Quotes from Jihadi Scholars
Innal-Hamdalillah was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'Alaa Rasoolillah
as-Salaamu 'Alaikum wa-raHmatullahi wa barakaatuh
In light of current events, I not only think it is appropriate, but obligatory upon us to convey to the Ummah, the Islamic Ruling of aiding the Taliban against the Judeo-Christian barbaric onslaught against Islam, in the name of "War Against Terrorism".
It is essential that we present the true Islamic position on current events, such that it will sufficiently drown out the cries of those Modernist, Secular "Muslims", striving to redefine the traditional Islamic beliefs and practices in their attempt to assimilate into the Western "civilisation".
As Allah spoke of His Messengers: "...Those who proclaim messages of Allah and fear Him. And do not fear anyone but Allah."
Indeed there have been many apologetic, and at times humiliating, declarations made by various Muslim organisation for the crime that they did not commit, without there ever having been any solid proof that Muslims were the perpetrators in the first instance! We have witnessed the numerous, respected personalities and scholars around the world who came out protesting, in sympathy for the 6 000 Americans who were tragically killed, so we request of them: Please make a statement or two with regards to the US sanctions against the 20 000 000 people of Iraaq, more than 1 200 000 of whom have been slaughtered since 1991 to the present day, with an average death toll of 6 000 per month. Please give a thought to the 650 Palestinian killed since the begining of 2nd Intifadha last year, including 15,000 injured. Please give your zakaah and donate your blood to your brothers and sisters who are being butchered in every corner of the globe.
Finally, please give us your thoughts on the current US aggression - supported by our Wulaatul-Umoor - against the Islamic Afghanistan, knowing that millions of innocent Afghanis are facing high risks, in addition to those several million fleeing as refugees, as the harsh winter approaches. We watch, with the rest of the world, the bombing of innocent civilians and the mass murder of 100s of Afghanis using what the Americans call 'smart bombs', yet no one would dare call it terrorism.
It is our duty, at the very least, to inform the Muslims that it is absolutely forbidden to aid these Kuffaar, whether verbally, physically, morally or financially, against our brothers, the Taliban, in the land of Iman - Afghanistan. MOREOVER, AIDING THE MUSHRIKEEN IN THEIR ATTACKS IN AFGHANISTAN IN ANY FORM, WITH THE INTENTION TO AID DEMOCRACY, OR TO DEFEAT THE SHAREE'AH OF ISLAM - IS APOSTACY FROM ISLAM BY CONSENSUS. So let there be no "Muslim" in the UK or the US or elsewhere, that supports these attacks against Afghanistan, and even if there exists a Muslim actively supporting these attacks against Afghanistan, may he be hated by the Muslim community, not only in the West, but the rest of the World.
The following are the two fatawas concerning the recent events. One by Sheikh Ibn Jibreen from the major scholars of the Muslim world who needs no introduction to most of you. The other by Sh Humood bin 'Uqlaa ash-Shu'aibi, another scholar from the major scholars, indeed scholar of the scholars such as, Sheikh Ibn Uthaimeen (for a short while), Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Abdullah Aal-Ash-Sheikh, Dr. Abdullah Ibn Abdul-Muhsin at-Turki, Dr. Abdullah Ibn Muhammad bin Ibraahim Aal-ash-Sheikh, Sh Saalih bin Fawzan al-Fawzan, Sh Abdur-Rahmaan bin Saalih al-Jabr, Sh Abdur-Rahmaan Bin Sulaiman al-JaarAllah, Sh Abdur-Rahmaan bin Abdul-Aziz al-Killiyah, Sh Abdur-Rahmaan bin Ghaith, Sh Abdullah al-Ghunaiman and last but not least, Sh Salmaan bin Fahd al-Awdah - people of knowledge as great as these are the likes of his students.
It might appear to some that Sheikh Humood's fatwa is justifying the September the 11th incident, but I do not think so. I think he is merely trying to refute the apologetic Muslims who - in their bid to appease the Americans - made blanket statements, such as "it is completely forbidden to kill innocent women and children, under all circumstances, in absolute terms", and Allah knows best. As we should know that such statements are incorrect, since there is consensus of the Fuqahaa with regards to permissibility of attacking Muslim women and children, IF they are used as human shields, so what about Kuffar? And why should the Muslims be ashamed of speaking the truth about their religion, specially when Madeleine Albright on CBS's 60 Minutes, is asked by correspondent Lesley Stahl, if the death of these 600,000 Iraqi children was "worth it.", and Albright replies: "...we think the price is worth it." - and not ashamed of saying that?
Finally, I remind myself and you of the obligatory and unceasing duty of Hijrah, and I pray that Allah does not make us like those about whom He said: "...And when the angels take the souls of those who were wronging themselves, [and ask]: What were you in?. They said: We were weak and oppressed in the land. They [angels] said: Wasn't Allah's earth vast enough that you could have migrated there in? Then those people, their abode will be Jahannam, what an evil abode!"
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy
The eminent Sheikh al-Allaamah, ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Jibreen, may Allah bless you.
Question: It is not hidden from you what has befallen our brothers in Afghanistan, from the hardships of the enemies of Allah besieging them, and constrained livelihood, and lack of helpers and aides, and by being fiercely attacked from all directions by the enemies of Islam upon this state [The Taliban State of Afghanistan]. In spite of it all, [the government] does not cease to be firm in establishing the laws of Allah on the earth of Allah, and thus they are in need of help and to be allied with in their trial. Therefore, what is the ruling regarding aiding this movement with wealth, persons and supplications? What are your directions for the students of knowledge and the competent, skilful people? May Allah reward you with good.
Praise be to Allah and that suffices, and peace be upon His chosen slaves.
To proceed: When the Muslims throughout the world come to know that a group from their brothers have been oppressed and harmed, it becomes obligatory upon them to aid them and to strive to help them with whatever they can from the wealth, persons, opinions and statements. [Especially] when we know of the State of Taliban in Afghanistan that it rules with the Laws of Allah, establishes the Islamic education [system], prevents the means to Shirk, demolishes worshipped objects and idols, exhibits the manifestation of Islam by announcing the call for prayers, establishes the Friday [prayers] and congregational [prayers], prohibits sins and the forbidden acts, as indeed these are all apparent signs of their good intentions and sound faith. And since the Kafir states, such as the Christian, the Jews, the Communists and the Atheists, all of them, are against the correct [version of] Islam, and similarly the Kafir innovators, for verily it is obligatory upon the Muslims to help their brothers in this [Taliban] State of Muslims, and to endeavour to repel the plots of their enemies, those who seek to cripple the Muslims’ movement and to exterminate them. For Allah the Exalted has said:
“And co-operate upon righteousness and piety”,
and in the Hadeeth:
“Make Jihaad against the Mushrikeen with your wealth, your persons and your tongues”.
The Muslims should aid their brothers with wealth and men, and should increase in their supplications for them, for victory and dominion, as Allah is the one who responds to calls of those who supplicate, and indeed He is All-Hearing and Near.
Stated and Written by
'Abdullaah ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan al-Jibreen
The retired member of al-Ifta.
And may the Salaah and Salaam be upon Muhammad, and his followers and companions.