I did, and he told me not the say anything to him. I can't give him hope until he apologises properly and vows never to enter anything in the search engine to do with sexy or sex.
I think the punishment might not last long, but it's got my son thinking that it's wrong.....my hubby says if we don't put our foot down now then he will be searching up other dirty things in the future.
I wait and see in the meantime...
By taking away a former freedom, your son might rebel.
I don't see anything wrong in him looking things up - he's got to learn to control himself, and learn that women in the real world (by having friends who are girls) don't want to be treated like objects (much like how gun & explosives are a form of entertainment, not something he'll ever conduct in life). If anything, I'd be worried if your son wasn't interested in girls.
Trust me, your son could, if he wants to, look things up and delete all traces without your hubby knowing. The best way in my opinion for young guys to not view women as objects is to allow them to have girls as friends, not necessarily relationships, but just friends.
Either way, your son sounds well behaved.