How do we know that plants don't have feelings MAB?
I agree that to a large extent vegeterianism makes sense, but why is the line drawn at plants? perhaps we should only eat fruits and nuts that fall of trees without our intervention? After all, plants are being killed too.
The purpose of most plants, from which we eat, is to provide, fruits, seed, grains, etc. which is meant to be eaten by animals/man and later deposited elsewhere to grow. for if itfell under the tree it would not grow.
There is no need to kill the apple tree to get the apple.
Plants that have a shot live, ie. produce their grains, (wheat, rice, etc) would die off anyway because that is the purpose of their live, seed and then die.
Plants such as roots, potatoes, casava, etc die back after the tubers have matured.
Plants do have feelings. Experiments show their reactions to fire, cuts, even loud noises. There's a good book called, The Secret Life of Plants.
The suffering of plants is on such a minimal scale as comapred the the reactions from sentient beings which can understand the fate that they heading for when in the slaughter house witnessing the death of their fellow creatures.
Animals also, because of today's farming methods suffer their entire lives confined in extremely horrendous conditions, living just a fraction of their expected lifespan.