well.. in the family, man must be "the boss"
so he must support the family,
So in families where the woman makes more money or the same amount as her husband, the same rules apply to both then? She can have 4 husbands? She can take male slaves like he's allowed to take female slaves?
If so, prove where Islam says that.
If not, prove how that is not a sexist double standard.
but outside family they dont have to. Meaning i can still be the boss above all the men at the office, but i still must respect my husband as the man of the house. And if he's really gone too far i could just slap him (but id think twice cos he's allowed to slap me back..) or i could just divorce him by still receiving support. It sounds make sense for me on how things should work, so i have no problem with it.
That's nice to know that you don't have a problem with your daughter (if/when you have one) being beneath a man. Being less worthy than a man in every way.
Also, you support domestic violence like it's some small thing. Just shows your ignorance. It's a big problem and Islam allows it. Women like you support it. That's why the state of widespread domestic violence and "honour" killings among Muslims. Some other cultures have those too, but nowhere near the extent as in Islam.