I am racist, only against desis.
can you please tell me what a "desi" is? I guessing south asian, but why not
arabs, since they live in the desert/desi? LOL
I was born and raised in tokyo, (dad did that on purpose to deliberately keep us
as far away as possible from bigotry and xenophobia back in the states) until we
were young adults.
It was AWESOME growing up in an international environment, my school mates
were all from almost every country around the world. A bit of innocent paradise,
really, as we were too busy having fun with each other to worry about what ethnic
background one was from, or let poitics of their countries interfere with us just
being kids and hanging around.
Talk about culture shock moving to the USA at 17! I had visited the states off and
on, but by 16 had already travelled around the world.
Dad constantly told us, "Show respect to everyone no matter where they
are from or what they look like until they prove otherwise", and
"Live and let live"
He had a poster that hung behind his desk at his office that said,
"A child is not an adult to be molded, but an individual unfolded"
So based on that upbringing, while i struggled with various biases
and worked on sorting out how i really felt about people, I still took
them each on an individual basis, individual merit. Sure, Ive been
on the shit end of "racism", bigotry, prejudice, but my principles
are deeply engrained so I did not reciprocate.