Someone who wilfully works in an Islamic school which enforces sharia on its students is not a "moderate" in my book by any stretch of the imagination.
Enforcing Shari'ah? We followed British Law. No-one enforced Shari'ah Law? Everyone there was obviously aware that we lived in a secular non-muslim country and we respected and upheld it's laws. (And as it happens quite a few of us did not believe in the Shari'ah Law even in an Islamic State.)
It just goes to show that to you ANY practising Muslim is an 'extremist' in your eyes.
Nor is someone who sends their children to such a school. Nor is someone who chooses to wear Islamic dress
Again - ALL practising Muslims are "extremists" in your eyes.
where they do not feel under any threat of punishment not to.
What are you talking about here?
Nor is someone who makes their young daughter dress in that manner.
I never forced my daughter to wear Hijab (in fact I used to tell my wife that it was not necessary in Islam.) Some children didn't wear hijab at Islamia School and no-one forced them to wear it.
And ultimately decided you were living a lie and renounced Islam which is what you should be encouraging your still-Muslim relatives to do.
I did not decide I was living a lie - I gained a different perspective, based on pondering on events, reading and studying and I decided to act according to my conscience. I encourage people to learn, read and follow their conscience - and no more. If they want to be Muslims and are peaceful and loving - as most are - good luck to them.
I encourage you to open your mind and stop lumping all Muslims in one boat.
I have a problem with the claim that "the vast majority" of Muslims are "moderate" - particlarly when some polls have suggested pro-sharia sentiments in large MAJORITIES. I have a problem with the ease with which supposed "moderates" like Muhammad Bouyeri - murderer of Theo Van Gogh - can become so-called "extremists".
Regardless of what you have a problem with - most Muslims are peaceful and law-abiding and you have no need to fear them.
I dare you to say to your still Muslim/ relatives/friends/former colleagues etc that their precious "prophet" was a child molestor, thief, assassin and mass murderer. Could you? If not, why?
I have always spoken openly with my family and friends and gone further - I have made public videos criticising Islam.
What more do I have to do in your eyes to make me a 'good' ex-Muslim?
The ku klux klan has never harmed me.
But they have harmed others - unlike peaceful law-abiding Muslims.
I am sure the vast majority of British National Party members has never engaged in racist violence against members of ethnic minorities.
You'd be wrong then.
I should therefore welcome the existence of such organizations?
I should sincerely hope not.