Or at least I hope so anyway.

So anyway, I have come to conclusion that many of my health issues are directly related to food (am I Einstein or what? ) which in my case makes so much sense since I have had an eating disorder for as long as fombles could breathe.
My diet for years has consisted of coffee/tea (so sugar and dairy) and bread. Sometimes I venture out, mostly I stick to a hot drink for the instant sugar rush (2 sugars per cup, and many cups to be fair) and toast.
I used to only put marmite on my toast, but that I started having reactions to the marmite, so I have to use higher calorie spreads (which I hate to do) on my toast.
So basically i run on sugar, yeast, wheat, diary and air.
Even bacon which is the meat i eat most apparantly is converted to sugar in your system, so that will have to go for awhile.
Anyway I have come to the conclusion that this diet could even be connected to my depression, my lethargy, my hair loss, my weaker limbs etc. I am slowly falling apart you know

So, as of Tuesday I am going to try an elimination diet to change what i eat and remove my dependency on sugar as my source of energy.
One week I must detox for 7 days, and then for 3 months I will live on unprocessed foods, and the list is extensive on what i can;t eat. All fruits are off this diet too since they contain sugar, and my body craves sugar more than it craves food.
Detox diet is the most stressful part that i can see, I tried once and lasted for one drink, which made me puke straight off.
Detox drink
1 cup water
1 tsp psyllium husk powder
1 tsp bentonite clay
mix it all up and drink it, followed by a large glass of water
Vegetable broth
cayenne pepper
kale or chard
Boil them all in pure or distilled water, discard the veg, and drink the water left behind.
Liver flush drink
1 cup water
1 tbspn extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic
small chunk of ginger
blend it all up and drink it
I have to start the day with the first drink, followed by a few bowls of the left over water from boiling the veg, and drink some more of the first drink, etc etc (I have the time table printed) and then finally close the day with the last one.

I accidentally drank the last one as the morning drink and puked as I said, it was disgusting.
The vegetable water was not too bad, could have used a little salt but its not allowed on this part of the diet.
Anyway i need to do that for 7 days to kickstart my system again by clearing out what I think is candida of the gut. From there as I said I have a restrictive diet I must follow for 3 months.
I will post the foods I am allowed and not allowed afterwards.
Anyway I am only creating this thread as a way to hopefully motivate myself to stick at it. And of course if anyone else has any tips or advice, or experience on detox, healthy food changes etc, jump in too.
But I am so not looking forward to the 7 days from tuesday. Probably won't be around much since I will be struggling not to throw up so often.