friends with all of them.

    (b) I now consider all religions to be fairytales and people who believe in them to be a bit deluded, and now I make fun of ALL religions' stupid rituals, including Islam. But i'm in big favor of freedom of religion and have a diverse range of friends, from atheists, buddhists, hindus, to christians. I would never hate or dislike anyone just because of being from a particular religion - although fundamentalists come pretty close to annoying me.

    9) Mohammed

    (a)  You know the deal. Most perfect man in the world, man with no flaws, anyone who punishes him needs to be killed, etc.

    (b) I would rather not say anything as it may be considered blasphemous and punishable by death in the country I'm currently in, but my views are probably the same as 90% of muslim apostates.

    10) Allah

    (a) Used to consider him my friend, would confide in to him about my secrets, consider him very kind, etc. It was because of this view of Allah as 'friendly' that I broke many other rules of Islam against sex, watching porn, saying prayers, etc because I felt that he/she won't send me to hell for carrying out harmless/biologically natural stuff.

    (b) I still think there may be a high power of some sort but don't call it Allah anymore.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) Used to think male circumsicion is good, it protects against STDs, etc. Always considered FGM the worst thing ever and hated it!

    (b) I'm unclear if male circumsicion offers some protection against STDs or not, i was circumcized as a baby so can't do anything about that anyway. Although I'm not planning on ever having kids, i think its wrong to do this to a child and best to let him grow up without it and get it himself if he wants to when he grows up.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) Always considered it wrong.
    (b) Still do.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) The usual islamic way, namaz-jinaza, grave, etc.

    (b) I want to be frozen and kept frozen until science finds a way to bring dead folks back to life  yes, Failing that I would like to be cremated.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #154 - December 21, 2009, 04:14 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) Definitely forbidden. I was quite the virgin.
    (b) Alhamdullilah!

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) Was against, but never personally bigoted.
    (b) For full rights including marriage and adoption.

    3) Pork

    (a) Simply Haram.
    (b) Didn't eat it for a while, but eventually got used to it and love it now.

    4) Alcohol

    (a) Simply haram. Did not touch it or even tempted to.
    (b) Drank right away after deconversion. I believe it should be done within moderation. Not a fan of the drinking lifestyle.

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) Definitely was all for this, especially for women.
    (b) Don't really care. A woman should be natural and display herself if she wishes. Hair is beautiful and should never be covered for some desert savage.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) For as long as military targets. Against all civilian attacks.
    (b) I still believe suicide bombing is OK for a legitimate cause and against military targets. But what matters is why and for what cause you are doing it.

    7) Jihad

    (a) Thought it was a concept of noble and just war and had naive notions about it.
    (b) Against of course. It's nothing more than aggressive raiding and invasion to overthrow other peoples cultures and faiths through force.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) Thought they were corrupted manifestations of former prophets teachings. Did not have hateful views of hindus or buddhists.
    (b) They are all generally false. But some are better than others in their ethical teachings.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) Was a great and noble warrior prophet who spoke wisdom and fought for survival. He was the perfect man and very misunderstood.
    (b) Realise that Mo was nothing like what I thought. He was  cruel warlord, rapist, liar and bigot. For a while I thought he was just a man of his time. But reading history made me realise he was something specially evil. He was a manipulator and deceiver of the highest order. And his cruelty and lack of compassion was obvious.

    10) Allah

    (a) An all-encompassing god-creator. I believed in every aspect of Allah as the Quran describes. I prayed to him and had a real person relationship with him. Allah was my most genuine belief in my entire time as a Muslim. I feared Allah and always had deep problems with his 'wrath' and obsession with shirk and other issues of beliefs and of course hell - though it was always at the back of my mind.
    (b) He doesn't exist. And if he does he's an evil and cruel tyrant god that should be defied. Allah is one of the most evil inventions of man. He's the worst of the old testament god and the worst of the christian god combined into one.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) Male is halal. Always agaisnt FGM.
    (b) Having had a circumcised cock all my life I can't think of living without one. But realise it is unnatural. Will probably have my child circumcised, though not sure.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) Against.
    (b) Against. Was always against this all the time and the Aisha issue was a major issue of disturbance as a Muslim.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) Classic Islamic style.
    (b) Burn me on a great pyre and put two coins on my eyes.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #155 - December 21, 2009, 04:19 PM

    Will probably have my child circumcised, though not sure.

    Prepare to be flamed by the Foreskin Mafia here.

    fuck you
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #156 - December 21, 2009, 04:23 PM

    "though not sure"

    Probably leave it up to him. I don't have a son, so it's hard to tell what I'd do.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #157 - December 21, 2009, 05:03 PM

    Prepare to be flamed by the Foreskin Mafia here.

    Haha here come the flames.

    Kafirist if you believe in some way unatural, then it would by far be better to leave it to him to deicde, if you ever have a son.

    Without a religious reason there should be no motivation, especially when the human understanding of medicine is everchanging, if you were to choose to do it for medical reasons, like future prevention of STD's.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #158 - December 21, 2009, 05:06 PM

    I see your point Berbs. We should meet up and talk more about this penis issue. Inshallah.  Kiss lipsrsealed  Huh? mysmilie_977

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #159 - December 21, 2009, 05:19 PM

    And waste time talking?  Wink

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #160 - December 21, 2009, 05:24 PM


    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #161 - December 21, 2009, 05:27 PM

    And waste time talking?  Wink


    This is one of many reasons why BerberElla is so beloved here.  Smiley

    fuck you
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #162 - December 21, 2009, 05:42 PM

     Narcissist Being this naughty is an artform.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #163 - December 21, 2009, 05:48 PM

    Berberella, are you actually berber?

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #164 - December 21, 2009, 05:50 PM

    Yes,  Kiss  kafirist are you really a kafir?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #165 - December 21, 2009, 05:51 PM

    Yes.  Kiss

    Berber people are hot!

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #166 - December 21, 2009, 05:56 PM

    Well, only during the summer months, we cool down a bit in the winter.  Wink

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #167 - December 21, 2009, 06:04 PM

    Wow, has there been a foreskin debate on CEMB?

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #168 - December 21, 2009, 06:22 PM

    I'm sure we've hashed it over a few times:

    Edit:  yep:

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #169 - December 21, 2009, 06:33 PM

    Cheers Berberella, I was expecting it to be a jokey kind of discussion, but obviously some people feel really passionately about it as a non-consensual violation of the male self.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #170 - September 14, 2010, 07:04 PM

    Please put down (a) for your thoughts on each subject as a muslim, and (b) for your views now.

    I think it will be interesting to see if we have moved away from any previous views we had due to leaving islam, or if our views are what drove us to leave islam in the end?

    I will post my reply so that you can quote this first post as a template to answer your questions.  Afro

    Looking forward to seeing how differing anyones views are.

    Sex Before Marriage and Taboo Sex
    a. I already popped my cherry when i was a teenager and keep on having sex,sometimes i feel guitly for indulging myself in it because it is haraam and the punishment scares me

    b. i don't have any problem with it,in fact i think Sex is a good thing, it brings more pleasure than harm as long as there is contraceptives(Condoms,pills,etc)

    a. i was totally against it, and i find it disgusting
    b. i am a little bit homophobic, but i am being open about it, plus the fact the my cousin is gay(secretly) and we are still close, i am ok with that

    a. Never tried because it's haraam
    b. i will like to try it and i heard Bacon taste good.yummy

    a. Never tried it, i was even disgusted when i found out that both my brother and my Best friend drink.
    b.i drink occasionally, only beer never tried wine though but i would like to try. i am happy not to feel guilty when i drink

    Modest Dress Code
    a. it never bothered me at all, but i never like burqa though
    b. it saddens me anytime i see a woman wearing hijab or burqa under the hot weather in our country, i wonder how they feel

    Suicide Bombing
    a. I used to think suicide bombing is haraam, since taking one's life too is haraam, but i have heard other opinions that it is allowed as long as the target are infidels and Israelis. I had a mixed feelings towards it
    b. i detest suicide bombing, i don't see any purpose in it

    a. I was in support of Jihad, in fact i was even happy and celebrate with other muslims when the terrorist crashed an airplanes into WTC( which i later regret after i apostatized)
    b. it is one of the reasons why i left Islam

    Other Religions
    a.I thought Islam was the true religion, and all other religions were corrupted, and the followers are going to hell
    b. Religions are all man made

    a. he used to be my role-model
    b. he is an impostor who uses religion to gain power

    a. i fear him and worshipped him so as to prevent myself from Hell fire
    b. As a Deist i believe God exist but he is not like Allah,also he doesn't human traits like Allah e.g. Anger towards unbelievers, and cruelty for burning unbelievers in hell.

    a. i was circumsised when i was a baby,always in favour of it, i don't know about FGM at that time
    b. i don't have problem with circumsion, but i am against FGM

    Young Marriage
    a. i was not in favour of young marriage,my ex-girlfriend is a victim of that, the idea of giving away a young girl to marriage repulses me, IMO it's best for a girl to grow up mentally and have an education(Universityif possible) or be most important of all Self reliant before she thinks of getting married. just because she has started to develop Breast and Pubic Hair that doesn't mean she is old enough to get married
    b. my opinion stays the same and also one of the reasons i left islam

    How you wished to be buried
    a. just like every muslim, i wanted to be buried according to Islamic Rites
    b. I want to be cremated

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #171 - September 16, 2010, 02:04 AM

    Sex Before Marriage and Taboo Sex
    a. fantisized,did and felt guilty

    b.should be  safe , consensual ,without abuse

    a. phobic abt male homosex..abhord it..may be becos of my own unconscious desire n conscious guilt
    b. still phobic abt male homosexuality..but love to wath lesbian porn
    a.  haraam
    b. a type of meat liked by a large no of civilized people..but not tried myself..may be ll try sumtime..but not to show hate 4 islam.just 4 new experience

    a. Never tried it,it was haram n not available as well
    b.i like it .drink occasionally.not as reaction to islam.but for self pleasur

    Modest Dress Code
    a. thought such women as better muslims as well as better human being
    b.  feel pity for veiled girls n women esp if they do it by force

    Suicide Bombing
    a. thought it was right of opressed muslims or nonmuslims
    b.mixed feelings..if u corner an animal including a human it ll attack

    a. noblest thing to do on earth
    b. all wars or fought for economic reasons including islamic neutral abt it.wars ll continue to occur whether we like it or not..i ll fight for my , my family`s or my country,s self defence

    Other Religions
    b. Religions were evolutionary need of past..religions no longer needed..humanism is evolutionary need of present

    a.  role-model for all humans
    b. intelligent, influential... political,military,religious leader..i dont love him..but im awed by him..he still influences more then 1 billion humans lives on earth..n probably ll continue to do so for several wonders that he was rated as 1st in a list of 100 most influential people...i wish i would have been HIM

    b.NON-EXISTENT but source of motivation for >1 billion humans who r willing to die for him/it(non-existent god)

    a. i was circumsised when i was 5yr old..
    b. i consider it more hygienic n preferable although not necessary, but i am against FGM

    Young Marriage
    a.>18 yrs consensual allowed although not advisable
    How you wished to be buried
    a. honorable islamic way
    b. not bothered.not concerned..becos death is end of me..i dont believe in life after death
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #172 - September 16, 2010, 04:40 PM

    I dunno how I missed this thread, which was started over a year ago!

        * 1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

          (a)Sex before marriage was wrong and was the root of many social / emotional ills in people.  Contradictorily at the same time, it didn't really bother me if people I knew did it.  Before I got super religious, I did it, but after I got super religious, I had the first view.  Taboo sex was taboo for a reason.  I was superstitious about these things, like something bad would happen if Muslims started having sex anally or during menses.

          (b)Sex before marriage is a-okay. Never married is a-okay.  Taboo sex to me now is what is harmful (like adults with children or animals and shit like that).  If you want anal sex, be safe and  have fun. 

          2) Homosexuality

          (a)I honestly believed that Big Al made people with this inclination and struggled with how it could be wrong for gay peeps to want to be with the ones they fell in love with.  I secretly held the view that the quran didn't outright condemn it, but couldn't quite square it bc of hadiths and stuff.  Islam was all cog dissonance anyway.

    When I was younger, I did advocate the "just marry someone of the opposite sex and it'll happen" line, but I saw people severely damaged by that, and it's very unfair to women in the cases where gay men are married to them without them being told about their husband's sexuality.  Even at my most religious, I would say that what two people do at home is their business, and we should only care when people of any type are having sex in the public square, which always earned me a lot of grief from friends and family.  Also when I would point out the homoeroticism of a lot of  the gender stuff, the male stuff, and throughout history, as this is a part of Islamic history that a lot of Muslims want to deny.

          (b)  Totally hot. 

          3) Pork

          (a) Eek, don't let it touch me!  But it tastes so good... but no!
          (b)  BACON!

          4) Alcohol

          (a) Didn't much think about it, thought it was a social ill.
          (b) I enjoy it, still think it causes a lot of social problems.

          5) Modest dress code

          (a) If I'm as modest and inhibited as I can be, then men will stop hitting on me and I'll go to jennah, because this has been rammed down my throat so much I know it is the most important thing about Muslim womanhood.  Tongue
          (b) Fuck it. Wear what you want, if it is appropriate to the setting.  I still dress sort of modestly and probably always will.  But not modest by the Islamic standards! 

          6) Suicide bombing

          (a) Don't want to think about it. Don't like. Hope it has no sanction. Embarrassed by Muslims who support it "as long as it's against Jews." 
          (b) Can see that it has some sanction in some corners of Islam.  Think many Muslims who are against it are afraid to speak out bc they will be classified as "not knowledgeable enough to speak" or harming the Muslims.

          7) Jihad

          (a) Why haven't you heard, it is a struggle against your ego.  Also, we don't tell people this, but it's really war against non-Muslims to make them comply with the deen.  I hated the duplicity of how it was presented.  I thought the rules of jihad were so just and humane (about not burning fruit trees and all that).  The more I came to understand the realities of jihad....
          (b) Face it, it is part and parcel of Islam, always has been and will be until the religion is reformed. Which may not be in our lifetime.  Muslims don't feel empowered to speak against aggressive / offensive jihad because of this, even if they personally don't want to see non Muslims attacked. 

          8 ) Other religions

          (a) FALSE. So FALSE.
          (b) FALSE.  So FALSE.  But so is Islam.

          9) Mohammed

          (a) I said he was the greatest ever, blah blah, stroking his dead male ego, but inside I struggled with thinking he was sort of a wanker. I was uncomfortable with him, but tried to "love" him.
          (b)  Wanker.

          10) Allah

          (a) Oh I loved him. My invisible, uncommunicative friend.
          (b) Another imaginary friend.

          11) Circumcision/FGM

          (a) Wrong.  I hated circumcising the boys, but couldn't get around the culture / rules of husband.
          (b) If I had another kid (ha ha NO), I wouldn't do it.

          12) Young marriage

          (a) Did not like.  Today's girls and boys live differently and aren't psychologically ready for marriage in their early teens. But... it was part of Islamic teachings. Confusion!
          (b) Boo. Setting kids up for failure, especially girls. 

          13) How you wish to be buried

          (a) As a pious Muslimah, ameen.
          (b) Don't want to be.

    [this space for rent]
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #173 - September 16, 2010, 05:48 PM

    What about having a nice little doggy at home joyfully welcoming your practicing Muslim family,  jumping at they face Cheesy

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #174 - September 17, 2010, 03:32 PM

        * 1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

          (a) I knew it was bad but did not care, I still fooled around with girls.
          (b)If it is between two consenting adults then indulge in your sexual fantasies

          2) Homosexuality

          (a) Hated them and wished them death, used to go around saying I don't have a phobia of gay people I just hate them. I also hated myself because I gave bj to a guy and was involved in alot of gay activities this made feel so guilty.
          (b)I am bisexual

          3) Pork

          (a)Thought it was disgusting but was also curious, so one time I ate a sausage roll by "accidednt"
          (b)mmmm bacon

          4) Alcohol

          (a)Hated it thought it was evil.
          (b)meh, I drink sometimes but prefer ma weed

          5) Modest dress code

          (a) Agreed with it 100% , at one point I was going to cut my sister's jeans and throw them in the bin.
          (b) no one should dictate what other people wear

          6) Suicide bombing

          (a) Felt it was wrong to take the lives of innocent people and the suicide bombers would be punished by allah.
          (b) still feel the same (except for the punishment crap)

          7) Jihad

          (a) Noble act and would have loved to die a martyr
          (b) somewhat pacifist

          8 ) Other religions

          (b)All Bullshit

          9) Mohammed

          (a) The best human to ever exist
          (b) A man of his time not a devil nor a saint.

          10) Allah

          (a) Loved allah also scred of his wrath
          (b) Mohammed

          11) Circumcision/FGM

          (a) Purifies You
          (b) mutilating children

          12) Young marriage

          (a) Didn't care
          (b) still dont care

          13) How you wish to be buried

          (a) Facing the kaba
          (b) Don't know maybe cremation or being thrown into space

    "When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me."
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #175 - October 06, 2010, 09:33 AM

    Never too late, I guess!

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

      (a) Sex before marriage: Absolutely out of the question for me, because it wasn't something good muslim girls did. And I was super judgemental of girls who did it (I have to specify girls, because, naturally, it was ok for boys to sleep around since "they can't help it". As for taboo sex, I didn't have any strong opinion against. Just something I didn't consider because it wasn't religously tolerated.
      (b) I would do it if it weren't for the extreme social pressure (I live in a muslim country). I think it's an aberration for a woman my age to still be virgin, and I don't think it's healthy. I'm against kids having sex too young, though (12 or 13). If by taboo sex you mean anal and sex during menses, I don't see any problem with it.

    2) Homosexuality

      (a) Believed that crap about it being a choice, however I never hated homosexuals. I just wasn't really exposed to them, to be honest.
      (b) I <3 teh gayz. 

    3) Pork

      (a) Wrong, of course, but there wasn't any available where I live so I never even thought about it. When a kaffir would tell me that it's delicious and I don't know what I'm missing I'd just go "whatever, dude". God is All-knowing and forbade it for a reason.
      (b) Still not exposed to it on a regular basis, but whenever I travel I have a taste of it, just for the hell of it. It's not bad, but I like my beef and chicken better  grin12

    4) Alcohol

      (a) Never had a drop, was totally against it, however I was curious about my friends who did drink and would often ask them what did this and that beverage taste like. Though I never thought I'd even taste it in my life.
      (b) Tasted beer and wine, hated them, am told they're acquired tastes, not particularly interested in acquiring those tastes. Maybe I'll try some tasty girly cocktails when I travel again.

    5) Modest dress code

      (a) Never wore the hijab, even when the pressure got high when everyone was wearing it around me. I was considering doing it when 'God would send me a clear message'. I would dress modestly, though. No low-cut tops, and shirts/vests that would cover my butt. Looked down on girls who dressed like sluts, of course.
      (b) I wear what I want, which is still pretty modest but certain standards. I love my low-cut tops, and my vests/jackets are all waist-length. I just have to take care that my father doesn't see me leave or come home.

    6) Suicide bombing

      (a) A horror. Never EVER approved of it, whoever it was committed against.
      (b) Pretty much the same opinion, only with more intensity.

    7) Jihad

      (a) I believed in jihad against the nafs. As for the real fighting stuff, I'd pretty much block myself from thinking about it and was grateful that I was just a frail woman.
      (b) Fuck that.

    8 ) Other religions

      (a) Obviously misguided and misguiding. I was fascinated with mythologies, though.
      (b) All bullshit. Stay away.

    9) Mohammed

      (a) I genuinely loved him. He was some sort of grandfather figure for me, growing up. In only read the glorifying biographies, of course. He could do no wrong and was the best man who ever walked the earth.
      (b) I despise him. I can't believe I fell for that bullshit. He and his sexism are the sources of my problems.

    10) Allah

      (a) Tried to love him, but I couldn't as I feared him way too much. I really trusted him, though. I was sure he had a plan, he knew what he was doing, and all the wrongs would be made right at the end of time.
      (b) Doesn't exist.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

      (a) FGM was wrong, and an obvious error of interpretation. Male circumcision was okay. It was the only way to keep it clean (what would I know about it, though? I never had a cock)
      (b) Will try my best to avoid having it done for my son(s), if I have any.

    12) Young marriage

      (a) I wasn't exposed to it. My grandmother got married at 13, so obviously it was okay during a previous period of time, but it was wrong for modern times. I would wince whenever I'd hear of a girl getting married at 16. I justified my opinion with the thought that obviously, girls nowadays matured more slowly than they did a few generations ago.
      (b) Bunch of fucking pervs.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) With my family, the Islamic way, of course.
    (b) I'm tempted by incineration. If I were to be buried, though, I'd rather it weren't in a coffin. I like the Islamic way better since there's a direct contact with the earth and I'd be more useful that way!

    He's no friend to the friendless
    And he's the mother of grief
    There's only sorrow for tomorrow
    Surely life is too brief
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #176 - January 16, 2011, 04:06 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a)Unheard of,nope,nada,zilch,zero.You HAVE to get married.Wallah i will chop of your head."This answer was to the girls ofcourse,to the boys ? Well,just try it on infidel girls,don't come near muslim chicks,i will cut off your balls and feed the crows.
    (b)Well,still have that kind of thinking,but it's very mild.   Roll Eyes

    2) Homosexuality

    (a)Didn't think much about them,always thought they had it in their genes,a"disease",and they would suck satans cock in hell.
    (b)Whatever you like man,who am i to say otherwise.

    3) Pork

    (a)First taste when i was 12,found it to be fucking delicious,but it was "haram" ass.But never understood why god created the fucking beast and forbid it later.
    (b)The BEST,bacon cheeseburger,yummy for the tummy hmmmm.

    4) Alcohol

    (a)Always felt guilty when i consumed it,tried to avoid it as much as possible,but i was always planning the next party.
    (b)Ironically,i rarely drink and think about it,and i wished my family drank to,just to relax the nerves.
    5) Modest dress code

    (a)If i saw cleavage or ankles,pray your last prayer.
    (b)Don't care,wear whatever you like,as long as you don't look like a stripper.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a)Justified,cause infidels were bombing muslims.
    (b)Retards need a reality check.

    7) Jihad

    (a)Always defended the "strugle"jihad,within you.Jihad against your earthly material desires.Later i justified the jihad war against infidels.
    (b)What a steaming pile of bullshit.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a)Misguided fools,and thought that one day the whole world would accept islam.
    (b)Whatever makes you happy,just don't try to shove that shit to me.

    9) Mohammed

    (a)Never EVER liked the glorification of Mo since i was a child,i found it blasphemous and irritating.Allah was my best friend,i didn't care about the prophets,they were only messengers,move on.
    (b)You did it to your own Mo,no one forced you,now more then half of the world hates your guts,what do you care,you're dead.But poor muzzies bare your burden,happy now ?

    10) Allah

    (a)Loved him,feared him,shed many tears and prayers to his highness.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a)Clean and good,and much prettier looking than those with the hat on.
    (b)My sausage is mutilated,damn you jews,what's with your gods and fucking genitals.

    12) Young marriage


    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a)Islamic way is the best,roasting the dead was absurd and sacrilegious.
    (b)Except the depth of the hole and head towards mecca bullcrap,i still find it ok.
    I wish to be buried beside a tree,when my flesh and bones becomes one with the earth i will become one with the tree.
    I'm a treehugging hippie.
    If reencarnation is true,i always loved flying,i wanna be a fucking bird.
    Kumbaya My Lord,Kumbaayaaaa  whistling2
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #177 - January 16, 2011, 04:51 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex
    I thought gay sex was ok. Only thing haram was straight sex.

    2) Homosexuality
    is awesome

    3) Pork
    a) Astaghfirullah
    b) Still not sure (eats its own shit etc)

    4) Alcohol
    a) I would deserve 100 lashes if I ever went near it
    b) Awesome

    5) Modest dress code
    Used to get stoned for wearing shorts by family members but I never really cared.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) May be it is ok in revenge for jews killing so many muslims
    (b) WTF

    7) Jihad
    (a) The thing that never made sense
    (b) WTF

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) Doomed people, but as long as I mind my own business and they do the same, I don't have any problem.
    (b) They are much more peaceful then islam.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) Sallahualehewasallam

    10) Allah

    (a) Amazing thing
    (b) Absolutely nothing

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) It makes penis beautiful
    (b) What the heck? Why was I never given a chance to keep my foreskin?

    12) Young marriage
    (a) Its good start, not much complications later on
    (b) Still debating, because older you get, getting into relationship gets much more complicated and differences increase.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) Islamic funeral with 2000 people attending my janaza
    (b) All usable organs and body parts donated, and rest cremated.

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #178 - January 16, 2011, 05:08 PM

    My two cents

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) Had planned that I would wait until marriage when I was younger, but when I got in a serious relationship I just did it. No regrets, didn't feel as if I did something wrong.
    (b) Definitely ok with it.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) Convinced that homosexuality is a choice and thought of them as dirty when younger; as I got older I got ok with it, but it was still a choice.
    (b) It's not a choice and they're not dirty.

    3) Pork

    (a) Didn't eat it, was filthy. Strangely I had a period where I said to myself "that guy has bad breath because he eats pork".
    (b) Frikkin delish!

    4) Alcohol

    (a) Didn't drink it, but once around 16 years old I got too curious and drank a few bacardi breezers Cheesy liked the tipsy feeling, but abstained again.
    (b) I like some kinds of beers, but generally it's too bitter for my senses. But I do drink it to get drunk though when going out. Like white wine, don't like red (porto is ok).

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) No issues, being a guy
    (b) Same

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) Felt it was justified considering injustices done to muslims in the middle east
    (b) It's not ok to do, and I hate the quran for allowing to be interpreted that way

    7) Jihad

    (a) If this refers to spreading of islam by all means necessary: shouldn't be done, belief is personal
    (b) None of the religions should be spread at all

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) They are obviously wrong, because we have science in our Quran DUH! And they eat pork which gives them bad breath and drink alcohol and are wasted all the time
    (b) All religions are nonsense

    9) Mohammed

    (a) Great man, good heart etcetera
    (b) Hate his guts with every inch of my body

    10) Allah

    (a) Loving, didn't fear hell because I was pretty certain I would go to heaven
    (b) Doesn't exist, nobody in the sky is watching me an cares what I do

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) Felt superior because I had a clean and nice penis while my friends had these ugly wormlike dicks. FGM was wrong.
    (b) Sad that the decision was made for me, causing me to have less sense during sex (can't use a condom, because I won't feel a damn thing). 100% sure I won't be circumcising my boys, don't want to make that decision for them without their consent.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) People should marry when they're ready
    (b) same

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) Hadn't thought of that, was assuming I'd just be put in the ground somewhere
    (b) Simply in the ground, no specific preferences

    <dust>: i love tea!!!
    <dust>: milky tea
    <three>: soooo gentle for my neck (from the inside)
    <dust>: mm
    <three>: it's definitely not called neck
    <dust>: lol
    <three>: what's the word i'm looking for
    <dust>: throat
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #179 - January 16, 2011, 05:34 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) Astagfirullah.
    (b) Yeah why not. But seriously it can't just be random, it has to be with someone special.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) Tried not to think about it but generally accepted homosexuality though I laughed at it too
    (b) It's completely natural and people don't choose to be homosexual and they are just like the rest of us

    3) Pork

    (a) Disgusting filthy pig eats its own shit blech
    (b) Mmm pork sandwiches!

    4) Alcohol

    (a) Didn't touch it with a barge pole
    (b) Still don't drink very often

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) Didn't really think about it
    (b) Funnily enough think more about it as an Ex-M. Islamic dress no longer has a monopoly on modesty and I see modesty as a way of conducting oneself rather than a piece of cloth covering a girl's hair and body.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) Totally wrong
    (b) Totally unacceptable and unfortunately Islamic martyrdom does not help this

    7) Jihad

    (a) Acceptable as self-defence
    (b) Jihad does not really mean the above and was used in the form of conquest to spread Islam

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) Christianity and Judaism are okay, the others are just stupid
    (b) All religions are silly but as long as they don't condone hurting others then to each their own (silly) beliefs

    9) Mohammed

    (a) He was never a role-model but I respected him
    (b) Now he's just a desert bandit, paedofile warlord who wasted almost half of my life so far

    10) Allah

    (a) The Most Gracious the Most Merciful
    (b) Mohammad's (and formerly my) imaginary friend

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) Whatever
    (b) Unneccessary bullshit

    12) Young marriage

    (a) Good
    (b) Bad

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) In a grave facing Makkah
    (b) Cremation
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