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 Topic: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims

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  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #90 - July 15, 2008, 10:51 PM

    I know what you mean ameen. I asked a Muslim friend to join whom I have known for years... She spent two days reading and she was put off from the site. In fact since then mine and her relationship has deteriorated. As she cannot understand how I can associate and spent time around such folk. If the admins want to close theirs eyes to this and have a condescending and arrogant attitude then that is there prerogative.

    Like Dio said, you can take the boy out of Islam, but you cannot take the Islam out of the boy. The most honorable thing anyone can do on here is call me a Muslim, regardless of myself being an atheist. I would much rather have the label of a Muslim bestowed on myself as opposed to the "kafir" dirty label. Anyone who is proud of being associated with barbarity is an idiot in my opinion.

    You can't be an atheist and a muslim at the same time.  It is one or the other.  If you are an atheist, then as far as other muslims are concerned, you should be killed.  It's all spelled out in the texts.

    Religion is hard to break and most people never break its chains.
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #91 - August 25, 2009, 03:02 PM

    The title of this thread concerns me since it might suggest to the casual observer that there can be an Islamically valid NON-political Islam. The Koran is quite clear: Allah wants its "laws" implimented lock stock and barrel in a spirit of unquestioning obedience. "Muslims" who have a problem with this are "hypocrites" and Kafirs who will burn in the lowest part of hell forever.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #92 - August 25, 2009, 08:27 PM

    The Qur'an isn't clear on anything, it contradicts itself copiously, leading to all sorts of different interpretations each of which could be described as "Islamically valid."

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #93 - August 25, 2009, 08:49 PM

    What Cheetah said ^
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #94 - August 25, 2009, 08:50 PM

    The Qur'an isn't clear on anything, it contradicts itself copiously, leading to all sorts of different interpretations each of which could be described as "Islamically valid."

    ditto  Afro
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #95 - August 28, 2009, 02:43 PM

    The Qur'an isn't clear on anything, it contradicts itself copiously, leading to all sorts of different interpretations each of which could be described as "Islamically valid."

    Oh really? Here is verse 24:2:

    "The adulterer and the adulteress, scourge each one of them a hundred stripes. And let not pity for them withhold you from obedience to Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day."

    Please explain how anybody who "believes in Allah" and the last day might be able to "interpret" this otherwise than what it says.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #96 - August 28, 2009, 02:57 PM

    Oh really? Here is verse 24:2:

    "The adulterer and the adulteress, scourge each one of them a hundred stripes. And let not pity for them withhold you from obedience to Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day."

    Please explain how anybody who "believes in Allah" and the last day might be able to "interpret" this otherwise than what it says.

    Actually I know quite a few Muslims who believe the specific Hudood laws were context-related and Muslims today need to look at the maqasid (the intentions behind the laws) rather than the specific punishment.

    People like Tariq Ramadan for example has called for a suspension on Hudood punishments and other areas of Islamic law and called for Islamic Scholars to find new ways of achieving the 'maqasid' that are more suitable to today's context.

    I'm not saying I agree with him, but the fact remains there are few things in Islam that you won't find Muslims arguing over.
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #97 - August 29, 2009, 11:31 AM

    Quote from: Hassan
    Actually I know quite a few Muslims who believe the specific Hudood laws were context-related

    How do we know they are not lying? Lying to Kafirs about their beliefs is sanctioned in Islam if it is temporarily advantageous to Islam's overall strategy or if being honest might expose Muslims to physical danger. But let us suppose they genuinely believe Hudood laws are "context-related". What justification could they possibly have for holding such a belief considering the Koran states:

    "It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path." (33:6)

    and Muslims today need to look at the maqasid (the intentions behind the laws) rather than the specific punishment.

    So what is the "intention" behind Koranic command to "mercilessly" flog adulterers?

    People like Tariq Ramadan  for example ....

    I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

    I'm not saying I agree with him, but the fact remains there are few things in Islam that you won't find Muslims arguing over.

    Such as?Huh?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #98 - August 29, 2009, 11:50 AM

    How do we know they are not lying? Lying to Kafirs about their beliefs is sanctioned in Islam if it is temporarily advantageous to Islam's overall strategy or if being honest might expose Muslims to physical danger. But let us suppose they genuinely believe Hudood laws are "context-related". What justification could they possibly have for holding such a belief considering the Koran states:

    "It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path." (33:6)

    I know they are not lying because I used to be one of those Muslims who believed that hudood laws were not appropriate in our context. My Muslim brother is also not lying and he believes that too. So does his Muslim wife. So do many other Muslims I know and used to work with.

    Their justification is the same as I had - that the point of Shari'ah is not the specific punishments but the intention behind them - that of maintaining an ordered society.

    They and I would have said that ensuring we achieve those ends was actually obeying the prophets - and not just implementing harsh hudood punishments that are not appropriate for our day and age and therefore do not achieve an ordered society and actually create huge injustice.

    Contrary to what you think, most Muslims do not lie about their beliefs.

  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #99 - August 29, 2009, 02:30 PM

    And even if a muslim did believe that these laws should be carried out as the Qur'an says, they usually believe Allah is not telling every layman to do it. They believe (as I used to, salafi) that they should be carried out by the muslim ruler, the Ameer, or Khalifah, or their deputies, and not vigilante style.

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #100 - September 01, 2009, 01:14 PM

    I know they are not lying because I used to be one of those Muslims who believed that hudood laws were not appropriate in our context.

    By "in our context" I assume you mean (correct me if I am wrong) "in this day and age" in the sense of:

    "chopping hands and feet, flogging, wife beating have no place in this day and age."

    In other words you rejected IN PRINCIPLE Allah's commands to flog adulterers, chop off hands and feet, beat wives.... as barbarities that should be consigned to the trash bin of history.

    In other words, although you CALLED yourself a "Muslim", you were not actually a TRUE BELIEVER as defined by the Koran since a true believer, according to that book, does not reject a SINGLE COMMAND of Allah and its messenger Muhammad but rather obeys them without question:

    "The messenger believes in that which has been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believes in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers ....and they say: WE HEAR, and WE OBEY". (2:285)

    In other words you fitted the Koran's definition of a "hypocrite" who cherry picked what parts of the that book to follow and wilfully rejected those parts you found unappealing, even though the Koran states:

    "it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows , YOU KNOW NOT." (2:216)

    Fault my logic

    My Muslim brother is also not lying and he believes that too. So does his Muslim wife. So do many other Muslims I know and used to work with.

    So why - if their "moderation" is not simply due to ignorance of large parts of the Koran - do they continue to cling to Islam?

    Contrary to what you think, most Muslims do not lie about their beliefs.

    According to a poll of Michigan Muslims a few years back most Muslims (85%) who took part stated that they wanted sharia in Muslim countries. They were being honest then? Most Muslims would like to see sharia in Muslim countries. Yes?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #101 - September 01, 2009, 01:17 PM

    And even if a muslim did believe that these laws should be carried out as the Qur'an says, they usually believe Allah is not telling every layman to do it. They believe (as I used to, salafi) that they should be carried out by the muslim ruler, the Ameer, or Khalifah, or their deputies, and not vigilante style.

    So most Muslims would like to live under a ruler who implements sharia. Correct?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #102 - September 01, 2009, 01:26 PM

    In other words you fitted the Koran's definition of a "hypocrite" who cherry picked what parts of the that book to follow and wilfully rejected those parts you found unappealing, even though the Koran states:

    "it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows , YOU KNOW NOT." (2:216)

    Fault my logic

    Show me a follower of any religion who doesn't do exactly the same.  Even Fred Phelps and Osama bin Laden cherry pick.  It can tell you a lot about a person to look at which bits of their dogma they cherry pick and which they reject. 

    Why are you singling out muslims for a criticism which applies to them all?

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #103 - September 01, 2009, 01:45 PM

    Quote from: Cheetah
    Show me a follower of any religion who doesn't do exactly the same.

    Why? We are talking about Islam here. There have indeed always been people who call themselves "Christians" who resort to violence contrary to Jesus' words and example, just are there are people who call themselves "Muslims" who reject jihad (holy war) and sharia contrary to Muhammad/Allah's words and example. Neither are being true to the teachings of their faith - regrettably in the case of the former, thankfully re the latter. What of it?

    Even Fred Phelps and Osama bin Laden cherry pick.

    Phelps is vehemently anti-gay. So is the bible. However, the bible does have a powerful counter to OT nastiness with the basically peace and forgiveness message of Jesus. Now, give me one example of bin Laden "cherry picking" the Koran of which, I would hazard, he is considerably more knowledgable than you.

    It can tell you a lot about a person to look at which bits of their dogma they cherry pick and which they reject.


    It tells me alot about ISLAM that a former peace-loving flower-power rock star now known as Yusuf ISLAM who joined it supported Khomeini's incitement to kill Salman Rushdie. Islam can no more be validly "interpreted" peacefully than the tenets of Charles Manson, even though MOST of his followers were not involved in the brutal murders he instigated and may even have been disgusted by them.

    Why are you singling out muslims for a criticism which applies to them all?

    This site IS about Muslims and Isalm and not about OT-oriented Jesus freaks, whose views have do have a lot in common with Islam.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #104 - September 01, 2009, 02:20 PM

    Why? We are talking about Islam here. There have indeed always been people who call themselves "Christians" who resort to violence contrary to Jesus' words and example, just are there are people who call themselves "Muslims" who reject jihad (holy war) and sharia contrary to Muhammad/Allah's words and example. Neither are being true to the teachings of their faith - regrettably in the case of the former, thankfully re the latter. What of it?

    You've missed the point I made.  All religions contain nasty, or morally obsolete, commands which some of the followers ignore due to their own conscience.  Similarly all religions contain nice, (or at least less nasty), tenets that some of their followers ignore because of their own psychopathy/ignorance/bigotry, or whatever.  This is just something human beings do, muslims no more or less than anyone else.

    Phelp's is vehemently anti-gay. So is the bible. However, the bible does have a powerful counter to OT nastiness with the basically peace and forgiveness message of Jesus.

    Leaving aside that Jesus never overturned the death penalty for homosexuality, this is again missing my point.  If Fred Phelps remained true to his literalist interpretation of the Bible he would have stoned at least three of his children to death by now for disobedience, (ie, the three who rejected his religion and publicly denounced him).  I expect he wears clothes made from mixed fibres too.

    Now, give me one example of bin Laden "cherry picking" the Koran of which, I would hazard, he is considerably more knowledgable than you.

    I said cherry picking from their religion, not just one book.  Islam consists of the Qur'an and Sunnah, and I seriously doubt that Bin Laden has joined the tiny band of heretical Qur'an aloners. 

    According to the Sunnah of the Prophet muslims are forbidden from killing anyone who accepts Allah and his Prophet, with three exceptions - a life for a life, (ie, the death penalty for murder), a married person who commits adultery, and an apostate from Islam.  Al Qaeda have definitely killed muslims who don't fit in to any of those three categories.  On a more trivial note, Bin Laden also dyes his hair.

    It tells me alot about ISLAM that a former peace-loving flower-power rock star now known as Yusuf ISLAM who joined it supported Khomeini's incitement to kill Salman Rushdie. Islam can no more be validly "interpreted" peacefully than the tenets of Charles Manson, even though MOST of his followers were not involved in the brutal murders he instigated and may even have been disgusted by them.

    Fred Phelps is a former civil rights campaigner who marched behind Martin Luther King, but I'm betting you won't draw any blanket conclusions about Christians or Christianity because he turned into an unbalanced bigot after he got the religion bug.   

    This site IS about Muslims and Isalm and not about OT-oriented Jesus freaks, whose views have do have a lot in common with Islam.

    No, this is a forum for ex-muslims to talk about whatever they want to talk about, including OT oriented Jesus freaks who do indeed have a lot in common with certain interpretations of Islam, because of course they are both religions which stem from the same Abrahamic root.

    So I ask again, when Hassan explained to you how muslims can manage to interpret their religion peacefully, and you counter that this is cherry picking, what does it matter if they are cherry picking when all other religionists do the same?  If people want to believe in nonsense, let them.  As long as they're not harming anyone else its their own business entirely.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #105 - September 01, 2009, 02:42 PM

    So I ask again, when Hassan explained to you how muslims can manage to interpret their religion peacefully, and you counter that this is cherry picking, what does it matter if they are cherry picking when all other religionists do the same?  If people want to believe in nonsense, let them.  As long as they're not harming anyone else its their own business entirely.

    What Cheetah said ^^

    It goes without saying that I eventually found the whole thing undermined the idea that the Qur'an was Divinely revealed and so I now don't buy all that  apologetic, revisionist, modernistic bullshit.

    But there are many - very sincere people - who do.

    Just as there are very many sincere Christians who contend that the Bible is all about Love and Peace and Gay relationships are allowed etc etc...

    How on earth they manage to square that with the Bible - I honestly don't know - but good luck to them - and good luck to the peaceful modernist/reformist Muslims too  Afro

    Why do you have such a problem with this?

    Does it mess with your prejudices?
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #106 - September 01, 2009, 03:11 PM

    Much respect to both Cheetah and Hassan. Those last few posts are beautifully argued.  Afro

    Look not above, there is no answer there;
    Pray not, for no one listens to your prayer;
    Near is as near to God as any Far,
    And Here is just the same deceit as There.

    - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #107 - September 01, 2009, 03:13 PM

    Much respect to both Cheetah and Hassan. Those last few posts are beautifully argued.  Afro


    Hassan and Cheetah  Afro
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #108 - September 01, 2009, 03:18 PM

    ditto Afro

    "God is a geometer" - Plato

    "God is addicted to arithmetic" - Sir James Jeans
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #109 - September 03, 2009, 12:20 PM

    You've missed the point I made.  All religions contain nasty, or morally obsolete, commands which some of the followers ignore due to their own conscience..Similarly all religions contain nice, (or at least less nasty), tenets...

    However not all religious belief systems contain these components to THE SAME DEGREE. Indeed, some religious belief systems - like the Amish - totally reject violence.

    that some of their followers ignore because of their own psychopathy/ignorance/bigotry, or whatever. This is just something human beings do, muslims no more or less than anyone else.

    Are you serious?Huh? That Islam in particular has become so widely associated with violence and fanaticism is surely because of the disproportionate amount of murder and mayhem committed today in the NAME OF THEIR GOD by people calling THEMSELVES "Muslims". I never gave a thought to Islam until the Rushdie affair. If you do not think these people are  faithfully "interpreting" their religion it is surely up to you to show them where they have gone astray. Why don't you? When was the last time you heard of a bunch of Amish hijacking a plane full of passengers and smashing it into a building?

    Leaving aside that Jesus never overturned the death penalty for homosexuality..

    However, unlike Muhammad, Jesus did not POSITIVELY DEMAND the infliction of barbaric Old Testament punishments. Muhammad ORDERED the stoning of some Jewish adulterers when the Jews of Medina would have preferred not to. The Koran EXPLICITLY orders adulterers to be "mercilessly flogged" and makes doing so the hallmark of a "true believer". By contrast, Jesus said to some wannabe stoners: "Who is without sin let him cast the first stone". See the difference? Although Jesus, according to the bible, said "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them" he simply does not  express the same explicit demands to impose "divine law" as does the Koran/Muhammad vis a vis Muslims. Christians can forgo stoning and violence even in self-defense without fear of burning in hell. Muslims cannot. To repeat, not all religions contain an inherent tendency towards politicization and violence TO AN EQUAL DEGREE.

    this is again missing my point.  If Fred Phelps remained true to his literalist interpretation of the Bible he would have stoned at least three of his children to death by now for disobedience, (ie, the three who rejected his religion and publicly denounced him).

    Only if he could fulfill Jesus' condition that he was "without sin". Like I said Christianity , unlike Islam, provides a theologically valid escape route from OT violence for those who wish to take it. Unlike Islam, whose "holy book" positively DEMANDS it:

    FIGHTING is ordained for you, even though it be hateful to you; but it may well be that you hate a thing the while it is good for you, and it may well be that you love a thing the while it is bad for you (Koran 2:216)

    I said cherry picking from their religion, not just one book.  Islam consists of the Qur'an and Sunnah, and I seriously doubt that Bin Laden has joined the tiny band of heretical Qur'an aloners.

    According to the Sunnah of the Prophet muslims are forbidden from killing anyone who accepts Allah and his Prophet,

    So they are permitted to kill anyone who has not so accepted?

    with three exceptions - a life for a life, (ie, the death penalty for murder), a married person who commits adultery, and an apostate from Islam.

    Thank you for admitting that killing people for adultery and apostates are an inherent component of Islam and that those self-proclaimed "Muslims" who genuinely reject such atrocities are not being true to the faith they claim to follow.  

    Al Qaeda have definitely killed muslims who don't fit in to any of those three categories.

    Muslims have been slaughtering their nominal coreligionists almost from the very beginning. Shiites slaughtering sunnites. Sunnite slaughter shiites. How can they do this when the Koran forbids "believer" killing "believer"? It is simple: they categorize each other as infidels (kafirs), the mass slaughter of which is a Koranic duty.

    On a more trivial note, Bin Laden also dyes his hair.

    Did Muhammad outlaw that?

    Fred Phelps is a former civil rights campaigner who marched behind Martin Luther King, but I'm betting you won't draw any blanket conclusions about Christians or Christianity because he turned into an unbalanced bigot after he got the religion bug.

    What "blanket conclusions" have I drawn about Muslims and Islam exactly?  

    OT oriented Jesus freaks who do indeed have a lot in common with certain interpretations of Islam, because of course they are both religions which stem from the same Abrahamic root.

    And if Phelp's, like Muhammad, claimed his OT-derived philosophy had been handed down from a god and that he was that god's final prophet we would have another inherently iredeemably nasty religion like Islam.

    So I ask again, when Hassan explained to you how muslims can manage to interpret their religion peacefully, and you counter that this is cherry picking, what does it matter if they are cherry picking when all other religionists do the same?

    It matters because the so-called "secular Muslims" are providing a "moderate" smokescreen behind which the so-called "Islamists" are steadily advancing their goal of Islamizing the west and bringing it under sharia. At the moment they are achieving their goal through, on the surface, "uncontroversial" requests for mosques, Muslim "faith schools", prayer rooms and Muslim headscarfs at work etc etc - which themselves add up to the Islamization of large areas of public space. If they feel strong enough they will use more aggressive methods (indeed, no-go areas have already developed in western countries where non-Muslims are harassed and intimidated by gangs of Muslim youths). The so-called "moderates" are therefore helping the so-called "islamists" achieve their ultimate goal. They are blinding the wider population to the threat that Islam poses - as are you in propagating the falsehood that people who genuinely reject sharia barbarities can call themselves "Muslim" with equal validity as can the Taliban.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #110 - September 03, 2009, 12:57 PM

    Just as there are very many sincere Christians who contend that the Bible is all about Love and Peace

    Which view has strong evidence to support it in the alleged words and deeds of Jesus who went to his death like a lamb to the slaughter.

    and Gay relationships are allowed etc etc...How on earth they manage to square that with the Bible - I honestly don't know -

    Jesus clearly regarded adultery as a sin since he said to the adulteress who he had saved from stoning "go and sin no more". It is highly doubtful that he would have approved of homosexuality but, unlike the Koran, the four gospels do not explicitly reaffirm OT antagonism to homosexuality.

    and good luck to the peaceful modernist/reformist Muslims too  Afro

    How do you identify one of those?

    Why do you have such a problem with this?

    Because GENUINELY "modernist"/"reformist"  Muslims have, according to the Koran,  lost the right to call themselves "Muslims" but are (according to the Koran) in fact "hypocrites" and apostates who will burn forever in the hottest part of hell. A true "modernist"/"reformist"  therefore cannot believe in the hell promised by "Allah" to al-munafiqun and al-Kafirun. Why then would a GENUINE "modernist" /"reformist" continue to cling to any semblance of a "Muslim" identity except out of fear for their life? Why otherwise would anyone who disbelieved in Allah's hell continue to claim allegiance to Islam? A "modernist" who continues to cling to Islam is therefore no such thing and is at best ignorant of large parts of the Koran or a self-deluder who could become a fully fledged "Islamist" overnight.

    Does it mess with your prejudices?

    What "prejudices" have I displayed exactly?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #111 - September 03, 2009, 01:50 PM

    However not all religious belief systems contain these components to THE SAME DEGREE. Indeed, some religious belief systems - like the Amish - totally reject violence.

    Yeah, so?

    Are you serious? That Islam in particular has become so widely associated with violence and fanaticism is surely because of the disproportionate amount of murder and mayhem committed today in the NAME OF THEIR GOD by people calling THEMSELVES "Muslims". I never gave a thought to Islam until the Rushdie affair. If you do not think these people are  faithfully "interpreting" their religion it is surely up to you to show them where they have gone astray. Why don't you? When was the last time you heard of a bunch of Amish hijacking a plane full of passengers and smashing it into a building?

    This is hilarious, you're seriously comparing Islam to Christianity through the vehicle of al-Qaeda contrasted with the Amish?   Cheesy

    Followers of all religions cherry pick.  Muslims no more or less than anyone else, which is why you trying to counter Hassan's description of his former peaceful interpretation of Islam with "that's just cherry picking" begs the obvious question, so fucking what?  If they cherry pick a nice fluffy version, let them.  Its their life they're wasting by praying to an imaginary sky fairy five times a day, not yours or mine.

    However, unlike Muhammad, Jesus did not POSITIVELY DEMAND the infliction of barbaric Old Testament punishments

    Minor quibble - Jesus is God according to Christians, so therefore he is indeed responsible for positively demanding the OT punishments because according to the OT they were demanded by God.

    Not that I care, I'm not interested in trying to prove a case against Christianity nor in favour of Islam.  They're all bollocks as far as I'm concerned.

    Muhammad ORDERED the stoning of some Jewish adulterers when the Jews of Medina would have preferred not to. The Koran EXPLICITLY orders adulterers to be "mercilessly flogged" and makes doing so the hallmark of a "true believer". By contrast, Jesus said to some wannabe stoners: "Who is without sin let him cast the first stone". See the difference? Although Jesus, according to the bible, said "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them" he simply does not  express the same explicit demands to impose "divine law" as does the Koran/Muhammad vis a vis Muslims. Christians can forgo stoning and violence even in self-defense without fear of burning in hell. Muslims cannot. To repeat, not all religions contain an inherent tendency towards politicization and violence TO AN EQUAL DEGREE.

    Yes, yes we know,  Mohammed was quite the shit when he wanted to be.  Not all muslims are shits is the point we are trying to get across to you.  Some of them are even inventive enough to find ways to interpret Mohammed's teachings so that they sound like a recipe for living a good life.   Hence, not all interpretations of Islam are as violent or literalist as you seem to think.

    Only if he could fulfill Jesus' condition that he was "without sin"

    A command upon which no criminal justice system could ever possibly be built.  Certainly not the largely Christian run justice system of Texas which condemns people to death.  I wonder how they manage to square that with their religion?  Oh, I know - they are just cherry picking.

    Like I said Christianity , unlike Islam, provides a theologically valid escape route from OT violence for those who wish to take it. Unlike Islam, whose "holy book" positively DEMANDS it:

    Christianity provides some nasty cherries to pick too for those that don't want to escape the OT version.  Also, as has been pointed out to you, Islam also consists of nice and nasty cherries.  You can bang on about how many more nice cherries in Xtianity and how many more nasty ones in Islam if you like, you're only arguing degrees and my central point still holds - all religionists cherry pick to suit themselves.  

    So they are permitted to kill anyone who has not so accepted?

    No, there's rules for that too.  Mohammed seems to have had OCD, he made rules about everything, even mere kaffirs.

    Thank you for admitting that killing people for adultery and apostates are an inherent component of Islam and that those self-proclaimed "Muslims" who genuinely reject such atrocities are not being true to the faith they claim to follow.  

    DH, you do know you're on an EX muslim forum, don't you?  They way you say "thank you for admitting..." makes me suspect you think you're on a muslim forum.  

    And yes, they're cherry picking.  Just like the devout Christians on Texas juries who return a death penalty verdict despite having committed sins of their own.  

    Muslims have been slaughtering their nominal coreligionists almost from the very beginning. Shiites slaughtering sunnites. Sunnite slaughter shiites. How can they do this when the Koran forbids "believer" killing "believer"? It is simple: they categorize each other as infidels (kafirs), the mass slaughter of which is a Koranic duty

    Its simple - they interpret their religion to suit themselves.  They'd make great jurors in Texas.  And no, the mass killing of kaffirs is not a Qur'anic duty.   Roll Eyes

    Did Muhammad outlaw that?

    Mohammed laid down rules about what colour and under what circumstances a man is allowed to dye his hair.  Bin Laden breaks those rules by dying his hair and beard black every time he takes a new wife.

    [What "blanket conclusions" have I drawn about Muslims and Islam exactly?  

    That there is no such thing as non-political Islam, and that Islam is irredeemably nasty.

    And if Phelp's, like Muhammad, claimed his OT-derived philosophy had been handed down from a god and that he was that god's final prophet we would have another inherently iredeemably nasty religion like Islam.


    (Anyway, we already have it - its called the Westboro Baptist Church).

    It matters because the so-called "secular Muslims" are providing a "moderate" smokescreen behind which the so-called "Islamists" are steadily advancing their goal of Islamizing the west and bringing it under sharia. At the moment they are achieving their goal through, on the surface, "uncontroversial" requests for mosques, Muslim "faith schools", prayer rooms and Muslim headscarfs at work etc etc - which themselves add up to the Islamization of large areas of public space. If they feel strong enough they will use more aggressive methods (indeed, no-go areas have already developed in western countries where non-Muslims are harassed and intimidated by gangs of Muslim youths). The so-called "moderates" are therefore helping the so-called "islamists" achieve their ultimate goal. They are blinding the wider population to the threat that Islam poses - as are you in propagating the falsehood that people who genuinely reject sharia barbarities can call themselves "Muslim" with equal validity as can the Taliban.

    They can.  Its not a falsehood at all, if people can interpret Islam in a peaceful, apolitical way good luck to them.  At least they're offering a better alternative than the likes of Hizb ut-Tahrir for those muslims who can't quite let go of God.

    What do you suggest as an alternative?  

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #112 - September 03, 2009, 01:57 PM

    Which view has strong evidence to support it in the alleged words and deeds of Jesus who went to his death like a lamb to the slaughter...

    Re-Bible being all about Love and Peace - the Old Testament is more violent  than the Qur'an. The NT is a big improvement - though it introduced/supported the idea of eternal Hell - the most obnoxious concept ever invented by man.

    Re-prejudices: You clearly refuse to accept that there are many genuine and sincere Muslims who follow moderate and non-political interpretations of Islam and you think that Muslims who say they do - are intentionally deceiving you.

    Regardless of how you may regard their interpretations (and it goes without saying that all of us here reject them) they are quite sincere and genuine and are not lying and have their arguments and evidences - regardless of what you or I think of them.

    Now you can go on insisting that these moderate, peaceful and yet - devout - Muslims are all liars and practising Taqiyya in order to take over the world or you can modify your views.

    It's up to you.
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #113 - September 03, 2009, 03:29 PM

    However, unlike Muhammad, Jesus did not POSITIVELY DEMAND the infliction of barbaric Old Testament punishments. Muhammad ORDERED the stoning of some Jewish adulterers when the Jews of Medina would have preferred not to. The Koran EXPLICITLY orders adulterers to be "mercilessly flogged" and makes doing so the hallmark of a "true believer". By contrast, Jesus said to some wannabe stoners: "Who is without sin let him cast the first stone". See the difference? Although Jesus, according to the bible, said "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them" he simply does not  express the same explicit demands to impose "divine law" as does the Koran/Muhammad vis a vis Muslims. Christians can forgo stoning and violence even in self-defense without fear of burning in hell. Muslims cannot. To repeat, not all religions contain an inherent tendency towards politicization and violence TO AN EQUAL DEGREE.

    DH you seem to have a very biased outlook on Islam while shoving an extremely skewed interpretation of Christianity.

    Maybe if you quoted the verse from Matthew 5 along with the 2 that follows it we would get a better context of what Jesus actually said and meant:

    5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
    5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
    5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven

    Here he is saying that the laws of the Old Testament must last until the end of time. There should not be a single change to it, not even a full stop moved. Anyone who breaks any of its commandments or tell anyone to do so shall be called least in god's kingdom.

    So Jesus was just like Muhammad in insisting that the laws of the OT god be upheld for eternity.

    You then claim Jesus said to some wannabe stoners: "Who is without sin let him cast the first stone".

    If you research you will find that Jesus (if he did exist) never said that. That is an interpolation in the bible made in the 3rd century. Even the church today accepts those verse in John chapter 8 were added at a later time because they are not to be found in earlier copies of that Gospel. Those verses were obviously forged by someone trying to put a gentler face on Christianity. Using them as evidence of Jesus' mercifulness is pointless.

    Knowing Islam is the only true religion we do not allow propagation of any other religion. How can we allow building of churches and temples when their religion is wrong? Thus we will not allow such wrong things in our countries. - Zakir Naik
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #114 - September 03, 2009, 04:10 PM

    What "prejudices" have I displayed exactly?

    Islam is a religion, an ideology, Muslims are people. See the difference?
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #115 - September 04, 2009, 02:27 PM

    Re-Bible being all about Love and Peace - the Old Testament is more violent  than the Qur'an.

    In some respects it is. My point was that Christians who reject OT-style violence and imposition of "divine law" have, due to the alleged words and actions of Jesus, a far sounder theological foundation for doing so than people calling themselves "Muslims" who have zero theological foundation.  Christianity simply does not possess that same inherent drive to violence and imposition of "divine law" as Islam however much you may wish to believe otherwise. Jesus may have "brought the sword" but, unlike Muhammad, he never used it so "the sword" can be validly interpreted metaphorically. That is why the west has been far more successful at developing secular legal and political systems and consigning "holy war" to the trashcan of history than the Muslim world.  There have of course historically been many self-styled "Christian" sects advocating an Islam-style implimentation of Mosaic laws. However such bible-based political ideologies cannot themselves be "interpreted" non-politically. Indeed, Islam itself can be regarded as an OT-oriented  inherently politico-religious Christian subsect like the mormons with the added problem that its founder, unlike Joseph Smith, claimed to be the "final prophet" and closed off any possibility of changing its basic tenets till kingdom come.

    The NT is a big improvement - though it[b introduced/supported the idea of eternal Hell[/b] - the most obnoxious concept ever invented by man.

    Again, Christians, unlike Muslims, have strong theological justification derived from the basic tenets of their faith, that punishing the disbelievers/wrongdoers can be left to the almighty in the hereafter and are themselves under no hell-fire predicated religious obligation to inflict punishments on disbelievers/wrongdoers IN THIS WORLD.

    Re-prejudices: You clearly refuse to accept that there are many genuine and sincere Muslims who follow moderate and non-political interpretations of Islam

    And you have failed to explain how I distinguish them from those Muslims who undoubtedly DO harbor a secret desire to see the laws of "Allah"  imposed lock stock and barrel on the entire world whatever they say to the Kafirs' faces. Or do you deny that such people exist? Have you read Ed Hussain's "The Islamist" in which the author describes how nominally Muslim females arrived in college from school and after being exposed to so-called "Wahhabist" (ie true Islamic) ideas were persuaded to cover themselves head to toe in the severist Islamic dress? I put it to you that these women's "secularism" was simply the result of a large amount of ignorance of Islam. They were always devout Muslims insofar as they understood the demands of their faith. Once they had been informed of the shortfalls in their practice of Islam they did not hesitate to remedy them. Furthermore, why should ANY woman who chooses to dress Islamically where it is not forced on her by the state or her family not be regarded as a pro-shariaist? Can anybody here answer that?

    and you think that Muslims who say they do - are intentionally deceiving you.

    There are good reasons for believing that. Classic example: whenever someone commits some atrocity in the name of Allah some Muslim questioned in the media claims that the perpetrator is going against Islam since the Koran says "Killing an innocent person is like killing all humanity". The Koran certainly does NOT contain those words and a "Muslim" who says it does can only be ignorant of the Koran or a liar. Which do you think is most likely?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #116 - September 04, 2009, 02:34 PM

    This is hilarious, you're seriously comparing Islam to Christianity through the vehicle of al-Qaeda contrasted with the Amish?   Cheesy

    The Amish have developed a bible-based ideology which is totally pacifist. Muhammad developed a bible-based ideology called Islam which is inherently and irredeemably violent. The Amish faithfully follow the tenets of Amishism. Al-qaeda are faithfully following the tenets of Islam. If you disagree, show them how they might "interpret" the Koran so that they can become pacifists like the Amish. I'll respond to the rest of your post in due course.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #117 - September 04, 2009, 04:34 PM

    In some respects it is. My point was that Christians who reject OT-style violence and imposition of "divine law" have, due to the alleged words and actions of Jesus, a far sounder theological foundation for doing so than people calling themselves "Muslims" who have zero theological foundation.  Christianity simply does not possess that same inherent drive to violence and imposition of "divine law" as Islam however much you may wish to believe otherwise. Jesus may have "brought the sword" but, unlike Muhammad, he never used it so "the sword" can be validly interpreted metaphorically. That is why the west has been far more successful at developing secular legal and political systems and consigning "holy war" to the trashcan of history than the Muslim world.  There have of course historically been many self-styled "Christian" sects advocating an Islam-style implimentation of Mosaic laws. However such bible-based political ideologies cannot themselves be "interpreted" non-politically. Indeed, Islam itself can be regarded as an OT-oriented  inherently politico-religious Christian subsect like the mormons with the added problem that its founder, unlike Joseph Smith, claimed to be the "final prophet" and closed off any possibility of changing its basic tenets till kingdom come.

    Again, Christians, unlike Muslims, have strong theological justification derived from the basic tenets of their faith, that punishing the disbelievers/wrongdoers can be left to the almighty in the hereafter and are themselves under no hell-fire predicated religious obligation to inflict punishments on disbelievers/wrongdoers IN THIS WORLD.

    And you have failed to explain how I distinguish them from those Muslims who undoubtedly DO harbor a secret desire to see the laws of "Allah"  imposed lock stock and barrel on the entire world whatever they say to the Kafirs' faces. Or do you deny that such people exist? Have you read Ed Hussain's "The Islamist" in which the author describes how nominally Muslim females arrived in college from school and after being exposed to so-called "Wahhabist" (ie true Islamic) ideas were persuaded to cover themselves head to toe in the severist Islamic dress? I put it to you that these women's "secularism" was simply the result of a large amount of ignorance of Islam. They were always devout Muslims insofar as they understood the demands of their faith. Once they had been informed of the shortfalls in their practice of Islam they did not hesitate to remedy them. Furthermore, why should ANY woman who chooses to dress Islamically where it is not forced on her by the state or her family not be regarded as a pro-shariaist? Can anybody here answer that?

    There are good reasons for believing that. Classic example: whenever someone commits some atrocity in the name of Allah some Muslim questioned in the media claims that the perpetrator is going against Islam since the Koran says "Killing an innocent person is like killing all humanity". The Koran certainly does NOT contain those words and a "Muslim" who says it does can only be ignorant of the Koran or a liar. Which do you think is most likely?

    Whatever DH - I can't be bothered with this anymore - take care.
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #118 - September 04, 2009, 07:50 PM

    The Amish have developed a bible-based ideology which is totally pacifist. Muhammad developed a bible-based ideology called Islam which is inherently and irredeemably violent. The Amish faithfully follow the tenets of Amishism. Al-qaeda are faithfully following the tenets of Islam. If you disagree, show them how they might "interpret" the Koran so that they can become pacifists like the Amish. I'll respond to the rest of your post in due course.

    No 'true ideology' could be derived solely out of literal interpetations of texts that contradict themselves repeatedly. There are already vegan versions of Islam which many have thought to be impossible.

    These are some reasons that I can remember why Wahabbism and other forms of political Islam became so influential, as far as I know from my reading of orientalist historian Bernard Lewis' 'Crisis of Islam'.

    One is that Wahabbism was a small nutty movement in the Eastern part of what is now called Saudi Arabia (around the 18th century if I remember right).  But they joined hands with the 'House of Saud' and was able to take the Hejaz(land comprising of the holy Mecca and Medina) from the control of the Ottoman within two centuries, after some bloody battles. The moderates who earlier occupied Hejaz were suppressed

    Another reason was the discovery of oil which helped them to spread to other areas and fund religious studies across the world.  Lewis compares this scenario to something like a marginal KKK like movement gaining control of all Texas oil fields. In addition Clerics from the holy land are likely to get more respect whatever their ideology is.  

    Also, under totalitarian regimes which are typical in many middle eastern countries, all forms of public expression is prohibited, so that expression is possible only inside mosques which the rulers cannot control. This gives more weight to religious ideologies, rather than nationalist and secular ones.  

    All these doesn't make any of them "true" or invalidate personal versions of Islam.  You can also read about how the influence of what you consider 'true Islam' reduces when Saudi funding is stopped here in Hassan's blog.

    The final blow to the Salafi influence came when state funding was granted by the new Labour Government in 1998. The school no longer had to dance to the tune of outside donors, and the Trust Office was moved out of the school.

    "God is a geometer" - Plato

    "God is addicted to arithmetic" - Sir James Jeans
  • Re: Clarifying the Council's position: Against Political Islam not Muslims
     Reply #119 - September 04, 2009, 08:58 PM

    The Amish have developed a bible-based ideology which is totally pacifist.

    Yep, and that totally pacifist culture has allowed serial rapists and child molesters within their own communities go unpunished.

    What an awesome ideology! Women are even more oppressed in some Amish communities than in many Muslim communities, but fuck, they're all about peace and forgiveness and they have such quaint outfits and their cute little horse and buggies, so let's give them a pass and hold them up as an example of why Christians are better than Muslims.

    fuck you
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