I can't wait for the royal wedding.
If you're a Stark fan, I can't see how you would like Stannis. He basically killed Robb with the red woman's blood magic. And we know the magic is real because we saw Beric being brought back to life with it.
Roose Bolton killed Robb. Stannis had nothing to do with it. Besides, Robb should have bent the knee to the rightful king of Westeros, as his father did. He was a usurper, a good honourable one, but a usurper nonetheless.
I think I'd hate Stannis even if I weren't a Stark fan. His sense of entitlement annoys me. As if half the kings that rule are ever the rightful kings. As if his brother, Robert, was even the rightful heir to the throne -_-
"We must do our duty no...great or small we must do our duty"
Stannis is king by law. He see's it as his duty, not as a privilege. This is why he is best king. As for Robert's Rebellion, he says it was the hardest decision he ever made. However, his duty to his family outweighed his duty to the king.
Though admittedly, show Stannis is not as awesome as book Stannis. But this should change after this season and season 5 after he shows everyone why he is the Mannis.