Taqiyya (dissimulation aka shamelessly lying to the enemies of Allah) is not just a Shia doctrine.
IS a Shia doctrine to protect its members from being persecuted!
Dont play dumb with us DH! We have already explained why the 'Taqiyyah' argument against Muslims is full of shit!
Did you not read the beginning of the very article you posted??
To explain the Arabic word TAQIYAH, Hughes Dictionary of Islam says, “Literally it means “Guarding oneself”. (It’s a) Shi’ah doctrine. A pious fraud whereby a Shi’ah Muslim believes he is justified in either smoothing down or in denying the peculiarities of his religious belief, in order to save himself from religious persecutions. A Shi’ah can, therefore, pass himself off as a Sunni to escape persecution.”
“The Shi’ah traditionalists relate that certain persons inquired of the Imam Sadiq if the Prophet had ever practiced taqiyyah or “religious dissimulations”, and the Imam replied:”Not after this verse was sent down to the Prophet, namely Surah v71: ‘O thou Apostle! Publish the whole of what has been revealed to those from thy Lord; if thou do it not, thou, thou hast not preached His message, and God will not defend thee from the wicked men; for God guides not the unbelieving people. When the Most High became surety for the Prophet against harm, then he no longer dissimulated, although before this revelation appeared he had occasionally done so.”[1]
Imam Sadiq (Jafar al-Sadiq ibn Muhammad al-Baqar) was the 6th Shia Imam bear in mind.
And then this Babu Susilan (who the fuck is he?? Some Hindu reactionary?) comes and writes this fuck up with his own stupidity, polemic nonsense and generalisation without even thinking!:
“Under the Islamic concept of Al-Takkeya, it is legitimate for Muslims to lie, cheat, murder, deceive and violate non-Muslims. According to Takkeya, Muslims are sanctioned to communicate with fake sincerity. In reality, they may have just the opposite agenda in their hearts. It is clear that Islam permits the Muslims to lie anytime, anywhere to promote the cause of Islam."
and then the whole shit takes off in the Islam Watch article upside down.