This just in destroy mosques and shrines in Iraq
Baghdad (AFP) - Jihadists who overran Mosul last month have demolished ancient shrines and mosques in and around the historic northern Iraqi city, residents and social media posts said Saturday.
At least four shrines to Sunni Arab or Sufi figures have been demolished, while six Shiite mosques, or husseiniyahs, have also been destroyed, across militant-held parts of northern Nineveh province, of which Mosul is the capital.

Carlos Chuchwaletz 3 hours ago
I recall at the beginning of the Iraq invasion a decade ago, there was some slight damage damage to a few roof tiles of a mosque in Basra, blamed by Muslims on our troops, while fighting the Mehdi army in the nearby cemetery.
We fixed the damage. The whole Muslim world was enraged by this "desecration" of the holy site. Ready for jihad against all infidels, fatwas issued, explosive vests put on, violent clashes erupting - all around the world. Thousands were killed for this no-event by enraged Muslim mobs.
Nowadays, Islamists routinely completely destroy mosques, tombs of Islamic prophets, and countless priceless historical sites and artifacts. Yet, there is no outrage in the Muslim world at all... I guess, killing and destroying done by Islamists in name of Islam is OK...