Do a little experiment. Take a poll with a bunch of random chicks. Obv not us forum girls cuz there must be sth wrong with us if we dont wanna give up rights to our bodies . Come back and tell us how many chicks would be OK with a man having the right to an abortion.
Obviously girls will not be ok giving up their power. But this is not about appeasing to the girls or making the girls happy. This is about equality and rights. How is it fair to talk only about the girls' trauma and not about the guys' trauma in case of a forced fatherhood?
Girls already have the power to abort a child even without the man's consent. But they should not be allowed to force fatherhood on a man. Men should have that right of refusing to become a father. It simply makes their rights equal.
Growing the baby in your fetus does not give you the right to force fatherhood on a man without his consent. Nothing you say will change this.
Guys are physically stronger than women. Would you like it if they beat up every woman they saw? They're biologically at an advantage, after all. My body, my decision what I do with it, huh? But they don't because its a civilized society and we respect each other's rights. Similarly, women are biologically at an advantage when it comes to babies but it does not mean they should abuse this right to force fatherhood on men who are not ready to become fathers.
Go see how many people you can get to disagree with this.
Go try see how many people you can get to agree with abortion at all in some backward countries. Or to get them to agree that islam is a false religion. Or get people to agree with black people not being slaves in the 1800s. A majority agreeing with something does not make it right.
You see childbirth as an invasion. How nice.
It is a physical invasion. Do you dispute that?