Switched to vaping last year

Anyone got any advice on this? I go through phases of smoking, then asking myself wtf I'm doing and just quit. Friday, I bought a box of 20 and have got 7 ish left, but it's difficult at the weekends and 2 or 3 hours before I'll be home as my wife has a nose for these things and can't stand it. But it is what it is, and at times like now, smoking fills a void that nothing else can. I smoke rollups usually - I tend to go for a week or so on straights till I realise I could've finished 2 small bags of tobacco, and savaed a fortune (£8+ for 20!!!!) till I admit to myself I won't be stopping in a matter of days.
I have a few questions:
Does vaping leave any smell on the vaper?
Can you get unfragranced, but nicotine containing, fluid?
Is there anything that will give a similar kind of throat hit as roll ups? (Straights just don't do it unless you draw hard and cover the perforations around the filter.)
Is there anything at the cheaper end (£20-£30 ish) or am I looking at proper £50+ kit to satisfy my last requirement?
Thanks in advance