Hassan1 - you are incorrigible.
68 mosques (an estimate) is sixty eight too many. They are large and well resourced and loud.
The article suggests that the mosques are small break-aways. I doubt that they are particularly well funded.
Are you contesting that Saudi funded wahaabi Islam asserts a malignant effect on the social fabric of Britain?
It may very well do. I just think that said effect is overstated, considerably. Furthermore, if by 'malignant', you are referring to violent extremism, I think you'll find that the Saudi top-brass vehemently condemn acts of terrorism.
Are you contesting that they have access to funds to propagate their militancy and intolerance that dwarfs every other school of Islam?
The access exists, most certainly. But whether said access has caused an intolerant form of Islam to become prevalent in the UK is questionable, at best. As I have already stated previously, the vast majority of Muslims in the UK are Hanafi; furthermore, I would argue that there are probably more active TJs, Hizbis etc than there are Salafis. Although this is just my own speculation.
And just from personal experience. I have attended 2 major universities in the UK and have been involved, to some degree, in 2 ISocs.Both ISoc's were Madhabi oriented. The local mosques, are madhabi. The majority of Imams I've met in this country, are madhabi.