Sorry should have been clear:
Where are your parents & grandparents from? Whats admix? Dont they break it down by country?
Sorry, my parents are mainly Caucasians (Armenian, Georgian and Russian) and also minor Balkan (greek, Bosniak). Admixture means how much of each race roughly you have in you. I have around 92% European, and the rest mixed between East Asian and Sub Saharan African. This is fairly typical for someone from the North Caucasus or the Balkans. Indians and South Asians often range between 50-85 European and mostly the rest East Asian. They don't tell you what country because they don't know, but they can tell you haplogroups and that gives you an indication. They also tell you where you cluster (basically what populations you genetically fit in) and what people you share results with.
Also, MtDna H and YDNA R1a Cluster in with Russians, Greeks, and Adygeis.
Whats this?
Two types of DNa haplogroups, Mitochandrial and YChromosome (only males have this one). My MTdna haplotype is H there are many, H is the most common one found among Europeans so it gives me a general idea. YDNA tells me that I have R1A1a which is usually found in specific parts of Eastern Europe. There are many YDna haplogroups and thus it helps you pinpoint the location of your ancestors. R1a is found from Eastern Europe to India, but it has special subclades (like A1a) which is more region specific. For example, you might find you have R1aM17 which would tell you that you have Mongolian ancestry.
Clustering means that you fit in genetically among certain populations for example I fit in well among Circassians, Russians and Greeks, which is of no surprise to me because I already knew this. You may be surprised about where you cluster. Also, it tells you who has very similar results and what you share results with.
The more you care about anthropology the more you can interpret the results and gain an understand. If you want something basic like ancestral region you might want to look for a simple DNA test-maybe about 50 or 60 quid. It's more expensive for more things. For example, the one I got includes craniofacial genes (genes that control resemblances) potential genetic diseases, and a constant comparison to 500,000 other members on a database which updates constantly. There is also a whole lot of information and I haven't even scratched the surface. It was cheaper for me because it was down to 250$ at the time as a sale and this was when the dollar was 2 to a pound so I got it for 130?, but now it's 399$ and that's about 270-300 quid. You might want to look for abasic one. Just to find out where you might be from originally and what races you might be composed of
Let me know if you have any other questions.