The concept of paradise and hell is impossible. Imagine you've been a perfect Muslim and very luckily end up paradise when you die. However, even though the rest of your family (who you love dearly I presume) have been perfect citizens, they didn't have belief in God so unfortunately they end up spending an eternity being tortured in hell (they were only on the planet for a very, very, very, short space of time). To be punished for eternity is ridiculous proving Allah is NOT forgivable or merciful, its disgustingly evil. Would you still be in 'Paradise' knowing that they're being tortured for eternity? If that's not paradise to you then Allah has lied to you (or it doesn't exist). Again use probability on what's more realistic.
Also why would the most powerful entity in the Universe be bothered if you believed in it or not? Surely it would be more concerned that you lived a good life and showed qualities like humanity, morality, loyalty, ethics etc and did your best to treat people and animals how they deserve. There are NO casualties in not praying apart from Allah's feelings and I'm pretty sure if it did exist, it is big enough to look after itself (it wouldn't have feelings).
Allah judges non belief as a worse sin than murder but how evil and twisted is that when considering the following; Allah has showed absolutely NO evidence to its existence and has even went to the trouble of providing evidence after evidence after evidence to its non existence (basically punishing people for using their curiosity and intelligence which apparently it gave us). Allah has also shown the invalidity of the Quran. Everyone knows that there are a multitude of contradictions and scientific inaccuracies in the Quran which prove that it is NOT the exact word of Allah.
Some will say that some of the inaccuracies are because the Quran is being metaphorical and not literal or that it has been misinterpreted (usual ridiculous excuse). However the main description of how mankind was created (in its present form) through creationism is in complete contrast to evolution. Here's the bombshell though, evolution is NOT a 'theory' anymore, it's a 'FACT' (not just proved through fossil remains but through genetics etc) and Allah didn't just decide to miraculously create man, it took evolution and natural selection around 500 million years to achieve it.
Why would Allah create the Universe around 13.8 billion years ago then do nothing for 9.2 billion years? Even then it created the Earth around 4.5 billion years ago but waited almost 4 billion years to create the simplest of life in the sea (why wait so long to create it, maybe because it happened through the long process of evolution and natural selection, NOT God?). Then Allah waited around 500 million more years to gradually evolve an ape with intelligence that would very gradually become the present day homosapien (in complete contrast to the Quran).
Added to the fact that Allah chose the gender, age of death and whether that person would be good (go to paradise) or be bad ( go to hell for eternity) before that person was even born is just ridiculously and stupidly laughable (please take a moment and think about this rather than believing what you've been told).
Here's an example of how ridiculous this is, the Quran states that homosexuals should be given the death penalty (they will also spend eternity in hell), however it's been been scientifically proven that homosexuality is not a choice but it occurs in the womb and they're born to be naturally attracted to the same gender. So how evil is Allah to purposely make many people homosexual knowing that they will be put to death and spend an eternity in hell.
Please use your common sense and think rationally. The best feeling ever is when you find out that you're not a slave to Allah. You can actually have a positive influence on the World because you want to help people/animals because its the right thing to do because of your morals, not because of a fictional monster. Love is so much more powerful than what the Quran ever did.
It's shocking isn't it. We have little control over the two main factors that will influence us the most; our genes and our environment. Both of which God chooses for us and then punishes us for being a product of these two factors. I could have a genetic predestination to being gay and then I am punished for following the very desires that God created me with.
It seems that we're all one big social experiment. God decides to create individuals in particular areas which will determine their religion/sect. He then provides no evidence for his existence (and of each religion) and then expects the individuals to follow the right religion that he has chosen. The ones who do are rewarded and the ones who don't are punished.