Still avoiding to answer very important questions? Why I'm not surprised by this...
I don't have access now to laptop, but later, I will give you some YouTube links about what Palestinians will accept or not.
So you want to start with Israelis coming back to 67 borders. Israeli getting something from this? After doing this what else Israel should give for peace? Any more land?
WTF? How is my question about Hamas irrelevant when they claim territories inside Israel?
My solution is in this thread. You can go back and read. And I've been criticized for it by many, rightly and wrongly, but at least I gave one.
YouTube links, my favourite

Hopefully these links will cite reliable sources and not just be videos of people saying ugly things because there is plenty of that on both sides

What are these importan questions that I'm avoiding? If anything, you avoided my question on why the dismantling of settlements in an area outside of Hamas control would not contribute to peace.
That land is not internationally recognised as Israel's, I would not call that "giving land" when it was not Israel's to give in the first place. Again this is a tactic I have often come across that Israel apologists use to excuse the illegal land expansion and displacement.
The only way this will settle is with a just two-state solution. Your objections based on the unsupported assumption that the Palestians would not accept it just goes to show who does not want peace.