Atheism discussion split from Will the True Islam Please Stand Up
Reply #38 - July 17, 2015, 11:31 PM
No problem. I hope you've managed to sort it out.
Really, I'm not arguing from tradition. Arguing from tradition is akin to saying that if X is tradition then X is correct by virtue of it being traditional. My belief is that traditional positions on atheism (the ones found outside of online apologetics) better encapsulate what atheism is about. This doesn't mean that alternative positions on atheism are useless, just less conducive to real discussion. One can hold to a traditional position for reasons independent of historical convention. Ergo, arguing for a traditional position doesn't entail that one is arguing from tradition.
However, this is a pretty big discussion spanning topics from epistemology to etymology. I just can't commit to it at the moment as a lot of real-life things have come up that I need to sort out and I'll need to take a break from the forum. As a result, I have conceded the argument to bogart.
Anyways, this will really be my last post on the topic for the foreseeable future. Thanks for the willingness to take part in this discussion bogart.
My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.