If it were true it would be incredibly cruel and I am at a loss to to see the point?
If the powers that be cannot do things in any way other than reincarnating a "bad" person into a new body that has no knowledge, understanding or appreciation of his former "mis-deeds", yet must suffer a life-time from some crippling handicap because of it, sounds like shit-head to me.
If we are born with defects then is that just the luck of the draw when it comes the fact we live in an imperfect world still evolving? A world with no God in control?
What if there is a God? If someone is bad or don't believe in the God, what is better, they being sent to hell to burn for eternity? While that god goes ahead and creates perfect and imperfect beings.
Be born again with suffering in proportion to the bad things done in previous lives?
So we cannot remember the previous lives, but maybe our consciousness is evolved based on previous life experiences which could explain why people vary so much in intelligence, expertise, skills, morals, general worldview, etc.
I know it sounds bad saying someone is suffering in this life because of their last life. But I have come across a few disabled persons (Christians) who believe in god who would rather take personal responsibility, because of their past sins as opposed to placing the blame on a perfect god for making a mistake with them or unnecesssarily giving them a trial.
Take for instance Stevie Wonder, born blind. His song 'Higher Ground' indicates that he takes responsibility for his disability based on sins from his previous life:
I'm so darn glad He let me try it again
'Cause my last time on earth
I lived a whole world of sin
I'm so glad that I know more than I know then
Gonna keep on trying
'Til I reach my highest ground.If a disabled person can accept reincarnation then maybe its not that disgusting a concept, its just the way we understand it
Some see reincarnation as a way of improving doing good in this life, for a better next life or Nirvana (freedom from birth and death). It's not about condemning those in unfortunate positions as people with bad past lives.
Birth defects or birth in difficult harsh conditions, may not be reincarnation, it not be a god who creates trials and tribulations for some, it may may just be the luck of the draw in an imperfect world.