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 Topic: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB

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  • David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     OP - February 05, 2011, 02:54 PM

    We the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain strongly support the speech given by David Cameron (PM), on the grounds that for a long time we have felt that Extremist groups have been given protection from the State and even have been supported by the state through funding of institutions and the like. We feel like this has aided segregation in British societies with Communities living parallel lives from each other. We hope therefore to see in the future a review of the Arbitration laws along with the above actions proposed to prevent Sharia law from operating in this country. This on the grounds that it leaves those who cannot speak good English and are not informed of British law, vulnerable to coercion from their communities into using such services which we feel may harm the rights of women to freedom.
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #1 - February 05, 2011, 02:55 PM

    OOh yes please. I'll be happy to review. We can then submit to Hassan or Maryam for approval.


    Here is the press release for your review
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #2 - February 05, 2011, 03:19 PM

    Anybody else is free to comment on this post please give feedback
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #3 - February 05, 2011, 03:35 PM

    for my two cents worth , I think it should be more detailed especially describing what the Council itself stands for and how it is extremely relelvant to issues within the muslim community.
    I say this becuase anyone not aware of what the Council of Ex-muslims is about may feel at liberty to dismiss anything you have to say as irrelelvant becuase you are not considered ,nor consider yourselves Muslims in the real sense.  This despite it very much being the community ,the famiilies,the social groups withing which the majority of you will no doubt belong or have in  your life.
     I think pointing out your paraiha status within that community and that it stems from the very issues being discussed here would strengthen any press release.
    I feel a bit of an interloper here as I am not an ex muslim but hope no one minds my thoughts on this

    According to the polls only 1.6 % of Americans are athiests. So what gives you the right to call the other 80% morons?'
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #4 - February 05, 2011, 03:36 PM

    Well just quickly, on account of the fact it's halftime in the six nations rugby:  Bloody good idea; it's what we've been advocating for a long time.
    The sooner the Govt. stops funding 'multiculturalism, the sooner they can support integration initiatives instead.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #5 - February 05, 2011, 03:37 PM

    We the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain strongly support the speech given by David Cameron on the grounds that for a long time we have felt that Extremist groups have been given protection from the State and even have been supported by the state through funding of institutions and the like. We feel like this has aided segregation in British societies with Communities living parallel lives from each other. We hope therefore to see in the future a review of the Arbitration laws along with the above actions proposed to prevent Sharia law from operating in this country. This on the grounds that it leaves those who cannot speak good English and are not informed of British law, vulnerable to coercion from their communities into using such services which we feel may harm the rights of women to freedom.

    How about this:


    The CEMB commends Prime Minister David Cameron for his speech identifying the need for liberal values including freedom of conscience and freedom of speech to be central to any discussion about Britain's future as a tolerant and pluralist society.

    We agree with him that a policy of anointing activists and organisations from within the Muslim community to receive state funding who perpetuate a narrative in accord with extremists and who are themselves advocates for Islamism is a disastrous and divisive policy.

    We believe that religious identity-politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist inclined agenda has been catastrophic for the Muslim community and for the sense of trust and cohesion between individuals in our society.

    We applaud the Prime Minister for his stance on this issue and urge him to consider further what the government can do to promote individual rights as opposed to the priveliging of group rights in a post-ideological-multicultural British society, and to take on board reccomendations from the 'One Law For All' campaign as part of this process.

    We also urge David Cameron to listen to as wide a range of opinions when formulating government policy on issues pertaining to integration and social cohesion, including the voices of ex Muslims.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #6 - February 05, 2011, 03:49 PM

    Billy that is indeed good, what I said in a more clear in well thought out way.

    The CEMB commends Prime Minister David Cameron for his speech identifying the need for liberal values including freedom of conscience and freedom of speech to be central to any discussion about Britain's future as a tolerant and pluralist society, and for its future advancement.

    We agree with him that policies of selecting and funding activists and organisations from the Muslim community, who perpetuate a voice in support of extremists and whom are advocates for Islamist ideology is a disastrous and divisive policy.

    We believe that religious identity-politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist means, has been catastrophic for the Muslim community and for the wider society leading to a sense of mistrust and a lack of cohesion within our society.

    We applaud the Prime Minister for his stance on this issue and urge him to further consider what the government can do to promote individual rights as opposed to the privileging the rights of groups in a post-ideological-multicultural British society. We also wish to inform him of and to take on board recommendations from the 'One Law For All' campaign as part of this process.

    We also urge David Cameron to listen to a wide a range of opinions when formulating policies relating to integration and social cohesion, and wish this to include the voices of ex Muslims who bear much of the brunt of Islamist ideology.
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #7 - February 05, 2011, 03:50 PM

    High Octane - That I think is the final version which needs to be moderated and then released
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #8 - February 05, 2011, 04:20 PM

    Thanks Billy
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #9 - February 05, 2011, 04:21 PM

    We the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain strongly support the speech given by David Cameron (PM), on the grounds that for a long time we have felt that Extremist groups have been given protection from the State and even have been supported by the state through funding of institutions and the like. We feel like this has aided segregation in British societies with Communities living parallel lives from each other. We hope therefore to see in the future a review of the Arbitration laws along with the above actions proposed to prevent Sharia law from operating in this country. This on the grounds that it leaves those who cannot speak good English and are not informed of British law, vulnerable to coercion from their communities into using such services which we feel may harm the rights of women to freedom.

    I don't think you adressed a lot of what Cameron said. Here's some of the points he made:

    - That the UK will no longer support non-violent Muslim groups which are ambiguous about "British" values (such as the MCB.) Similar to how the CEMB isn't willing to join sides with the EDL because of their extremist elements, the UK government isn't willing to join sides with Muslim groups with regressive policies in areas outside of terrorism, which reject western democracy and liberal values.

    - Multiculturalism causing different cultures to live separate lives

    - Not standing up to non-white bigots because of fears of being accused of being racist

    - He also stressed the division between Islamic extremism and Islam.

    We need to commentate on these points and provide the CEMB's opinion on these issues.

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #10 - February 05, 2011, 04:22 PM

    Okay thanks GING I will modify the modified billy post
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #11 - February 05, 2011, 04:30 PM

    Some suggested changes that you may or may not wish to incorporate (changed in bold). Only had time to do the first 2 paragraphs for now:

    The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) commends Prime Minister David Cameron for his speech identifying the need for liberal values, including freedom of conscience and freedom of speech, to be central to any discussion about Britain's future as a tolerant and pluralistic society., and for its future advancement.

    The CEMB agrees that hitherto current policies, which that have resulted in the selecting and funding of activists and organisations from the Muslim community who (that?) perpetuate a voice in support of narrative in accord with Islamic extremists and whom (that?) are advocates for Islamist ideology, have been disastrous and divisive policy. We believe that Religious identity politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist means, has led to a sense of mistrust between Muslims and those of other faiths or none, resulting in a lamentable contributed to a breakdown in been catastrophic for the Muslim community and for the wider society leading to a sense of mistrust lack of social cohesion within our society.

    We applaud the Prime Minister for his stance on this issue and urge him to further consider what the government can do to promote individual rights as opposed to the privileging the rights of groups in a post-ideological-multicultural British society. We also wish to inform him of and to take on board recommendations from the 'One Law For All' campaign as part of this process.

    We also urge David Cameron to listen to a wide a range of opinions when formulating policies relating to integration and social cohesion, and wish this to include the voices of ex Muslims who bear much of the brunt of Islamist ideology.
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #12 - February 05, 2011, 04:31 PM

    The CEMB commends Prime Minister David Cameron for his speech identifying the need for liberal values including freedom of conscience and freedom of speech to be central to any discussion about Britain's future as a tolerant and pluralistic society.

    The CEMB agree with him that policies of selecting and funding activists and organisations from the Muslim community, who perpetuate a voice in support of extremists and whom are advocates for Islamist ideology is a disastrous and divisive policy. We feel that to an extent people like these bigots are allowed free reign whereas majority white supported bigoted groups are looked down on in a much stronger fashion such as the EDL, which the CEMB is in no way endorsing. We wish to see valid criticism allowed from anybody but not bigotry.

    We believe that religious identity-politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist means, has been catastrophic for the Muslim community and for the wider society leading to a sense of mistrust and a lack of cohesion within our society. This acting as a feedback loop further isolating people from one another, which is lamentable.

    We applaud the Prime Minister for his stance on this issue and urge him to further consider what the government can do to promote individual rights as opposed to the privileging the rights of groups in a post-ideological-multicultural British society. We also wish to inform him of and to take on board recommendations from the 'One Law For All' campaign as part of this process.

    We also urge David Cameron to listen to a wide a range of opinions when formulating policies relating to integration and social cohesion, and wish this to include the voices of ex Muslims who bear much of the brunt of Islamist ideology. Therefore we ask the government to support Islamic reformist groups who consist of Muslims fighting against Islamist ideology along with secularist organisations.
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #13 - February 05, 2011, 04:43 PM

    The CEMB commends Prime Minister David Cameron for his speech identifying the need for liberal values including freedom of conscience and freedom of speech to be central to any discussion about Britain's future as a tolerant and pluralist society and for its future advancement.

    We agree with him that policies of selecting and funding Islamic activists and organisations who perpetuate a narrative in accord with that of extremists and who often are themselves advocates for Islamist ideology is a disastrous and divisive policy.

    We believe that religious identity-politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist means has been catastrophic for the Muslim community and for wider society, and has led directly to a sense of mistrust and a lack of cohesion within our country.

    We applaud the Prime Minister for his stance on this issue and urge him to further consider what the government can do to promote individual rights as opposed to privileging the rights of religious groups in a post-ideological-multicultural British society. We urge him to take on board recommendations from the 'One Law For All' campaign as part of this process.

    We also urge the government to listen to as wide a range of individuals and opinions as possible when formulating policies relating to integration and social cohesion, and to include in this process the voices of ex Muslims, who have experienced the marginalisation and coercive difficulties caused by privileging collective rights of religious groups and religious sentiment over the freedom of individual conscience that is the inalienable right of every British citizen.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #14 - February 05, 2011, 04:46 PM

    The CEMB commends Prime Minister David Cameron for his speech identifying the need for liberal values including freedom of conscience and freedom of speech to be central to any discussion about Britain's future as a tolerant and pluralistic society.

    We agree with him that policies of selecting and funding Islamic activists and organisations who perpetuate a narrative in accord with that of extremists and who often are themselves advocates for Islamist ideology is a disastrous and divisive policy. We wish to see valid criticism allowed from anybody but not bigotry, as seen by Islamists and groups such as the EDL.

    We believe that religious identity-politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist means, has been catastrophic for the Muslim community and for the wider society leading to a sense of mistrust and a lack of cohesion within our society.

    We believe that religious identity-politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist means, has been catastrophic for the Muslim community and for the wider society leading to a sense of mistrust and a lack of cohesion within our society. This acting as a feedback loop further isolating people from one another, which is lamentable.

    We applaud the Prime Minister for his stance on this issue and urge him to further consider what the government can do to promote individual rights as opposed to the privileging the rights of groups in a post-ideological-multicultural British society. We also wish to inform him of and to take on board recommendations from the 'One Law For All' campaign as part of this process.

    We also urge the government to listen to as wide a range of individuals and opinions as possible when formulating policies relating to integration and social cohesion, and to include in this process the voices of ex Muslims, who have experienced the marginalisation and coercive difficulties caused by privileging collective rights over the freedom of individual conscience that is the inalienable right of every British citizen.
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #15 - February 05, 2011, 04:49 PM

    Okay - Now I believe the press release is finished
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #16 - February 05, 2011, 05:00 PM

    A couple of other changes, though I'm sure by the time I post this I'll be working on an outdated version!

    The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) commends Prime Minister David Cameron for his speech identifying the need for liberal values, including freedom of conscience and freedom of speech, to be central to any discussion about Britain's future as a tolerant and pluralistic society.

    The CEMB agrees that hitherto current policies, which  have resulted in the funding of organisations  that perpetuate a narrative in accord with Islamic extremists and that advocate Islamist ideology, have been disastrous and divisive. Religious identity politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist means has led to a sense of mistrust between Muslims and those of other faiths or none, resulting in a lamentable lack of social cohesion.

    We support the Prime Minister's stance on this issue and urge him to further consider what the government can do to promote individual rights and freedoms, which must always take precedence ahead of the privileges apportioned to religious groups and ideologies. In this regard, the CEMB recommends that the government considers the recommendations made by the 'One Law For All' campaign.

    The CEMB urges the Prime Minister, and MPs from all parties, to entertain a broader range of opinions during the formulation of policy relating to integration and social cohesion and invite them to engage further with ex-Muslims, who often suffer first-hand as a consequence of Islamist ideology. The inclusion of secularists, including ex-Muslims, in the discussion of these issues should be considered essential if the government's "Big Society" is to be a success.
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #17 - February 05, 2011, 05:02 PM

    The CEMB commends Prime Minister David Cameron for his speech identifying the need for liberal values including freedom of conscience and freedom of speech to be central to any discussion about Britain's future as a tolerant and pluralistic society.

    We agree with him that policies of selecting and funding Islamic activists and organisations who perpetuate a narrative in accord with that of extremists and who often are themselves advocates for Islamist ideology is a disastrous and divisive policy. We wish to see valid criticism allowed from anybody but not bigotry, as seen by Islamists and groups such as the EDL. <------------not sure about the final sentence

    We believe that religious identity-politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist means, has been catastrophic for the Muslim community and for the wider society leading to an atmosphere of mistrust and a lack of cohesion within our society country. <----------'society' repetition in the same sentence.

    We applaud the Prime Minister for his stance on this issue and urge him to further consider what the government can do to promote individual rights as opposed to the privileging the rights of groups in a post-ideological-multicultural British society. We also wish to inform him of and to take on board recommendations from the 'One Law For All' campaign as part of this process. We urge him to take on board recommendations from the 'One Law For All' campaign as part of this process. <----------simplify direct urging of final sentence.

    We also urge the government to listen to as wide a range of individuals and opinions as possible when formulating policies relating to integration and social cohesion, and to include in this process the voices of ex Muslims, who have experienced the marginalisation and coercive difficulties caused by privileging collective rights of religious groups and religious sentiment over the freedom of individual conscience that is the inalienable right of every British citizen. <-----------religious sentiment includes describing the reluctance to offend that causes a lack of discussion of issues pertaining to many things including the viewpoints of ex Muslims so I personally think its important to put in there, also repudiates the Warsi viewpoint.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #18 - February 05, 2011, 05:05 PM

    Good work all!  Afro

    I would offer these points if they seem relevant after reading this:

    This is what I would like to include within the current text:

    "CEMB welcomes Cameron in focussing what it means to have British values. Shedding light on how certain groups who do not agree with these values in the past have been passively ignored (or even promoted with public funding) highlights the wrong turns made by previous Governments in the UK. We fully support the tightening or a complete halt  funding to such organizations.

    His call for the rejection of state multiculturalism further verifies indirect support of organizations strongly related to CEMB such as the "One Law for All campaign". A side from the issue of Islamic extremism, we also commend him on focussing on other illiberal aspects of certain groups that impact the lives of many UK Muslims, such as not condemning the issue of forced marriages.

    On the matter of banning groups in question at universities and prisons; CEMB believes that bans should be used as a very last resort. However we will be in full support if there is clear evidence for the need to do so.

    CEMB is an organization who's many ex-Muslim members are immersed within the UK Muslim populous . We support all types of reforms for the benefit of Muslims and their social cohesion to the wider public at large."

    ...if it sounds okay - please let me know. I will merge this with the main press release so far as there is some overlap. I may not be back until 3pm tomorrow. Thanks.

  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #19 - February 05, 2011, 05:07 PM


    The CEMB urges the Prime Minister, and MPs from all parties, to entertain a broader range of opinions during the formulation of policy relating to integration and social cohesion and invite them to engage further with ex-Muslims, who often suffer first-hand as a consequence of Islamist ideology. The inclusion of secularists, including ex-Muslims, in the discussion of these issues should be considered essential if the government's "Big Society" is to be a success.

    who often suffer first-hand as a consequence of Islamist ideology

    But its not just Islamist ideology, its Islam as a practised religion. I think the press release should state explicitly what is at stake:

    ex Muslims, who have experienced the marginalisation and coercive difficulties caused by privileging collective rights of religious groups and religious sentiment over the freedom of individual conscience that is the inalienable right of every British citizen.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #20 - February 05, 2011, 05:10 PM


    --We believe that religious identity-politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist means,--

    leverage , no S

    According to the polls only 1.6 % of Americans are athiests. So what gives you the right to call the other 80% morons?'
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #21 - February 05, 2011, 05:11 PM

    OK, thats my thoughts, I leave it to HO to do the final edit.

    Always remember to look out for repetition of words or phrases, and edit on the basis of reduction. Reduce the words until what needs to be said is said as concisely and with as much simplicity as is possible.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #22 - February 05, 2011, 05:12 PM

    --We believe that religious identity-politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist means,--

    leverage , no S


    Many eyes make proof-reading light work Afro reads leverages to me because we refer to 'religious identity-politics' acting upon 'state multiculturalism' - one thing would leverage - religious identity politics is manifold in its forms and they leverage together ie: leverages.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #23 - February 05, 2011, 05:12 PM

    "ex Muslims, who have experienced the marginalisation and coercive difficulties caused by privileging collective rights of religious groups and religious sentiment over the freedom of individual conscience that is the inalienable right of every British citizen."

    This, good sir, is very well put.  Afro
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #24 - February 05, 2011, 05:16 PM

    OK, thats my thoughts, I leave it to HO to do the final edit.

    Sure I'll do that - Lilyesque, yourself and others here have done a lot.

    If anyone else would like to contribute written points or make a point (with clear justifications about why it should be or should not be in the final release), please do so before 8am tomorrow morning. I'll work on it and update this thread about midday tomorrow (I'm tied up this evening!).

    Thanks all!
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #25 - February 05, 2011, 05:22 PM

    But its not just Islamist ideology, its Islam as a practised religion. I think the press release should state explicitly what is at stake:

    Agreed. Although there's a line on the prioritisation of individual rights/freedom in the penultimate paragraph of my last edit, so maybe merge these somehow and replace "invite them to engage further with ex-Muslims, who often suffer first-hand as a consequence of Islamist ideology." with "invite them to engage further with ex-Muslims, who commonly experience marginalisation and stigmatisation..." or the like.

    Have a good evening all.
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #26 - February 05, 2011, 05:22 PM

    Okay sounds good, happy merging and things. I think it is important to mention the plight of ex-muslims too, didn't know how to phrase that.

    Good luck HighOctane

    Thanks for all the help guys
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #27 - February 05, 2011, 05:27 PM reads leverages to me because we refer to 'religious identity-politics' acting upon 'state multiculturalism' - one thing would leverage - religious identity politics is manifold in its forms and they leverage together ie: leverages.

    I think it should be leverages too.
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #28 - February 05, 2011, 05:40 PM

    Drafted an update. Not sure about the last sentence because as much as I really like it, it is repetitive (in bold). Will resolve this tomorrow.


    The CEMB commends Prime Minister David Cameron for his speech identifying the need for liberal values, including freedom of conscience and freedom of speech, to be central to any discussion about Britain's future as a tolerant and pluralistic society.

    We agree with the Prime Minister that policies of selecting and funding Islamic activists and organisations who perpetuate a narrative in accord with that of extremists, and who often are themselves advocates for Islamist ideology, is a disastrous and divisive policy.

    We believe that religious identity-politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist means has been catastrophic for the Muslim community and for the wider society leading to an atmosphere of mistrust and a lack of cohesion.

    We applaud the Prime Minister for his stance on this issue and urge him to further consider what the government can do to promote individual rights as opposed to the privileging the rights of groups in a post-ideological-multicultural British society.

    The Prime Minister’s call for the rejection of state multiculturalism, which results in the division of communities, is in accordance to the aims of the "One Law for All campaign" campaign.

    Finally, we request government to listen to a wide a range of individuals when formulating policies relating to integration and social cohesion. Included should be the voices of ex Muslims, who have experienced the marginalisation and coercive difficulties caused by privileging collective rights of religious groups and religious sentiment over the freedom of individual conscience that is the inalienable right of every British citizen.
  • Re: David Cameron Multiculturalism speech Press Release CEMB
     Reply #29 - February 05, 2011, 05:44 PM

    ... by protecting religious groups and sentiment over the freedom of rights ...
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