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 Topic: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)

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  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #90 - March 12, 2011, 02:31 PM

    Great comfort for an animal that has spent its short life in cramped unhygenic concentration camp conditions its fate sealed from the moment it was born with no chance to flee from or defend itself or its offspring against those intent on killing and eating them:

    I don't approve of the gratuitous killing of animals but at least the masai take on lions with hand weapons at serious risk to their own lives - unlike moronic gun freak "hunters" who kill at a distance and are responsible for driving large parts of the world's wild fauna to the verge of exinction and beyond.

    An individual animal does not matter in macro biological terms.. They profited as a SPECIES from the domestication, since they would not number billions today and would not be able to colonize all the continents where humans went.. Their sucsess as a species in whole is payed by male individuals who are slaughtered for the meat we need...

    Do i support "industrial farms?" .. no i don't...  Where i come from there are no industrial farms (animal factories) anyway, except for chicken... So all the cattle sheep and goats are pretty much free-range and live a normal life...

    If cows "dieing" is a justification to eat them then logically it is a justification to NOT eat them. Perhaps you mean that if we stopped eating meat domesticated cow varieties would DIE OUT. Did you?

    They would die out as a species... Cow numbers would dwindle... chickens would probably vanish, since even stray cats and dogs would eliminate all of them (forget foxes and other wild predators)....

    In the end of the day, i will not stop eating a food that gave birth to the Homo Sapiens as a species.... You can stop, i don't care but please do not come and tell me how disgusting it is or how sad the little piggy moma is that i am eating the little piglet...

    You guys have no clue what is it like being that poor where meat is a luxury item, you have never experienced war and scarcity of food... Vegies are spoiled kids with money that they can waste on tons of fruit and vegetables which are way less nutritious (per same amount of weight) than meat is, and then brag about it...

    If shit ever happens in your parts of the world,you will see how all of you will change the attitudes so much so, that you will yourself brake the neck of a little sweet furry bunny or chicken....

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #91 - March 12, 2011, 02:41 PM


    Okay, let me put my case in the form of a question: Do you think fighting Hitler was a justified war? If so, then you accept that killing civilians in the service of putting down fascism was justified. If not, then your position condemns immeasurably more innocents to death at the hands of Nazi Germany. My statement was provocative but it's just another form of saying that technological warfare is inseparable from collateral damage.

    Ends justify the means... depends where you put the finishing line I guess. I will sit on the fence for the moment. I'm not sure that in the longer run there isn't a case to be made for taking a position of never attempting to justify taking innocent life.

    On the question of how best to fortify yourself against the temptations of Big Mac, I suggest you read Peter Singer's Animal Liberation which is jolly good fun. I don't advise watching emotive videos because for one thing I've never watched a single pro-vegetarian video in my life, and for another because I don't approve of shock tactics. There is something intellectually shoddy about them even when I fundamentally agree. It is the province of the anti-abortion crowd whose modus operandi is to shove gruesome pictures of dead babies in one's face.

    One must guard against emotive appeals of any kind. If images of suffering people was enough to clinch an argument then I would oppose all military entanglements however supremely justified, the death penalty and abortion. Shock tactics are not designed to inform but to upset. That's not to say that there are not good documentaries that bear watching, but they should not replace the effort required for reading, for actively seeking out arguments against one's position. I never cease to marvel at how many times I encounter people who've never considered the other side of the case. This makes life easy for me because I can anticipate their arguments, but it's highly amusing. Yeah, read Animal Liberation and search out the videos of Peter Singer.

    Will do, thanks.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #92 - March 12, 2011, 02:57 PM

    How is it that on THIS site people are still using appeals to nature to derive their morality  wacko

    An individual animal does not matter in macro biological terms.. They profited as a SPECIES from the domestication, since they would not number billions today and would not be able to colonize all the continents where humans went.. Their sucsess as a species in whole is payed by male individuals who are slaughtered for the meat we need...

    What does it matter to the individual how many other cows there are in the world? It's a concious being, not a bacterium. From the 'point of view' (for want of a better phrase) of the cow's genes, domestication might be advantageous, but that is scant consolation for the concious beings themselves.

    The whole 'good of the species' thing is based on ideas of group selection, which passed its sell-by date as a scientific theory several decades ago.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #93 - March 12, 2011, 03:05 PM

    To be fair, Muddy did open with "we are not evolved to eat meat" or something like that.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #94 - March 12, 2011, 03:18 PM

    @muddy: that was an assumption as most vegetarians don't eat meat, but do eat fish.
    Are you a vegan then?

    Just checked the terminology. Vegans don't even drink milk, neither do they eat eggs.. So no, I am not that..
    Milk is totally cool thing, so are unfertilized eggs. They do not have life. Ovo-lacto-vegetarian would be the right subcategory, but I think just vegetarian should mean that, because thats what most vegetarians are, and that totally make sense.

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
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    and many others...
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #95 - March 12, 2011, 03:24 PM

    Vegies are spoiled kids with money that they can waste on tons of fruit and vegetables which are way less nutritious (per same amount of weight) than meat is, and then brag about it...

    Did you just play a victim card? Just to support taking the lives of animals so that you can consume meat in every single meal? I am pretty sure if you are chicken-only eater, you will easily consume one hen per week at the very least. Do it 52 weeks a year, times your age when you die, lets say 70.. Which means you took lives of 3640 hens just to survive your one life.

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #96 - March 12, 2011, 03:30 PM

    NEWSFLASH: Fish are not vegatables.

    Back to Captain Obvious in the studio.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #97 - March 12, 2011, 03:31 PM

    cows are not self-conscious beings, therefore they have no individuality.
    How is it that on THIS site people are still using appeals to nature to derive their morality  wacko

    What does it matter to the individual how many other cows there are in the world? It's a concious being, not a bacterium. From the 'point of view' (for want of a better phrase) of the cow's genes, domestication might be advantageous, but that is scant consolation for the concious beings themselves.

    The whole 'good of the species' thing is based on ideas of group selection, which passed its sell-by date as a scientific theory several decades ago.

    cows are not self-conscious beings, therefore they have no individuality. The cows destined to be slaughtered lived and passed their genes because humans domesticated them a few thousand years back...  They owe their individual existence and their success as a species to our interest for their Meat,Milk and Hides..

    In a global perspective it is a win win situation for both species no matter that some "individuals" have to pay for the win win situation...

    So let me ask u a question... You have been fleeing for 3 days in mountains and had nothing to eat... a bunny somehow gets near you... would you snap it and kill it, or do you continue not eating, hoping that soon you will find some eatable plants?

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #98 - March 12, 2011, 03:48 PM

    How is it that on THIS site people are still using appeals to nature to derive their morality  wacko

    What does it matter to the individual how many other cows there are in the world? It's a concious being, not a bacterium. From the 'point of view' (for want of a better phrase) of the cow's genes, domestication might be advantageous, but that is scant consolation for the concious beings themselves.

    The whole 'good of the species' thing is based on ideas of group selection, which passed its sell-by date as a scientific theory several decades ago.

    Sometimes I wonder if causing the extinction of a species without hurting any individual of such species can be considered good, since you will prevent the living and suffering of more individuals ^_^

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #99 - March 12, 2011, 03:49 PM

    Did you just play a victim card? Just to support taking the lives of animals so that you can consume meat in every single meal? I am pretty sure if you are chicken-only eater, you will easily consume one hen per week at the very least. Do it 52 weeks a year, times your age when you die, lets say 70.. Which means you took lives of 3640 hens just to survive your one life.

    well thank evolution that hens give birth to 5-6 chicks a time and don't have to wait 9 months for each time they reproduce...

     now to answer your question, did i use the victim card? No... But my life experience is such that each time i hear vegies bragging about their nature friendly life, and how the rest of the people are genocidal killers , i get angry.... I get angry because i know that you guys have never really experienced extreme situations where survival instincts are the most important thing you have.... But yet, you have a face to come in front of me and judge me for enjoying a meal that humans have enjoyed even prior to being fully humans...  

    Anyway Muddy, are you aware that plows used for farming kill a couple of houndred mice ?? How do you live when you eat bread knowing that a few mice had to spill their blood for 1 kilo of Bread?

    here is a nice educational video made by an anti vegan guy, mathematically proving that 1 kilo of bread brings more death than 1 kilo of deer (or cow in this case).

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #100 - March 12, 2011, 03:54 PM

    cows are not self-conscious beings, therefore they have no individuality.

    I assume you mean that cows aren't self aware, in which case we don't know that (nor do I think it's particularly important, they can still feel pain). As far as I'm aware the only such method of determining self-awareness in an animal is the 'mirror test', which isn't at all useful for drawing conclusions from negative results.

    cows are not self-conscious beings, therefore they have no individuality. The cows destined to be slaughtered lived and passed their genes because humans domesticated them a few thousand years back...  They owe their individual existence and their success as a species to our interest for their Meat,Milk and Hides..

    Again this 'success as species'. What does that mean or matter?

    'Owe their individual existence' is, again, a nonsensical argument. You could raise a kid for the sole purpose of using them as a sex worker. They would owe their existence to that. It doesn't justify the act.

    In a global perspective it is a win win situation for both species no matter that some "individuals" have to pay for the win win situation...

    Categorising animals into 'species' is a human invention. What does it matter whether it 'wins'?

    So let me ask u a question... You have been fleeing for 3 days in mountains and had nothing to eat... a bunny somehow gets near you... would you snap it and kill it, or do you continue not eating, hoping that soon you will find some eatable plants?


    I don't know what I would do in that situation.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #101 - March 12, 2011, 03:55 PM

    You guys have no clue what is it like being that poor where meat is a luxury item, you have never experienced war and scarcity of food... Vegies are spoiled kids with money that they can waste on tons of fruit and vegetables which are way less nutritious (per same amount of weight) than meat is, and then brag about it...

    Yes because hundreds of millions of Indians are spoilt rich kids who want to exercise their bragging rights.

    Against the ruin of the world, there
    is only one defense: the creative act.

    -- Kenneth Rexroth
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #102 - March 12, 2011, 03:59 PM

    hundreds of millions of indians do not eat meat because of their RELIGIOUS INDOCTRINATION... If they would eat any sort of meat, it would be the same as if a muslim eats PORK!!! This is not a valid argument in this case....

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #103 - March 12, 2011, 04:10 PM

    Categorising animals into 'species' is a human invention. What does it matter whether it 'wins'?

    well then we should not even care if it loses shouldn't we, since the species categorisation is a human invention??

    The success of GENES multiplying and passing on their information from one generation to the other, is the only non religious, biological meaning of life... How can you pretend that it doesn't matter if a population has 2 billion individuals or 100?? from the most simple virus till the most complex life forms, all are driven by the same need, to reproduce...

    So yes prince, inflating their numbers is a win situation for their genes compared to a lot of animals that went extinct....

    I will not be so evil to wish upon you a real life situation where a bunny is the only "get out of the jail" card you have, but i think this hypothetical situation that is and was experienced by millions of fellow human beings makes you think a little bit more realistic...

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #104 - March 12, 2011, 04:15 PM

    Sometimes I wonder if causing the extinction of a species without hurting any individual of such species can be considered good, since you will prevent the living and suffering of more individuals ^_^

    It might not even have to come to that. Chickens get along perfectly well in the wild.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #105 - March 12, 2011, 04:23 PM

    hundreds of millions of indians do not eat meat because of their RELIGIOUS INDOCTRINATION... If they would eat any sort of meat, it would be the same as if a muslim eats PORK!!! This is not a valid argument in this case....

    Of course it's valid because it doesn't matter why they are vegetarian.  You made the ranting butthurt generalisation that "vegies are spoiled kids with money that they can waste on tons of fruit and vegetables" and that they "have no clue what is it like being that poor ".

    A significant amount of Indians, who happen to comprise the world majority of vegetarians, are neither rich nor lacking in experience of being poor.  I don't believe that they are dying out due to lack of that magical flesh that you seem to think is such a necessity.

    Against the ruin of the world, there
    is only one defense: the creative act.

    -- Kenneth Rexroth
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #106 - March 12, 2011, 04:29 PM

    well then we should not even care if it loses shouldn't we, since the species categorisation is a human invention??

    We should if the extinction of a group of animals is due to humans.

    The success of GENES multiplying and passing on their information from one generation to the other, is the only non religious, biological meaning of life... How can you pretend that it doesn't matter if a population has 2 billion individuals or 100?? from the most simple virus till the most complex life forms, all are driven by the same need, to reproduce...

    All I can say to that is, so what? If I derived my morals from what I might consider is best for my genes, I'd never use a condom. I make a distinction between concious humanity and the human genome.

    So yes prince, inflating their numbers is a win situation for their genes compared to a lot of animals that went extinct....

    These species/subspecies exist only because of artificial selection and domestication in the first place. A lot of them suffer problems throughout their lives because of it. Much like some dogs that are bred for aesthetic purposes with no regard for the ill-effects on their health.

    I will not be so evil to wish upon you a real life situation where a bunny is the only "get out of the jail" card you have, but i think this hypothetical situation that is and was experienced by millions of fellow human beings makes you think a little bit more realistic...

    I don't think it affects my viewpoint either way tbh.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #107 - March 12, 2011, 04:33 PM

    Of course it's valid because it doesn't matter why they are vegetarian.  You made the ranting butthurt generalisation that "vegies are spoiled kids with money that they can waste on tons of fruit and vegetables" and that they "have no clue what is it like being that poor ".

    A significant amount of Indians, who happen to comprise the world majority of vegetarians, are neither rich nor lacking in experience of being poor.  

    They do not know better because of their RELIGIOUS INDOCTRINATION! I do not know how to put it better for you...  The mechanisms used to make them vegetarians are the same mechanisms that every religion uses, punishment in the afterlife... Punishment in the afterlife pushes people do stupid things like sleeping hungry, because the fat ass high priest said that eating meat is bad....

    I don't believe that they are dying out due to lack of that magical flesh that you seem to think is such a necessity.

    Tell that to the people of this world that live on non-arable parts of the world..

    p.s. arx would you eat seal meat if innuits rescued you 5 days after a plane crash in alaska?

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #108 - March 12, 2011, 04:52 PM

    All I can say to that is, so what? If I derived my morals from what I might consider is best for my genes, I'd never use a condom. I make a distinction between concious humanity and the human genome.

    LOL... Most of the animals act only based on their instincts my friend, they are not capable to think like you and me... Their life revolves around procreation... that is the only task they have in their lives... even that task is not from their own consciousness but rather from very basic instincts that do not differ from the most primitive life-form in earth, viruses (who are not even real life-forms)....

    Me and you can overcome our animal instincts because our ancestors started eating meat which lead to higher brainpower over generations, which enabled us as a whole to start think, be innovative and partially control our instincts...

    These species/subspecies exist only because of artificial selection and domestication in the first place. A lot of them suffer problems throughout their lives because of it. Much like some dogs that are bred for aesthetic purposes with no regard for the ill-effects on their health.

    Eventhough artificial selection changed the domestic animals, their genome is still basically the same from that of their ancestors... Those genes live in the modern cows and flourish... 

    Why would you assume that i support chiwawas or other animals bred for"aesthetic reasons"? There is a major difference between animals bred for FOOD and those to fulfill sick beauty ideals of humans.
    I don't think it affects my viewpoint either way tbh.

    but still i bet you would slice the bunny in order to survive Smiley....

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #109 - March 12, 2011, 05:02 PM

    LOL... Most of the animals act only based on their instincts my friend, they are not capable to think like you and me...

    Chickens and cows and pigs act on more than instinct.

    Eventhough artificial selection changed the domestic animals, their genome is still basically the same from that of their ancestors... Those genes live in the modern cows and flourish...  

    Yes, and again, so what?

    Why would you assume that i support chiwawas or other animals bred for"aesthetic reasons"? There is a major difference between animals bred for FOOD and those to fulfill sick beauty ideals of humans.

    I was just giving a comparison. A lot of domestic farm animals go through similar problems in life, because their bodies are just... deformed.

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #110 - March 12, 2011, 05:02 PM

    BTW I had 4 chicken legs today, without giving a second's thought to it...  wacko
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #111 - March 12, 2011, 05:09 PM


    Hey hot pants. Long time no see. Have you been hiding from me? I missed your nekkid body. Some bold claims you’ve advanced here. The crux of it seems to be that an omnivorous diet is natural so what’s the problem, a fallacy that’s already been dismantled sentence by sentence. Pedophilia is a naturally occurring impulse too and so is rape. How many kids have you mounted like a bison?   I will report you. That a thing is natural does not mean it is moral. That fallacy out of the way, let us pick apart your statements in any event ‘cause I found them quite, quite fascinating. Grab hold of the bar-railing and steady yourself.
    Why would someone not eat meat? We can't process raw unprocessed (at least beaten) meat, but Humans and human ancestors have used Fire for milions of years. We became homo sapiens because our hominid ancestors started using fire and hand axes be4 a long long time ago

    The discovery of fire was not instrumental in human evolution. The driving factor was genetic mutations. And when the manipulation of fire was mastered by homo erectus, it was not for culinary ends but for warmth and light for anti-predator defence. Throwing the family dinner into the fire would have landed a guy into no small trouble with Uncle Bigfoot. Like all other carnivores Neolithic men devoured meat in the raw for eons and eons. Fire did not start his carnivorous diet. Sinking your teeth into raw animal flesh that you've captured in a wild hunt is natural. Cooking a slab of polythene wrapped lamb plucked from the supermarket shelf with your government issued  food stamp not so much. And tool making has no bearing on meat consumption. Other animals make tools for quite innocuous ends.

    “Domestic animals profit from us as much as we do from them... We keep their numbers inflated (secure their existence as beings) while we get food from them...  If we stopped eating meat altogether, millions of cows would die, billions of chickens would die from starvation or other predators.”

    You’re confounding population with existence. Animals do not have to be artificially inseminated to maintain population levels. They manage that perfectly in the wild. It’s called the promptings of the flesh. Or in simple layman terms mounting like a bison. Artificial insemination is a profit driven motive designed to yield more livestock for slaughter. It’s analogous to conquering a race of men for rapacious ends, caging them ten to a box, impregnating their women because the confinement has robbed them of the opportunity to naturally mate and claiming how wonderful it is that you have doubled their numbers before their state of captivity. A not too dissimilar thing happened not too long ago: Slavery.

    The precise rationale used to maintain black exploitation is deployed to justify animal exploitation: They are not like us so we can treat them as personal property. Species-ism like racism and sexism is the notion that a class of beings are not entitled to any consideration because they are not biologicaly similar to our own. Vegetarianism does for animals what the suffragettes did for women and the civil rights movement did for blacks, namely extend the narrow circle of moral consideration to a group formerly excluded. If there is a difference between racism and speciesism, do let me know 'cause I'm just a country boy and a little slow.

    On the other hand what about tribes who inhabit the northern most parts of our world, whose existence is based on animals (homes, clothes, fire, meat, alcohol, milk etc etc)?”

    No tribe is sustained only by a diet of meat or alcohol because it is not terribly nutritious. The staple diet of all human communities is to a great extent plant based. Vegetarians do not object to using wool or milk. They object to the infliction of suffering for no more pressing reason than because it’s sooo tasty.

    But this evades what I think you are driving at, namely are there circumstances in which killing for meat is right? In desperate times of extremis the objection to killing vanishes. But in desperate circumstances even cannibalism is defensible. The dead can be justifiably eaten when there is no other source of food. But modern man can meet his nutritional needs quite sufficiently without recourse to mass animal slaughter.

    You guys have no clue what is it like being that poor where meat is a luxury item, you have never experienced war and scarcity of food.

    Come, come Bard my sweet. If you are genuinely concerned about scarcity you might realise that the meat industry is a wasteful method of feeding the poor. Oceans of water and grain are fed to livestock that could be more profitably directed to the starving poor.  The meat industry puts the welfare of animals before human beings just to make a buck.

    In the end of the day, i will not stop eating a food that gave birth to the Homo Sapiens as a species.... You can stop, i don't care but please do not come and tell me how disgusting it is or how sad the little piggy moma is that i am eating the little piglet

    Steady Bard, nobody wants to wrench away your greasy burger with the ketchup running out of it. Stuff that pie hole till you croak my sugarplum. I will you buy another one if it makes you happy. But only if I can fondle you tonight. The point is that if you wanna say that you dine on the flesh of animals because you it’s vewy vewy tasty. That’s fine. Can’t argue with personal taste. But don’t cloth your selfishness in intellectual garb. If self-interest is the order of the day however, it does rather mean that if you raise any objection to pedophilia or rape or aggression or sexism or racism or social hierarchy, that is to say if you get involved at all in the sphere of politics, you cannot expect us to take your moral outrage seriously. Social Darwinism is a very fine thing so long as its consistent. Quit being such an emo brother, it’s all natural.

    I look forward to your response.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #112 - March 12, 2011, 05:10 PM

    Tell that to the people of this world that live on non-arable parts of the world..

    Except I'm not telling that to such peoples.  I'm giving you facts about the majority of vegetarians who contradict your ridiculous generalisations, whether they abstain from meat for reasons that are religious, economic, humane or just a matter of taste.

    p.s. arx would you eat seal meat if innuits rescued you 5 days after a plane crash in alaska?

    Forget the Inuit, if I went five days without any nutrition in sight except for a seal - hell, let's make it a cute baby seal to further your dramatic 'what if' scenarios - I'd kill it myself.

    Fortunately, most of us here (and many around the world) aren't prone to such hypothetical scenarios or anything remotely like it and have the option to live on a vegetarian diet without risk to our health or wealth. In fact, one could argue that, when done right, it could benefit these two factors, as it does in my case.

    However, I'm not here to preach vegetarianism because I simply haven't bothered to delve into statistics and thorough nutritional information that is usually demanded by hypersceptical pro-meat-eating debaters whose arguments almost always boil down to "Because I like the taste of meat".

    Against the ruin of the world, there
    is only one defense: the creative act.

    -- Kenneth Rexroth
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #113 - March 12, 2011, 05:27 PM

    Pigs are delicious, to be fair.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #114 - March 12, 2011, 05:30 PM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #115 - March 12, 2011, 05:53 PM

    However, I'm not here to preach vegetarianism because I simply haven't bothered to delve into statistics and thorough nutritional information that is usually demanded by hypersceptical pro-meat-eating debaters whose arguments almost always boil down to "Because I like the taste of meat".

    If what you seek is a good repository of information about the meat industry look between the covers of Animal Liberation by Singer. When the leading moral philosopher since Russell tackles a subject you can be sure that he won't cut any corners if only to avoid the scorn of a multitide of book reviewers bearing poison tipped pens. In it he traces the history of the vegetarian creed back to its genesis in Western philosophy and Eastern mysticism, dynamites all the common objections to a plant based diet and makes the case that the meat industry is not only harmful to animals but exacerbates world hunger and is corrosive to the planet. Most anti-meat polemics are tedious in the extreme, but Singer knows how to turn a shapely phrase.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #116 - March 12, 2011, 06:09 PM

    What Bardhi said (pretty much all of it).

    fuck you
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #117 - March 12, 2011, 06:19 PM

    Pedophilia is a naturally occurring impulse too and so is rape. How many kids have you mounted like a bison?   I will report you. That a thing is natural does not mean it is moral. That fallacy out of the way, let us pick apart your statements in any event ‘cause I found them quite, quite fascinating. Grab hold of the bar-railing and steady yourself.

    Pedophilia and rape urges are not the NORM in any human society. They are deviations, and are treated as deviant behaviour. It goes against instincts to harm children or rape women... While Omnivour diet is as natural as bipedalism amongst humans ...

    Sinking your teeth into raw animal flesh that you've captured in a wild hunt is natural.

    You are quite wrong here my friend... Tools allowed us to enjoy the high protein food... Homo ergaster used stones to brake the bones of the leftovers of the lion food and eat the jucy liquids inside the bone... And later other hominids who started to actually hunt, needed all sorts of tools in order to cut the meat and make it easier for them to eat...  Cooked meet is a part of our diet from the prior to the homo sapiens my dear friend, since it is the only way we can process it in our lame ass stomach.

    If there is a difference between racism and speciesism, do let me know 'cause I'm just a country boy and a little slow.

    are you for real?

    No tribe is sustained only by a diet of meat or alcohol because it is not terribly nutritious. The staple diet of all human communities is to a great extent plant based. Vegetarians do not object to using wool or milk. They object to the infliction of suffering for no more pressing reason than because it’s sooo tasty.

    Mount what is the main diet if not meat of people living in siberia, deserts, arid locations, steppes,  high mountains or non arable hills?

    Come, come Bard my sweet. If you are genuinely concerned about scarcity you might realise that the meat industry is a wasteful method of feeding the poor. Oceans of water and grain are fed to livestock that could be more profitably directed to the starving poor.  The meat industry puts the welfare of animals before human beings just to make a buck.

    What you describe here my Türkish friend is methods used by factory farms that appeared only in the 20-th century...  Domesticated Animals traditionally processed the vegetation of un-arable lands (pastures, steppes, bushes in rocky areas) and gave humans a menace to live, in a normally hostile environment... If it were not up the noble goats and sheep of the Albanian Highlands where almost nothing grows, I would have surely been as Türkeli as you today, since my forefathers could have not seeked refuge up there from the invading ottomans....

    The American meat industry is surely fucked up, and wastes grains and corns on animals that do not normally eat them, but normal farmers that own 2-3-5-10-20 cows do not do that since they have pastures that are perfect for the cow, cost nothing to maintain and thus the cow or sheep or goat transformes the normally non-accessible grass of hills,mountains,steppes etc into valuable calories......
    The point is that if you wanna say that you dine on the flesh of animals because you it’s vewy vewy tasty. That’s fine. Can’t argue with personal taste. But don’t cloth your selfishness in intellectual garb. If self-interest is the order of the day however, it does rather mean that if you raise any objection to pedophilia or rape or aggression or sexism or racism or social hierarchy, that is to say if you get involved at all in the sphere of politics, you cannot expect us to take your moral outrage seriously. Social Darwinism is a very fine thing so long as its consistent. Quit being such an emo brother, it’s all natural.

    Yes I like meat as much as i like bread.. This has nothing to do with selfishness, or maybe it does but in the end it is all about selfishness.. Even you, patting yourself for not eating meat, do it because "you feel better" than the rest for choosing a different lifestyle, a lifestyle that is not the norm.....  

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #118 - March 12, 2011, 06:54 PM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #119 - March 12, 2011, 07:19 PM

    What Bardhi said (pretty much all of it).

    Which part of Bard's argument strikes you as sensible and which not? I'm just a country boy. Help me.
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