What's wrong with the Shariah that's implemented in Saudi Arabia or Iran?
Saudi Arabia? I lived there, they are oppressive, backwards, corrupt, and for all intents and purposes an economic colony.
I'll show some islamic contradictions
They cut the hands of the theif, yet they cause the poverty in the land by hoarding wealth.
They have both secular and nonsecular courts.
The banks are based upon capitalism and founded on interest.
They invest in foreign markets that are illegal (citigroup for instance) and the investments are not islamically permissible. In addition, they allow foreign investment into capital which is also not allowed.
They oppress women (no vote, no driving, the authorities abuse women, etc).
A dictatorial family runs the country.
This is just the beginning.
Iran has even more social/economic issues, though on the surface they try to show as if they are very anti american/israel because much of the population is. Even a tyrant can't remain in power if the people and the army both revolt.
Islam has been reduced to a bunch of traditions today, or (as the media shows) people talking only about fighting.
i mean this as no insult or slight but ur HT arnt u?
HT? What's that an abbreviation for (google says hindustan times, if that's what you meant then no)
What would be a better example of how Islam is implemented?
Well the last time islam was implemented was a 100 years ago, and it was only left in base structure.
Proper implementation of islam in ever aspect was in the 1600s and prior. Most people do not realize that it was islam that gave women much of the rights women in the west paid for in their blood. I was raised from birth in a US embassy school, under the US flag. They showed how much women sacrificed for the rights they have in the US. And yet many of these basic rights (employment, vote, owning property, inheritance, doing business, protection, etc) were already given to muslim women almost 1300 years ago.
Now how do I show you this, when back where muslims live the exact opposite is happening? I feel at a loss because I can't show you a real practical example right now of islam. All I have is what I know and what I practice =/. I suppose for many people it isn't enough until they can see it with their own eyes... and I don't really know what I can do about that except try my best myself.