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 Topic: The Cult of Social Justice

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  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #90 - July 30, 2017, 10:34 PM

    Yeah. I posit that there are sick bastards out there.
    I think judging a person inhuman for how they are born is a bit different than judging them inhuman by their actions, though.

    You seem to have no issues judging the actions of psychopaths something people are born with.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #91 - July 30, 2017, 10:47 PM

    You're on some serious shit if you think that the quoted out of context statement of toor's is remotely equivalent to hate.

    There are people that use the labels in Toor's post as an identification thus rational for dismiss the views of that group and individuals within it. View are not dismissed due to a lack of logic, merit, evidence, etc. Views are dismissed because 'what" is saying it.

    Proclaiming a whole group of people benefit from privilege is nonsense.

  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #92 - July 31, 2017, 01:38 AM

    You seem to have no issues judging the actions of psychopaths something people are born with.

    Yes, I will judge their actions. Not all psychopaths cause havoc or even harm anyone. If they all did we would have a lot more chaos in the world.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #93 - August 02, 2017, 03:40 AM

    What kind of a teacher were you anyway?

    for yeez

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #94 - August 02, 2017, 03:51 AM

    There are people that use the labels in Toor's post as an identification thus rational for dismiss the views of that group and individuals within it. View are not dismissed due to a lack of logic, merit, evidence, etc. Views are dismissed because 'what" is saying it.

    I'll allow toor to defend himself if your claim is that he's doing any of the above. But I don't think he is.

    Proclaiming a whole group of people benefit from privilege is nonsense.

    Even when such a thing is incredibly uncontroversial and straightforward?

    Would you rather have been born in India, or where you are? And if you would not honestly find yourself indifferent between these possibilities, then what are the reasons that you think that is?

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #95 - August 02, 2017, 11:18 AM

    Yes, I will judge their actions. Not all psychopaths cause havoc or even harm anyone. If they all did we would have a lot more chaos in the world.

    Hi three..   That is an interesting statements on psychopaths..

    I wonder do you have any real examples of such people ., I mean  if they do not do harm to anyone or anything or physically harm   themselves   do we have the right to call such folks as  "psychopaths"..

    Now I have a problem in defining psychopath

    I mean people with Psychosis mental disorders  and also they are patients who regularly goes for checkup to control  their emotions either with medications or with other psychological helpful tools ...

    Do we have right to call such folks as psychopath?? I  say a combination of Sociopath  with Psychosis  disorder  and on top of that if the society around him/her  considers as their  leader .. then the dangers unfold ..

    Otherwise I don't see any problem with such people  as you described in your post

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #96 - August 02, 2017, 01:46 PM

    There are now physical characteristics that identify psychopaths.

    In 2005, James Fallon's life started to resemble the plot of a well-honed joke or big-screen thriller: A neuroscientist is working in his laboratory one day when he thinks he has stumbled upon a big mistake. He is researching Alzheimer's and using his healthy family members' brain scans as a control, while simultaneously reviewing the fMRIs of murderous psychopaths for a side project. It appears, though, that one of the killers' scans has been shuffled into the wrong batch.

    The scans are anonymously labeled, so the researcher has a technician break the code to identify the individual in his family, and place his or her scan in its proper place. When he sees the results, however, Fallon immediately orders the technician to double check the code. But no mistake has been made: The brain scan that mirrors those of the psychopaths is his own....

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #97 - August 02, 2017, 02:02 PM

    There are now physical characteristics that identify psychopaths.

    In 2005, James Fallon's life started to resemble the plot of a well-honed joke or big-screen thriller: A neuroscientist is working in his laboratory one day when he thinks he has stumbled upon a big mistake. He is researching Alzheimer's and using his healthy family members' brain scans as a control, while simultaneously reviewing the fMRIs of murderous psychopaths for a side project. It appears, though, that one of the killers' scans has been shuffled into the wrong batch.

    The scans are anonymously labeled, so the researcher has a technician break the code to identify the individual in his family, and place his or her scan in its proper place. When he sees the results, however, Fallon immediately orders the technician to double check the code. But no mistake has been made: The brain scan that mirrors those of the psychopaths is his own....

    dear three I know James Fallon  work .. I have analyzed functional MRI brain some  12 years ago...  I know he is a big guy in the field

    what all his work tells me is  "present fMRI technology is incapable of differentiating    Psychiatric problems  through brain Images ., Now that is different from Brain/brain tissue with  alzheimer's disease .. where FMRI  does  differentiate diseased brain tissue vs unaffected brain ..

    But as far as  differences fMRI brain structure  between so called psychotic  person and non psychotic person is concerned   I  AM VERY SKEPTICAL ., So No marks for dr. James Fallon's work   and he is NOT neurologist in  laboratory but a trained Psychiatrist ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #98 - August 02, 2017, 02:29 PM

    So do you find this study to be acceptable:

    .....The study, published in the most recent Journal of Neuroscience, builds on earlier work by Newman and Koenigs that showed that psychopaths' decision-making mirrors that of patients with known damage to their ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). This bolsters evidence that problems in that part of the brain are connected to the disorder.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #99 - August 02, 2017, 02:45 PM

    So do you find this study to be acceptable:

    .....The study, published in the most recent Journal of Neuroscience, builds on earlier work by Newman and Koenigs that showed that psychopaths' decision-making mirrors that of patients with known damage to their ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). This bolsters evidence that problems in that part of the brain are connected to the disorder.

      let me read the Original paper... that is just a University news link which often they put up as an advertisement  for writing NIH grants...

    but on surface the date published at that link says "Date Published: 11/22/2011"..  

    if it is before 2015 publications on any Psychiatric information from  FMRI ...  I  WILL BE VERY SKEPTICAL     but I must read the their original published work

    well i just ran through his publications ...Nope  I question his work and his abilities to work with fMRI machines

    Mike Koenigs
    Associate Professor, Psychiatry
    B.S., Neurobiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Ph.D., Neuroscience, University of Iowa
    Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Institutes of Health
    6001 Research Park Boulevard
    Madison, WI 53719
    (608) 263-1679
    Curriculum Vitae

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #100 - August 02, 2017, 05:31 PM

    When my son had his scan the neurologist did not seem to be the one doing the scan. Directing it, yes, but the technicians and nurses were the ones who seemed to be in the room. There were five people in there. Is it your experience that the doc is doing the scanning themselves?

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #101 - August 02, 2017, 05:40 PM

    When my son had his scan the neurologist did not seem to be the one doing the scan. Directing it, yes, but the technicians and nurses were the ones who seemed to be in the room. There were five people in there. Is it your experience that the doc is doing the scanning themselves?

    dear three ...  sorry to say this., but  I WILL HAVE MUCH LESS CONFIDENCE in the scan of the results that technicians  and nurses  doing such complex scans on human brain of children

    ....fMRI of brain is extremely complex and very advanced mathematical functions are used  to get small reliable information  .. This is a research field .,Unless the guy using these Machines and data processing and patients is   headed by  MD–PhD with research experience.  otherwise   I would NOT trust any data and informations gained from these measurement on children's brain  for diagnosing Psychosis in them ..

    I tell you there are very few such fMRI centers even in a country like US of A....  the case is different if it  is Alzheimer's patient or parkinson patient .,  Yes there we can see the difference ....

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #102 - August 02, 2017, 10:23 PM

    I'll allow toor to defend himself if your claim is that he's doing any of the above. But I don't think he is.

    No I was pointing out the possibility of conflating what Toor said as representative of his membership of a group being discussed solely from a small sampling. Think of it this way. Nazis give reason X for hating Communists. You have reason X for hating Communists. Therefore you are a Nazi due to a shared reasoning of X.

    Even when such a thing is incredibly uncontroversial and straightforward?

    It is not straight forward nor uncontroversial unless you isolate yourself in an echo chamber.

    Would you rather have been born in India, or where you are?

    Place of birth is not controlled from some up on high entity nor organization. No one is assigning X person to China and Y person to Canada. Advantage yes but not a privilege.
    And if you would not honestly find yourself indifferent between these possibilities, then what are the reasons that you think that is?

    Sloppy terminology, conflation of words and an assumption of what I think is globalization as grant over what is currently in place.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #103 - August 03, 2017, 03:00 AM

    dear three ...  sorry to say this., but  I WILL HAVE MUCH LESS CONFIDENCE in the scan of the results that technicians  and nurses  doing such complex scans on human brain of children

    ....fMRI of brain is extremely complex and very advanced mathematical functions are used  to get small reliable information  .. This is a research field .,Unless the guy using these Machines and data processing and patients is   headed by  MD–PhD with research experience.  otherwise   I would NOT trust any data and informations gained from these measurement on children's brain  for diagnosing Psychosis in them ..

    I tell you there are very few such fMRI centers even in a country like US of A....  the case is different if it  is Alzheimer's patient or parkinson patient .,  Yes there we can see the difference ....

    with best wishes

    Maybe we are talking about two different things, then. The type of scan that my son had are very common, and the places that do them are numerous even outside of the cities.
    My son was not scanned for psychosis, though. They checked him for abnormalities for seizures.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #104 - August 03, 2017, 07:51 PM

    Maybe we are talking about two different things, then.............. They checked him for abnormalities for seizures.

    you are right there dear three., I didn't realize the kid was getting MRI scans for  seizures.  I was only focussing on Psychosis /psychotic behaviour and MRI which is a difficult game .,    Hope his doctor/neurologists  by now must have recognized whether they are Febrile seizures  or epilepsy seizures..

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #105 - August 04, 2017, 12:46 AM

    It's actually neither, and not proper seizures, either. No one knows what it is, so I just carry seizure meds around just in case he gets a big one.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #106 - August 05, 2017, 12:38 PM

    It is not straight forward nor uncontroversial unless you isolate yourself in an echo chamber.

    Place of birth is not controlled from some up on high entity nor organization. No one is assigning X person to China and Y person to Canada. Advantage yes but not a privilege.
    Sloppy terminology, conflation of words and an assumption of what I think is globalization as grant over what is currently in place.

    I don't know what globalization has to do with this, but okay.

    In my own mind advantage and privilege are very similar, with only minor shades of difference between. I'm not implying that there is some sort of conspiracy which white males or what have you are perpetrating on the world. Reality is more complex than that.

    There is no dice rolling going on (well other than independent assortment during meiosis I guess). The crux is like this however. From the point of view of generalized sentience, there are rather arbitrary advantages and disadvantages that get assigned from birth between two essentially very similar beings, mainly on the basis of familial/clan/tribal/extended affiliation. The levels of this can be disputed. How much is acceptable in society can be as well. That it exists, and has wide ranging and profound consequences, I think is the uncontroversial and straightforward thing.

    In any case, I'm not sure the extent to which we disagree here. But I've said my piece, so you can have the last word if you like.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #107 - August 06, 2017, 09:21 AM

    I don't know what globalization has to do with this, but okay.

    The idea that being born in X nation over Y nation being a privilege seemed like a criticism for pro-globalization

    In my own mind advantage and privilege are very similar, with only minor shades of difference between. I'm not implying that there is some sort of conspiracy which white males or what have you are perpetrating on the world. Reality is more complex than that.

    One is granted, one is not.

    There is no dice rolling going on (well other than independent assortment during meiosis I guess). The crux is like this however. From the point of view of generalized sentience, there are rather arbitrary advantages and disadvantages that get assigned from birth between two essentially very similar beings, mainly on the basis of familial/clan/tribal/extended affiliation.

    You will have to be specific here.

    The levels of this can be disputed.

    Levels of what?

    How much is acceptable in society can be as well.

    Again I need specifics.

    That it exists, and has wide ranging and profound consequences, I think is the uncontroversial and straightforward thing.

    Your point is different than the one I was addressing.

    In any case, I'm not sure the extent to which we disagree here. But I've said my piece, so you can have the last word if you like.

    You haven't really made your case. You are being very vague to the point I do not think you are talking about what I am.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #108 - August 06, 2017, 12:28 PM

    Hmm  what is cooking here? globalization and GLOBAL MAFIA playing politics  ..  So this is funny cartoon from that SAUD SNAKE SUCKERS of Sand Land

    If Qatar and its king/govt whatever is two faced like that   I wonder what kind  of  two face picture should we draw on  Sand Land govt and its ruling Snakes ...??  

    And..and  I can easily see from the post/responses of three
    It's actually neither, and not proper seizures, either. No one knows what it is, so I just carry seizure meds around just in case he gets a big one.

      on her son's     "No one knows  seizure medical problem"  that too in AMRIKA .,   I can safely say .  American Health care system /industry/Mafia  is THE BIGGEST SNAKE of  all snakes in this world   that scams   and swallows Americans as well as  whole world  that depends on AMRIKANS

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #109 - August 06, 2017, 03:03 PM

    You always did talk sense.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #110 - August 08, 2017, 01:02 PM

    You are being very vague to the point I do not think you are talking about what I am.

    Probably, but that's okay.

    Um, can we agree that white supremacy sucks donkey dicks?

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #111 - August 10, 2017, 10:03 AM

    Yes. It a stupid ideology from front to back. It results in nothing good besides binding people against it together. Which is completely an unintended result from it's supporters.

    (stupid cover a lot of terms but I rather not get into a tangent.)

  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #112 - November 23, 2017, 05:47 PM


    This is one of the reasons I dislike Cato and butted heads with Girl recently. They remind of those students.

    Really? I wasn't aware that being in favour of social democracy equated to wanting to restrict freedom of expression. What would I do without your infinite wisdom?  Roll Eyes

    If anything, you're the one who seemed more triggered by my views on that thread than I was by yours. I simply disagreed with you, stated my reasons why then couldn't be bothered to continue arguing with you after a while.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #113 - March 29, 2019, 04:07 PM

    Funny. I think there is an investigation into this right now, the undermining of the democratic process. Maybe you haven't noticed the investigation?

    "Investigation" does not equal "conviction". False claims get investigated just like real ones. If the investigation finds no evidence of wrong-doing, will you be satisfied that your claims of wrong-doing were premature and inaccurate? Also, if Trump was actually interested in destroying democracy and had no interest in preserving the democratic process, don't you think he would put down such an investigation instead of letting it happen?

    I'm going through and coping all my comments to an external folder and I came across this one. Earlier me turned out to be correct, if the Mueller report is to be believed. Two years of investigation provided no proof that Donald Trump is in any way an agent of Russia, that Russia had undermined the democratic process, nor that Trump is in any way a threat to democracy.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #114 - September 18, 2019, 03:50 PM

    Proclaiming a whole group of people benefit from privilege is nonsense.

    it's an unequal world out there but it seems to me that those who peddle terminology like 'white privilege' are mostly grievance-merchants and reverse racists.
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