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 Topic: EDL attacks in Leicester

 (Read 41964 times)
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  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #120 - November 01, 2010, 02:05 PM

    Wake up Arthur.

    No, you mean go back to sleep and allow the Ismalists to turn our country into an Islamic one, no mate, I'd rather die fighting on my feet.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #121 - November 01, 2010, 02:10 PM

    No, you mean go back to sleep and allow the Ismalists to turn our country into an Islamic one, no mate, I'd rather die fighting on my feet.


    I agree those Ismailis are a dangerous bunch. We don't want them to turn the UK into some obscure sect.

    Hey Arthur, do you get a hard-on from beating up women and children? Or is it only donkey porn that gets you going?
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #122 - November 01, 2010, 02:11 PM

    Why the fuck do you guys invoke Winston Churchill? He was one of the greatest anti-fascists in history. You deadheads are not even worthy to utter the name.

    Churchill said, Islam is a religion of war and blood and he also said the next fascist will be anti fascists.

    If I'm a dead head, good, proud to be one.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #123 - November 01, 2010, 02:12 PM

    I agree those Ismailis are a dangerous bunch. We don't want them to turn the UK into some obscure sect.

    Hey Arthur, do you get a hard-on from beating up women and children? Or is it only donkey porn that gets you going?

    Is that all you've got mate.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #124 - November 01, 2010, 02:17 PM

    Is that all you've got mate.


    Is that the response you got from the kids and women?

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #125 - November 01, 2010, 02:18 PM

    No, you mean go back to sleep and allow the Ismalists to turn our country into an Islamic one, no mate, I'd rather die fighting on my feet.


    Don't be so conceited, arthur.

    And Geert Wilders wants nothing to do with you because your organisation is riddled with far-right violent bigots and thugs.

    How embarassing, to go all that way, and get (metaphorically) slapped by the object of your affection.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #126 - November 01, 2010, 02:22 PM

    provide some proof of your wild libellous allegations or shut up.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #127 - November 01, 2010, 02:24 PM


    Arthur, at last, the mask slips  Afro

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #128 - November 01, 2010, 02:25 PM

    Don't be so conceited, arthur.

    And Geert Wilders wants nothing to do with you because your organisation is riddled with far-right violent bigots and thugs.

    How embarassing, to go all that way, and get (metaphorically) slapped by the object of your affection.

    As I said it wasn't an EDL event and this is not what was said in private.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #129 - November 01, 2010, 02:27 PM


    Arthur, at last, the mask slips  Afro

    That wasn't directed at you mate. Sorry if you thought it was.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #130 - November 01, 2010, 02:41 PM

    provide some proof of your wild libellous allegations or shut up.


    I'm sorry massa. Is you going to harms us now?

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #131 - November 01, 2010, 02:47 PM

    Whatever Arthur. Everyone has been very polite and accomodating of you here. The EDL's nature is plain. Whatever the good intentions of some of its members, its become an unruly, violent beast.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #132 - November 01, 2010, 03:24 PM

    But that's the problem Billy, it is not plain, there are people, far right nuts who try to jump on the band wagon so to speak, there are white supremacists who do the same, are we to be held responsible when they turn up at a protest.

    If I were to say to you, all muslims are terrorists, you would rightly say that I can't generalise in that way, so how come you do that very same thing to EDL, a minority kick off at a protest and you then blame all of us.

    When we find these Idiots we run them out, so what else would you have us do?

    Then you talk of violence, French students are rioting, burning cars, looting, that's violence mate and EDL, so called violence, is mainly pushing and shoving because of the way the police, mainly up north treat us. If you were treated in this way you would be doing the same.
    In Leicester their treatment of us was way out of order, so we withdrew our stewards, why should our stewards be put in danger and be expected to do the polices job for them.

    The UAF counter demo was supposed to be 500 yards away and they allowed them to come within 10 feet and throw coins.
    So of course some of them broke through police lines. This would not have happened if our stewards had been there.

    They banned our march and treated us like cattle and we are just not going to put up with it so we have withdrawn our co-operation with the police and we now hold flash protests and all the flash protests so far have been peaceful, what does that tell you.

    As for ST Johns we are looking into this and the truth will be out soon and it is not what they are trying to say re this video, The police have all of it on the internal cafe video, so we will see who's prosecuted.

    You cannot generalise about EDL no more than you can any other group.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #133 - November 01, 2010, 04:17 PM

    Arthur, spend your time arguing with the violent thugs and bigots who are defining your organisation now, rather than the pointless outreach you've been carrying out here for the last few months.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #134 - November 01, 2010, 04:54 PM

    Churchill said... the next fascist will be anti fascists.

    No he didn't. Stop misattributing it to him. There is no evidence anywhere about him saying that, and its actually been attributed to an Italian writer Ignazio Silone. You fuckers have already been debunked about this loads of times, yet you constantly repeat it when your supremacist arse gets called out and you start playing the victim, like its your fucking motto or something, like this somehow proves if Churchill was alive today he “would support the EDL”.

    What a fucking joke.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #135 - November 01, 2010, 06:59 PM

    Supremacist, back that up with some evidence instead of a rant and If I or anyone in EDL want to quote Churchill then we will.

    What do you know about EDL, only what you have been fed by a press controlled by the lefty NUJ.
    The biggest Fascists on the earth are the Islamofascist, homophobic, sexist,anti -semitic, anti- democracy and supremacist.

    It has no right to exist in a 21st century democratic England, it is the worst threat to Western civilisation since Nazi Germany and Hitler.

    Don't tell me that I'm some sort of supremacist because I don't give a flying fig about the colour of some ones skin or their religion so long as they keep it to themselves.

    When I see documentaries with some women who was beaten with a base ball bat for not preparing a meal right and a so called sharia judge telling her that she must have been a bad muslim,wtf, this in England today, no, I will not tolerate it and I will do something about it and I will make the biggest fuss that I can, until all of these sharia courts are closed down.

    When I see documentaries of gays being attacked openly on the streets of Tower Hamlets then I will protest and I'll march in every part of the country until something is done.

    I will fight for my tolerant culture against those who would bring intolerance here.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #136 - November 01, 2010, 07:01 PM

    Hm. Arthur. You seem like a decent guy. Why the fuck are you still in the EDL?
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #137 - November 01, 2010, 07:32 PM

    a press controlled by the lefty NUJ.

     Roll Eyes

    "In battle, the well-honed spork is more dangerous than the mightiest sword" -- Sun Tzu
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #138 - November 01, 2010, 07:41 PM

    Arthur, if your scared and want to take action, there are other ways.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #139 - November 01, 2010, 07:55 PM

    Supremacist, back that up with some evidence instead of a rant and If I or anyone in EDL want to quote Churchill then we will.

    What do you know about EDL, only what you have been fed by a press controlled by the lefty NUJ.
    The biggest Fascists on the earth are the Islamofascist, homophobic, sexist,anti -semitic, anti- democracy and supremacist.

    It has no right to exist in a 21st century democratic England, it is the worst threat to Western civilisation since Nazi Germany and Hitler.

    Don't tell me that I'm some sort of supremacist because I don't give a flying fig about the colour of some ones skin or their religion so long as they keep it to themselves.

    When I see documentaries with some women who was beaten with a base ball bat for not preparing a meal right and a so called sharia judge telling her that she must have been a bad muslim,wtf, this in England today, no, I will not tolerate it and I will do something about it and I will make the biggest fuss that I can, until all of these sharia courts are closed down.

    When I see documentaries of gays being attacked openly on the streets of Tower Hamlets then I will protest and I'll march in every part of the country until something is done.

    I will fight for my tolerant culture against those who would bring intolerance here.


    Fucking rant? Fuck you. I’m not even gonna bother to highlight the glaring contradiction of that post, you politically confused meathead.

    YOU are one of the fundamental causes of the shitty state this country is in right now. You and your ilk. You are more responsible for uniting and radicalising Muslim youth in UK than any preacher or cleric could ever hope to be. You’re doing their job for them. They can take the week off. The month off. You’ve placed your flag on a pile of bullshit, all of your own creating. And it fucking stinks, and its spilling over into other peoples lives. And its causing more problems than you are worth, and fuck knows at what expense. I don’t even want to begin to guess how much it costs to have riot police and vans stand for hours while you parade around waving your England flags and singing your piss-weak hooligan mantra.

    And what do we get in return? What progress? Fuck all. Nothing. Just a few streets in a worse state than they were in. You’re like fucking plague of locusts ruining everything you touch. You’re like screaming babies we have to run around cleaning up after. In between you fuckers and the other fuckers, normal people are picking up the pieces and doing all the actual work. And what fucking pisses me off most of all is your noise and tantrums drown out the voices of those who are actually trying to make a difference. The real criticism isn’t being heard.

    You pretend you care about victims, making a mockery of real issues, just to get what you want - a streetfight. You hold aloft real and present issues as some kind of prize to give substance to your stone-cold ideology, to vindicate your otherwise empty words and violence. You cheapen and pollute good causes with your corrosive methods and wasted, counter-productive efforts.

    You will always be hounded here, and you deserve everything you get. I applaud those who call you out, and I will join them at every opportunity. You bring it all on yourself. You are so proudly and arrogantly detached from any recognisable or reasonable middle ground that nobody can even relate to you, and so unwilling to crawl out of your own bull-headed bubble world, and maybe for just one moment see what the world is like outside of your own drinking-club-with-a-forum, that you will always be reviled and rejected as the mutant thing you are. Your squirming and double standards ensure I will never feel any sympathy for you. You fuckers are just the worst ambassador for the cause you hijack and distort, and use and abuse, and push down peoples throat, as a means to your own end.

    You are everything you proclaim to stand against and use all the tools and tricks of those you criticise. FUCK YOU.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #140 - November 01, 2010, 07:58 PM

     grin12 Afro

    "In battle, the well-honed spork is more dangerous than the mightiest sword" -- Sun Tzu
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #141 - November 01, 2010, 07:58 PM

    Fucking rant? Fuck you. I’m not even gonna bother to highlight the glaring contradiction of that post, you politically confused meathead.

    YOU are one of the fundamental causes of the shitty state this country is in right now. You and your ilk. You are more responsible for uniting and radicalising Muslim youth in UK than any preacher or cleric could ever hope to be. You’re doing their job for them. They can take the week off. The month off. You’ve placed your flag on a pile of bullshit, all of your own creating. And it fucking stinks, and its spilling over into other peoples lives. And its causing more problems than you are worth, and fuck knows at what expense. I don’t even want to begin to guess how much it costs to have riot police and vans stand for hours while you parade around waving your England flags and singing your piss-weak hooligan mantra.

    And what do we get in return? What progress? Fuck all. Nothing. Just a few streets in a worse state than they were in. You’re like fucking plague of locusts ruining everything you touch. You’re like screaming babies we have to run around cleaning up after. In between you fuckers and the other fuckers, normal people are picking up the pieces and doing all the actual work. And what fucking pisses me off most of all is your noise and tantrums drown out the voices of those who are actually trying to make a difference. The real criticism isn’t being heard.

    You pretend you care about victims, making a mockery of real issues, just to get what you want - a streetfight. You hold aloft real and present issues as some kind of prize to give substance to your stone-cold ideology, to vindicate your otherwise empty words and violence. You cheapen and pollute good causes with your corrosive methods and wasted, counter-productive efforts.

    You will always be hounded here, and you deserve everything you get. I applaud those who call you out, and I will join them at every opportunity. You bring it all on yourself. You are so proudly and arrogantly detached from any recognisable or reasonable middle ground that nobody can even relate to you, and so unwilling to crawl out of your own bull-headed bubble world, and maybe for just one moment see what the world is like outside of your own drinking-club-with-a-forum, that you will always be reviled and rejected as the mutant thing you are. Your squirming and double standards ensure I will never feel any sympathy for you. You fuckers are just the worst ambassador for the cause you hijack and distort, and use and abuse, and push down peoples throat, as a means to your own end.

    You are everything you proclaim to stand against and use all the tools and tricks of those you criticise. FUCK YOU.

    Please make me your bitch.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #142 - November 01, 2010, 08:05 PM

    Hm. Arthur. You seem like a decent guy. Why the fuck are you still in the EDL?

    Because I know that the core of EDL are not as they are painted, I have sat down and had a drink with many senior members and like me they in this fight to preserve the freedoms we have and I never heard any of them say or do anything that I could see as racist, fascist or homophobic, I have spent hours on our official forum, (not facebook, which is an embarrassment to us) any one who makes a racist comment is banned, straight away, we don't stifle free speech, but we don't allow homophobia or any shite like that.

    I point you to this thread where some one says they are an ex muslim and the reception he gets, I think it's a him.

    Does it sound as tho we are bad people.

    I have watched this last 3 or 4 years as Tower Hamlets has become Islamised and now it is fully Islamised with a budget of over a billion pounds.
    What sort of freedom and democracy is when a women councillor is threatened because she wears western cloths and what is worst she gives in and starts dressing as they want her too, it makes my blood boil.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #143 - November 01, 2010, 08:27 PM

    Grin you're funny Arthur. I'm not sure who you're trying to fool. Billy said you were infiltrated a year ago. And here we are, the hooligan factor of the EDL increasing for every "demonstration".

    And you blame it on the media? Right. Sounds like Anjam Chodhury. Was the EDL entrapped as well?

    Please don't insult my intelligence, I know exactly what the EDL is; a fucking joke. Be a part of the joke, fine, just don't try to convince us otherwise by using cheap and sentimental tactics; ex-muslim getting a great reception, EDL being against racism and homophobia  Roll Eyes

    You sound like a politician. I fucking hate politicians. You had your chance ages ago back when Billy was warning you. It's over mate.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #144 - November 01, 2010, 08:40 PM

    Fucking rant? Fuck you. I’m not even gonna bother to highlight the glaring contradiction of that post, you politically confused meathead.

    YOU are one of the fundamental causes of the shitty state this country is in right now. You and your ilk. You are more responsible for uniting and radicalising Muslim youth in UK than any preacher or cleric could ever hope to be. You’re doing their job for them. They can take the week off. The month off. You’ve placed your flag on a pile of bullshit, all of your own creating. And it fucking stinks, and its spilling over into other peoples lives. And its causing more problems than you are worth, and fuck knows at what expense. I don’t even want to begin to guess how much it costs to have riot police and vans stand for hours while you parade around waving your England flags and singing your piss-weak hooligan mantra.

    And what do we get in return? What progress? Fuck all. Nothing. Just a few streets in a worse state than they were in. You’re like fucking plague of locusts ruining everything you touch. You’re like screaming babies we have to run around cleaning up after. In between you fuckers and the other fuckers, normal people are picking up the pieces and doing all the actual work. And what fucking pisses me off most of all is your noise and tantrums drown out the voices of those who are actually trying to make a difference. The real criticism isn’t being heard.

    You pretend you care about victims, making a mockery of real issues, just to get what you want - a streetfight. You hold aloft real and present issues as some kind of prize to give substance to your stone-cold ideology, to vindicate your otherwise empty words and violence. You cheapen and pollute good causes with your corrosive methods and wasted, counter-productive efforts.

    You will always be hounded here, and you deserve everything you get. I applaud those who call you out, and I will join them at every opportunity. You bring it all on yourself. You are so proudly and arrogantly detached from any recognisable or reasonable middle ground that nobody can even relate to you, and so unwilling to crawl out of your own bull-headed bubble world, and maybe for just one moment see what the world is like outside of your own drinking-club-with-a-forum, that you will always be reviled and rejected as the mutant thing you are. Your squirming and double standards ensure I will never feel any sympathy for you. You fuckers are just the worst ambassador for the cause you hijack and distort, and use and abuse, and push down peoples throat, as a means to your own end.

    You are everything you proclaim to stand against and use all the tools and tricks of those you criticise. FUCK YOU.

    So the EDL, which has only existed since June last year is the cause of this country being fucked up, wow we must be very important then, so there weren't people flying planes into buildings or bombing the tubes and buses and we created Anjem Choudary so that he could abuse our solders on the Streets, oh and of course it's our fault that Rushdie published a book that created riots all round the world or that British muslims rioted because of some Danish Cartoons, oh and EDL created the Islamist known as the hook who preached hatred in Finsbury park.
    It's our fault that the Mayoral elections in Tower Hamlets was a complete fraud.

    So you say others are doing some thing about all this, yeah, what exactly, are you stopping little girls of five have their clitoris cut off, are you stopping forced marriages or how about the sharia courts that treat women as 2nd class citizens, that rape in a marriage is ok, that if you are a bad muslims your husband can beat you, or that daughters can be kidnapped if they leave home to escape a forced marriage.

    We have brought these issues onto the front pages of every national and local newspaper, month after month.
    These things were going on long before the EDL and you bloody know it.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #145 - November 01, 2010, 08:46 PM

    No you haven't. You've brought "Another EDL Riot" to the front pages. Don't overrate yourself.

    And stop paying lip service to actual problems just to fill your otherwise empty and pointless posts.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #146 - November 01, 2010, 09:18 PM

    Please make me your bitch.


  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #147 - November 01, 2010, 09:49 PM

    Grin you're funny Arthur. I'm not sure who you're trying to fool. Billy said you were infiltrated a year ago. And here we are, the hooligan factor of the EDL increasing for every "demonstration".

    And you blame it on the media? Right. Sounds like Anjam Chodhury. Was the EDL entrapped as well?

    Please don't insult my intelligence, I know exactly what the EDL is; a fucking joke. Be a part of the joke, fine, just don't try to convince us otherwise by using cheap and sentimental tactics; ex-muslim getting a great reception, EDL being against racism and homophobia  Roll Eyes

    You sound like a politician. I fucking hate politicians. You had your chance ages ago back when Billy was warning you. It's over mate.

    The cause is greater than the few idiots who would subvert us. But you are entitled to your opinion mate.

    I promise you I am no politician lol.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #148 - November 01, 2010, 09:53 PM

    No you haven't. You've brought "Another EDL Riot" to the front pages. Don't overrate yourself.

    And stop paying lip service to actual problems just to fill your otherwise empty and pointless posts.

    Riot, where are the burning cars and the petrol bombs, as for lip service, I pay lip service to no one or thing.

  • Re: EDL attacks in Leicester
     Reply #149 - November 02, 2010, 12:10 AM

    Yeah darn those Ismalists
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