Well this is one of the better verses which does advise freedom for slaves if they are 'good and honest'. One would have to assume based on the tenets of the Qur'an that 'good and honest' would imply they had to be Muslim.
Yes, it's very likely that only good, believing slaves are meant with this verse. Slave masters or the rulers could make up their own rules anway and define what goodness is in a slave.
I suppose if I had to include every verse about every topic I cover it would become too long and daunting for the reader. But I will look at including this one. Thanks
Well, there are at most 10 verses in the Qur'an that deal with slavery. None of them condemn the practice and even give permission to acquire women as war booty and have sex with them, regardless of whether they are married or not.
You really should include this one, though, because it would only be fair.
The verse does go on to say don't force your slave girl into prostitution, but if you do, don't worry because Allah will forgive you. Also the reason for not forcing them into slavery has nothing to do with the dignity and rights of the slave but that the owner will gain good in this life.
Yes, but it could also mean, that the slave girls will not be blamed.
Allah's standards are so endearing! He will forgive you for forcing your slave girl into prostitution, there's no blame for having sex with your slave - but worship an idol and he's off his rockers ready to have his messenger kill you and then have you burnt eternally.