This is a dirty trick of an argument to use against atheism, because beyond all the ridiculous 'baby-eating' comparisons it is pointing to the fact that leaving your faith FEELS very wrong *initially* as some kind of proof to the fact that it's the "true" faith. This is obviously no proof at all, but for someone who is struggling with leaving their religion such an argument can make the struggle that much more difficult.
Personally, when I apostasized and was quite depressed as a result, I shared my doubts and concerns with a Muslim friend. "Why does your hand feel cold?" she asked me, then answered herself "Because it's an indication your body sends to your brain to cover it, to prevent harm to the skin on cold weather..." She used this argument on me, saying that there was a reason I felt unhappy, that my soul was trying to cling to this because it needed it. Even though I knew as she said it that the argument had no logical validity, it was still months before I was able to take it out of my mind.
So while this article sounds rather silly and would be insulting to me as an atheist if the writer wasn't so clearly on another planet... I imagine it could strike a nerve with someone trying to leave their religion. Which I guess is the author's intention.
Anyways, I'm sorry for going so off track, I really just wanted to say that I prefer my babies as side dishes to crazy preachers.