Thanks Ex Muslim, this video is awesome! I stop discussing any such topic when people start quoting from Quran and other so called scripture to prove their point !!!
Even if for a second, I believe there was a conscious mind out there or a god, I can very very quickly rule out the humanlike, envious, vile and petty god that I was introduced to in childhood and in fact all the known gods of this tiny planet. They are all too miserable themselves to have created anything. They ask us to go and kill in their name, spread their name for them.....O come on Mr God, do it yourself
I wish, sometimes I so desperately wish that there was a God, he/she/ it would have been so kind to his creation. I would have prayed and thanked him/her/it all night for everything, not because of any fear or greed but from the depths of my heart! But it is not true, we have to face the reality of this otherwise cold world ourselves and make it warm with our own love!