Hamza Tortoise writes about that book of Stephen Hawking "The Grand Design" and talks about
Stephen Hawking Delusion without thinking about his own ISLAMIC DELUSION and his head under the Arabian sand ,, let me put bit of excerpts from it..
In the Professor’s new book, an extract of which appeared in the Times newspaper, it states that
“Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing…spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.”
The Professor continues
“It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going.”From these excerpts alone it seems to me that the Professor is claiming that things can pop into being and that the universe spontaneously emerged from nothing. The Professor makes these conclusions as he seems to be holding an indeterministic view of physics. This means that he believes that there are many sub-atomic events that do not correspond with causality, because some physicists claim that sub-atomic particles behave unpredictably and spontaneously in the quantum vacuum all without any perceived cause!
This high school dropout who spent most of his time in gym talks about Quantum Vacuum, Quantum Physics, Quantum particles, Quantum nonsense with his Viral Islamic brain without knowing high school physics.
However there are two main problems with this view:
1. The quantum vacuum is not nothing, so the claim that the universe came from nothing, because of the observations made at the quantum level, is misleading. The vacuum is actually something; it is a sea of fluctuating energy with a rich structure and obeys the laws of the universe. This is why many physicists are adopting a deterministic view of the observations made at the quantum level, for instance the David Bohm interpretation being one of them.
Stop pasting some one's work as if you own Islamic brain putting that out in to public. yes Allah is sitting in that quantum vacuum nothing in a sea of fluctuating energy with a rich structure guiding Prophet of Islam to get that gibberish Quran out of his mouth through Jibrīl
Go to high school hamzatzortzis