Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
Reply #296 - September 08, 2011, 04:03 PM
I'd rather be neutral but since this poll forced me to pick a side I'd say this side.
I'm going to play devil's advocate here and explain things from another point of view, which this debate lacks, for fairness sake. Feel free to disagree, just putting it out there.
From my Jewish friend's perspective and he says this.
- Isreali citizens both Muslim and Jewish alike enjoy the same rights (in regards to education, religious rights among other things), a Palestinian state will never honor those rights for non-Muslims and will only promote and encourage more violence and fighting just like other Muslim majority countries. He says the state of Israel is promoting and honoring human rights, security and freedom in a part of the world which does not, so overall they have a better influence in the long run for the area.
- He says Arabs have all this land in the Middle East and the Jewish people have nothing, despite being from some of those areas originally and having a rooted history in many of those areas.
- He says the people of Israel turned the land of Israel into a beautiful live able place out of an ugly desert wasteland. He said when the Palestinians allowed the Jews to live there, they didn't even want the land to begin with because it was a dry desert wasteland. Now that Israel has developed it into beautiful homes, clean drinking water, paved roads etc. The Palestinians want to take it back. He even goes so far as to say that it is jealousy, because many Arab countries do not develop their countries like Israel has, but instead continuously destroy homes and buildings because of internal fighting.
And yes I was one of the dicks who voted for Israel because there no neutral optional, which I'd prefer because I listen to you guys side of the story AND and I have Jewish friends too. However, I support Israel a tiny bit more because they honor human rights for both Muslims and Jews. I fear a Palestinian state will promote more violence, which will effect and destroy lives for both their citizens and Israelis alike. Also will not have the security and discipline to protect its own citizens against terrorism and extremist attacks as a result of opposing ideologies.
HOWEVER to be fair, Isreali soldiers do take extreme measures, without any regards to civilian life. They don't care if a person who attacks Israel has a family they will destroy everything in their path. Especially what happened with Lebanon, that was complete and utter bullshit, and Israel should have been punished for it. The have little or no remorse for the children they kill, that is not right. However that is more to be blamed on the government military and idiot politicians who are completely out of touch with how they are hurting the Palestinian people, especially Gaza.
Israel has done horrible things, horrible horrible horrible things and they are incredibly selfish. BUT if you live in Israel, you'd have more opportunities than you would in many Arab countries. Women's rights, education which promotes, science and technology instead of religious ideology, the authorities will protect you as a law abiding citizen, no blasphemy laws or lashings for dressing in a certain way. It's a progressive society, which is desperately needed in that part of the world.
***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***