I didn't say anything about language - I said: "Integration" suggests a set of cultural attitudes and a culture that can be integrated into.
Meaning it is of the essence, and fundamental to the issue.
The most important aspect of any acculturation is language, and some describe culture as a kind of shared language itself.
But to return to what I said, I don't see it as a fundamentally cultural problem. That's getting the cart before the horse. This business about integration is no surprise with social cohesion across the board in decline - the result of three decades of Thatcherism. NL's form of multiculti governing is merely an extension of that trend, reinforcing fragmentation.
'Right wing culturalism' doesn't really mean anything, its a buzz phrase to project onto people you disagree with and to make out they are 'divisive' and 'worse'.
The meaning is quite straight-forward: The right-wing/conservative emphasis on national culture. All conservatives and nationalist-populists turn political issues into ones about culture. It's a real ideological phenomenon, from Political Islam to neo-conservatism, to various European nationalisms. Divisive is being mild, but it's also erroneous and false.
Multiculturalism as it has been practised in the UK over the last twenty years, as a leveraged ideology of identity politics and group privelige, has exacerbated inequality and sectarianism and lessened integration between people.
'Group privilege' - multiculturalism, if anything, has tried to remove group privilege, not that it has succeeded. I think the more accurate term that MC is a euphemism for is communitarianism, an ideology whose view of contemporary social reality is of distinct 'communities'. As we can see with Nu Lab for whom it has formed part of their basis for governing, religion has also been made into a social actor, just like in the United States. This of course deliberately undermines secularism, as well as being an instrument of divide-and-rule.