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 Topic: Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves

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  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #210 - August 11, 2015, 12:27 AM

    Why is it so difficult for atheists to accept scientific evidence just because a believer uses it?  From what I have seen atheists love to use science when trying to discredit scripture but when science is used to support scripture they either go quiet, refuse to accept it, try to divert the discussion to philosophical arguments? Are you guys scared or something?

    ...well you should be scared.

    Where in science does it support your scripture?

    No scientist in the world now or in the future would claim that they know something 100%. You are using "scientists can't do this and that" to prove that Islamic God exist and Quran is divine?

    Nobody knows what happened before bigbang, and neither do you know what actually happens during all this or before.

    Scientists have theories, but they are not 100% right.

    Theists on the other hand, have no proof but they put the cart before the horse. No proof of their scripture divinity, but it is from god anyways...

    From the beginning, you put claim that you have never proven before, like your idea of God giving judgment to everyone. Where is the proof?

    Ted seriously please read more discussions about this, this kind of arguments have been done to death.

    You have been debating about science that have no relations to Gods existence in the first place.

    Whether or not humans are capable or not capable of creating life or planets have nothing to do with your scripture divinity.

    Pointless debate is pointless.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #211 - August 11, 2015, 01:29 AM

    Why are atheists so obsessed with subjective matters? If you don't like it then don't follow it. You are free to believe/not believe in God. You are free to behave as you please. If you believe in certain parts of a book and not other parts then go ahead and do it.

    Is it not better to discuss science which we can go out and test and verify and more decisively agree/disagree upon?

    C'mon atheists, relax. Stop obsessing. If you are trying to put doubts in my mind about God and the Quran then it's simply not going to work or happen. I know I may sound arrogant but I'm in a position where I may lose my faith but my belief in God is not going to change.

    I am discussing flaws in the Quran, as you asked. This is a flaw in logic. Do you believe that an all powerful being would pass on flawed logic to lesser beings, and logic that would cause suffering for centuries, at that? Logic is as relevant as science, when determining divinity.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #212 - August 11, 2015, 01:34 AM

    The problem is when do you draw the line of not knowing and knowing that it does not happen.

    You're forgetting that gravity is simply a phenomena that seems like a viable explanation for the formation of planets. However until you can do an experiment that you can set off a process where you can put together clumps of mass and observe them get bigger and bigger then it's still unproven. There is the possibility that upto a certain size nothing more happens regardless the size of the mass. It's wrong to assume that asteroids, planets and stars formed by the action of gravity. More experimentation needs to be done.

    This happens under beds that are placed on hardwood floors. Dust bunnies get bigger and bigger because dust falls from the bed onto the floor, adding to the existing dust and creating larger masses. You don't need a space station to figure this out.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #213 - August 11, 2015, 01:49 AM

    I agree it's an appalling crime. God does not defending, he clearly says that in the Quran. Many believers are not pleasing God they are pleasing their own desires. It is they who want to kill, mock, fight, feel themselves superior. It is not a command from God. They are simply showing the evil they have in their hearts and their ignorance. They find it difficult to use that strength to go and help the orphans, or fight those believers who are dealing drugs or oppressing others. They can only pick on those who can't defend themselves.

    Justice will be done in the end so there is absolutely nothing to worry about except for do the best you can with this precious life.

    Why do you deny the verses requiring believers to fight non-believers? Do you believe in the Divinity of Quran, because cherry picking says otherwise.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #214 - August 11, 2015, 01:51 AM

    Yes the quran is not a new message as it says so.

    The world has been created so we can find out what we are really like as individuals. What our desires are whether we will do good or evil. We do everything by the power of God nothing belongs to us.  It has all been given to us.

    Ah, the "God is a mad scientist and we are rats in a maze" theory. I like that one.
    Why would you worship a god as sick as that?

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #215 - August 11, 2015, 08:14 AM

    This happens under beds that are placed on hardwood floors. Dust bunnies get bigger and bigger because dust falls from the bed onto the floor, adding to the existing dust and creating larger masses. You don't need a space station to figure this out.

    It's not gravity that makes the dust bunnies get bigger and bigger. Read the research provided by dr sloth.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #216 - August 11, 2015, 08:27 AM

    Ted seriously please read more discussions about this, this kind of arguments have been done to death.

    You have been debating about science that have no relations to Gods existence in the first place.

    Whether or not humans are capable or not capable of creating life or planets have nothing to do with your scripture divinity.

    I did ask you to provide me the links to those debates/discussions. If you had actually understood them then you would be able to refute my points straight away. But you haven't since you don't understand the science I am referring to. You are just going by what the masses have been brainwashed to believe. You have not made one useful comment to this discussion and just one of those who likes to sit at the sidelines and make useless comments. Why don't you cite the scientific research like dr sloth did or galfromusa did. The scientific research they both cited supported my arguments.

    The Quran makes a claim that no one can create life. It claims that earth and the planets and the stars were made by God. Science says life is nothing more than naturally occurring chemistry it says stars and planets form from dust using through the phenomena of gravity. So let's see if we can use science to test some of it out.

    Like many others you have simply assumed that dust collects under the effects of gravity and over time it get's bigger and bigger. You've mislead to believe this. The science research proves this to be wrong.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #217 - August 11, 2015, 08:28 AM

    Why do you deny the verses requiring believers to fight non-believers? Do you believe in the Divinity of Quran, because cherry picking says otherwise.

    This is a tired old argument which has been proven to be wrong many many times. Please just google it.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #218 - August 11, 2015, 09:14 AM

    Why don't you cite the scientific research like dr sloth did or galfromusa did. The scientific research they both cited supported my arguments.

    You're either lying or mentally ill.

    There's a wonderful beat poem by Tim Minchin, I have inserted your name because it applies to you just as well as it does to Storm (titular character in the original):

    I'm becoming aware
    That I'm staring,
    I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped
    In the blinding headlights of vacuous crap.

    “Look, Ted, I don't mean to bore ya
    But there's no such thing as an aura!
    Reading Auras is like reading minds
    Or star-signs or tea-leaves or meridian lines
    These people aren't plying a skill,
    They are either lying or mentally ill.
    Same goes for people who claim to hear God's demands
    And Spiritual healers who think they have magic hands.

    Ted to his credit despite my derision
    Keeps firing off clichés with startling precision
    Like a sniper using bollocks for ammunition

    “"You're so sure of your position
    But you're just closed-minded.
    I think you'll find
    Your faith in Science and Tests
    Is just as blind
    As the faith of any fundamentalist”."

    “Hm that's a good point, let me think for a bit
    Oh wait, my mistake, it's absolute bullshit.
    Science adjusts its views based on what's observed
    Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved.

    You show me that it works and how it works
    And when I've recovered from the shock
    I will take a compass and carve "Fancy That" on the side of my cock.”

    Everyones just staring at me now,
    But I'm pretty pissed and I've dug this far down,
    So I figure, in for penny, in for a pound:

    “Life is full of mystery, yeah
    But there are answers out there
    And they won't be found
    By people sitting around
    Looking serious
    And saying isn't life mysterious?
    Let's sit here and hope
    Let's call up the fucking Pope
    Let's go watch Oprah
    Interview Deepak Chopra

    If you're going to watch tele, you should watch Scooby Doo.
    That show was so cool
    because every time there's a church with a ghoul
    Or a ghost in a school
    They looked beneath the mask and what was inside?
    AHH! fucking janitor or the dude who runs the waterslide.
    Because throughout history
    Every mystery
    Ever solved has turned out to be
    NOT MAGIC. [/size]

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #219 - August 11, 2015, 09:31 AM

    I did ask you to provide me the links to those debates/discussions. If you had actually understood them then you would be able to refute my points straight away. But you haven't since you don't understand the science I am referring to. You are just going by what the masses have been brainwashed to believe. You have not made one useful comment to this discussion and just one of those who likes to sit at the sidelines and make useless comments. Why don't you cite the scientific research like dr sloth did or galfromusa did. The scientific research they both cited supported my arguments.

    cool down.. what happened Ted??

    The Quran makes a claim that no one can create life. It claims that earth and the planets and the stars were made by God. Science says life is nothing more than naturally occurring chemistry it says stars and planets form from dust using through the phenomena of gravity. So let's see if we can use science to test some of it out.

    Like many others you have simply assumed that dust collects under the effects of gravity and over time it get's bigger and bigger. You've mislead to believe this. The science research proves this to be wrong.

    well I don't have a device to answer your silly claims as I am typing on some stupid phone  but what science research are you talking Ted?  No that is NOT called science .. you call that as  Proposal /Hypothesis  that questions the concept of another proposal such as " dust particles getting together and forming larger dust bowls/solid asteroids/ planets. "

    It is similar to the brain washed brainless people claiming/proposing  some god   "YOUR HEEEEEE"   of your  little brain putting these  particles together and making   planets ..  but it is far better hypothesis and needs  work/research .. whatever...

    and let us learn a bit about how clouds form  from vaporized ocean waters..

    Anyways please continue to read and write ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #220 - August 11, 2015, 09:40 AM

    This is a tired old argument which has been proven to be wrong many many times. Please just google it.

    Nobody has ever proven anything about which interpretation is right according to scripture. If anyone has, go ahead and give the proof!

    I did ask you to provide me the links to those debates/discussions. If you had actually understood them then you would be able to refute my points straight away.

    Honestly it would open so many cans of worms, I'd rather if you google it on your own and discover the depth of the rabbit hole yourself.

    But you haven't since you don't understand the science I am referring to.

    You have not referred to any kind of scientific anything in any of your statements. Some other people have cited some research, but you haven't.

    You are just going by what the masses have been brainwashed to believe.

    I haven't said anything about my beliefs, but would you prefer the masses to believe creationist arguments instead of scientific explanations?

    You have not made one useful comment to this discussion and just one of those who likes to sit at the sidelines and make useless comments.

    Like what you are doing? What positive contributions did you give, what scientific research have you quoted to support the creationist argument?

    Where is your proof of the divinity of Quran?

    The scientific research they both cited supported my arguments.

    Where in the scientific research does it say,

    The Quran makes a claim that no one can create life. It claims that earth and the planets and the stars were made by God.

    Great, where is the empirical proof for this? Research?

    Like many others you have simply assumed that dust collects under the effects of gravity and over time it get's bigger and bigger. You've mislead to believe this. The science research proves this to be wrong.

    The research didn't even prove the theory wrong, it's just inconclusive. They are still searching for the missing link.

    They are still looking out how the planets actually form, with some theories here and there.

    I guess Qtian was right, what is the point of debating with someone who doesn't know what 'science' or 'proof' even mean in the first place.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #221 - August 11, 2015, 10:50 AM

    The research didn't even prove the theory wrong, it's just inconclusive. They are still searching for the missing link.


  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #222 - August 11, 2015, 11:45 AM

    It's not gravity that makes the dust bunnies get bigger and bigger. Read the research provided by dr sloth.

    who said it was?
    If dust does not grow by gravity induced accretion, and instead by some other processes*, why does it matter if gravity is not the cause of dust agglomerating? Why are you even talking about gravity? Who is saying that a dust particle has a large enough gravitional field to attract other dust particles? Why do you feel the need to keep pointing this out?

    It wasn't gravity that caused me to type this comment, therefore I cannot have typed it. Gravity is the only force in the universe and if gravity can't do it, nothing can (apart from magic/god).

    *from your links - brownian motion, differential settling, Collision of dust grains etc

  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #223 - August 11, 2015, 12:25 PM

    who said it was?
    If dust does not grow by gravity induced accretion, and instead by some other processes*, why does it matter if gravity is not the cause of dust agglomerating? Why are you even talking about gravity? Who is saying that a dust particle has a large enough gravitional field to attract other dust particles? Why do you feel the need to keep pointing this out?

    It wasn't gravity that caused me to type this comment, therefore I cannot have typed it. Gravity is the only force in the universe and if gravity can't do it, nothing can (apart from magic/god).

    *from your links - brownian motion, differential settling, Collision of dust grains etc

    Why do I need to point this out? Well what did you think caused planets and stars to form? What do you think the vast majority of people on earth thought it was? What do you think scientists thought caused it?

    Why am even talking about gravity? Are you serious? Have you been following my arguments? Have you read Stephen Hawkins book?

    Anyway I'm glad this is being discussed hopefully we will all learn something. So the next obvious questions are how do planets form from dust and what is the phenomena of gravity.

  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #224 - August 11, 2015, 12:31 PM


      hello ted  what is happening.?? empty posts and lolling...

    well that is all right... "but this is important., and it is in your signature.. "Search for the Truth"  that is vital to all living things and it is more important for human beings specially in this 21st century..

    don't you agree with me??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #225 - August 11, 2015, 12:33 PM

    well that is all right... "but this is important., and it is in your signature.. "Search for the Truth"  that is vital to all living things and it is more important for human beings specially in this 21st century..

    don't you agree with me??

    100%. We just need to find out what the truth is regardless of whether we like it or not or not matter how incredible or unlikely it is.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #226 - August 11, 2015, 12:40 PM

    Why do I need to point this out? Well what did you think caused planets and stars to form? What do you think the vast majority of people on earth thought it was? What do you think scientists thought caused it?

    Well i have read your links, and they say that dust agglomerates via various different non gravitational processes, until they reach a size large enough for gravity induced accretion to become important. Initially dust agglomerates by brownian motion, differential settling, particle collisions, and other processes. Later on, the planetisimal grows by accretion due to its own gravity.
    So what I think caused planets to form, is what your links say caused them to form.

    You are merely pointing out that gravity is unimportant in the initial stages of dust agglomeration. Ok. Who cares? How does that help you to make any point worth making?
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #227 - August 11, 2015, 12:45 PM

    This happens under beds that are placed on hardwood floors. Dust bunnies get bigger and bigger because dust falls from the bed onto the floor, adding to the existing dust and creating larger masses. You don't need a space station to figure this out.

    "Space Dust Bunnies Could Unravel a Planetary Mystery"
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #228 - August 11, 2015, 12:57 PM

    Sorry but that link was totally irrelevant and in any case the article contained pure speculation.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #229 - August 11, 2015, 01:04 PM

    it wasn't for your benefit.  This was:

    You are merely pointing out that gravity is unimportant in the initial stages of dust agglomeration. Ok. Who cares? How does that help you to make any point worth making?

    What is the point that you are making, that is worth making?
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #230 - August 11, 2015, 01:25 PM

    it wasn't for your benefit.  This was:

    What is the point that you are making, that is worth making?

    The point is that this is evidence that planets do not form naturally. Something else is needed.

    And you are wrong to assume that beyond the meter-sized-barrier problem that it's gravity that causes planets/stars to form. Scientists assume and theorize it is gravity that causes the formation of planets/stars. In order to give the theory some credible evidence they would need to kick off the process and prove it with empirical evidence. In other words they should be able to create fairly large masses by simply using gravity.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #231 - August 11, 2015, 01:35 PM

    If you are going to be the atheist who simply says "Who cares" if we can't explain such and such thing using science then what's the point of debating/discussing any further? Why care if there is God or heaven and hell or an afterlife? Why not just stop participating in the discussion.

    Those who want to learn about the truth will care. Those are curious will care. Many scientists do care about the mysterious of the universe and life and dedicate their lives to explaining them. They care about the tiniest matters. I guess it just comes down to what makes you who you are.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #232 - August 11, 2015, 01:42 PM

    The point is that this is evidence that planets do not form naturally. Something else is needed.

    Where is the evidence that planets don't form naturally?

    And you are wrong to assume that beyond the meter-sized-barrier problem that it's gravity that causes planets/stars to form. Scientists assume and theorize it is gravity that causes the formation of planets/stars. In order to give the theory some credible evidence they would need to kick off the process and prove it with empirical evidence. In other words they should be able to create fairly large masses by simply using gravity.

    we could apply the same logic and abandon any idea of a meter sized barrier in the first place. Maybe the scientists are wrong to assume any kind of barrier.  Science is only tentative and inconclusive when you want it to be isn't it.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #233 - August 11, 2015, 01:47 PM

    If you are going to be the atheist who simply says "Who cares" if we can't explain such and such thing using science

    that isn't what happened. All you have shown is that we can't explain the initial dust agglomeration with gravity. Since gravity is not the only force in the universe, and a multitude of other processes exist that can explain it, such as the ones listed in your own links, you haven't moved even an inch towards the conclusion that science cannot explain it. Even if you had, you would only be arguing from ignorance. A god of the gaps argument.

    what's the point of debating/discussing any further?

    i don't think there is any point in discussing your point further. That is why i have asked you twice to clarifiy why you think you are making any kind of worthwhile point.

  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #234 - August 11, 2015, 01:49 PM

    Typical response.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #235 - August 11, 2015, 01:51 PM

    Since gravity is not the only force in the universe, and a multitude of other processes exist that can explain it, such as the ones listed in your own links, you haven't moved even an inch towards the conclusion that science cannot explain it.

    No there are not a multitude of other processes to explain it. Read the articles again. All the other processes fail. Why don't you provide evidence of this "other force"?
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #236 - August 11, 2015, 01:56 PM

    I'll try to make clearer for you.

    The Quran says only God can create life.
    The Quran says God created the stars, planets and earth.

    So far science cannot explain these phenomena through natural processes hence this is evidence that supports the Quran.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #237 - August 11, 2015, 02:00 PM

    it was already perfectly clear that it was a fallacious god of the gaps argument. Don't worry about that. No clarification necessary.

    i was more interested in its internal problems, rather than the fact that it is completely useless anyway.

  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #238 - August 11, 2015, 02:45 PM

    This "debate" is still going on?

    Fackin 'ell mate.

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #239 - August 11, 2015, 03:35 PM

    I'll try to make clearer for you.

    The Quran says only God can create life.
    The Quran says God created the stars, planets and earth.

    So far science cannot explain these phenomena through natural processes hence this is evidence that supports the Quran.

    hi Ted.,  I am not sure "Quran says so hence I believe" is   a right attitude , right path way to search the truth,

    I am sure Quran says  and also many other religious scriptures say  same thing  .. same nonsense ., you know such as

    ........ ...god can create life. god created the stars, planets and earth... god creates people ... god creates every thing ...  god create  shit, god creates shit in the heads of people,  god creates criminals .......  etc..etc..

    all that nonsense  is same to every faith head but I was under the impression that YOU ARE NOT A FAITH HEAD., and moreover you are  searching for truth., So don't you want search the truth? or you just want to believe in what some book says??    Anyways how does your god create  things?  what are the processes,mechanisms  behind this god and its creation?  don't you want to enquire about it??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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