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  • Question: Should men have the right to have a baby aborted when they're not ready for it?
  • Yes - 10 (19.6%)
  • No - 41 (80.4%)
  • Total Voters: 51

 Topic: Men's right to abortions

 (Read 57041 times)
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  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #330 - December 30, 2009, 09:49 PM

    I do have a right over the fetus, it came from my sperm. I will be equally responsible for raising the child after its born as the mother would, if not more. Why should I have equal responsibilities as the woman and not have equal rights in aborting it if I don't want it? And the right of someone to control their body is not superior to my right to say no to fatherhood. Abortion is a fairly safe procedure in most cases, esp. in early stage which is what I'm talking about. The woman's life will not be put at any risk that she won't be subjected to during pregnancy and childbirth. Hence in this case a man's right to say no to becoming a father is superior to her right to controlling her body, esp. because the fetus in her came from the man.

    If its not a right today it doesn't mean it won't become a right in the future.

    Because??? Who the hell says you have as much of a responsilbity? You might not.

    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #331 - December 30, 2009, 09:51 PM

    21 pages of pure fail.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #332 - December 30, 2009, 09:52 PM

    Hey, you guys are supposed to be polite and meek. Know your place, canuck.

    After this thread I wouldn't necessarily count on that.

    Exactly. A few pages more of this circular nonsense and Tut will officially not be the most unpopular person on this site. Congrats Tut!! Afro.

    Have a parrot! parrot

    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #333 - December 30, 2009, 09:52 PM

    21 pages of pure fail.

    Bet you this goes further than the Ex-Kim thread.

    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #334 - December 30, 2009, 09:53 PM

    How could you tell?  Huh?

    I have a knack for noticing idiots by a few words they utter
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #335 - December 30, 2009, 09:56 PM

    After this thread I wouldn't necessarily count on that.

    21 pages of pure fail.

    Bet you this goes further than the Ex-Kim thread.

    I have a knack for noticing idiots by a few words they utter

    ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

    *breath*... you guys are awesome... I was in a bad mood today. Now I feel great!  dance

    tea and cake or death!!!

    "Dear Josh, we came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore... you are gay."  Ghost World
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #336 - December 30, 2009, 09:57 PM

    Bet you this goes further than the Ex-Kim thread.

    Speaking of her, where did she go?
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #337 - December 30, 2009, 09:57 PM

     parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot

    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #338 - December 30, 2009, 09:58 PM

    Speaking of her, where did she go?

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #339 - December 30, 2009, 09:58 PM

    Speaking of her, where did she go?

    She pops out once in a while. I think she`s receded into the dark a little.

    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #340 - December 30, 2009, 09:59 PM

    Liberated, is an idiot, and I said this, when he newly signed up - but no one paid attention to what I said 


    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #341 - December 30, 2009, 10:03 PM

    Islame, I'll try and look for them
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #342 - December 30, 2009, 10:20 PM


    From this thread I knew we were dealing with a fool:

    I've found where I called him deluded:

    I call him deluded

    I can't find where I called him an idiot, I think it was in one of Preu's thread
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #343 - December 30, 2009, 10:24 PM

    His opinion should matter, so again, the trust thing comes into play here. Not the law. How does him getting a woman to get an abortion promote equality. All this would do is divide people. Its a difficult situation when a man and woman dont want a baby.

    I agree that trust comes into play here. But i've seen some women change, when they find out they're pregnant, all the previous talks about needing to stay independent and free, the man's career, etc go out of the window and they decide to keep the baby. Al talking falls on deaf ears. In this case the man should have a law defending his rights. Plus it will protect against some women who trick men into fatherhood.

    You're advocating him having more rights than her and aborting the baby.

    Keep in mind that the woman also has more rights than the man in the case that she doesnt want the baby but the man wants it, in that case she can go ahead and abort the baby. I'm talking about equality in both cases here. How come the woman gets to decide both when to keep and when the abort the child and the man's opinion is not worth anything in either case? I'm saying either of the parents can choose to abort the child and that should be enough.

    can you envision a situation where a man goes "Honey, I know you dont want this baby, but thats too bad, I do, so were having it or "Honey, you can cry all you want to about aborting this baby, but it's my right to, so youre having an abortion tuts". NO fuckin man who loves his gf/ wife would say this to her face.

    I'm fully against the first scenario of the man saying we're having the baby and purely because the woman has to go through a 9 month pregnancy and more dangerous childbirth procedure, but in the 2nd case the man has the right to say what he said. He has as much right to not be forced into parenthood as the woman does, and the fetus comes from both of them. But of course, no one is really going to say it that bluntly, if i was in that situation i would definitely be there to support the girl and help her through it.

    The genocide thing u brought up. its wring becasue you have no right to kill people. Its wrong cuz murder's wrong, not becaue killing on a mass scale is wrong. Being emotionally dsitraugt is not having ur rights violated.

    Forced parenthood is right? A lifetime of turmoil, stress, and guilt forced on a man is right? Oh yea, men don't mean anything do they? they're just good for helping raise our kids and they can go fucking die, who cares.

    AGAIN, if it aint true in MOST cases then you cannot make a general rule about them. YOU don't make a law to apply to all people based on how it would affect a minority.Never run for a  political position. Seriously.

     Gay people are also a minority but they have rights. SHould we not have rights for them? there is a right to kill yourself for people who cannot be saved. They're clearly a minority. There are a lot of laws that protect the laws of minorities, and the law against forced fatherhood should be one of them.

    Forcing anything on someone against his/her will is a violation of her rights, whether it be fatherhood, motherhood, forced labor, etc. Anything forced on someone individually is a violation of their rights.

    Whyd ont u understand that whether abortion is right or not has nothing to do with its consequences. its the act itself. Whether it's better or worse than birth is not about pain.

    If you talk about men not having the right to abort on a purely physical basis on whether or not the woman has the fetus in her body, then yes, it is about pain and the physical risks of abortion vs pregnancy. Morally, psychologically, etc they have equal rights.

    AND btw, birth isant always painfull. Ttheres these things calles epidurals. and birth can be as little as an hour. Abortion can make you infertile. is abortion more wrong in  this case? can you make a general rule based on this?

    I'm talking about majorities here. The majority of the time pregnancy carries more risks than abortions. But by all means add some clauses to the law so each case is examined individually and if the woman is more at risk during an abortion than pregnancy then leave the decision to her. I don't have anything against that. But where abortion is medically safe and carries less risks, the man should have the right as much as the woman does.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #344 - December 30, 2009, 10:27 PM

    Exactly. A few pages more of this circular nonsense and Tut will officially not be the most unpopular person on this site. Congrats Tut!! Afro.

    Have a parrot! parrot

    Lol.. I wouldn't count on that. I post a lot of stuff which many people agree with, and a little disagreement is what adds spice to life!  Wink.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #345 - December 30, 2009, 10:40 PM

    yup. little

    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #346 - December 30, 2009, 10:43 PM

    OK, a lot of disagreement but only about one topic, I still agree with most people here on far too many issues than I disagree with them on  parrot
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #347 - December 30, 2009, 10:44 PM

    From this thread I knew we were dealing with a fool:

    OMG! I didnt realise its the same guy, the one who couldnt get his head round the fact that he got a particular job seeing it as  some kind of unexplainable phenomena .. seems to struggle with probability theory, as demonstrated by the evolution thread.  I wonder if he is a new agnostic, as a lot of his posts seem to have a theist tinge to them, hence all the disagreement.  

    Also what nationality are you Liberated?  

    The way you speak, discuss, argue, your attitude etc reminds me very much of my Pakistani cousin who I wrote my letter too- I hope you're not him!.

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #348 - December 30, 2009, 10:51 PM

    OK, a lot of disagreement but only about one topic, I still agree with most people here on far too many issues than I disagree with them on  parrot

    Doesn't matter. You disagree on the most basic and foundational concept of women's rights. A forum like this is filled with liberal types. That's a big deal for a lot of people. It's like going on a Islamic forum and insisting that Muhammad was child rapist who should be executed by firing squad.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #349 - December 30, 2009, 10:54 PM

    The way you speak, discuss, argue, your attitude etc reminds me very much of my Pakistani cousin who I wrote my letter too- I hope you're not him!.

    Oh yea, I'm him, and now I know your identity and I'm going to release some mullahs on you! sheikh  wacko

    FYI jumping to conclusions based on someone's nationality or enquiring about their nationality and whether it has to do anything with their personality reeks of racism.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #350 - December 30, 2009, 10:56 PM

    Doesn't matter. You disagree on the most basic and foundational concept of women's rights. A forum like this is filled with liberal types. That's a big deal for a lot of people. It's like going on a Islamic forum and insisting that Muhammad was child rapist who should be executed by firing squad.

    LOL @ the example. I'm a very liberal sort myself which is why I brought this up. Men and women should have equal rights, women should not have more rights than men. And when it comes to unwanted pregnancies they do.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #351 - December 30, 2009, 10:57 PM

    Doesn't matter. You disagree on the most basic and foundational concept of women's rights. A forum like this is filled with liberal types. That's a big deal for a lot of people. It's like going on a Islamic forum and insisting that Muhammad was child rapist who should be executed by firing squad.


    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #352 - December 30, 2009, 11:05 PM

    And when it comes to unwanted pregnancies they do.

    Of course they do, it's their fucking bodies!

    Look, its obvious you've got female-relation issues ok. Everyone with any experience can see right through the attempts at rationalizations. I'm not gonna lie, I've had a hard time dealing with women too, having lots of vestigal Muslim attitudes I had to learn the hard way that certain perceptions of mine with regards to a woman's 'role' in life are not for me to determine. What I did not do (but I've been there) was get angry at women and start rationalizing my mysogyny in a more secular way - which is what you are doing. Trust me, you don't want to be that dude that hates women, that angle leaves you lonely and with your dick in ur hand.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #353 - December 30, 2009, 11:12 PM

    I don't have any female relationship issues nor do I hate women at all. Its just that if besides using all protection the woman somehow gets pregnant, I don't want to become a father.

    Not just in legal terms, I don't want to become a father at all.

    That's it.

    It happened to my friend a little while ago and his g/f decided not to abort the child despite them having agreed to it previously, and she decided to take all responsibility for the child, but he was still torn because he was forced to be a father and he couldn't do anything about it. And he did use protection.

    I don't want to be in that position.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #354 - December 30, 2009, 11:19 PM

    You cant have everything you want in life. Get over it.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #355 - December 30, 2009, 11:20 PM

    You cant have everything you want in life.

    Not if you don't try, no.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #356 - December 30, 2009, 11:23 PM

    It happened to my friend a little while ago and his g/f decided not to abort the child despite them having agreed to it previously, and she decided to take all responsibility for the child, but he was still torn because he was forced to be a father and he couldn't do anything about it. And he did use protection.

    I don't want to be in that position.

    And now we understand all the phychology of it.

    tea and cake or death!!!

    "Dear Josh, we came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore... you are gay."  Ghost World
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #357 - December 30, 2009, 11:23 PM

    Even if you do try. Sex has consequences and abortion is NOT just a procedure, until you get that through your skull you will never understand why almost everyone is opposed to you and outraged by your ideas.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #358 - December 30, 2009, 11:23 PM

    Not if you don't try, yes.

    what?  Huh?

    tea and cake or death!!!

    "Dear Josh, we came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore... you are gay."  Ghost World
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #359 - December 30, 2009, 11:24 PM

    I know abortion is not just a procedure, but neither is forced fatherhood just a procedure or just a label. All of the man's rights and concerns shouldn't get thrown out of the window like that.
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