How hijab has changed over time P1 & P2`s personal thoughts about fashion hijab, thought i would share it with u guys so i donot get pissed off alone
Posted by In Sha' Allaah Shaheed Blogger:
Part 1
Any Muslim who goes to the Masjid, MSA, Islamic conference or any gathering that involves Muslim women will have noticed that Hijab is leaving the fold of its purpose and entering into a type of fashion. Instead of ?who looks the most pious?, it?s now ?who looks the most prettiest?.
I know I am not the only person who has noticed this.
Hijab is meant to enforce and push the concept of haya? (shyness) to a level that the Kuffar can?t reach. But now, we see a lot of our sisters dragging Hijab down to the level of the Kuffar to the extent that when it comes to even the personality type and behavior of the Hijabi, it would be no different from the Kafir?s if she were to stop wearing Hijab.
But I don?t want to talk about the personality type right now. I just want to focus on the actual clothing.
Black or white. Those are colors which these sisters will say, ?it?s a boring color?? as if the command of Allah can be fashioned into something that is more attractive looking.
However, the irony of it all is that I?ve come across sisters who will actually defend this behavior and fashionable hijab. What?s the argument? ?Why are you looking in the first place?? or ?You should lower your gaze?.
My simple question to them is: ?Why wear something that will make men look? Is that not attracting Shaytan?s temptation??
Part 2
I know it?s a touchy issue, but I always enjoy healthy discussions. I hope no one takes offense and gets emotional on the subject. There?s no need to, especially since we are believers and are discussing an issue that?s not even related to Shirk or Kufr; but just a simple command from Allah. Anyways, It?s best to respond with solid evidences and open-minded discussions.
Now with this issue of fashion Hijab, there are some more points to be made.
The first is marriage. When the sister gets married to a pious husband - may Allah protect you from the Madkhali?s - the husband, in many cases, is going to feel weird inside when he sees his wife wearing a hijab outside that causes other brothers to wonder who this attractive sister is. Quiet a few friends of mines have expressed that to me. The way they resolved these feelings with their wives was through simple and honest dialog. If the wife loves her husband enough, she would discuss with an open mind and they would most likely come to an agreement. For example, a friend of mines has a wife that used to wear ?fashion hijab?. After talking over the issue with her for many days, she now only wears a black niqab with a black jilbab. You?ll never see her wearing anything else. And alhamdullilah, she?s content (from what my friend says).
So my sisters (who are single), when you get married to a pious brother (who is not a bootlicking Talafi), In Sha? Allah, there?s a very good chance you will be having that same exact discussion with him.
What would change a ?fashion wearing? hijabi to a full-fledged plain black Niqabi?
It is many things. Things like al-Iman, Daleel, concern for her husband?s feelings, and sometimes even the very adventure of obeying Allah openly. Sometimes I think about the sisters of Lal Masjid that were massacred. And I think about the images of the thousands of niqab/burka wearing sisters that command the good and forbid the evil. If I try to replace that image with thousands of sisters that wear ?fashion hijab?, something seems out of place?
I am not judging a sister for wearing a Hijab. Not at all. In fact, most of the good brothers I know of got married to a Hijabi (who then later became Niqabi). There?s nothing wrong for a brother to choose a ?fashion hijabi? in marriage.
But what I am saying is that since the purpose of hijab is to achieve haya? and to escape from the world of ?looking good?, it makes more sense for a sister to be a niqabi.
Now, I know wearing Niqab is not easy for sisters. Many people have expressed that much before me. I know this is going to sound weird coming from a guy, but bare with me.
I tried an experiment at my work place once upon a time. For the first few months, I didn?t wear a Kufi. When I started wearing one, the reaction of people changed all around me, dramatically (maybe they recognized who I was). Jokes aside though, my Iman increased with just this extra layer of cloth on my head. I know of stories of brothers who didn?t have beards to begin with. After growing their beards like Shaykh Usama and growing out their hair like Abu Mansoor al-Amriki, the reaction of the people naturally changed.
So with every layer of cloth added on a sister, it should, In Sha? Allah, increase her Iman if her goal is the pleasure of Allah.
Now, the question comes, what?s a fashion hijabi? It can be a sister that has any of these traits in her appearance:
1. Makeup
2. Pants which reveal the shape of her legs
3. Tops which reveal the shape of her upper body
4. Hijab which doesn?t cover the neck or ears or hair (if a sister?s hijab has all of these 3 traits in one? that?s not good)
5. Shoes which are high heels or reveal the feet
6. Colors of the Hijab which are unnecessarily bright and enhances the beauty of the sister (you know, the neon Highlighter colors).
7. Putting on perfume when going out
8. Plucking eyebrows
The Arabic word, ?At-Tabarruj? means not only ?to display oneself? but also ?to spruce up one?s charms for the purpose of exciting desire?.
Imam Adh-Dhahabi says in his book Kitab Al-Kaba?ir (The Book of Major Sins):
?Amongst the deeds which a woman is cursed for are displaying the adornments she wears, wearing perfume when she goes out, and wearing colorful clothes?? Hence, the Muslim woman is encouraged to wear muted, somber colors and to avoid bright designs, patterns and colors.
All of these things I have mentioned have their specific ruling in the Shari?ah. If you?re interested in learning more about any of them, just let me know.
Sometimes we allow our personalities to define us as opposed to the Sunnah. So a brother likes to be ?sporty?, thus he?ll have a thin beard. That?s crossing the boundaries of Shari?ah. Style in appearance is permitted as long as it doesn?t contradict the Sunnah. Some sisters tend to take that statement a little far. That?s my argument on the fashion hijabi?s.
By Allah, what are my sisters worried about? The Mujahideen want to marry pious sisters that are worried about their Akhira and cover as much as possible so that it makes it harder for them to entire the Hellfire. The Mujahidoon and their supporters have deep love for sisters who cover extra. Sisters, don?t you want to be loved by the Awliya? of Allah? Don?t you want to be on their side? Naturally, we do it for Allah, but it doesn?t hurt to use this as an incentive to gain nearness to Allah.
Tomorrow I would like to address the issue of the fear of being stared at, being called names, marriage and wearing niqab vs. being single and wearing niqab, and alienation.