We the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain strongly support the speech given by David Cameron on the grounds that for a long time we have felt that Extremist groups have been given protection from the State and even have been supported by the state through funding of institutions and the like. We feel like this has aided segregation in British societies with Communities living parallel lives from each other. We hope therefore to see in the future a review of the Arbitration laws along with the above actions proposed to prevent Sharia law from operating in this country. This on the grounds that it leaves those who cannot speak good English and are not informed of British law, vulnerable to coercion from their communities into using such services which we feel may harm the rights of women to freedom.
How about this:
The CEMB commends Prime Minister David Cameron for his speech identifying the need for liberal values including freedom of conscience and freedom of speech to be central to any discussion about Britain's future as a tolerant and pluralist society.
We agree with him that a policy of anointing activists and organisations from within the Muslim community to receive state funding who perpetuate a narrative in accord with extremists and who are themselves advocates for Islamism is a disastrous and divisive policy.
We believe that religious identity-politics that leverages state multiculturalism for its own selfish and separatist inclined agenda has been catastrophic for the Muslim community and for the sense of trust and cohesion between individuals in our society.
We applaud the Prime Minister for his stance on this issue and urge him to consider further what the government can do to promote individual rights as opposed to the priveliging of group rights in a post-ideological-multicultural British society, and to take on board reccomendations from the 'One Law For All' campaign as part of this process.
We also urge David Cameron to listen to as wide a range of opinions when formulating government policy on issues pertaining to integration and social cohesion, including the voices of ex Muslims.