introducing myself
OP - September 15, 2009, 05:55 PM
salamo aleykom everyone,
I didn't get the time and chance to introduce me earlier, but now I can and if you have any questions please, do ask.
well about me: I'm 24 years old, am from holland and I'm moroccan.
The irony is that one year or maybe two years now I was reading alot about islam and to get to know it better, just for the sake of Islam and God and to do my part of the job...meaning defending islam on all fronts. but the more I read,the more questions were raised, and some of them I've answered myself and was satisfied by it. Till almost a year now where everything just got "worse". the doubts overwelmed me and couldn't get around them. One of other issues I was considering,was science...mainly evolution.
so like I just said before, now I'm at the very edge of religion. it's also nice to meet so many of you who struggle/ ed with your issues and I hope to learn and develop more.
wa aleykom salam