The truth of the matter is, there probably is no god. We as human beings just enjoy being authoritative whilst rejecting authority. All it is just a showcase of human nature.
Interesting statement. It kind of answers one of the things that most bugs me about the religiously-inclined. How can you claim to believe in God so strongly and yet purposefully disobey his laws?
By the way, did anyone else notice when Hugh Jackman was talking about Christ, Shakespeare, Buddha, Krishna, and Socrates being at the dinner table and getting along.....he left out Mohammad?
Ha. Didn't notice this. I wonder if it's because he was fearing the Muslim backlash, or because he has studied the intolerant character of Mohammad.
I did kind of notice that Islam wasn't shown in the greatest light. I mean, apart from the little girl that says "I am Muslim" they only show the men talking about jihad. I could see the trailer upsetting Muslims, if not the movie itself.
Yeah I want to very much watch this. Please let us know when it is out.
The site says November 13, couple days after my bday
I like that guy with the eyepatch: :"As soon as somebody tells you who God is, distrust them."
It's you, isn't it? Congrats on your first movie appearance, Os.
I've always liked the quote they mention, "We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another." -- Jonathan Swift