Just trying to get a feel of what's the general opinion of everyone here regarding Communism.
I'm somewhere in the middle.
I do describe myself as a communist, yet more often as a socialist.
One of the greatest tasks of genuine revolutionaries everywhere is to dispel the myth that the Soviet Union was in any way, shape, or form socialist/communist. Tell me how a society with: Money, wages, banks, exchange values, commodities, exploitation, classes, a state, an army can be
socialist or
communist? To name a society in which those features existed socialism-communism (defined by the
absence of those features) - to call it what it is precisely
not - is the most perverse lie of our age. Nothing less than a deliberate means to empty the idea 'socialism', or 'communism', of any meaningful content. In fact, to deny it any meaning it might have whatsoever.
The Bolshevik revolution and many others, applying Marx's ideas to situations they barely applied, with varying degrees of self-consciousness, failing to do so, and then butchering the same ideas in order to pretend it was otherwise, set us back. They were the coming to power of new classes in quasi feudal countries. Bourgeois revolutions, without a bourgeoisie.
Yet more perverse and contorted is the idea that to even attempt to understand, confront, or meaningfully solve human alienation is responsible for that very thing. That the project to fundamentally reshape the political universe we live in, our most urgent necessity,
is dangerous. That the struggle for total emancipation is the source of oppression, rather than the only solution to it.
As uncertain, as difficult this project is (it can even be said to have 'dangers'), the alternative is to let things stay on their course - for an unsustainable, irrational system to continue to run the world. A system which is more likely to kill everyone, than feed everyone. To allow capital to penetrate and shape everything - from every domain of social reality, to every relationship - from every sphere of life, down to the very substance of life itself. _That_ is