I agree. Django Unchained gets my nomination for best movie of the year. I know that it has come under a lot of fire for the controversial subject matter, but I watch a movie first and for most for its ability to tell a compelling, fictional story.
Yeah, I'm struggling to care about the criticisms. I pay my money to be entertained, not lectured or moralised at. What did they honestly expect from a Tarantino movie? They are living in a fucking dreamworld if they expected a maudlin and sensitive meditation on slavery. Gimmie a shit-wrecking ex-slave bounty hunter carving a path of bloody vengeance.
Leonardo DiCaprio was not a racist plantation owner and no Negroes were eaten alive by dogs during the filming of the movie.
Oh my, Leonardo DiCaprio.
Y'know, I was sold already with just Waltz and Foxx, within minutes. I'd have been happy if the rest of the movie was just the relationship between their two characters and the interplay between two fantastic actors. I was so wrapped up in it that I'd forgotten DiCaprio was supposed to be in it. He stole the show. He's catapulted himself from one of my most loved living actors into my out and out fave living actor. Absolutely mesmerising performance.