I know it's taken me many a long year to get here, but I now formally disown my parents.
I am done trying to understand, sympathise, or allow myself to feel compassion for them.
I divorce them "talaaq talaaq talaaq" this is not said in anger, it's been a long time coming.
According to my sisters social worker, my father and step mother have clearly stated that my sister can stay anywhere else but with me (which she isn't anymore right now anyway), that I am the worst possible person and that I am hell bent on corrupting etc etc yada yada ad nauseum

I know I knew all of this, but it hurt to hear it again from someone who has no need to lie or to make things sound worse than they are. The social worker said that she told them they were chatting bullshit (not in those words) and that they wouldn't accept my parents complaint since it was motivated by my lack of religion which is not a crime in this country.
Anyway basically my parents suck ass, I am finished with them by my choice, not theirs, one of those "you can't sack me, I quit" situations.

You all saw me asking for advice, you could see I was concerned about how best to get my sister back on track, there was no talk of corrupting so screw them backwards retarded bitches.
My sister can also go fuck herself, not the 15yr old, she is only 15 and confused right now, but the other one who went behind my back and pressured my sister to go back into a dangerous situation, she can go fuck herself.
I am now an orphan, I am looking for new parents, all you have to do is be kind and accept me for who I am, which is not a murderer, rapist, thief or general scumbag and I will shower you with my miserly affection sometimes.