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 Topic: Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?

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  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #210 - November 22, 2024, 06:42 AM

    Is the Quran we humans have today from God and is it original? Yes, the Quran we have today is from God and the message in it is original. How do we know that? We know that because its message contains universal moral values for humanity to live and abide by. It advises humanity to live by its advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. We have many copies of the Quran around the world from different times and places as well as many people who have been committing the Quran to their memories generations after generations. All the copies of the Quran in the human world are the very same except for copying, printing, book binding and other human errors or unintentional mistakes. There is no evidence at all of any deliberately made changes in the text of the Quran to pervert its actual message to serve some other purpose that is opposite of the actual Quranic message. However things need to be looked at in their own solid purpose based proper context and the solid purpose based proper context comes from the universal real world realities as well as the revelations of God when they are both understood by humanity in light of each other purposefully properly. Without making purpose based proper sense of both of these things in light of each other we human beings cannot really claim we understand anything at all as it ought to be understood purposefully properly. We human beings as individuals must do our best to try to make purpose based proper sense of the creation of God as well as of revelation of God by figuring out all the elements or components involved in their all necessary detail. That is we need to figure out the creation of God as a purpose based proper unit and its individual things as well as the Quran as a purpose based proper unit with meanings of its components ie its letters, words, phrases, sentences, surahs or lectures and chapters. So before going into detail of how the Quran proves to be word of God and how the Quran proves to be preserved purposefully properly to begin with it needs to be explained why we human beings need the Quran.

    We need the Quran because we human beings cannot get anywhere worth reaching with things just by looking at them aimlessly and randomly and doing nothing much other than living our lives like rest of the animals. It is a very sad situation that the world is full of human beings but most of them just live their lives like rest of the animals or we force each other into living like animals. We cannot change this unless we decide to make each and every member of our human family a very useful person instead of trying to make each other useless people even if it means using incentives and if that does not work then using force to put each other on the right track. We need to do that because otherwise human painful suffering by hands of each other cannot be eliminated if let individuals from among us waste their lives away by thinking, planning and doing useless or distracting and misdirecting things which take us away from this vitally important objective, target, or goal or mission or by their thinking, planning and doing such things which harm and destroy human beings instead of bringing them life worth living. If we will let people do useless or harmful and destructive things to each other then we will end up in a huge loss which will cost us all dearly in form of our terrible painful suffering and destruction by hands of each other when the fact is we need each other to come into this world as well as to survive in a blissful, dignified and secure way in this world as a purpose based proper human community. This is why education, training and skills we need they have to be purpose based proper or they are not going to serve us as they should and instead they will be most troublesome and problematic for us as has been explained in detail already. Just by experimenting with things in the real world we can only learn about things as to how they work and why they do what they do for their continuous existence and survival according to our own baseless assumptions and understanding but we cannot know the actual purpose of their creation by their creator and sustainer nor how they are supposed to work or function or how they are supposed to be used for fulfilling the purpose for which their creator and sustainer has created them. For knowing the overall purpose of creation of things and the way it is supposed to be fulfilled that needs purpose based proper guidance from their creator and sustainer for mankind. This is why need arises for discussion about existence of God and revelation of God because otherwise existence cannot be explained purposefully properly.

    As explained already things we observe in the created world tell us they came to existence with time from each other through chain of cause and effect. However, if we look into chain of cause and effect then it does not tell us how all this happened or started because chain of cause and effect is a designed process and not a random aimless and purposeless thing. This is why the question arises, was there ever nothing at all or was there always someone or something there which caused the existence of all that exists? If there was always absolutely nothing at all there then how could anything at all come into existence because whatever was there or not there had to continue forever and ever. It is because original state of existence or nonexistence could not change all by itself without some intelligent agent being there to change it. It is because things exist and they exist due to being designed that way therefore it is proof of existence of their creator and sustainer. This creator and sustainer had to be uncreated and ever existing or we end up with nothing at all and that cannot be true at all and it is not true because we the created and sustained beings are already here. Some people say the first cause has to be the simplest possible but that cannot be true because whatever is ever existing cannot be someone or something simple rather that has to be much more complex than what it created and sustains. Some people raise question about God as to who created God if all existing things need a creator and sustainer to come into existence and remain in existence. This question is logically inconsistent because if God also needs a creator then can that created God be God? Not at all. Likewise if we take the chain of creators of creators, then, each and every creator of a creator will also need to be even more complex, sophisticated and powerful than the one it creates so where do we end up? Back to square one. Likewise there are many questions people raise about being of God which are nothing more than nonsense. It is because only and only those questions are sensible which are purposefully proper. Random and aimless questions serve no purpose at all save showing the level of ignorance people have about thinking things through logically consistently. For example, people ask, who created God?  Can God kill himself or die? Did God come into existence all by himself? Can God have family? Can God change his nature of being? Can God create something which he cannot manage or handle or with which he cannot deal or cope effectively etc etc?

    The need for revelation of God for mankind also becomes clear by looking at humanity because we can clearly see how we work and why we think, plan and do what we do and the end result of thinking, planning and doing that. That is how we end up not trusting one another at all and we think, plan and do to each other what harms and destroys us by hands of each other. If we will continue living that way then we will continue suffering the very same fate by hands of each other for securing our own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Due to lack of trust we try to hide things from each other for fear of their loss. This leads us to invent newer and newer ways of saving our things from each other so that we are not robbed or dispossessed by each other or that our things are not stolen by each other. This fear can never go away till we create a human society in which we learn to trust each other purposefully properly. Just by our inventions of better and better locks and keys we cannot teach people to trust each other but if anything we are teaching each other how not to trust one another. This means we are living our lives the very wrong way and this wrong way of living is ruining us and forcing us to waste our lives on wrong kind of education, training and skills for all the wrong reasons. Due to this way of life we are always watching our own backs fearing that any one of us can back stab us or double cross us at any point in time. This is where our so far adopted education and training system as well as the skills we have gained from it have led us. We have managed to invent some medicines but people are always dying after terrible painful suffering worldwide because we have adopted a way of living our lives whereby all this does not bother us because we are keeping our things locked away out of reach of many in our human world. This being the case, can any of us claim to be a civilised person or a civilised human society? No, not at all. This clearly shows how we try our best to pretend we are civilised good people when the reality of the human world we have created or brought about is staring us in the face and calling us liars.

    All this because we have ignored the right way of living our lives in this world. That right way of life is told for us only and only by our creator and sustainer in his message for us which he has given us for being a purpose based proper human community so that then we could bring about a human world that reflects life of paradise in this world. Let us ask ourselves some questions to help us understand why we humans need guidance of God to live in this world purposefully properly. If we read the Quran, we are repeatedly told all things belong to God. This means nothing at all belongs to anyone else. If nothing belongs to anyone else then who has any right to have anything at all? None. In fact we human beings ourselves are made by God therefore we ourselves do not own ourselves let alone anything else in this world. This being the case who can tell us who brought us about and why or why we have what we have? Only and only our creator and sustainer. This is why learning the message of our creator and sustainer for us is of utmost important for us so that we get the full picture as to what is going on and where do we fit-in in all this grand scheme of things. God has given us his message to tell us all what is vitally important for us to know to have a great life in this world as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Moreover he has given us the whole of his kingdom to make best use of all that he has given us in there.

    We have heard people saying to each other, don't play God. The Quran tells people that God has created people to play God ie by showing our creativity through deconstructing what God has made and reconstructing it the way it benefits humanity the best. This is why we use God provided things as raw materials to make things from them which we find useful for ourselves eg we cut down trees and make use of them in various ways including making houses and furniture etc ertc. However humans do play God the wrong way as well ie they try to control each other for their personal gains at each other's expense and that is where playing God is not allowed by God. This is why it is called SHIRK or polytheism. It is not that people actually become Gods but that they are not allowed to make decisions against God's decisions and act upon them and thereby cause problems for each other. It is because you can only live by your own way of life or by way of life which God has advised for humanity. Living by way of life advised by God is about using God provided things the way God has advised and not misusing them or mismanaging them. By using God provided things God's way people can add value to things whereby they appreciate things in their value or worth in their own eyes as well as fulfil the purpose of God for which he has created them but by misusing and mismanaging them or using them abusively they devalue God provided things in the eyes of humanity as well as in the eyes of God. So one can see how vitally important it is for humanity to live by way of life advised for it by God and not to deliberately live by way of life one chooses for oneself or one will end up causing all sorts of troubles, not only for others but for oneself as well because what goes round comes round sooner or later. This is why if anyone claims to be a civilised person or society one has to be judged by this criterion alone. Guidance of God must be appreciated because God made the world and he knows each and everything thing about it in all its possible detail so who can be better than God in advising us as to how people can fit in with this world the best. This is why the Quran challenges mankind to bring a better book than the Quran if you are in any doubt about it ie bring a book which tells you a better way of life, a better rule of law and a better governing system than the ones told by the Quran. People don't yet really know what kind of way of life, rule of law and governing system the Quran teaches them so how can they bring about any better ones? The first thing one needs to know about something is, what it is and only then there is a chance of bringing something better. So if even the Quran is not yet understood purposefully properly by humanity so far then how can it bring about anything like it till it does? We have invented so many kinds of dangerous weapons to harm or destroy each other yet we have not used our brains to make purpose based proper sense of what is of utmost importance. That is how clever we are as a species.

    Anyway before I explain the issue of originality of the Quran we need to become aware of some points which are often neglected or not given attention they deserve and as a result we end up confusing ourselves instead of understanding the issues or points. When we talk about God, people and rest of things, it is vitally important for a person to realise that each and every existing being has to play its own part or role including God in this grand scheme of things. Likewise when it comes to revelation of God, God plays his role and people play their roles so the end result is what we have. We know God is free of making errors or mistakes but human beings are human beings so they are not necessarily free of making human error in their thoughts or actions. From God's point of view the Quran can never have any errors at all because God does not make mistakes but from human beings' points of views the Quran cannot be necessarily error free because humans are prone to making human errors. The proof is simple, ask a person who knows the Quran by heart to read it and listen to it and soon you will come to know that the person does get stuck here and there. However when one makes a mistake if there is another person there as well who has also committed the Quran to his memory then he will correct him. Likewise whenever we write down things we do end up making mistakes but when we reread things or ask someone else to read what we have written the mistakes we make are caught and if need be they are corrected. So just as people make errors so people can detect those errors and not only detect them but if they so choose they can also correct them. All correctable errors therefore can be ignored as errors or mistakes. This is why as far as practicality or pragmatism is concerned there are no errors in the Quran at all because they can be detected and corrected if humanity so decides. When God says he will preserve the Quran this is what it means because it cannot be any other way. No human is free of possibility of making human errors because our whole life is based upon idea of learning by trial and error method. Just bring to your mind when you were just a baby or watch any other baby growing and soon you will come to know how many mistakes we humans make and repeatedly till we become learned and wise after a lot of practice. So as we grow we do overcome a lot of mistakes or in other words we grow out of those mistakes. So let us now look at the Quranic copies that we have around the world in a bit of detail to see how the existing copies of the Quran prove to us human beings that the Quran we have today is original and all claims by ignorant people that the Quran has been changed are false.

    Regardless let us first look at the way the Quran was written down in ancient format of writing. If one gathers ancient copies of the Quran that still exist today around the world, one will see in them a particular or a special way of writing the Quranic text. For example, in those copies we will see that they do not have short or very long vowel marks as well as various other marks. Such as are called tashdeed, madda, jazm, damma, kasra or fatha etc etc in Arabic. They also have no dots in them to distinguish some alike shaped letters from each other. One can clearly see that BAA, TAA, SAA etc use exactly the same shape of a letter. Likewise JEEM, HAA and KHAA use the very same letter shape, DAAL and ZAAL, RAA and ZAA, SEEN and SHEEN, SWAAD and DWAAD, TWAA and ZWAA, AIN and GHAIN, FAA and QAAF are written using the very same shape. This is most important point to note. The question one has to ask oneself is, is it possible for any person at all to read such a text that is written down this way unless one already knows the actual message in this kind of text format? My answer is, no, it cannot be read no matter how hard one tries unless one is already very much familiar with the message in the text. What does this prove beyond a shadow of doubt? It proves the Quran we have today in its written form has come from the original source ie directly from the final prophet and messenger of God. Not only that it also proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the Quran we have today was transmitted by the final prophet and messenger of God in two completely independent ways or channels. a) through memory ie people had committed the Quran to their memories directly from the final prophet and messenger of God and b)through writing and again directly from the final prophet and messenger of God. The vitally important points in this regard for people to understand are: The way the Quranic text was written down could not be read unless the Quranic text was fully memorised by people. If anyone thinks it could be read then go ahead and try it yourself in your very own mother tongue. Ask someone to write something down for you in that format without telling you what one is writing and then you try and read it yourself. You will soon find out that you cannot make any head or tail of such a text in its written format. But how does this prove the Quran we have today is original? It is because the Quranic text we find in the existing copies of the Quran proves, it could not have been written down by people from their own memories alone as individuals. Not only that but one can try and do so oneself and one will fail badly even today. So the claim by Muslims that they can recreate the Quranic text merely from their memories if all written copied of the Quran somehow became destroyed is false. Why? Because there are some particular problems which people face when someone dictates the Quranic text from one's memory for others to write or copy it down in writing. The question is, what are those problems?

    Those problems are different ways of writing a particular piece of Quranic information. For example, if I tell a group of people in a place to write down a number eg number three. Will the person write 3 as a digit or as a word three? You will agree that some could write it down 3 as a digit and others could write it down as a word three. This is why if the Quran was copied the same way from dictation by someone from one's memory then people could write it down in different ways. Likewise if I told a person to write down ALAF then one could end up writing down the letter alaf or the word alaf or number one because alaf also has an alphanumerical value, which is one or1. In the quran we have many surahs which contain some letters in their beginnings eg surah 2 al baqarah starts with ALAF, LAAM and MEEM letters. So if a group of people was told to write down alaf, laam, meem then what do you think people will write down? Letters alaf, laam and meem or words alaf laam meem? Then in Arabic language we have some words that can be written with different spellings or letters eg word SIRAAT can be written either by using letter SEEN or SWAAD. So if a group of people were told to write down word SIRAAT what do you think people will write down? SIRAAT with letter SEEN or siraat with letter SWAAD? You will agree that some will write down word siraat with letter seen and others will write down word siraat with letter swaad. The same is true in case of words like BASTATUN or MUSAITIR etc ie they too can be written using either of the letters ie seen or swaad. Again you will be forced by reason to agree that some could write down these words with letters seen and others with letter swaad. It is just as we write an English word REALISE with letters S or Z ie REALIZE. Not only this but there are borrowed words in each and every human language from other languages which can be written down in different ways eg see in English in how many different ways people spell word MUHAMMAD or QURAAN ie they write it as mohammed or mohamed and so on and so forth or QURAN or KORAN etc etc. Can you therefore see the problems when people have to read a text from an awkward way of writing without having it in their memories? Likewise can you see the problems if a group of people is told to write some information down from their memories? This will create a lot of variations or differences between people whether they memorise some information or write it down unless they memorised it and wrote it down exactly the same way right from the very beginning or original source. This is how the Quran proves to be preserved perfectly and purposefully properly beyond a shadow of doubt.

    Now the big question, in the existing copies of the Quran worldwide which are from different times and places, do we find any such fatal differences at all? The answer is no, none at all. They are all exactly the same anyone can check them from anywhere in the human world. This is impossible to happen unless all copies of the Quran were copied from the copies exactly the same way. This explanation proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the Quran we have today is exactly the same. This claim can also be verified by looking at the Quranic text in written form and reading it out from one's memory. Despite coming down to us in two completely independent ways or channels the overall Quranic information remains exactly the same. A clear proof that the Quran we have today has been preserved perfectly and purposefully properly except for some copying mistakes or errors by the copiers of the Quran or printing errors by the printers of the Quranic copies or book binding errors by those who bound the printed pages of the Quran in the book form the wrong way etc etc.

    This proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the claims made by ignorant Muslims and non-Muslims about the changed Quran are utterly false. Muslims have been spreading false information about the Quran in order to defend confusing reports in the Ahaadith books and non-Muslims have been using the very same reports to discredit the final prophet and messenger of God, the Quran and Islam etc. Before I move onto errors in the copies of the Quran around the world, it should be born in minds of people that God works with his creatures in the world he has created. This is why when God plays his part in wider scheme of things he makes no mistakes but his human creatures have no immunity against making unintentional mistakes called human errors. Even though God revealed his message to his final prophet and  messenger in the form of the Quran and his prophet and messenger preserved it perfectly in form of a memorised information as well as in form of a written piece of information and passed it on through his supporters generation after generation his supporters did make copying errors during this transmission process. However as it is possible for human beings to make unintentional errors so it is possible for them to detect those errors and if they choose they can correct them as well therefore actual message of God does not suffer in such a way that it could be totally and completely invalidated or discredited. It is a fact that the Quranic copies that still exist worldwide contain scribal, printing and book binding errors. Such copies always existed and they are nothing new but it is time that I explained what are the features or characteristics or properties of these kinds of errors or why or how they occurred, remained and continued increasing till better ways came about to preserve the message and to minimise such errors in it. They will become totally eliminated once Muslims become an ummah again. These errors or mistakes occur when a person is copying a text from another copy of a written text. It is possible that a person puts extra letters or words or phrases in the text of the copy one is making or preparing. One can also omit letters or words or phrases and even sentences or paragraphs or pages by looking at one copy and turning the pages of the other copy from which one is copying. One may end up copying a letter or word or sentence or even a page more than once. Likewise when one is binding pages of a written text in form of a book, one may end up missing some pages or putting extra pages or one may end up putting the pages in wrong order or upside down etc etc. It is because human mind does not remain fully attentive at all times when one is doing something continuously. This is how human errors occur or take place and are found in almost each and every copy of the Quran. In the printed copies printing related errors occur eg misprints are found in copies even today.

    The good thing is such errors are always detectable and are detected by people who read the Quran from those copies and inform the publishers or printers or scribes of the copies. These errors are detectable because of their fixed characteristics. Such errors are also correctable because they are clearly obvious. It is because if any letters are added to words or are omitted from the words then words cannot be read correctly as words. Likewise additions and omissions or disordering of words in sentences render sentences senseless and if any pages are missed then continuity of the text becomes disturbed. So just as preventing human errors is not possible for human beings so human beings are good at detecting human errors. It is then up to people to correct these correctable errors or not to bother but make later copies better. This is what printers and publishers do ie they correct errors made in earlier copies of the books in later copies they produce of the same text. No doubt the Quran claims that the Quran will remain intact but since God does things through things so where people are involved in program of God things will happen the way they should. God does not make mistakes through absent mindedness or lack of attention but people do therefore when it comes to people they can make mistakes in memorising or copying the Quran but they can also detect and correct those mistakes they may make in this regard. All because only God is God and humans can only be humans at their best. Humans are not supernatural beings otherwise such errors by human beings could not have taken place at all. This is how the Quranic text has been kept in its original form by God and his human creatures. These like things also expose such people who claim supernatural powers among religious folk and foolish people who flock around them looking for all kinds of miraculous or magical help from them which they cannot do. If religious holy people or saints for that matter had any supernatural powers will they not make sure there are no any copying errors in their God sent holy books supernaturally? What else could be more important for them than doing that? Likewise if holy people could move about freely between the heaven and the earth or if they could control any supernatural hidden beings, could they then not tell us how the world looked like from up high very long ago as scientist have discovered it today? Their such claims are clearly false and only foolish people accept their nonsense and take it seriously due to their ignorance and lack of knowledge. Moreover if human beings had any superpowers they will have interpreted the book from God correctly right from the very beginning and there will not be any need for its reinterpretations all the time as humanity learns more and more sense because of making new discoveries through its continuous explorations. All this clearly shows people have been raising false claims always and that we need to become sensible enough to become aware of them and disregard them instead of being fooled by them.

    The other facts people must realise about the Quranic text are, its text has a unique style the way it is put together and read out as a speech or lecture or talk and likewise it has its own unique written style as well which does not follow normal writing styles. Moreover any errors in any copy of the Quran are always correctable because copies with errors can be compared with each other as all copies cannot necessarily have exactly the same errors in them from all times and places. Moreover later copies can be compared with the earlier ones if need be and vice versa. Not only that but written copies can be tested against memorised version and the memorised version can be tested against the written version. However such exercises should be carried out every now and then by people at ummah level and not at individual level. At individual level people should inform the authorities responsible for publishing of the Quranic text to keep the scribal, printing or book binding errors to a bare minimum. Unintentional human errors in the copies of the Quran make no difference to the validity of the Quranic text because the original message of the Quran as a whole remains intact despite such kind of errors. There is no proof at all in the existing copies of the Quran around the world for any deliberate changes in the Quranic message. All errors found in the existing copies of the Quran are unintentional and not deliberate. Unintentional errors occur from human beings naturally but to make deliberate changes one has to have an agenda to make purpose based changes in a piece of information to suit one's agenda so that the agenda or purpose of the existing information could be diverted from what it is, to what serves the agenda of the person who makes deliberate changes to the information. There is no sign of such fatal changes in any existing copy of the Quran around the world. This is a clear proof that the Quranic text has been preserved perfectly and purposefully properly for all practical purposes. Human errors found in the copies do not invalidate the originality of the Quranic text as we have it.

    So far why some of the errors occurred in the Quranic text has been explained but how they kept on increasing remains to be explained. As explained already how errors occurred in the Quranic text some people have used these errors and corrections to claim variant readings of the Quran which are taken by ignorant Muslims and non-Muslims alike as different versions of the Quranic text. In fact so called Muslims go a step further and claim God has revealed the Quran in so many different versions. The problem with such claims is, there is no any such proof in the Quran itself that God has revealed the Quran in so many different versions. No sensible person can expect that God will reveal a number of versions of the Quran yet he will fail to mention them in the Quran. Moreover what sensible purpose could those versions serve which the version we have could not? Then we are told these versions could be any number of versions eg seven or ten or thirty or more. What it means is that we have only one version with us and all the rest are lost. So we have lost six parts if there were seven versions or twenty-nine parts if there were thirty versions etc etc. All this means there were never any different versions of the Quran to begin with. How could God ignore mentioning his revealed versions if he did reveal them? Also why God needed to reveal different multiple versions? By looking at information which is categorised as different versions of the Quran one can understand the mistake people made in their understanding of things in this regard. People who talk about different readings or different versions of the Quran show they had no idea about origin and development of human language or how human errors occur in a message or how people come together and fall apart and how all this effects what kinds of changes in things. Had they understood such things clearly then they could not have called copies of the Quran with errors as different versions of the Quran. The other fact is, the Quranic text is fixed but it can have various parallel meanings, interpretations and explanations as already explained and they all fit in with each other when they are looked at purposefully properly. So these variations cannot be taken as different readings and versions of the actual Quranic text but as eloquence of the Quranic text. That is because some words are more capable of expressing more intended meanings for clarity of things whereas other words are better at expressing precise meanings and uses. It is because the very same word can have many different meanings and uses as well as so many intended meanings therefore those meanings can be expressed by using the very same word which reduces need for extra text. That is because some words are more comprehensive as well as some words are more precise. This is why some words can be used in places of other words because they can serve the intended purposes better in a text.

    Let us now try and understand some other basic things which are also vitally important in this regard. People who come together from different backgrounds or areas clearly show the problems when they try to talk to each other. For example, try and see how an Arab speaks in English or try and see how a Punjabi person speaks English. It shows that people who are used to speaking their own mother tongue if they are not brought up speaking a different language then this could cause them problems when they try to speak a different language after their growing up because their minds and bodies become programmed that way. This is why it takes a lot of conscious practice to change habits when such a need arises because mind and body parts become programmed with practice. For example, if we have developed some bad habits during growing up they stay with us for lifetime. If anything needs changing it becomes a big problem. We can develop bad habits for driving the car and if we are forced to change them then we have to consciously work at them till we have replaced them. The same is the case with human languages. Ask an Indian Punjabi person to say word TABLE, he will say TEVAL. He will find it easier to say WAA instead of BAA. ask him to say ZERO, he will say JEERO. Likewise if we ask an Arab to say Pakistan, he will say Bakistan. If we ask an Englishman to say letter TAA as it is in Arabic, he will say taa as it is in word tea because there is no Arabic TAA sound in English language. The same is true about people who claim to speak the same language ie they have their own local meanings for certain words.

    So people need to become aware of the fact that just because we give a name to a language and its people it does not mean all speakers of that same language speak exactly the same language exactly the same way or with exactly the same understanding or meanings of words etc etc. There occur many variations about it between the people of different areas. If we talk about letters or alphabet set of Arabic, we will see people wrote letters in different ways eg different Arabs wrote letter FAA differently ie some placed a dot above it and others below it. Likewise different people pronounced Arabic letters differently eg ask an Egyptian to say letter JEEM, he will say GEEM. He will pronounce letter J like the letter G as it sounds in word JUG. Likewise for some Iraqi or Kuwaiti Muslims letter QAAF sounds like letter GAAF. In Urdu language we have both sounds. So these linguistic differences are also found in the Quranic copies. Why? Because there was a time when Muslims were a single purpose based proper human community during lifetime of the final prophet and messenger of God but then after him they fell apart into rival groups so their future generations did things according to their own smaller communities as they saw fit. This is why there occurred differences between copies of the Quran. These differences increased with time as people divided more and more into smaller and smaller groups. This is why these differences which are of minor nature cannot become eliminated till Muslims see the need for a central authority between them for this purpose or they reunite as an ummah once again and remain united. Now if on this basis one claims different readings or different versions of the Quran then they are as many versions of the Quran as many copies of the Quran there are or one can find. But as I already explained these sort of errors do not invalidate the Quran because if a learned or knowledgeable Muslim sits down and tries to correct all these errors then one can easily do that as explained in detail already. Likewise if Muslims decided to have a central authority for this task that too can carry out such a work.

    It is because every now and again some individuals have been writing books which contain all the needed information as to how or when certain errors occurred or why. So its only a matter of doing things in reverse order to undo them. This is why the Quran remains intact for all practical purposes and if anyone claims that the Quran has been changed then one is clearly mistaken or lying due to some agenda against humanity due to one's ignorance about the actual issue. It is because there is no any fatal problem with text of the Quran and its transmission at all. The only problem with the actual text of the Quran is, its purpose based proper understanding by humanity which it has not undertaken yet as it should have and that is only because people are not yet bothered with preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon its purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly so that they could reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in this world in kingdom of their creator and sustainer and so that they could have yet better hereafter as promised by the Quran for all their very hard works in here in this world. Not only the Quran has been misinterpreted and misrepresented according to the prevailing superstitious beliefs and practices of humanity but so have been misinterpreted and misrepresented Hadith and Fiqh whereas they were supposed to be explained in light of real world realities because the Quran repeatedly tells humanity to do that by telling mankind about the purpose for which it has been revealed for them by God which is all about explaining the real world realities in sense of their purpose of creation and the way that purpose can be fulfilled by mankind by their purpose based proper use of them by them. The day mankind start making sense of these purpose based proper sources of information purposefully properly their problems with each other will become solved and the human world will become and remain the way it should be ie united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous and so God will become and remain pleased with his human creatures for carrying out his provided purpose based proper program for them and humans will become and remain pleased with their creator and sustainer for giving them his purpose based proper program to carry out by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines and so people will become and remain pleased with each other as well. All this is told in the Quran already.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #211 - November 22, 2024, 06:45 AM

    Deen of Islam is anti religion and anti secularism but why?

    It is because religion and secularism both are man-made and they have been brought about by dominant and leading people to cause harm and destruction to rest of people in human populations for securing their own individual petty personal gains from them so deen of Islam was revealed by God for humanity so that mankind replace them with it for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly according to it instead of rivalling each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. As I explained already religion and secularism are almost as old as humanity itself because mankind were not given purpose based proper guidance by God till human beings could understand things and at least some were able to make purpose based proper sense of creation and revelation of God in light of each other purposefully properly. Early humans learned what they learned from natural world because they did not have any other source of learning. This is why they lived just like other animals but as they interacted with each other and with other things in their environment, they did learn a lot of sense by copying other things but it was not enough to help them live in this world purposefully properly till God gave humanity his purpose based proper guidance for this purpose. People did believe in a higher force or being even before God formerly introduced himself to mankind but they assumed a God who was just like their rulers who solved their problem the way it suited the rulers and not the way it suited people they ruled. The animal kingdom shows us our past very clearly and we are still like those animals even today. God sent revelation is still ignored by humanity at large for its purpose based proper understanding because rulers always interpreted and explained the messages of God the way it suited them instead of trying to make purpose based proper sense of it. This is why due to lack of purpose based proper education and training humanity has been going through bloody revolutions every now and then to change things for the better. In other words people have been learning things the hard way instead of learning sense of making purpose based proper sense of things the right way. This is why despite having guidance from God and many prophets and messengers from God almost all people are still as ignorant and stupid about message of God as were the very early human beings who were given the message of God the very first time.

    The prophets and messengers of God were sent by God to establish his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system in the human world in kingdom of God and they succeeded in doing that but only in very limited areas and only for a short time because people turned back to their old ways of life, rules of law and governing systems after their God sent prophets and messengers passed away. The very same happened with the people who claim to be supporters of mission of the final prophet and messenger of God ie people who call themselves Muslims. This is why even after the final prophet and messenger of God established the ummah (the purpose based proper human community) in the kingdom of God it also fell apart not long after prophet and messenger of God because people failed to keep up with the maintenance of the ummah in the kingdom of God. This is why even though we have the Quran we have no ummah but only in the name till humanity comes to its senses and learns the Quran as it ought to be learned once again to reunite to regain unity, peace, progress and prosperity. This should help people understand why Muslims are the way they are and this is not going to change till each and every person who claims to be a Muslim starts learning the Quran purposefully properly. This is why almost all people who claim to be Muslims are religious and secular Muslims and not actual Muslims based upon the purpose based proper teachings of the Quran and the reason is they do not study the Quran as it ought to be studied for establishing an ummah in a place in the kingdom of God. People who claim to be Muslims are as ignorant about the message of God as are any non-Muslim people if not more. This is why Muslims and non-Muslims are all living like animals in a jungle because that is how senseless people are supposed to live without purpose based proper guidance from God or without purpose based proper understanding of guidance from God. This is why the human world despite all its amazing inventions it has invented is still just like a kingdom of animals who still do not know how to live purposefully properly with one another and it will not know how to do that till it rediscovers message of God purposefully properly for itself because only and only purpose based proper message of God and its purpose based proper understanding can ensure unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in a place in the kingdom of God and nothing else.

    Why five daily prayers are wrong? It is because to begin with they serve no useful purpose for God or humanity. They are used by people for praising God by words of mouth and asking God for things they need. People can only praise God when they see need for praising God so they cannot be forced to praise God. Feelings of people keep changing moment by moment. At one time they like doing something but at another time they do not feel like doing something. So God cannot bind people to any strict practice when it serves no purpose for them. Also God cannot tell or force people to praise him because it cannot reflect nicely on God to do so. It is like a person is pointing a gun to someone’s head and telling him to say I am a very nice person. What kind of praising will that be which is forced out of someone by force. In case of God, he has to prove himself awesome to mankind to be truly praiseworthy in their eyes. He has to force people by his wonderful and awesome acts and works that people all by themselves appreciate greatness of his creativity. So praising and appreciating God’s greatness has to be an automatic and natural act of people. It is like you come across something wonderful a person has created and you appreciate it as well as its creator. For this reason God could never tell people to praise him. As for praying to God for seeking things from him, again God could not tell people to do so and then do not fulfil their requests or demands. God could only tell people to pray to him for things if he could respond to their prayers not otherwise. So the idea that God has ordered mankind to praise God and pray to him for things has been created by someone who lacked sense of making purpose based proper sense of things. The Quran does contain such sayings by the prophets and messengers of God as well as of other people but they are their wishes which are expressed by them to God. There is nothing wrong with expressing one’s hopes and desires or wishes and ambitions so long as they are not against God and humanity but instead they are for the good of mankind. For example, when we travel to some place, we wish for having a safe journey. When we start a project we wish for its completion etc etc. Moreover when our wishes come true or things happen as we wished then we express gratitude to God as well as other people and things which help us complete the project. In doing so we express our feelings with various depths not mere empty words which are forced out of our minds and mouths by force against our will. This is why five times daily prayers are not stated in the Quran.

    Another reason why they are not stated in the Quran is because God did not create mankind to humiliate them just as he himself does not want to be called by bad names for he wants mutual respect between himself and mankind. Just as God wants to be appreciated by mankind so God himself appreciates mankind also when they think, plan and do something which needs to be appreciated and valued. God is not a monster or tyrant or bully or a cruel and brutal oppressor of the weak. This is why the whole process of creation of God needs to be looked at in a purposeful way in its entirety. This is why God rewards all for whatever part they play in his scheme of things. This is why God does not want worship in sense of pooja from mankind through empty lip service and useless ritual practices which benefit neither God nor mankind. He does not want empty lip service and flattering from mankind but actual appreciation from mankind by giving them things that truly make him appreciable for mankind. I will try and explain words a bit later as to what they mean in the purpose based proper context of the Quran including word SHUKR from root SHEEN, KAAF and RAA which means appreciation by means of purpose based proper use of God given things. Moreover it makes no sense the way people pray to God or say thank you God without doing the actual things God demands of them ie proper use of his provided things for benefit of mankind for sake of God. God has told people what he wants of them in the Quran. What God wants of people could not be known by people all by themselves unless God himself told them, this is why understanding the Quran purposefully properly is absolutely necessary for mankind otherwise they can think, plan and do what they like but it will not fulfil the purpose for which God has created and equipped mankind with all the tools and things to work with. This is why purpose based proper understanding of the Quran cannot be ignored if people want to have a great life in here as well as in hereafter. This is why whatever people think, plan and do in the name of God outside of the Quran all by themselves is not valid at all in the eyes of God and it hardly benefits humanity itself. For the reasons explained already the Quran does not talk about imposition of five times daily prayers at all. This is why it does not mention at all what is supposed to be involved in daily prayers ie what is to be recited in the ritual prayers and when as well as what are to be the ritualistic movements during the prayers and how they are supposed to be performed and in which order etc etc. In fact there is no mentions of such daily prayers and how they are supposed to be performed even in the Ahaadith books as a single continuous process. This should prove beyond a shadow of doubt for any sensible person to see the fact that five daily ritual prayers have nothing at all to do with the actual Quranic text and actual way of life, actual rule of law and actual governing system called Islam. The same is true about the rest of four so called ritual pillars of Islam of mullahs ie ritual prayer kind of worship of one true God, fasting for God, paying a bit of wealth in form of charity to poor people for God and visiting a stone structure called kaaba in Makkah in Saudi Arabia. All these like beliefs and practices are very harmful and destructive for humanity due to wasting time of people as well as due to misdirecting and misguiding people from actual objectives and goals which God has set for humanity to achieve and accomplish so that it could reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here as well as in hereafter. 

    So first of all let us see what so called praying to God involves. It has two parts. Part one involves praising God ie saying nice things about God to God as if to fool God by flattery by paying lip service to God. Why I say lip service? It is because we humans do not try to learn things which could help us understand the Quran purposefully properly so that we could know what God wants of us to think, plan and do. This is why we do not think, plan and do what God has told us to do and instead we do things which he has told us not to do. Yet we turn towards God and say things to God about God which do not really mean anything at all. Moreover God has created us to serve him by thinking, planning and doing whatever he has asked us to think, plan and do and not to take God as our slave or servant by asking God to do this or that and the other for us. We do this as if we are not workers or servants of God rather it is God who is our slave or servant or worker. God has created us for serving his purpose according to his plan and not that God should serve our purposes according to our plans which we have created in our own minds independent of God. The fact is, we humans have already been given by God each and everything we will ever need for doing our job assigned to us by God. This being the case, how right could people be in saying things to God about God or for asking him for favours? This will become clearer once I have explained this issue for people to help them understand it. In a way we are turning things upside down. Such like are the reasons as to why the Quranic teaching is anti religion and anti secularism. Regardless the other part of praying to God involves asking God for each and everything we want from him ie we have very long lists of our demands to put before God. All this is useless because God has already given humanity what it needs for fulfilling purpose of God for which he has created them. It therefore makes absolutely no sense to ask God for things which we already have from God including his purpose based proper guidance for us regarding purposeful proper use of those God given things for our benefits as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom. So after God has given things to us if we still do not have them then it is not because of God but because we have not learned the needed sense as to how to manage and handle God given things purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in the kingdom of God so that none of us suffers and all of us have a great life in this world with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for ensuring well being of each other. It is human beings who make one another suffer terribly by hands of each other due to their ignorance about God assigned purpose of life and the way it should be fulfilled by them. This explains why human beings cannot criticise God about things for which he is not responsible because he has made humanity itself responsible for thinking, planning and doing things for one another for his sake. We also need to think about what we are taking God as by asking God for doing things for us because we are treating God as if he is our servant or slave instead of we humans being servants and workers of God. We have turned each and everything God has told us upside down by misinterpreting and misrepresenting his message to each other. It is because we do not look at things objectively and purposefully properly in their own purpose based proper context. Our fault is we are not trying to understanding the real world realities and the revelation of God in their own purpose based proper contexts respectively in light of each other.

    Our idea of education, training and skills is very wrong because in a way we think education, training and skills are all about knowing about things as to what they are or how they work and then copy them and do the same etc etc. If I learn how to make an aeroplane it does not teach me what is actual purpose based proper use of an aeroplane in a social context. Same is true if I make a medicine. This is why despite having loads of medicines we let many people suffer terribly and then die because of our withholding medicines from each other deliberately, so where does that lead us? We withhold food and water from each other let alone luxuries of life. All because we think it is our individual copyright or our intellectual property etc etc. Whereas the fact is we have no universal moral values to live by. How can we human beings be such stupid people when God has gifted us with all we have for the purpose based proper use of all of us? Did God claim any copyrights or intellectual property rights for giving us things we have? We did not create anything out of nothing at all rather all we have invented was created from what was already there when we were born. We ourselves were created by God and things we have were also created by God. All we have been doing is dismantling God made things and reassembling them the way they could benefit us. But when it comes to our benefits for doing that we have decided to withhold things from each other which only and only leads us to fights and wars with each other over those things which were not really our own to begin with rather they were given to us by God for serving his purpose which was to ensure well being of all human beings. This is why we needed a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which helped us organise and regulate ourselves in a way that we ended up ensuring well being of each other with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. This is where the Quran provides us people of today with an indisputable solid foundation if we prepare ourselves for its purpose based proper understanding and following. We only dispute about the message of God because we have not prepared ourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of our creator and sustainer purposefully properly. We choose such people as religious and secular leaders as use us abusively against each other due to our own ignorance and foolishness so they take undue advantage of us masses who follow them blindly. We use our available time in wrong things which leads us into more and more stupidity which in turn makes us do more and more stupid things to each other and that is how human world keeps getting worse and worse instead of getting better and better. This is why what we need to learn about is purpose based proper way of life, purpose based proper rule of law and purpose based proper governing system from the Quran which help us live in this world the right way or purposefully properly ie the way God intended for us and for which he guided us through his messages.

    This is why no matter how much educated, trained and skilled we become or no matter how many degrees and certificates we acquire from no matter how many famous institutions in the human world so long as we remain confused about living purposefully properly in this world none of our inventions can help us live sensibly no matter how long we keep going along this path we have invented and imposed upon each other. For living purposefully properly in this world only and only God can help us do that through his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind but only if we let God do so by learning his message purposefully properly and acting upon it faithfully. So long as we will keep God therefore his provided universal moral values out of our equation of life we will keep on making our lives hell by securing our own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is the context in which God talks in the Quran regarding hell and paradise ie you live in this world the way God says then your life will become and remain blissful, dignified and secure as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom or you live your life your own way as you like then wait till you end up making your lives hell by quarrelling with one another over each and everything. So what God is telling us is very clear that you live for ensuring well being of one another as a purpose based proper human community then soon you will have a great life in this world by your own hard works but if you will work against well being of each other then gradually your world will become and remain a hellhole for yourselves. It is not God who punishes people but people themselves think, plan and do all sorts of terrible things to each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other's expense and then complain and blame God for all that they themselves do to each other. This is why understanding the very first surah of the Quran purposefully properly is very important and so are the very last surahs. God is praiseworthy because he has given people a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which could help them live a great life in this world as well as to have a great life in hereafter as a reward for it. This is why mankind must seek refuge in God ie in the way of life that is revealed by God for them and not follow way of life the shayateen=harmful and destructive leading and dominant people want us to follow in our human populations. I will talk about shayateen, jinns and malaaikah etc at some other time as well, as to what these words mean in the purpose based proper context of the Quran. The Quran was not revealed so that foolish people make fun of it and burn it but so that mankind learn sense from it and do what is told in it and have a great life experience in this world and so that then they could be rewarded also for their such hard works in hereafter as well.

    This is why before people read the Quran they need to prepare themselves purposefully properly for its purpose based proper understanding and acting upon that understanding. One should be able to see from this explanation how silly the Arabs look when they fail to understand and act upon the Quran purposefully properly. It is because the Quran has its own language that is totally different from what Arabs know. It is a higher level of use of human language by God which is purpose based and this is why none can bring a book like the Quran. Till people enable themselves to think at a higher level the Quran requires, they cannot understand and act upon the Quran purposefully properly even if they are Arabs. The Quran teaches people that they are all workers as far as God is concerned and if they will work for fulfilling the purpose for which God has created them then their lives will become great but not otherwise no matter how hard they work and no matter how long they go down that path. As I have explained already, living by religion can lead humanity nowhere. Why not? Because religion has nothing at all to do with real world realities instead it is all about empty words and irrelevant beliefs and ritual practices. People can sit and pray to God all they like but nothing can change because God has created this world on basis of cause and effect chain. This is why if one wants a child one has to go through a process whereby one can get a child. Otherwise no matter how much one cries to God one will not get a child. It is because God has set up this kingdom of his creation to work in a particular way which never changes as he himself tells mankind in the Quran. This world and things in it are not set up by God to work the way people assume they work ie miraculously and magically. This is why no hungry person can get food unless one goes through the related processes for getting the food. God has put measures in place and he has set up systems and structure as well as he has dictated procedures and practices so none can get anything unless one understands the way his laws of nature operate or control or govern the operation of the natural world and things in it.

    If no version of religion can give human beings worthy state of existence, can any version of secularism and to what degree? Yes, secularism can give some people relatively better life to some degree but not to the degree the way of life, rule of law and governing system called Islam can. Secularism can only give some people some things on basis of personal gains at each other's expense at the most and not on any other basis. It is because through idea of individualism people only and only work for themselves and not for each other or for ensuring well being of each other. In such a society only and only those people succeed who have what it takes to succeed in that kind of setting in its own context and not those who are relatively less advantaged. This is why the more advantaged people take undue advantages of those who are less advantaged which creates a serious divide between those who have and those who have not so there comes about a gap and a divide between rich and poor or powerful and weak. This being the case as numbers of those who are less advantaged increases there comes about a terrible bloody revolution. This is why to avoid this situation the number of poor and the level of poverty is controlled almost fully by those who have power and wealth through various tricks and mechanisms. This is what forces so called successful individuals to contribute to their societies to remain in positions of power and have wealth at their disposal. Therefore even if they contribute anything to their societies it is not because they are good people but only because if they will not do that then people who have hard life will get upset and revolt or rise up against them and their set up system and topple it or dislodge it and bring it down. So rich and powerful people have organised and regulated their human populations in a way to keep things under their control as much as they can but the natural world is under control of setup purpose based proper systems and laws of God which keep upsetting and unsettling their artificially created balance and equilibrium always and forces change upon people be they powerful and rich or powerless and poor. This is why so far no human being has managed to control humanity fully and none ever will, so tells humanity the Quran. It is because if a particular people will pay attention to any particular people in order to keep them under their control then another people will prepare and rise up against them from elsewhere. So it is the best thing to do for mankind to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them purposefully properly instead of ignoring, avoiding and neglecting it and continuously facing terrible consequences by hands of each other for doing so.

    In other words God has set up this world to work in such a way that mankind can never take full control of it to take it in the totally wrong direction rather whatever people think, plan and do it will always lead the human world in the right direction be it bit by bit or in very, very small and unnoticeable steps or very, very slowly. If mankind could succeed in taking the human world in the wrong direction then purpose and plan of God could fail this is why that cannot happen at all. However God does wants people to learn purpose based proper sense and move in the right direction and quickly all by themselves to save themselves from all kinds of terrible painful sufferings by hands of each other. It is like a case of two babies who are put in two different environments. One is never sent to school or any teacher to learn things and the other who is sent to school or a learned teacher to learn things. One who is sent to school will learn things very fast due to being taught things compared to the one who has never been to school and never been taught. Likewise people who will learn from each other and who will teach each other about the real word realities as well as the Quran purposefully properly in light of each other they will succeed as well as fast and they will save themselves from a lot of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other but those who will not do so they will move very, very slowly on this journey of learning and discovery and they will keep on suffering terribly by hands of each other. The while humanity by passes, ignores, avoids and neglects the Quran their this situation of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other will continuously prevail and continue for them till they turn towards the Quran for their purpose based proper guidance by learning the required or needed or necessary sense of making purpose based proper sense of things. This is why the Quran is a purpose based proper teacher for mankind but this teacher has its own way of interacting with people. The Quran is a teacher because it points out things for people to learn about them or that it acts as a stimulus for them to inspire or urge or encourage or motivate or trigger or activate them. If we look at the process of teaching and learning as to how we are taught and learn, we will see that it is done the very same way. What a teacher does is, points out things for us to consider and then we ourselves try and figure them out in our minds in order to try and understand them. The very same applies in case of the Quran ie it too brings different things to our attention for figuring them out the best we can. So thinking the Quran is a useless book is not the right way of looking at the Quran because it is a very useful book for humanity once it is understood purposefully properly in its own purpose based proper context by mankind. The basic point the Quran makes is, don't live for yourself or for each other but instead live for sake of fulfilling the purpose for which God has created you. This explanation clearly shows limitations of religion and secularism in comparison to way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised by God for humanity in the Quran so that mankind live purposefully properly in this world. This is why no human can bring about a way of life like the one the Quran suggests let alone any better way of life than the Quran. This is why no human being can write a book like the Quran even today let alone a better book than the Quran.

    This explanation clearly shows all versions of religion and secularism are invented, imposed and used by rulers, money lenders and priest to control masses in their human populations with help and support of each other. They are used as a process and a mechanism to pass on the buck between themselves to fool the masses in their human populations because where rulers fail to provide masses with what they need by design they make excuses to them on basis of their religious beliefs and practices by saying things are in the hands of God so let us pray to God to put things right for us etc etc. Also they pass on blame to each other about their created problems which people in their human populations face and that way they confuse masses about whom they should actually blame for what they are going through. They can make fool of masses so easily because masses do not and cannot see and become aware of things the way they should due to their remaining ignorant and foolish or due to their leading and dominant people keeping them ignorant and foolish due to lack of purpose based proper education, training and skills so due to being foolish they keep on trusting their so called dominant people and leaders blindly so they keep turning to their secular and religious leaders and economic experts etc etc for solutions of their problems instead of turning to the book of their creator and sustainer which shows them how to get out of this ruler, money lender and mullah invented confusion called religion and secularism by organising and regulating themselves purposefully properly for solving the problems they are facing. This leaves them totally vulnerable and open to abusive use, blackmailing, exploitation and manipulation by both religious and secular leaders and their helpers and supporters due to confusion or traps they have created for masses to entrap them. This is how the Quran clearly exposes all kinds of ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems people have come up with or they have imposed upon each other or they have adopted so far, be it imperialism or dictatorship or authoritarianism or capitalism or communism or socialism etc etc. None of these can give people what the Quranic way of life, rule of law and governing system can give them. It is because all of these ideas are based upon petty personal gains for a few at the expense of all others in their human populations. This is why one should be able to see why one has to study the Quran purposefully properly in depth to get the hang of it or hold of its purpose based proper teachings. This clearly shows why Islam is not and cannot be a religion. The so called or so labelled religion of Islam has been invented by foolish mullahs or priestly classes on behalf of foolish ruling classes and money lending classes to confuse people in the very name of one true God so that the real way of life, real rule of law and real governing system called or labelled Islam by the Quran could be covered up or hidden from the eyes of the ignorant  and uneducated, unskilled or illiterate masses so that that way masses could be used abusively by rulers, money lenders and mullahs without any reaction or bloody revolution by the abused masses. This explanation should leave no doubt in minds of people as to what actual deen of islam or way of life, rule of law and governing system called Islam really is. It has nothing at all to do with Islam of rulers, money lenders, mullaans, their touts and supporters.

    This explanation also explains very clearly the fact that deen of Islam is only and only about ensuring well being of humanity from the very beginning to the very end provided people understand and adopt it purposefully properly and faithfully by acting upon it purposefully properly. This is why deen of Islam is actually from God for ensuring well being of humanity through their own help and full support of each other by their own complementing each other purposefully properly therefore it is an ideology which is all about human society, its politics, its culture and its economy and it has nothing at all to do with prayers to God or any other baseless make beliefs and ritualism or useless and time wasting or harmful and destructive practices. It has its own governing systems, structures, procedures and practices. Deen of Islam is all about people themselves organising and regulating themselves upon its basis or provided foundation for managing and handling God given land and resources or means of production and distribution as a single purpose based proper human family or community for serving God and that is what the Quran calls IBAADAH or serving one true God and this has nothing at all to do with pooja or worship of God through rituals by people and their singing songs to God and doing nothing except rubbing their noses on the ground and waving their behinds in the air and feeling good that they have done their part. Muslim cannot take over a people by sword unless forced to do so by non-Muslims because deen of Islam is all about supporting each other for ensuring well being of each other and who in the right mind can oppose this idea that one needs to take up arms? It is always abusers, exploiters and manipulators of humanity who benefit from abusing others who oppose deen of Islam and that is why they impose fights and wars upon true Muslims and that is the true position of actual deen of Islam and true Muslims if there are any. Muslims cannot need or want anything for themselves or others but only and only seek pleasure of their creator and sustainer by doing works which he told them to do to ensure well being of whole of humanity with full help and support of each other through their complementing each other purposefully properly. A Muslim society has to be a self regulated complimentary human society and not a society based upon rivalry or negative competition. If one learns sense of making purpose based proper sense of things and then reads the Quran, one will soon find out the Quran is not a book from any human being but a book that is from outside of this human world. However if people will not learn sense to make purpose based proper sense of the message of the Quran then they will never know what the real message of God in the Quran is for them.

    However the more and more human beings will ignore or avoid or neglect or abandon or desert the Quran and therefore the Quran based purpose based proper Islam as a purpose based proper way of life, as a purpose based proper rule of law and as a purpose based proper governing system the more and more painful and agonising suffering will become norm for humanity by hands of each other over longer and longer period of time as a consequence. Such excuse is not valid for people that since people who claim to be Muslims do not understand and use the Quran purposefully properly so it has nothing to do with non-Muslims. It is because God if there is one is God of each and everything and it is he who has sent his message for all mankind so those who will prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accept and acting upon it purposefully properly they will have a great life in here as well as in hereafter whereas those who will not do so they will end up and remain in a terribly painful existence always by hands of each other no matter what. These are not threats by God but advance or forewarnings from God for sensible people to not to blindly follow each other into the hell hole which is dug by people themselves for themselves by not following advice of God at all. Deen of Islam is a true and real or actual democratic system because it is a party-less system wherein all individuals are equal members of the ummah or purpose based proper human family. What does that mean? It means power rests with rule of law of God as purposefully properly understood by the individuals in light of real world realities who can then come together as a purpose based proper human community and so they can appoint fully capable people into all the needed work places to serve them for God sake as all agree or in order to fulfil the purpose based proper Quranic program by accomplishing its goals according to its provided guidelines for fulfilling needs and wants of all members of purpose based proper human community. This system works like a referendum in which all discuss things and vote for each and every individual issue and the issue is decided on the basis of purpose based proper understanding of the Quran and the real world realities as well as needs and wants of people as individuals by a simple majority or unanimity. In a way it is bottom up system as compared to people taking over each other by force or by tricks or deceptive mechanisms whereby they create a pyramid of power structure to abuse weaker people from among themselves. So when it comes to bringing about a purpose based proper human community in the kingdom of God, if people cannot even understand the real world realities and the Quran purposefully properly in light of each other in the first place then could they or can they bring about a purpose based proper human community or create a book like the Quran all by themselves? Not at all. The Quran by making such points shows humanity, it is a book from outside this human world ie it is not written by human beings. It is because human beings do not think the way the Quran does otherwise they will not need it. Moreover if human beings could produce a book like the Quran then our human world in no way could be the way it is right before our very eyes ie in a terrible state of existence. It will have been a paradise instead.

    If God has created this kingdom of his creation and people in it in actual fact then he needed to tell people why he has created it as well as why created them and what they needed to do to fulfil his purpose of creating them and he has done that. God is not supposed to react to what people assume, imagine and demand or his own plan will end up derailed. This being the case, why will God tell people for praying to him when he does not and he cannot answer their prayers as he ought to according to beliefs and practices of people as they imagine and assume them to be the case? Moreover why will God set times for prayers of people? It is because even if praying was ok, people will only praise God when they got good things from God and they will only seek help of God when they are in real troubles and truly need help of God. Not only that but if God asks people to do that then God ought to fulfil their demands or whatever they ask for otherwise why ask people for prayer to waste their time and energies in the first place? This is why it makes absolutely no sense to have five daily prayers at fixed times and with fixed wording for prayers because prayer should be depending on situations or circumstances of people themselves as individuals and as groups. Yet another point in this regard is, God has his own purpose and plan for creating us so if he listens to us or fulfils our demands according to our wishes then how can God carry out his own plan for fulfilling his own purpose? Moreover we each have our own conflicting demands because we are always in conflict with each other, so how can God please each and every one of us? Therefore it makes sense for God to give us all his standard and program to live by rather than he himself following our wishy-washy and willy-nilly wishes and desires so that we all could mould or bend or model ourselves according to him rather than trying to mould God to fit our demands according to our self created conflicting standards, ambitions and desires. When it comes to God, the Quran and deen of Islam; things only seem mysterious for us because we are ignorant about them in various ways. I have already explained why miraculous and magical event cannot take place in this world the way people at large think due to their lack of purpose based proper knowledge about things. This is why our laughing at the Quran by taking it as a joke exposes our own ignorance and foolishness or stupidity at most and by burning the Quran we are throwing our own future into the hell of our own making by our own hands.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #212 - December 15, 2024, 12:13 AM

    As I have explained already God cannot force out of people his praise nor their prayers. If he does that then he will be deemed having little or no self respect at all. It is because true admiration and true request arise from the bottom of a human's heart who is either overwhelmed by awesome and wonderful works of someone or by need and want of someone who needs something desperately. When one comes across such emotional outbursts one has no control over one's emotions so one expresses oneself genuinely and sincerely.

    When someone puts a gun to someone's head and asks one for admiration and appreciation or when one forces one to beg for things then one fears for one's life rather than thinking about what to say and how to say it purposefully properly. Moreover one's state of emotion is not permanent. This is why five daily prayers in mullahs' islam are falsely attributed to God because God cannot do such nonsense things.

    Moreover if God wants people to beg for things from him then why does he not give people things they ask for? This means God is asking people to do things which are impossible for him to carry out because in a way God is asking people to order him around as they like in order to fulfil their ambitions and desires. Or in other words God is forced to follow guidance of people instead of people following his Guidance.

    Also people ask God for things which are against each other so how can he please everyone by granting them their conflicting requests against each other? So one can see attributing such nonsensical things to God cannot be right as they make no sense. This is how mullah islam is disproved very easily and all their misinterpretations and wrong explanations of the quranic text therefore can clearly become very obvious.

    This is why if the quranic text can be interpreted and explained purposefully properly and yet it is misinterpreted and misrepresented by mullahs then mullah are either ignorant fools or they are doing this on purpose for some hidden agendas due to their ignorance based arrogance because sensible people cannot do so.

    Likewise if educated, trained and skilled people in various disciplines instead of trying to discover actual message of God for them from the quran they just keep arguing against nonsense of mullahs then they too are either senseless people or they too have a hidden agenda due to their ignorance based arrogance. 

    God has not given his message to mankind for fulfilling desires and ambitions of people rather he has given them his message to explain for them why he has created this creation and human beings and what he want of them and how they can fulfil that purpose or his assigned mission for them.

    This is why the quran is provable word of God because the proof is nothing more than the best possible purpose based proper explanation of something. The quran therefore purposefully properly serves its God intended purpose.

    Existence of God

    If there was nothing at all to begin with then there ought to be nothing at all for ever. Therefore the creation we see all around us could not exist, because nothing cannot produce anything at all.

    If there was something it had to be something intelligent with all needed necessary attributes for its existence as well as its actions. Since the creation exists therefore it is an undeniable proof that its creator and sustainer exists.

    Since the creator and sustainer of this creation necessarily exists therefore it is also necessary that his explanation exists for those who have been bestowed with intelligence to serve his particular purpose of creation and that is because he has created things because he had a purpose in his mind for doing so.

    So all mankind can do is try their best to make purpose based proper sense of his alleged revelation to make sure it is his revelation and that it serves the purpose for which it is revealed.

    All concepts about God which are expressed by secular and religious people, philosophers and scientists are false and wrong. God is what he is supposed to be as is clear from his created things as well as his revelation. Both need to be looked at in light of each other.

    So those who are anti God have they done their homework? If they have then they need to show it otherwise they are just crazy.

    One has to remember that proof is an explanation and not an unintelligent object or fact. This is why the one who explains something has to be an intelligent being who can do so. This is why the creation is evidence of existence of God because it has been explained by its creator and sustainer.

    What is reasoning? Reasoning is all about putting reasons together in such a way that they become a consistent explanation about something that makes sense. It is like putting all parts of a bike together purposefully properly so that one ends up with perfectly working bike.

    This short explanation is just a reminder for what has been explained already in detail before I start my more detailed explanation of the quran text.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #213 - December 19, 2024, 02:20 PM

    From my so far explanation of things it should be very much obvious that the creation of God and word of God both have to be most impressive which pleasantly surprise mankind and therefore force and compel or push mankind to truly admire, appreciate and adore God from the depths of their hearts in actual fact.


    Because God is supposed to be an awesome and a wonderful as well as marvellous being so he has to be full of wonders and marvels as well as pleasant surprises therefore works of God be they his creations or revelations have to be miraculous ie most impressive and adorable for mankind.

    Just as one appreciates any work by anyone or anything which impresses one and one is compelled to say something wonderful and adorable or admiring in its appreciation about it as well as about its creator or producer so one has to be pushed and compelled by works of God to say wonderful and adorable things about the creation  of God as well as its creator and sustainer.

    This is why mankind need to look at creation and revelation of God purposefully properly to be able to appreciate them the way they should be.

    The alleged creation and revelation of God can either be looked at in light of each other in a way to prove the claims or they can be looked at in way to disprove the claims. However looking at them positively has priority rather than looking at them negatively. Moreover any work by anyone or anything which pleasantly impresses anyone is also to be counted as work of God due to being their creator and sustainer. However any work by anyone which is deplorable is not to be attributed to God but only in the sense that God has created the doer of that work also.

    This is why one has to explain the creation and revelation in such a way that they make perfect sense whereby mankind are truly impressed and appreciate them as well as their creator and sustainer. Only if such explanation is impossible then one can look at creation and revelation for negating the claims made by the book which claims to be from God for the purpose based proper guidance of mankind.

    One has to remember always that any piece of writing is not only dependent upon its writer but also upon its reader for its purpose based proper understanding. This is why all text are interactive and the same is true about the quranic text.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #214 - December 20, 2024, 12:15 PM

    Surah 1   Al-Faatihah = The introduction

    This awesome, marvellous, wonderful and miraculous Quran is the last and the final purpose based proper guidance from Allah for mankind through his last and final human prophet and messenger Muhammad to live by which will prove most beneficial for those who will prepare themselves purposefully properly through purpose based proper education, training and skills for making purpose based proper sense of real world realities in its light by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly in light of real world realities. Therefore all such people in the human world who seek purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and it is delivered to them they should receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly therefore they too should pass it on to rest of people in their human world so that they all could join each other for campaigning, struggling and striving together for seeking refuge and protection or safety and security in the way of life and in the rule of law as well as in the governing system of Allah for mankind for establishing them in his kingdom for adopting and abiding by them purposefully properly. It is because this purpose based proper guidance is the key for opening the door for mankind for their purpose based proper biological, psychological and sociological development and growth for their purpose based proper existence by their becoming and remaining united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it by complementing each other purposefully properly for ensuring their own well being through reaching heights of excellence with help and full support of each other to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here as well as in hereafter instead of rivalling each other and striving against each other for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each others at each other’s expense in order to fulfil their own individual harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against each other whereby they develop harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other so that they do not end up harmed and destroyed that way by hands of each other in here as well as they end up in hell of their own making in hereafter as well. However if they will still end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other in here then they will also end up in hell of their own making in hereafter as well by ignoring, avoiding and neglecting this purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them and then they will have only and only themselves to blame for that happening to them due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. For that reason mankind must prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them to seek refuge in the way of life and in the rule of law as well as in the governing system of Allah for them by moving away and staying away from any other way of life and any other rule of law as well as any other governing system because they will be harmful and destructive for humanity because any such way of life, rule of law and governing system will be brought about and imposed upon mankind by harmful and destructive dominant leadership and its supporters and backers in human populations because such people in human populations will remain ignorant and become and remain arrogant and haughty therefore they will be hell bent upon destroying mankind by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    001] So O our prophet and messenger to mankind, deliver this purpose based proper message from Allah to them for their purpose based proper guidance as a purpose based proper program for them to carry it out purposefully properly as a project and task as an assigned mission for them by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines for which he has already provided for them all things for their purpose based proper biological, psychological and sociological development and growth so that they become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly so that they could reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here as well as in hereafter.

    002] It is because power to continuously and constantly as well as consistently inspire and deeply arouse awe and astonishment and thereby appreciation and admiration as well as adoration in minds of mankind to deeply impress, surprise and amaze them pleasantly by such acts only and only rests with Allah alone who is the sole awesome, wonderful, marvellous and miraculous creator and sustainer of all that exists in his kingdom of creation.

    003] He who has already provided all things for mankind which they need for their purpose based proper biological, psychological and sociological development and growth as well as continuous existence so that they become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by organising and regulating themselves purposefully properly.

    004] The one who decided to bring about a brilliant time period for mankind through their very own hard works and his provided purpose based proper guidance for them when they have prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly for purposefully properly establishing and maintaining his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law as well as governing system in the human world based upon it purposefully properly by becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it through their own complementing each other purposefully properly for this purpose.

    005] This is why for ensuring their very own well being mankind must give their sincere and heartfelt undertaking through their entering in a solid covenant with him by saying, we sincerely and wholeheartedly promise that we will campaign, struggle and strive very, very hard according to the best of our abilities granted by you to abide by your purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that way we will fulfil all our needs and wants in accordance with it as required by your set out purpose for us according to your advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for us.

    006] So due to our giving this sincere undertaking to you it is our sincere wish and desire that you keep guiding us through your advised purpose based proper guidance for mankind because it is durable and permanent as well as purposefully properly stable, firm and secure for leading us to the way of life and rule of law as well as governing system which can lead us to our blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in your kingdom.

    007] It is because it was your purpose based proper guidance for mankind which you also provided for people before us which advised for them purpose based proper way of life and rule of law as well as governing system which they adopted faithfully and purposefully properly so they ended up with your blessings in abundance by having blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as purpose based proper human communities in your kingdom because their way of life, rule of law and governing system were opposite of the way of life, rule of law and governing system of those who actively invented, imposed and lived by them as they liked so they ended up in a harmful and destructive therefore humiliating state of existence due to their rivalries and animosities against each other as a divided people in your kingdom and moreover your advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind were also opposite of the way of life, rule of law and governing system of those who chose or decided to remain ignorant about them so they remained distant and kept themselves away from your provided purpose based proper guidance for them due to which they remained confused and lost so they ended up in chaos and anarchy due to lawlessness for whole of their lives.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #215 - December 29, 2024, 06:26 AM

    In the Quran Allah divides beings in the human shapes and forms into two categories.

    A) People who are nothing more than animals in human shapes or forms and that is because these like beings do not use their God given minds, senses and body parts and mechanisms to observe, think, plan and do things for becoming and remaining self aware and aware about other existing things so that they could ask the needed necessary questions about their existence and origin as well as the purpose for their existence so that then they could make needed efforts and so that then they could take needed steps to try to find out the needed answers to their those vitally important questions. Many people in the human world are said to be of this category.

    B) People who are called human beings only because they use their God given minds, senses, body parts and mechanisms to observe, think, plan and do things for becoming and remaining self aware and aware about other existing things so they ask vitally important questions about their existence and origin as well as the purpose for which they exist and the way that purpose could be fulfilled by them.

    The Quran discusses things regarding nature of being of God only to an essential degree but it does point out evidences and provides explanations about all that which exists and the purpose for which it exists and how that purpose is supposed to become fulfilled as planned by God.  This is why the Quranic text is supposed to be understood in this very purpose based proper context and not in any other way or one will only and only end up messing up the understanding of the Quranic text for oneself and others which the Quran wants to convey to humanity.

    Allah has created human world in such a way that each and every human being fully depends upon other human beings and things for coming into this world as well as for continuing one's existence in here, therefore he advised for mankind his purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system through his purpose based proper guidance for them, so that thereby they bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom through bringing about and maintaining their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence by reaching heights of excellence through needed necessary purpose based proper education, training and skills for organising and regulating themselves purposefully properly for this very end goal.

    This is why he gave mankind his purpose based proper manifesto and program to carry it out purposefully properly by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines. This being his required outcome and his expected end result for his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so he tells mankind to give up their disunity by uniting themselves by giving up all their disputes, rivalries, animosities, hatred, conflicts, discords, fights and wars between themselves. However this can only be possible through purpose ebased proper education, training and skills if people are psychologically prepared for giving up their individual petty personal gains which they secure from each other at each other's expense whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    Since people need to be brainwashed, indoctrinated and conditioned for this noble purpose hence the need for a noble ideology which is perfectly capable of helping mankind do that in order to help them become a purpose based proper human family in this world. This is why the Quran wants mankind to give up their disunity, discords, disagreements, dissensions, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves. This is what pledge and declaration of faith in the Quran and Islam is all about whereby people declare their commitment to this cause to accomplish this objective or to achieve this goal by fulfilling this God assigned mission for mankind.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #216 - January 02, 2025, 12:31 AM

    Surah 2   Al-Baqarah = The Disunity, Discord, Split, Divide, Dissension, Separation, Division or Disharmony etc.

    The sublime and glorious Quran is sent by Allah for mankind to guide them so that thereby they could give up their disunity be it based upon their open or secret rivalries and animosities between themselves in order to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom in actual fact through their own purpose based proper unity, peace, progress and prosperity for reaching heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. Because the Quran provides human beings with awesome and most impressive solid universal moral values to base their selves upon purposefully properly therefore it is an awesome and a marvellous, wonderful and miraculous book. This is why it is not and it cannot be a human creation rather it stands out from all the rest of the books which exist in the human world currently and it will remain an outstanding book forever for that very reason. It is because the Quran is mainly about real world realities in relation to mankind which people themselves observe and experience or they can observe and experience if they need or want to therefore it is free of possibility of any doubt that it is from God and that it can truly guide mankind in actual fact about their purpose of creation by their creator and sustainer and about how they can fulfil that purpose by their thinking, planning and doing things which it wants them to do and for the purpose it wants them to do. This is why the Quran is a God sent manifesto for mankind which contains his purpose based proper program for them to carry out purposefully properly by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines. This is why mankind need to think, plan and do all it suggests and they also need to avoid thinking, planning and doing anything which goes against this purpose based proper program. It is because mankind cannot get the outcome it wants them to get if they will not do what it wants them to do and instead they will do what it wants them not to do. So mankind must free themselves from open and secret disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves by mending and repairing their fractured and broken relationships with each other so that they could unite and become peaceful to make progress and be prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer and so that they remain that way by maintaining their that blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.

    000] So O our prophet and messenger to mankind, deliver this purpose based proper message from Allah to them for their purpose based proper guidance as a purpose based proper program for them to carry it out purposefully properly as a project and task as an assigned mission for them by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines for which he has already provided for them all things for their purpose based proper biological, psychological and sociological development and growth so that they become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly so that they could reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here as well as in hereafter.

    001] ALIF, LAAM, MEEM

    002] There is no doubt in the fact that this is that book for mankind from Allah in which there is purpose based proper guidance for those who wholeheartedly and purposefully properly desire to be guided purposefully properly because they have already prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    003] This is why they are ready to commit, dedicate and devote themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for the purpose of brilliant future of humanity that is yet unseen till it becomes and remains a reality in the human world therefore they are ready to work very, very hard towards that brilliant future for humanity through establishing a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for which they are ready to use out of all that which we have already provided for them for this purpose.

    004] Those who are ready to firmly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to what is revealed to you for your purpose based proper guidance as well as in what was revealed for those before you for their purpose based proper guidance and they had brilliant future because they too firmly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    005] Such like are the people who are purposefully properly based upon the purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them therefore they are free of all kinds of problems between themselves which disunite rest of human populations through disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves whereas these people are united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    006] However as for those who do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them purposefully properly it is the same for them whether you deliver to them this purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them or not they will not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.
    007] Allah has given them freedom to let them isolate their own minds and senses from his purpose based proper guidance for them as per their own choice because they have decided not to use their abilities to see things as they should instead they have preferred to live under cover of darkness of ignorance about universal moral values therefore they are bound to end up and remain in terrible state of painful existence by hands of each other due to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    008] Of course, there are also people who merely pay lip service to our calling them to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by saying, we commit ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for bringing about the time period of brilliant future of mankind but the actual fact is, they have not actually committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

    009] By their such thoughts and actions due to their ignorance they want to deceive Allah as well as those who have truly committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, however the fact is they are only deceiving themselves due to their lack of awareness and knowledge about real world realities as well as their lack of awareness and knowledge about the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind.

    010] So in their minds is a self imposed fatal confusion due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for knowing about real world realities as well as for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly therefore set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah let them continue in increasing their confusion due to darkness of ignorance in their minds whereby they end up in a terrible painful state of existence by hands of each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    011] All this happens to them because even when they are asked, not to propagate in the human world any harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system among mankind which causes disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between them. They say, we are only propagating a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which are for uniting mankind for their peaceful, progressive and prosperous state of existence.

    012] Be alert and aware of the actual fact that they are spreading a harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system in the human world whereby they cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, divisions, conflicts, fights and wars between mankind but they refuse to become aware of this fact to understand and acknowledge it.

    013] This is the reason when they are asked to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind just like those who have already committed themselves fully and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. They reply, should we commit ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind like those who have already committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind just because they lack sense? The actual fact is, it is they themselves who lack sense of making purpose based proper sense of real world realities and purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind in light of each other because they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer purposefully properly to reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community.

    014] Because they are utterly confused due to their ignorance by not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind purposefully properly therefore when some of them meet some of those who have committed themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they say to them for deceiving and making fool of them, we too have committed ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind but when they are alone with their dominant and leading mischievous, corrupt and troublemaking people in their human populations they say to them, we are surely with you and we were only deceiving and fooling about with those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

    015] Due to giving them freedom of choice Allah leaves them to themselves in their self imposed ignorance and foolishness to continue fooling themselves this way as per their own choosing and lets them drown themselves in their own ignorance and arrogance based foolishness and confusion due to which they run about aimlessly in all directions all over the place instead of accepting his advised purpose based proper goal or objective and direction to aim for and move towards.

    016] They are such ignorant and arrogant people who have bought into manmade confusing ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems instead of a way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for them by their creator and sustainer for their purpose based proper guidance. Their this way of living their lives has brought them no really worthy  advantage or valuable benefit because they have not succeeded in reaching the purpose based proper goal or destination which is set for them by their creator and sustainer for them.

    017] Their example is like that of a people who are in a dangerous dark place that is full of all kinds of dangers so they kindle only a small fire due to lack of or insufficient fuel to get light from it to see things around themselves to feel and stay safe and secure but when that fire lights up and sheds its light around them Allah lets their this fire go out due to lack of its fuel so they are left in the same utter darkness and danger as they were before kindling this fire.

    018] All because they are wilfully deaf, dumb and blind towards the purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind due to not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them purposefully properly which informs them about his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for them for ensuring their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom yet they ignore, avoid and neglect it instead of coming to it and taking advantage of it and benefiting from it.

    019] Or example of response of such like people as try to avoid even listening to the periodic call to the message that is revealed for their purpose based proper guidance by their creator and sustainer for mankind in order to ensure their own well being is like that of a people who are periodically taken over by a sudden heavy and noisy rainstorm from the sky wherein are gaps or periods of silence or quietness therefore periods of overwhelming darkness as well as periods of loud thunder and strong lightning because of which they tightly thrust their fingers into their ears in case the noisy thunder caused by strong lightning causes them to end up destroyed. This is how the call towards purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind which can lead them to the way of life, rule of law and governing system advised by Allah for mankind for ensuring their well being surrounds all even those who try to avoid seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    020] The lightning in the rainstorm is so strong that it almost snatches away their sights so it cannot be ignored, avoided or neglected by their such tactics. Each time it flashes and brightens up the place all around them, they walk in it but when it is dark they stand still. Had Allah so planned he could have left them on their own in utter darkness of ignorance without his purpose based proper guidance for them for ensuring their well being so their brains and senses will have become utterly useless and ineffective for making purpose based proper sense of anything at all. However Allah planned all things purposefully properly therefore according to set needed necessary measures so that they serve his purpose of creating them as they should or as they are supposed to.

    021] For that reason O mankind, serve the purpose of your creator and sustainer who has created you as well as those before you by becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by becoming and remaining united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous so that you could reach heights of excellence to attain and maintain blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in his kingdom and that way you could guard against harms and destructions which you people have been inflicting upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between yourselves.

    022] This is why the one who brought about the earth for you to live upon as well as its atmospheric layer to bring about purpose based proper environment for you and provided you the mankind with his purpose based proper guidance to have solid universal moral foundation to base yourselves upon so that you could thereby reach heights of excellence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly through your thinking, planning and doing what needs to be done for this purpose for your own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. This is why and this is how he causes the water to evaporate and form clouds in the sky to rain down as fresh water there from and thereby he brings forth all kinds of growths of living things such as vegetables, fruits, spices and livestock for your sustenance and livelihood. Therefore do not set up or accept dominant and leading people in human populations as equals of Allah in his kingdom by accepting living by their imposed ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems instead of accepting and living by way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised by Allah for mankind for ensuring their own well being.

    023] Despite all these stated facts if you are still in doubt about the message we have sent, revealed or disclosed to our prophet and messenger regarding the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind then you too can bring forth a message that can prove at least equally advantageous and beneficial for mankind in comparison to it. Moreover you can call upon all your helpers and supporters who refuse to accept and live by this message as well as oppose it which is about our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind if you people are truthful in actual fact in seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper message of Allah for mankind.

    024] However if you people cannot produce a message like it and you surely can never ever produce a message like it because it is about purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly then instead of rejecting, opposing and baselessly and aimlessly arguing against it guard yourselves against the fire of hatred and animosity between mankind - which take place due to some people securing their own petty personal gains from others at their expense as rivals and enemies whereby they end up in disputes, fights and wars with each other - by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly, because victims of fire of hatred and animosity are both down trodden masses as well as stone hearted dominant and leading people who are turned by them into their idols or Gods. So if these people will not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly then that is what awaits for them as well as all others who refuse to live by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind in the human world.

    025] So give glad tidings to those who will commit themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and therefore they will take all needed steps to remove disputes, fractures, rifts and conflicts from between people to bring them together to help development and growth of purpose based proper human community in order to maintain it. This is how of a surety there will come about lands or places for them based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind throughout which under their own administration and management things of their need and want for them will flow like rivers to have blissful, dignified and secure state of  existence. Each time they will receive their sustenance there from as fruits of their own hard works they will remember and say, this is that kind of provision which we are getting now like of which we were promised earlier on due to which we made our declaration of faith for our joining this movement for formation and maintenance of purpose based proper human community. All because in those places and lands will gather people who will be free of disputes, rivalries, animosities, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves and instead they will help and fully support each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as well as they will be hard working therefore they will end up in such like places and lands in our kingdom as well as they will remain in there for so long as they will maintain those places and lands purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community.

    026] This information and its purpose based proper explanation clearly shows that Allah does not hold back from mankind any needed necessary information and explanations be it by way of examples regardless the matters are of smaller scale or larger scale for helping mankind understand them purposefully properly, therefore those who commit themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind they come to know it for sure that this is a purpose based proper message from their creator and sustainer for them in actual fact because they prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. However those who do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it  purposefully properly they reject and oppose it by saying, what does Allah intend to accomplish and establish by putting forth this like information and these like explanations by way of various examples for mankind? This is how Allah leaves many of mankind to themselves to stay away from his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system as well as he lets many of them come to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to abide by it. His purpose based proper guidance for mankind does not let any people stray save those who seek to cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from others at their expense due to which people end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    027] As for those who breach their promise, covenant, contract or accord with Allah after ratifying it through their declaration of faith for joining the movement for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between people in the human world for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as they are advised by him. This is why they are the ones who are bound to end up in a huge loss through inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.

    028] Therefore if you the mankind can ponder over, reflect upon, contemplate and think about what is told and explained in this message then how can you people afford to stay ignorant about human world realities which are your very own direct life experiences and about real world realities as well as about our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and remain unproductive or prove harmful and even destructive for each other instead of proving helpful and supportive for each other through complementing each other purposefully properly by your rejecting and opposing our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by refusing to prepare yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting according to advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah for mankind purposefully properly which are only for ensuring your own well being particularly when it is he alone who has brought you to existence out of nothingness for that very purpose because you people were nonexistent before this existence? Moreover he leaves you people on your own to think, plan and do what you like for or against each other till you die after his giving you life but thereafter he will bring you back to life again after that death where after you will be brought back to him for your accountability for answering for what you will have done for or against each other in response to his purpose based proper guidance for you people?

    029) It is for this very purpose he brought into existence and evolved for all of you all that exists in this kingdom of his creation, that is how he applied and turned his design into a reality so extensively to all that exists from this galaxy to all the farthest galaxies and all that is within them as well as all that is in between them and that is how he fashioned all these things because comprehensive knowledge about each and everything rests only and only with him alone.

    030] In light of this information and explanation call to mind the state of affairs or situation in the human world at the time when your creator and sustainer through his very first prophet and messenger Aadam said to chiefs, officials, administrators or managers and their people at the time the very first time, I have decided to bring about a purpose based proper human community in the human world through Aadam for purpose based proper management of people and things. Seeing the disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars that were already ongoing between people at the time for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense some of them responded to God’s plan by expressing their concern about it by saying, O God, will you let any such person or people take over people and things for control or management of people and things in the human world like the ones who are already there and who will create conflicts and cause wars and thereby shed blood just like them whereas we work hard to try to bring about a human world so that you may become glorified in actual fact due to freedom from all problems between people in the human world? He said, you people do not have the needed purpose based proper information for thinking, planning and doing so that is why you have failed to do so this far on your own but I have the needed purpose based proper information for this purpose which I am going to pass onto Aadam to pass it onto rest of you people so that you people could succeed in bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom according to it by preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    031] Therefore he taught Aadam all the needed necessary information for this purpose in form of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to live by as his manifesto and program for them with his set goals for them to accomplish according to his provided guidelines so that thereby they could reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence by forming a purpose based proper constitution and legislating purpose based proper laws for organising and regulating themselves into a purpose based proper human community in the human world in his kingdom where after he brought him before the chiefs and their people to tell them about what he was taught by Allah and then he said to them through Adam, tell me if you people knew all this information already and if your concerns which you expressed earlier about my bringing about a purpose based proper human community in the human world are justified?

    032] They said, flawless is your provided purpose based proper information for our purpose based proper guidance, we do not know and we cannot know things save what you have made possible for us to know all by ourselves, it is because certainly you are the only one who is all knowing and all wise ruler of this kingdom of your creation.

    033] He thereafter said to Aadam, O Aadam, start informing them in all necessary detail about the purpose based proper information which we have disclosed to you for their purpose based proper guidance for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it. So Aadam informed them about it. Thereafter Allah said to them through Aadam, did I not tell you that I know all that is visible as well as invisible in all the far away galaxies as well as in this galaxy and all that is within them as well as in between them? Not only that but we also know all that which you people make obvious to each other as well as all that which you people keep hidden and secret from each other?

    034] However despite our provided information when we said to all the chiefs or administrators and all the rest of people through Aadam, accept and act upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind along with Aadam for your own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, they all accepted to do so but not Iblis (the one who opposes living by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind) and his helpers and supporters and backers. He along with his backers refused to live by our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and instead he continued living by a way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby they struggled between themselves for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    035] For that reason we said to Aadam, stay on our pointed out course for reaching our set out goal for you and your helpers and supporters or backers for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for you people for ensuring your own well being through your complementing each other purposefully properly so that you have a place and things in it which you people are free to use thereof which are fruits of your own labour according to your own choice as you need and desire things as a purpose based proper human community so do not even think about adopting any other way of life, rule of law and governing system which lead you people into rivalries and animosities therefore disputes, conflicts, fights and wars between yourselves whereby you people also become like those people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    036] However at length the opponent of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system and his supporters and backers conspired against Aadam and his community and by their tricks they brought them out of our advised course of thoughts and actions which they were following, so we said to them, you have degraded yourselves as some of you have acted in rivalry and animosity against others, nonetheless, for all of you people in this world there is a place to live and livelihood for a period of time.

    037] Thereafter Aadam was equipped by his creator and sustainer with more messages, so he returned to the course of thoughts and actions that was advised for him and his companions or supporters by his creator and sustainer, no doubt his creator and sustainer is ever ready to turn to his human creatures to fulfil their need for his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    038] Yet we also made clear to mankind by saying to them, move away if you must at your own risk from the course of thoughts and actions we have advised for you collectively as a purpose based proper human community but remember our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for their living purposefully properly in this world will keep on coming for you the mankind through our prophets and messengers as well as their missionaries, so whichever people will live by our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they will have no fear of any disputes, rivalries, animosities and atrocities from each other therefore they will not have any worries about their brilliant future to sadden them and make them grieve or be regretful due to their working for the purpose of becoming and remaining united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them through their helping and supporting each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    039] However you the mankind must become and remain fully aware about the fact that those who will refuse to live by our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and instead they will reject and oppose it they are bound to burn in fire of hatred and animosity against each other and in that state of existence they will abide forever due to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense unless they will repent by giving up their that way of life, rule of law and governing system and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind.

    040] So O you people who are claiming to be supporters and backers of the one who lived by way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah for mankind make my that way of life, rule of law and governing system a reality in the human world with which I have provided you people now again and that way fulfil your promise, accord and covenant with me so that I too fulfil my promise with you people so that you people remain safe and secure from harms and destructions by hands of each other as well as from poverty and lack of things of need and want.

    041] Therefore seek, receive, study, accept and act upon what I have sent for your purpose based proper guidance now by preparing yourselves purposefully properly for doing so. The message which confirms the truthfulness of my revealed message with which I provided you people till you people held onto it purposefully properly. For that reason do not be the foremost of the people to reject and oppose it. Moreover do not trade my revealed purpose based proper message for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead be purposefully properly consistent with it as well as with each other for ensuring your own well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom.

    042] So do not clothe this truth from me with your own falsehood and do not hide and suppress the truth from me from the rest of mankind after you have become aware about its presence or existence in the human world.

    043] Instead establish and maintain the network of a purpose based proper human community in the human world and give more and more strength to the network according to it by backing it up fully and purposefully properly through bending, moulding and modelling your lives along with those who bend, mould and model their lives purposefully properly according to it.

    044] Are you people telling other people in the human world to bend, mould and model their lives purposefully properly according to it yet you people yourselves are ignoring, avoiding and neglecting to bend, mould and model your own lives purposefully properly according to it when it is you people yourselves who are claiming that you are fully and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it? Can you people therefore not use your intelligence to figure out this conflict and contradiction between your words in form of your declaration of faith in this cause, mission and movement and your practice in form of your works and deeds for making it successful?

    045] So get purpose based proper support of other people in the human world purposefully properly as you should and the way you should for your this our assigned purpose based proper cause and mission for you people with steadfastness by means of forming and expanding a purpose based proper human community network. No doubt this mission involves very, very hard work but it is not impossible to carry out for those who are aware of the terribly painful consequences of not having such a strong purpose based proper human community network in their human world which ensures their well being.

    046] Such people as know with reasonable surety that one day they will have to meet their creator and sustainer, because unto him is their final returning so they will have to answer to him for their response to his call towards his assigned purpose based proper mission for them according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    047] So O you people who are claiming to be supporters and backers of the one who lived by way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah for mankind, make my that way of life, rule of law and governing system a reality in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind with which I have provided you people now again because thereby I distinguished you people from among the rest of human populations in the human world at that time by raising you to heights of excellence when you people lived by my provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    048] So adopt that way of life, rule of law and governing system as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom to ensure well being of mankind the while you still have the time to save yourselves by guarding yourselves against coming of such a time period when no one will work for ensuring the well being of mankind for benefiting one another at all, nor will anyone accept call of intervention for help and support by anyone because during that time period no goodness, justice and fairness will be expected from anyone by anyone and therefore poor and weak people will find no help and support from anyone and from anywhere.

    049] For that kind of reminder call to mind the fact that through our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind we saved you the poor, weak and undermined or enslaved people from the rich and the powerful people who supported and backed up the way of life, rule of law and governing system of the Pharaoh, the one who thought, planned and acted tyrannically particularly against you people and afflicted you people with terrible painful suffering. He and his supporters and backers actively discouraged and undermined your talented, courageous and capable people from among you and actively encouraged and promoted your coward, weak and incapable people from among you to hold you down through them to keep you enslaved and in that situation or set of circumstances for you people was set up a great program for you to campaign, strive, struggle and fight by your creator and sustainer to bring you out of that terribly bad situation.

    050] At the time we spread through you people our purpose based proper revealed information whereby we saved you people and let you prosper because you people prepared yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly but we let supporters and backers of Pharaoh drown themselves in their own ignorance based arrogance because they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and you people yourselves are the witnesses to that fact.

    051] At the time we exacted firm pledge of you people through Moses to change the time period of darkness for you - which was result of you people moving away from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind - with time period of brightness - by bringing you people back to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly through purpose based proper education, training and skills needed for this purpose if you people will hold firmly onto our revealed purpose based proper program for you people purposefully properly but then after this promise of yours at length you people again moved away from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so you people ended up adopting a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which were opposite of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby you people ended up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    052] However we overlooked your this act of falling away from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind after you repented by giving up that way of living and you reformed by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life again therefore we let you continue so that from then on you could use our provided things purposefully properly to accomplish our assigned mission for you.

    053] Because at the time we had already given Moses our book as the criterion for judging or distinguishing between the truth and the falsehood as well as the right and the wrong so that you people have the guidance that is purposefully proper.

    054] At the time Moses too said to his people, O my people, you have indeed inflicted harms and destructions upon each other amongst yourselves for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by adopting the harmful and destructive way of life therefore stop living that way and turn to the way of life you have been advised by your maker and discipline yourselves according to that because that will be greatly beneficial and advantageous for you people according to your maker. Your maker is such that he turned to you people again after your repentance and reformation and that is because he is indeed the one who turns to his human creatures for fulfilling their needs and wants for the fulfilment of his assigned mission for them.

    055] Despite all this information and explanation at the time you people said to Moses, we cannot put our complete faith in your program till we are purposefully properly explained as to what it is about and how we can fulfil it. Once it was purposefully properly explained by Moses for you and you understood it purposefully properly then you people were taken over by intoxicating motivation to see it through.

    056] That is how we raised you people to heights of excellence back on your feet after you became a morally dead and motiveless people so that you could start managing and using our provisions purposefully properly again for the purpose they are given to you.

    057] We did all this because you people were in a terrible state of existence due to falling away from our advised purpose based proper guidance for mankind whereby you people ended up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which you people ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. However by means of our revealed purpose based proper guidance for mankind we placed a protective covering over you people to screen you against overwhelming distressful situation and state of existence you got yourselves into by showing you people the way back to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that is how we inspired, triggered, moved, motivated and activated you people with courage and steadfastness, therefore make purposeful proper use of our provisions for the purpose they are granted to you so that you people could have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. Moreover become and remain aware of the fact that we never inflict harms and destruction upon people rather people themselves inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of living according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for them as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    058] This is why at the time we said to these people, bring about our advised purpose based proper place in our kingdom as a purpose based proper human community to live therein according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to freely produce and use things there in from wherever you like for ensuring your own well being as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. However bring about that place and enter in that place purposefully properly as you people are advised through our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Moreover express this fact through your own hard works according to the best of your abilities as we have given them to you to show that you truly desire that your needless unnecessary burden be lightened in actual fact with which you people have burdened yourselves by straying off our advised course of thoughts, planning and actions. So if you will do what you are advised the way it is advised purposefully properly then we will secure you people that way and protect you people from the outcomes of your unintentional harmful works or mistakes, because that is how we protect and give increase to good results of purpose based proper works of those who do that for ensuring well being of each other according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    059] However, along the way they traded what they were advised to think, plan and do with what was harmful and destructive so they ended up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, so we let the consequences of their very own transgressions against each other fall upon them as per our set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms.

    060] At length when Moses sought our help again to satisfy their need for purpose based proper guidance for mankind we helped him and said to him, use our purpose based proper program to carve a rock solid purpose based proper human community out of these people thereby. That is how sprung forth an exemplary purpose based proper human community because each of its people became purposefully properly aware of their place for learning our purpose based proper program for their purpose based proper guidance to live and abide by. So we said to them, keep feeding on our provided food for thought and keep drinking from the fountain of knowledge from Allah and do not transgress in the land against each other to be of the mischief makers and troublemakers.

    061) However call to mind also the fact that at the time some of your cunning and crafty dominant and leading people said to Moses, O Moses, we cannot live in this place by a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system with which you have provided us which enforce harmony between all of us to work for the purpose of unity, peace progress and prosperity of all of us as a purpose based proper human community in there because that does not suit us therefore we wish that you request your creator and sustainer to bring forth a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which allow us to live individually as we like so that we could hoard and collect things of need and want as well as of value in abundance for piling up and which allow us to withhold grain and various other things which the earth produces. Which allow us to have our own private or personal servants and workers. Also which should allow us to buy and sell goods and services as well as people as we wish. He said to them, will you rather prefer to live by a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which are harmful and destructive for humanity instead of the ones that are greatly beneficial, advantageous and constructive for you people as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom? If that is what you people want to do then go live somewhere else like rest of low lives and you will soon get the results for doing that. This is how they became exposed and trapped in humiliating stagnation, regression and poverty because they decided to reject living by beautiful purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which were advised for them by their creator and sustainer for ensuring their very own well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. It is for that kind of way of life, rule of law and governing system they used to argue and they raised disputes as well as caused fights with our prophets and messengers as well as their missionaries without any real worthy justification for doing so. So they ended up this way because they repeatedly transgressed and went against our advised purpose based proper limits and did things their own way.

    062] Regardless of what some dominant and leading people as well as their supporters and backers think, plan and do in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind every now and again those who will fully and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly commit, dedicate and devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our revealed purpose based proper guidance for mankind such as those who actively promote it among rest of human populations purposefully properly and those who actively support and back it up purposefully properly as well as those who actively prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly for ensuring well being of mankind or for that matter any other people who strive for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for their best future by actively removing obstacles and barriers in the way of people to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity will have their due reward as told by their creator and sustainer. As a result of their such thoughts, plans and actions for ensuring well being of mankind they will have no worries about their future nor any regrets for their past.

    063] This is why we exacted the covenant of you people and burdened you people by placing over you responsibility of living by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system and we said, hold onto this promise of yours to us firmly with all your strength and always keep it in forefront of your minds by faithfully and purposefully properly abiding by it in your deeds as well so that you people could attain freedom from all kinds of disputes, rivalries, animosities conflicts, fights and wars or troubles and problems from between yourselves in order to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.
    064] However, some of you people went back on your word you gave us by moving away from our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system thereafter and had there not been purpose based proper guidance of Allah with you people in which he told you people about getting back on the right track whereby some of you helped some of them to do that then indeed all of you people will have ended up in a big loss for ever.

    065] Some of you people are aware about those from among you who went back on their promise with us regarding our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so we said to them, continue as you like jumping back and forth like mischievous and troublemaking monkeys in response to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind if that is how you want to continue in your mindset, attitude and behaviour towards it instead of thinking, planning and acting like sensible human beings as you are advised and as you should.

    066] We pointed them out as an example for the people of their own time as well as for the people who were to come after them as a people who lived by a way of life, rule of law and governing system which were harmful and destructive for mankind and that is how we made them a lesson to learn about for those who would like to keep themselves consistent with our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    067] For this reason call to mind the state of affairs of those people to whom Moses was sent telling them at the time, Allah says you people should give up your divisive and discriminatory secular and religious ideologies and practices whereby you people cause disputes, fights and wars between yourselves through rivalries and animosities instead of committing yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for them. They replied, are you taking us for fools? Moses replied, I only seek our blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community by means of purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for us human beings by Allah instead of being of the ignorant and arrogant people who live by their own self invented and self imposed ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems and suffer the terribly painful consequences by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and therefore they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    068] They said then ask your creator and sustainer to make clearly distinct for us what is wrong with our adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system? He said, he says, it is a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which do not burden people with purpose based proper responsibilities to think, plan and do what they actually need to think, plan and do for reaching heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom but instead they burden them with harmful and destructive ideas and practices which lead them to disunity, fights and wars between themselves through disputes, rivalries and animosities due to their securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they are forced by each other into state of stagnation, regression and poverty as a people. So you people should do what you are told if you really want to reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    069] They said, in that case ask your creator and sustainer to make it more obvious for us what exactly is wrong with our adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system. He said, he says, your way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby you people live are founded upon harmful and destructive therefore immoral ideas and practices therefore they are void of ensuring your well being as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom as their outcome even though they look very attractive to those people from among you who have their individual ambitions and desires for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense hooked upon them in form of their expectations about them.

    070] They said, consult your creator and sustainer yet further for us seeking yet more clarification for us about them because by now to us usefulness of our adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system are becoming confusing therefore doubtful as the problems which result from them are becoming obvious for us so if Allah guides us a bit more regarding them then we will surely find the truly right way of life, rule of law and governing system for ourselves  in actual fact.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #217 - January 06, 2025, 09:50 AM

    071] Moses said, Allah says, these your adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system are not good for mankind because they do not make things suitable for them through help and full support of each other through their complementing each other purposefully properly but instead they make things very, very hard for them by setting them up against each other securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which leads people to conflicts, fights and wars between themselves therefore they cannot fulfil their needs and wants as a matter of fact, this is why this way of life, this rule of law and this governing system which you people have adopted are of no benefit and advantage at all for you the mankind. They said, now you have brought to us the whole needed detail about our adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system. This is why and this is how they gave up their own self invented and self imposed as well as self adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system but in the beginning when they were called to our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system they appeared staunch adherents of them who will never give them up.   

    072] The fact is, whenever you the mankind as a people let the sense of need for unity, peace, progress and prosperity for yourselves in light of your own self observed facts in the human world and in light of our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind become and remain obscure, ignored, avoided or neglected, you people end up living by a way of life, by a rule of law and by a governing system which prove harmful and destructive for you people because thereby you people end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and therein you become and remain trapped till someone becomes aware about this fact and draws your attention to actual facts in the human world as well as to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and so some of you people repent by leaving that way of life, rule of law and governing system and reform by adopting our purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind. That is how by his purpose based proper manifesto and program Allah gets you the mankind out of this humiliating and terribly painful state of existence by giving you the opportunities yet despite all these given chances most of you people show hesitation, reluctance and resistance for coming out of that terrible state of your existence into state of existence that is blissful, dignified and secure for you.

    073] That is why and that is how we said to Moses, teach some of this information to people you are sent to, because that is how Allah brings to life the human populations which become dead by remaining ignorant and ending up weak and poor due to falling away from his advised purpose based proper guidance for them and so they become accustomed to harmful and destructive ideas and practices. This is how Allah shows you the mankind his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that you the mankind could learn how to become and remain a sensible people to live your lives purposefully properly.

    074] Likewise at length, after going through all this state of affairs your hearts and minds became hard like stones once again or even harder against each other. Surely from such stone hearted people there do not bust forth springs of progress and prosperity nor do such stones split or break open or burst forth from them spring of water of love and affection for each other and certainly from such stone hearted people one cannot expect that they will think, plan and do anything for sake of Allah for ensuring well being of each other, however Allah is not unaware of what these like stone hearted people from among you the mankind think, plan and do and why they think, plan and do that.

    075] So do you the people who have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community according to our this purpose based proper guidance for mankind still hope that these stone hearted people will also accept living by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system along with you when a great majority of their group have heard this message of Allah and thereafter with their intelligence they have misconstrued it despite the fact that they are a people who do have sense to be able to interpret our purpose based proper message for mankind the way it ought to be interpreted.

    076] When such stone hearted people come in contact with those who are truly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our this purpose based proper guidance for mankind in actual fact they say to them, we too are committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind but when they see themselves alone with each other they say to one another, why do you read out to them what Allah has revealed to you people in case they start arguing against you using that information about your understanding of the message of your creator and sustainer, why don’t you use your intelligence to realise such an important point?

    077] But are such people unaware even about the fact that Allah is fully aware of their thoughts and actions for and against each other and he exposes in due course through their own actions whatever their declared and undeclared or obvoious and hidden motives are against each other?

    078] They say such baseless and unfounded things to each other without sincerity because most of them never prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper revealed book for their purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly so they only express their random and purposeless thoughts which they only imagine and wish for in their own minds regarding our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and humanity.

    079] This is why terribly harmful and destructive future by hands of each other awaits for those who write with their very own hands baseless falsehood about our purpose based proper book for purpose based proper guidance of mankind which have no basis in reality of the real human world nor in our revealed purpose based proper book yet they dare claim that they are in our revealed purpose based proper book in actual fact whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they do not and they cannot bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. For the reasons that they have written falsehood with their own hands and they have falsely attributed them to us, await for them horrific harms and destructions in future because harmful and destructive is for their future whatever they earn as a result of their thinking, planning and doing that.   

    080] Despite their doing all that which creates hatred and animosity between any human population they dare claim that fire of hatred and animosity will not touch our human population but only a very small number of people as well as only for a very limited time period. Say, have you people a written down agreement with Allah against which Allah will never go or are you people saying things about Allah regarding which you have no awareness whatsoever?

    081] No, you people have no such promise from Allah that if you will hold harmful and destructive thoughts about each other and plan and carry out harmful and destructive actions against each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense then Allah will save you from the consequences for thinking, planning and doing so, instead those who do such harmful and destructive things to each other and the number of their such wrongdoings to each other overwhelms them then such people end up in the grip of a terrible fire of hatred and animosity against each other which leads them to unending fights and wars against each other which becomes a state of affairs wherein they remain forever unless they repent by leaving that way of thinking, planning and doing things to each other and reform or mend their ways by way of thinking, planning and doing things for each other according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    082] In contrast to them those who commit themselves fully, wholeheartedly and  purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and therefore they take all necessary steps to mend broken, severed and fractured relationships between people by removing obstacles and barriers in their way to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity such as rivalries and animosities between them which lead them into needless conflicts, fights and wars between themselves for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because such like problems between themselves stop, hinder and prevent their unity, peace, progress and prosperity for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why these people land or end up in beautiful places in our kingdom wherein they live forever unless they move away from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    083] So call to mind the time when we took covenant of supporters and backers of servant of Allah that they must never serve agenda or carry out program of anyone other than that of Allah alone. Also they must help overcome shortfalls or weaknesses of their dependent folks who are within their reach or within their neighbours such as elderly, youngsters, and incapacitated and those who are isolated, lonely or on their own and those who have become stuck therefore lack things of need or want. That is how they should ensure blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for mankind by establishing the purpose based proper human community network and expanding it. However save a smaller number most of you people went back on your promise.
    084] Moreover at the time we also exacted promise of you people that you will never shed blood of each other nor drive each other out of your places of stay and you people agreed to that and you are witnesses to all this.

    085] Yet despite ratifying agreement with us it is you people who are killing one another and driving a party of your people out of their homes. Some of you are supporting each others in committing aggression against each other due to your animosity towards each other. Yet if either of those fighting people come to you as captives then you ransom them whereas doing all this to them was forbidden for you in the first place. Do you then accept only some of the teaching of our revealed purpose based proper book for mankind and reject the rest? What then should be the consequences for those among you who do such things to one another other than humiliation by hands of each other at present and that such people should be handed over severe penalty on the day when our way of life, rule of law and governing system become fully established and maintained? So be aware that Allah is not unaware of whatever you people think, plan and do.

    086] So be warned well in advance that all those human populations which trade their long term future major gains for their present short term quick and minor gains their lives can never reach blissful, dignified and secure state of existence because they will not be helped and supported by each other by complementing each other purposefully properly to reach heights of excellence but instead their lives will be made very, very hard, difficult, problematic, troublesome and more and more painful and miserable by each other due to their rivalries and animosities against each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for humanity.

    087] No doubt we gave Moses our purpose based proper guidance in form of a book for mankind and backed them up with more of our books through more of our prophets and messengers as well as their missionaries for the purpose based proper guidance of mankind. This is why and this is how we gave Jesus the successor of a purposefully properly committed, dedicated and devoted community many clear evidences and explanations for justifications of our claims and that is how we helped and supported him with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Is it not then the case that each time there came to you the mankind any of our scriptures through our prophets and messengers or their missionaries who did not follow your own self created and self imposed or self adopted harmful and destructive religious and secular baseless ideas and practices which lacked purpose based proper universal moral foundation, you people rejected and opposed them as well as you tried to dominate them by undermining them? That is why and that is how you the mankind rejected and opposed some of our scriptures, prophets and messengers as well as you campaigned, strove, struggled and fought against the others.

    088] You people did all that to our scriptures, prophets and messengers as well as their missionaries, helpers, supporters and backers because you people claimed that you already comprehended and encompassed all that you needed to know for living your lives in this world as you should so you did not need to know what our scriptures, prophets and messengers as well as their missionaries wanted to inform you people about from us. However their this kind of terrible approach and response to the call towards purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind by his prophets and messengers as well as their missionaries as a result kept them away from his advised purpose based proper blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. All because they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind so they had no universal moral values therefore they had least trust and confidence in each other and for that reason they could not and they cannot become and remain a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom.

    089] This is why when there came to them this book in form of the Quran from Allah for their purpose based proper guidance confirming through its similarities to that which was already among them from us and due to which they used to claim highest possible moral ground over those who used to reject and oppose living by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom despite their doing so when there came to them their this already expected updated version of the very same book from us in actual fact they refused to accept and live by it as they were supposed to. However the fact is, those who refuse to live by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly they remain distant from heights of excellence and therefore they remain distant from blissful, dignified and secure state of existence because they can never reach heights of excellence by becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community without solid and purpose based proper most impressive universal moral foundation of our revealed purpose based proper book for their purpose based proper guidance and as a result most of them are forced to live without things of need and want by each other due to their securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they make things of need and want out of reach of each other and that way they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other instead.

    090] Harmful and destructive indeed are the ways of life, the rules of laws and the governing systems for them by which they decide to live as human populations because thereby they strive as groups and individuals against each other for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own group and individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other yet for such kind of state of existence they reject living by a way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence by Allah. However because Allah provides his purpose based proper guidance for mankind through a people who are most suitable for this purpose for a given time period due to rage and fire of hatred as well as rivalry and animosity against each other these people also rebel even against his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Due to their such terrible response to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind they draw upon themselves terrible painful and humiliating suffering upon suffering. This is how those who reject living by his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system as a purpose based proper human community they end up in a humiliating, painful and terrible state of existence.

    091] All this happens to them because when they are invited to commit themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community according to our revealed purpose based proper guidance including our this guidance in the Quran for mankind they say, we put our trust only in what has been revealed to us and we reject and oppose anything other than that including this alleged revelation the Quran from Allah for mankind. They do so despite the fact that it too is the truth from their creator and sustainer in actual fact which confirms that which is with them already due to its similarity with that as its updated version. Say, if you people are truthful in actual fact in your claim then why did you people campaign, struggle, strive and even fight against the prophets and messengers of Allah who came to you people from him earlier on if you are truly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in actual fact as a purpose based proper human community according to purpose based proper guidance that was sent by Allah for you people previously or earlier on?

    092] No doubt at all that Moses came to you people with self evident facts and explanations as well as justifications for our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for you people to live by yet you people instead chose to live by a way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby you people secured your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and thereby you people ended up in rivalries and animosities against each other and that is how you people turned into an unjust and unfair people who inflicted each other with harmful and destructive atrocities whereby you people ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    093] So call to your minds the time period when we took covenant of you people through Moses and we placed upon you responsibility of living by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system saying to you people to stick with what we are giving you with full strength and abide by it as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom purposefully properly. However dominant and leading people from among them said to each other, we are listening to what is being said to us but we refuse to live by that way of life, rule of law and governing system as a purpose based proper human community instead we will live by a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which suit us the most individually and personally. They said this due to their ignorance based arrogance because they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind because in their minds they were intoxicated with love for their self invented and self imposed as well as self adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system which offered them chances and opportunities for making quick petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Tell them, harmful and destructive are for you people for your own future as a people your own self invented and self imposed as well as self adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system in actual fact which force you people to think, plan and do to each other what is harmful and destructive for you for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense if you people truly want to work for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of your creator and sustainer in actual fact as per your own claim.

    094] Say to them, because you people claim your way of life, your rule of law and your governing system are the best possible for ensuring only and only your own brilliant future alone according to your understanding of message of Allah for mankind therefore you people should be able see our demise in future if what you claim is really true in actual fact. That is because according to you people our way of life, our rule of law and our governing system which we people also claim are from Allah for mankind but you people do not accept this fact. Likewise we see our rise to heights of excellence and your demise in future according to what is sent to us for purpose based proper guidance of mankind as we understand it for living by his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system.

    095] However despite your rise due to your living by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system purposefully properly and despite their demise due to their living by their way of life, rule of law and governing system, they will still not give up their adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system for adopting your way of life, rule of law and governing system because of what they have earned thereby and Allah knows those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is how he exposes them.

    096] So no doubt, you people will find these hypocrite double faced dominant leading people who are enemies of humanity such as chiefs, priests, money lenders, their touts and supporters from among those who claim to live by our purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system the greediest, most miserly and selfish of all the people from among them for eagerly hoarding and holding onto the most needed and wanted therefore most valuable and luxurious things the life has to offer at the expense and exclusion of all others, even more eagerly than those who openly live by way of life, rule of law and governing system of their own instead of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind. Each of them wishes to live a very long life that is full of luxuries at the expense of all the rest, however even a very long life cannot turn them into a purpose based proper human community that is free of inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. That is why set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah bring to light results of what they think, plan and do against each other for mankind to see to learn lessons from that.

    097] It is their this mindset, attitude and behaviour based upon their ambitions and desires which are most harmful and destructive for mankind due to which they have hatred and animosity towards our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind, nonetheless tell them the fact that whichever of the human populations in the human world will try to draw any wedge, screen, shield, wall, fence, barrier, obstacle or obstruction between themselves and our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, regardless of their this thinking, planning and action we have revealed it for the whole of mankind in the very heart or in the very middle or centre of you people according to set-up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah which also confirms whatever of the original message of Allah is still with them already and which is surely a great news for those who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it.

    098] After all these evidences and explanations any people who will still harbour hatred and animosity towards Allah, his officials or office holders who manage and serve the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for his sake such as his prophets and messengers as well as missionaries according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind by advocating, promoting and propagating it then Allah lets those who reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind remain distant from blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as per their own thoughts, plans and actions against each others.
    099] For sure we have revealed through our purpose based proper guidance for all of you the mankind our goals to accomplish according to our provided guidelines and none of you will reject, oppose, campaign, struggle, strive and fight against them save the ones who want to rebel against them to break away from our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for creating rivalries and animosities and thereby disputes, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between human beings for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    100] Has it not been the case that each time mankind were united and bound together by us through our exacting a covenant, promise or an accord and agreement of them on basis of our purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines by way of forming a purpose based proper constitution for themselves and by legislating its purpose based proper laws to regulate themselves by, a dominant and leading group of people such as chiefs, priests, money lenders, their touts and supporters from among them pushed it aside by way of their tricks and mechanisms for replacing it by their own harmful and destructive agenda for humanity? That is because most of them were not at all interested in working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it therefore they conspired against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to push it out of their way.

    101] For the very same reason whenever there came to any people any prophet and messenger with a message from Allah for their living in this world purposefully properly confirming whatever part of the actual purpose based proper guidance from Allah for mankind was still left with them from any of his earlier messages, a group of dominant and leading people such as chiefs, priests, money lenders, their touts and supporters from among those to whom his scripture was already given threw purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind behind their backs as if they had never received it or heard of it at all.

    102] And instead they conspired and schemed against it by propagating, promoting and supporting a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system of the leadership that rejected and opposed as well as campaigned, strove, struggled and fought against our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind just as they did during the time period of Suleman (a person who works for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity according to purpose based proper guidance of God for mankind) who along with rest of administration managed a purpose based proper human community in a place or in a piece of land in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. It was not Suleman who rejected and opposed our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind rather it was their secular and religious minded leadership which rejected and opposed our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind. They indoctrinated, brainwashed and conditioned the masses of people in our name through their tricks and deceptive mechanisms for trapping them into a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system, which were harmful and destructive for humanity but that suited their agenda at the expense of the masses in their human populations. The fact is, nothing of the sort they claimed was revealed from us to the people of the two places or lands or kingdoms (or two dominant or leading people or groups of people who pretended to be of good character but they were of harmful and destructive character for humanity) namely Haroot (a person or a group of people which splits or separates or causes ideological, social, political, cultural and economic disunity or discord or dispute or rivalry and animosity) and Maroot (a person or a group of people which ruins a place or turns it into a desert or a barren piece of land through sowing the seed of fire of hatred through rivalries and animosities between people by harming and destroying their unity, peace, progress and prosperity) in Baabil (a poisonous place or a place which is full of poisonous people, things, atmosphere or environment or a place which is full of people who are filled with hatred and animosity against each other). However they did not teach anyone their harmful and destructive, manipulative, exploitative and abusive social, political, cultural and economic ideologies as well as tricks and methods or techniques of deception against the place wherein were living Suleman and his purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind till they had exacted a pledge of secrecy of a person telling the person we are your saviours and well wishers who are conspiring against the place that is managed by Suleman and his administration so do not reject and oppose what we teach you people and instead help and support us against them. That is how they taught their social, political, cultural and economic ideologies, tricks and methods of deception to people to make them of their like mindset, attitude and behaviour by instilling in their minds harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against the purpose based proper human community whereby they caused rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between the administration and management and their managed purpose based human community in the place. However the fact is, they could never cause any harm and destruction to anyone by their propagandas based upon their lies and falsehood unless they spread their falsehood as the truth from Allah for mankind among people who did not bother to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly. Nonetheless they learned what was harmful and destructive for them as a people whereby they became and remained a divided people but they did not learn what could bring about and maintain their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence through their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity with help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.
    Had they prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly then for sure they should have known the fact that whichever people adopt any harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which can ensure their own well being as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly can never have a brilliant future at all. Therefore no doubt such people exchange their way of life, rule of law and governing system for the worst for themselves but only if they prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly they can come to know this fact or truth.

    103] So had they committed themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of bringing about and maintaining unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and thereby they had guarded themselves purposefully properly against inventing, imposing, accepting and adopting harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system then they will have had great returns and rewards for their thoughts, plans and actions for ensuring well being of each other according to set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah had they learned to become aware of this fact or truth in time.

    104] This is why, O you people who claim to be wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of bringing about and maintaining unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly, you people if you are true to your declaration of faith in our assigned mission then you should never say to our prophet and messenger or his officials and missionaries, exempt or exclude us from any task for this mission without any reasonable and genuine excuse and justification instead you people should say, keep us in forefront of your mind as well as keep us in your sight for any task related to this mission and carry it out faithfully and purposefully properly as a duty and also you people should remember always that there awaits terrible painful suffering by hands of each other for those who will rather invent, impose and accept or adopt any way of life, rule of law and governing system and campaign, strive and struggle for bringing them about and maintaining them for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense yet they will make with their words of mouth their false declarations of faith for accepting and working for our assigned purpose based proper mission for them but in actual fact they will reject and oppose it by their thoughts, plans and actions by not carrying it out purposefully properly as they are supposed to.

    105] Neither those who reject and oppose purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah for mankind from among the people who have his scripture already nor those who live by any other way of life, rule of law and governing system like the fact that there should come for you the mankind from your creator and sustainer his purpose based proper guidance for your blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom but the fact is, choice of choosing a person as his prophet and messenger for receiving his revealed messages rests with Allah alone and he knows full well who truly deserves to be chosen as his prophet and messenger by him for delivering his message to a people because with Allah alone rests absolutely comprehensive knowledge about everything.

    106] We never exempt, exclude or push back any individual human party, group or population from carrying out any of our assigned task for our mission for carrying out our purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines unless a party or group chooses to stay out, excludes or exists itself from doing so but if any do that then we let others take their place who are better because they proves to be a better example or model for mankind than that. Have you the mankind not made yourselves aware of the fact that Allah has set up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms to govern operations of all things according to his set measures which are put in place by him for all things?

    107] Have you the mankind not learned this fact yet through your own purpose based proper observations that to Allah alone belongs the kingdom of all the far away galaxies as well as of this galaxy and all that is within them as well as all that is in between them and that is why you people have no way of life, no rule of law and no governing system other than the ones which are purposefully properly advised for you the mankind by Allah for your blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom so that through your own help and full support of each other by your complementing each other purposefully properly you people could reach heights of excellence?

    108] Or do you people also want to make demands of your prophet and messenger from us like the ones which were made by people of Moses before you to be allowed to live by a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system whereby they could secure their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community? But the fact is whichever people move away from our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for ensuring their own well being as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom to any other way of life, any other rule of law and any other governing system whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense such people become and remain utterly and terribly confused because they distance themselves from our advised purpose based proper way of life, the rule of law and the governing system for mankind which could lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in our kingdom.

    109] Due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind in light of their observable human world realities purposefully properly out of their ignorance based covetousness, envy, jealousy, hatred, rivalry and animosity against humanity, most of the dominant and leading people from among those who were given our book before you people would love to bring and keep you people also entrapped in their harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system even after the truth about our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind has become purposefully properly obvious for you and you people have sincerely and purposefully properly conveyed it to them also. However do not respond to their this foolish thinking, planning and doing things against you people lightly and haphazardly rather let them be as they are meanwhile and instead use your available time to prepare yourselves purposefully properly and respond to them effectively according to set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah so that things change for the better instead of worse for you the mankind. Surely Allah has set up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms to govern operations of all things according to his set measures which he has put in place to make things serve his purpose for which he has created them.

    110] So you people should steadfastly continue with our assigned mission for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom and you people should continue helping and full supporting it steadfastly for its growth and development to strengthen it and to keep it strong. The fact is, nothing you people will think, plan and do for brilliant future of your purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but you people will find its results and outcomes according to set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah according to measures he has put in place for this very purpose. Surely set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah and measures he has put in place keep monitoring things so they keep an eye over all that you the mankind think, plan and do for or against our assigned purpose based proper mission.

    111] The fact is, despite their not abiding by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind purposefully properly and their living by their own self invented harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system, dominant and leading people from among the people who have our book between themselves say, none can ever enter any place or land for blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in this human world as you people claim unless one is guided by us and he is one of our helpers and supporters or backers. These are their baseless claims only. Say to them, bring proofs for your claims if you people are really speaking the truth in actual fact in this regard.

    112] The fact is, none of them can ever bring any proof for their any such claim however contrary to their claim the truth is any people who adopt as a purpose based proper human community for their own best future purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised by Allah for mankind and they faithfully and purposefully properly abide by them doing all that makes life of mankind beautiful or blissful, dignified and secure, the outcome of their such beautiful thoughts, plans and actions for each other is bound to be delivered to them by set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah according to his set measure that are put in place by him therefore they have nothing to regret or be sad about regarding the promise of outcome they are made in the past nor they have anything to worry or be anxious about regarding promise of outcome they are made for their future.

    113] It is due to their lack of purpose based proper preparation for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our already provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly through our scriptures for them in light of observable real world realities, that, some of the dominant and leading people from among those who claim to be guided by them as well as some from among those who claim to be their supporters and backers make certain claims about each other. That is some of the dominant and leading people who claim to be guided by those scriptures from among them say, some of those who claim to be their supporters and backers have no any solid foundation from Allah to base themselves upon to live their lives by purposefully properly and likewise some from among those who claim to supporters and backers of our scriptures say, the dominant and leading people from among them who claim to be guided by them have no any solid foundation from Allah to stand upon purposefully properly as a people despite the fact that they all have their scriptures from us between themselves for their purpose based proper guidance for them. So despite having our scriptures from us and despite having our given abilities to make purpose based proper sense of them they talk like those people who keep themselves utterly and completely unaware of our scriptures and who are not bothered to learn purpose based proper sense to make purpose based proper sense of real world realities and our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind in light of each other. No matter how harmful and destructive their ambitions and desires as well as their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours are for themselves and purpose based proper human community as well as the rest of humanity, the set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah will settle the issues they differ about between themselves and the rest of mankind, by the time when the way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah will become and remain fully and purposefully properly established and maintained in the human world on the basis of this last and final scripture from us by its purpose based proper missionaries, supporters and backers.

    114] However meanwhile till the permanent establishment and maintenance of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind in the human world by our missionaries purposefully properly one has to ask oneself which people can inflict more harm and destruction upon humanity other than those who keep on rejecting and opposing this happening by conspiring, campaigning, struggling and fighting against our missionaries for preventing, hindering and stopping them from bringing about and maintaining such places wherein purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah for mankind could become established and maintained so that works assigned to them in his name could be carried out by them in there in order to fulfil his assigned mission for them but these rivals, enemies and opponents of theirs who reject and vehemently oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, work very, very hard towards harm and destruction of these like people even within their places of stay, residence or settlement? But the fact is, such inflictors of harms and destructions upon humanity have no right to enter these like places unless they repent by giving up their harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind and they sincerely work for ensuring well being of humanity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. However if they will continue thinking, planning and doing what they are doing already then disgrace and humiliation is their lot in life of this world and in hereafter they will face a terrible and grave penalty.   

    115] No matter what, be aware of the fact that kingdom of this creation from one end to the other belongs to Allah alone so rising to heights of excellence and falling from there of people in this world is according to the set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanism of Allah according to set measures he has put in place for this purpose so to whichever way of life, rule of law and governing system you people turn and live by, you will find set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah governing workings of all things, because set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are fully and purposefully properly comprehensive for taking care of working of all that exists for fulfilling his purpose for which he has created them according to his plan.   

    116] Despite these clear evidences and explanations from us that we do not need any assistance from anyone for our existence and managing our affairs some of the mankind due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly still claim Allah has taken an assistant. But the actual fact is that all the kingdom of creation is only and only his work alone, this is why to him alone belongs whatever is in all the far away galaxies as well as in this galaxy and all that which is within them as well as in between them. This is why all things in his kingdom of creation are submissive only and only to his set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms according to his set measures he has put in place for them to govern their existence and operation.

    117] He alone has originated all the far away galaxies as well as this galaxy and all that which is within them as well as in between them for a set purpose. At the time when he decided upon this matter to make it take its form in reality by expressing his will in shape of his creativity, that is how it began to evolve into its planned shape in reality for the purpose it was planned.

    118] Despite our all these pointed out evidences and provided explanations those who do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly still say due to their ignorance based arrogance and haughtiness, why Allah does not speak to us directly or sends us his revelations directly? The same was asked by many of those before them because they all have similar desires and ambitions upon which are based their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours due to their lacking in purpose based proper knowledge about real world realities as well as our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. The fact is, we have surely made our purpose based proper program for mankind obvious and self evident beyond a shadow of doubt through our prophet and messenger in light of observable facts so that they accomplish its goals according to our provided guidelines for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    119] Surely we have sent you O our prophet and messenger to mankind for a set purpose to deliver to them our purpose based proper program purposefully properly so that they carry it out as a mission by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines so that they work for bringing about and maintaining their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom purposefully properly, and to warn them against staying away or moving away from this program because that will leave them or land them in the humiliating state of existence as a divided people due to living by a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which will keep them divided or cause them to divide and remain divided through disputes, hatred, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves due to their securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. However you will not be held responsible for thoughts, plans and actions of those who will reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind in response just because they will remain or end up in a terribly agonising state of existence by thinking, planning and doing things their own way as they like instead.

    120] The truth is, we already know as a fact that some of the dominant and leading people from among those who claim to be guided by our purpose based proper guidance for mankind which is already between them and those who claim to be supporters and backers of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind which is already among them that they will not give up their campaigning, striving and fighting against you people due to their envy, covetousness, jealousy, hatred, rivalry and animosity against you people who live by our this last and final purpose based proper guidance for mankind in form of the Quran till you people give it up and accept their dominance and slavery by living your lives by their self invented, self imposed and self adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby they campaign, struggle and fight even against each other for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. Therefore you people should make it obvious for them by tell them loudly and clearly by saying to them, surely purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for their living in this world purposefully properly is only and only that which is advised for them by Allah their creator and sustainer. Moreover even if you people too were to give up living by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which are doubtlessly most beneficial and most advantageous for humanity in order to adopt their way of life, rule of law and governing system which are unfounded based upon nothing more than their own personal harmful and destructive desires and ambitions against humanity due to which they have harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against mankind whereby they think, plan and act even against each other as well as against the rest of human population for securing their own petty personal gains from each other as well as from the rest of human population at their expense after you people have received purpose based proper information from us about real world realities as well as about our purpose based proper guidance for mankind then there can never be anyone who could protect and help you people against terrible state of existence as clearly explained for you the mankind by Allah your creator and sustainer.

    121] Nonetheless all those people to whom we have provided our purpose based proper scriptures for their purpose based proper guidance and they abide by them purposefully properly as they are supposed to or as they should or as they ought to, they are the ones who are truly, fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind in actual fact to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. However any people who reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind they are the ones who are the real losers in actual fact.

    122] So O you people who are claiming to be supporters and backers of the one who lived by way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah for mankind, make my that way of life, rule of law and governing system a reality in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind with which I have provided you people now again because thereby I distinguished you people from among the rest of human populations in the human world at that time by raising you to heights of excellence when you people lived by my provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    123] So be warned well in advance and do not reject, oppose, campaign, strive and fight against my this message in form of the Quran out of hands O mankind or be ready for and be mindful of the time period which is bound to come or arrive when things will get so bad between people that no person will do anything at all to ensure well being of another person even in the least without first securing one’s own petty personal gains from the other. At that time no pleading of help by anyone will be accepted by anyone nor any excuse or intervention by anyone will benefit anyone because there will be none there who will be willing to help anyone without securing one’s own petty personal gains from the other first.

    124] For that reason you should also call to your minds the time period when Ibrahim was engaged and put through very hard struggle by his creator and sustainer for fulfilling his assigned mission which was based upon his purpose based proper manifesto and program for him to carry it out purposefully properly by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines for development and growth of himself, his own human population of which he was a part as well as for human populations round about him and he fulfilled his given tasks for his assigned mission purposefully properly. Allah therefore said to him, I will point you out as a purpose based proper role model for the individuals of the human populations to come due to your purpose based proper understanding and living by my purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. Ibrahim said, what about pointing out such individuals from among my human populations who will claim to be my supporters and backers? Allah said, I will not hold out those of them as role models who will not bother to understand and live by my purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly but they will instead inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and therefore they will refuse to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom according to my purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    125] That is why at the time we made our purpose based proper guidance for mankind central for them to keep referring to and keep turning to for their purpose based proper guidance towards their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom saying, take the standard set by Ibrahim as an example for bringing about as well as for maintaining a purpose based proper human community as our assigned mission for humanity purposefully properly. Moreover we bound by a solemn pledge and promise or covenant Ibrahim (one who provides people with proof for his claim of prophet-hood and messenger-ship of God from God) and Ismail (one who works very hard to make people listen to message of God for them) as well as their supporters and backers to keep our purpose based proper guidance for mankind pure and free of any adulteration from any alternative opposing sources of information for those who will consult it constantly or refer and turn to it repeatedly and ponder and contemplate over it for their purpose based proper guidance for bending, modelling and moulding their lives according to it by accepting it for carrying out its purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines for them.

    126] And do not forget the desire which Ibrahim expressed at the time by saying, I wish purpose based proper guidance of my creator and sustainer for mankind helps me and my helper, supporters and backers turn this world into a blissful, dignified and secure place for living of its inhabitants by means of his provisions or provided sustenance or livelihood for those who are fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them for the brightest time period that is to come. His creator and sustainer added to his wish by saying, provisions will also be made available even for those who reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for a short time to a very limited degree because in time to come due to fire of hatred and animosity against each other these enemies of humanity will end up in countless disputes, conflicts, fights and wars against each other and that is a terrible situation or state of affairs to be in.

    127] That is how at the time Ibrahim struggled very, very hard for raising a purpose based proper human community on basis of our provided purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines for mankind through formation of a purpose based proper constitution and by legislating its purpose based proper laws purposefully properly along with Ismail saying, our creator and sustainers we wish that you approve and accept our this work from us for your assigned mission. Surely through our missionary works you have made abundantly evident for all people in this world your advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind to live by because you are comprehensively aware and knowledgeable about all things.

    128] Our creator and sustainer, we desire that both of us along with our helpers, supporters and backers are kept fully engaged and wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for your assigned mission so if that is your will too then help us raise from among these people a purpose based proper human community based upon your purpose based proper guidance for mankind who are committed to your assigned mission wholeheartedly and purposefully properly therefore make obvious for us our tasks and ways and means thereby to achieve and accomplish them through our hard works and keep turning towards us through your purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Surely you grant mankind your purpose based proper guidance to turn to it because you guide them purposefully properly thereby towards blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community.

    129] Our creator and sustainer, we wish that you raise from among themselves such a prophet and messenger of yours who proclaims to them your purpose based proper program to carry it out purposefully properly by accomplishing its goals according to your provided guidelines for them by forming a purpose based proper constitution and by legislating its purpose based proper laws for their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom and who educates and trains them and helps them gain needed necessary skills for this very purpose for making this assigned mission of yours for mankind successful through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity by their purpose based proper management and regulation of people, land and resources as well as means of production and distribution. So that they become and remain free of all kinds of difficulties, troubles and problems between themselves. Surely you are the mighty wise ruler of this whole kingdom of your creation.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #218 - January 12, 2025, 09:05 AM

    130] So which people are foolish enough to move away or stay away from our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which we advised for Abraham and his helpers, supporters and backers save those who keep themselves ignorant by holding themselves and their helpers, supporters and backers back from preparing themselves purposefully properly from seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind? That is why we point him and his backers out as a model for the people of the world to copy because till the end of his life he proved by his thoughts, plans and actions that he was of those who remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, divisions, rifts, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars from between people by mending and repairing their fractured and broken or severed relationships with each other in order to lead them to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    131] At the time to begin with when his creator and sustainer told him and his helpers, supporters and backers to give an undertaking by pledging to abide by his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which could lead mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. He declared, I and my helpers, backers and supporters promise to live by way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for us human beings by the creator and sustainer of all the creations in his kingdom.

    132] That was the covenant whereby Abraham, his helpers, backers and supporters as well as Jacob and his successors lived and that was the covenant that was bequeathed as a legacy generation after generation by them by saying to their successors, O our successors, Allah has advised this way of life, this rule of law and this governing system for you to live and abide by as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom so reach not your time of death but while you are still living and abiding by only and only this way of life, this rule of law and this governing system which can lead mankind to their blissful, dignified, and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom provided they prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    133] Or were you people not witnesses when the time of death of Jacob approached when he asked his successors, who will you people serve and work for after me as your God? They said, we will serve and work for accomplishing and fulfilling the mission that is assigned to you by your God who is God of your predecessors Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, the one and only true God so we promise to live and abide by his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system.

    134] These were a people who have passed away, for them was and is what they earned in response to responsibilities we burdened them with and for you will be what you will earn in response to responsibilities we have burdened you people with and neither of you people will be held answerable for the thoughts, plans and actions of the other regarding burden of responsibilities we have placed upon each of you people.

    135] People who claim to be guided by our earlier purpose based proper guidance for mankind and people who claim to be helpers, supporters and backers of our earlier purpose based proper guidance for mankind who do not actually live and abide by our advised earlier purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly ask you people to adopt their self invented and self imposed and self adopted ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems so that you people too could also become purposefully properly guided like them. Say to them, no, we rather purposefully properly live and abide by way of life, rule of law and governing system which were accepted, adopted, lived and abided by Abraham and his helpers, supporters and backers purposefully properly because they were advised for mankind by Allah, that is why he and his supporters were true helpers, backers and supporters of purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system in actual fact which led them to their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and he and his supporters were certainly not of those who lived and abided by any way of life, rule of law and governing system other than the ones which were advised for them by Allah.   

    136] Therefore say to them, we have already committed, dedicated and devoted ourselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to what is revealed to us by Allah for mankind as well as according to that which was revealed by him for mankind to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and those who succeeded them faithfully and purposefully properly as they were supposed to. Also according to what was revealed to Moses and Jesus as well as according to what was revealed to all other prophets and messengers of Allah from their creator and sustainer for mankind. We do not find any conflict between the actual teachings of any of them and that is why according to all these teachings we have committed ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    137] This is why people who claim to be purposefully properly guided by our earlier or previous scriptures and people who claim to be helpers, supporters and backers of our earlier or previous scriptures purposefully properly if they too truly and purposefully properly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community just like you people then they too will become a purposefully properly guided people in actual fact. However if instead of joining you people for carrying out our purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines they turn away from our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind then due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly they have alternative opposite harmful and destructive agendas for dividing people and keeping them divided for causing conflicts and wars between them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense. Nonetheless purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah will save and secure you people from their harmful and destructive tricks and traps but only if you people will stick to them purposefully properly as you are people are supposed to, because set up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah are all constantly and consistently monitoring and responding to thoughts, plans and actions of all of you the mankind because they are based upon his comprehensive knowledge of all things.

    138] Therefore you people who live and abide by our this last an final message tell them to fully submerge their selves in the sea of information which is provided for all of you the mankind by Allah to live and abide by and in any case ask them, whose information for purpose based proper guidance of mankind for living in this world purposefully properly can be better than that of Allah? This is why thereby we are fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to serving the purpose for which Allah has created us and sustains us.

    139] Say to them, after having pointed out so many evidences and after having provided so many explanations for you people do you people still think it is justified for you people that you should campaign, struggle and fight against us over purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind when he is our creator and sustainer as well as yours and we all should serve his purpose by working for his mission all together? Despite our doing all this for ensuring your well being if you people still want to continue living your lives by your self-invented harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system then be warned that your thoughts, plans and actions against each other for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense will have terrible consequences for you as a people respectively and our thoughts, plans and actions for ensuring well being of each other as a purpose based proper human community will have their best possible outcome for us as a people. All because we are sincere with our commitment for establishing and maintaining his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system in the human world.

    140] After all these evidences and explanations from us, are you people justified for claiming that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and their successors were purposefully properly guided by our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as per your understanding of it or did they help and support our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly as per your understanding of it? Also ask them, are you people better aware of all these facts or is it Allah? So which people can be more harmful and destructive for mankind than those who hide from mankind the actual message or statement or testimony of Allah for mankind by way of its misinterpretations and misrepresentations? No doubt set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will bring to light for all of you people to see the consequences of what you the harmful and destructive people from among the mankind do against each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    141] The fact is, many of these like harmful and destructive groups of people have passed away. For them was and is what they earned and for you will be what you people will earn. Moreover you people will not be held answerable for what they thought, planned and did against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, however you people will certainly face consequences for what you people will think, plan and do to each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. 

    142] After all these clear evidences and explanations from us still the people who hold themselves back from preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our past or earliest or previous and present or latest or current purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly, from among the people who have been given of our scriptures already as well as from among the rest of the human populations will say about you people who have turned to this our latest revealed scripture for your purpose based proper guidance, what has turned these people away from the ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems according to which they used to live their lives? Let them know the answer by saying, it is because we have become aware of the fact that from one end of the kingdom of the creation to the other end, rise and fall of human populations in the human world in kingdom of our creator and sustainer is fully dependent upon our preparing ourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of our creator and sustainer for mankind purposefully properly or not doing so. He guides to his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which is firmly founded for leading mankind to heights of excellence and thereby to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom only and only those people from among the human populations who show through their appropriate efforts and hard works that they truly want to be guided purposefully properly.

    143) This is how we brought you the individuals together from among various human populations to form an ideological purpose based proper human community in the midst of all the human populations in our kingdom according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind because you people prepared yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly, so that you people could act for the rest of humanity as evidence of an exemplary purpose based proper human community which is purposefully properly based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to witness and support regarding the purpose based proper working of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind in actual reality, just as our prophet and messenger acts as an evidence of an exemplary individual for you to witness, help, support and back up. We did not bring you people up according to ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems of people you were born among but to make evident and obvious to rest of human beings in those human populations helpers, supporters and backers of our prophet and messenger for his assigned mission as distinct from those who blindly stick to or go after or go back to harmful and destructive beliefs and practices or ideas and actions which harm and destroy humanity by hands of each other. To come to this much awareness about our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind was a matter needing very, very hard work by individuals indeed but it was not impossible for those whom Allah granted abilities to gain knowledge and make choices based upon that knowledge and they used those abilities appropriately and purposefully properly to be steadfastly consistent with his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they endeavoured and made hard efforts for it to the best of their abilities which were granted to them by us. This is why remember always that Allah does not let your living and abiding by his purpose based proper guidance for mankind be fruitless instead he brings together such people as work very, very hard from among mankind towards blissful, dignified and secure state of existence by carrying out his purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided guidelines.

    144] Indeed we see you the knowledgeable individuals turning towards and focusing your attentions upon the highest priority which is goal of establishment of our advised place in our kingdom based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind therefore we leave you people to direct your all efforts towards your desired target and destination. So from now on get yourselves fully involved in establishing the place in our kingdom based upon our purpose based proper guidance as a purpose based proper human community. No matter whichever people and whichever places you are from get yourselves fully involved in accomplishing this set out goal as a mission as a purpose based proper human community. The people given our scriptures already who have studied them purposefully properly know this for sure to be the set goal for mankind from their creator and sustainer and set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah are never negligent in bringing about the results of their benevolent and constructive thoughts, plans and actions for ensuring their own well being as a purpose based proper human community with help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    145] As far as those human populations from among mankind who have had scriptures from us already for their purpose based proper guidance are concerned who have not bothered to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and therefore due to their ignorance based arrogance they live by their own self invented ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems instead of the way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah in their scriptures, even if you people bring each and every evidence and explanation to furnish them with information for proving the fact that the way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah are the best possible for them to live and abide by due to their ignorance based arrogance they will still not live and abide by them as you people live and abide by them. But the fact is neither can you people abide by their ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems for so long as you people keep on preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. Also yet another fact is, they do not even live and abide by ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems of each other and instead they keep on fighting against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. However should you people ever become slack in preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind  purposefully properly and that way you people will end up living and abiding by their ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems then surely you people too will become like one of those people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    146] Yet another fact is, those people to whom we have given our scriptures already and they have studied them purposefully properly due to preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying accepting and acting upon them purposefully properly they recognize this Quran as well that it too is from Allah just as they recognize their own ideological firm foundations due to resemblance and similarities between them. However dominant and leading secular and religious minded people from among them who have not bothered to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly in form of their scriptures from us due to their ignorance based arrogance they try to mask our purpose for revelation of our scriptures for mankind as well as the way whereby mankind can fulfil that purpose and that they clearly make very obvious and evident by their responses to calls towards our purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to their harmful and destructive desires and ambitions upon which are based their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against our scriptures and humanity.

    147] The purpose of life and the way of life to fulfil this purpose are clearly told about in this purpose based proper guidance for you the mankind by your creator and sustainer therefore you people should prepare yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly so that you people never think and act like those ignorant and arrogant people who are confused and therefore they are in doubt about these facts.

    148] It is because for each and every human population in this world we have set the very same purpose of life and we have advised for them the very same purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for fulfilling it so they all should focus their full attention to carrying out their given project or task as an assigned mission to complete, fulfil and accomplish. Therefore you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly for carrying out our given purpose based proper program for ensuring well being of mankind should do your best according to our given abilities to you for accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines to complete the given task for ensuring well being of yourselves with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. No matter from whichever human population in the world you people come, our assigned purpose and our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for you the mankind for fulfilling it will bring you all together as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Surely set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah govern operations of all things according to his set measures.

    149] So from whichever background you people start your journey towards our assigned goal as a mission which is for ensuring blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, remain focused upon establishing a place based upon our purpose based proper guidance in our kingdom. This is the actual truth from your creator and sustainer for you the mankind, so remember always the fact that set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as process, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah never fail to deliver in due course results of your thoughts, plans and actions for or against each other.

    150] For this reason from whichever background you people come forth for helping, supporting and backing this mission, get yourselves fully and purposefully properly prepared and involved in establishing a place in our kingdom based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuing their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence with their own help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. So in whichever place you live and among whichever people you live in our kingdom, always work towards this end goal, objective or target, so that no people of any place or of any human population have any justifiable reason to oppose and fight against you people. Nonetheless those who will not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly due to their ignorance based arrogance they will keep on thinking, planning and doing all that is harmful and destructive for you people for opposing and fighting against you so be purposefully properly prepared for dealing with such like people effectively by not giving their self invented and self imposed way of life, rule of law and governing system any importance at all instead give purpose based proper importance to my advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind so that thereby I bless you people with blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom so that thereby you people come to know that you have been guided by me purposefully properly.

    151] It is for this purpose we have now sent between you people this prophet and messenger of ours from among yourselves - just as we sent our prophets and messengers between people of the past from among themselves - who proclaims to you people our purpose based proper program for mankind to accomplish its goals purposefully properly according to his provided guidelines through forming a purpose based proper constitution and legislating its purpose based proper laws for your purpose based proper organisation and regulation as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom to free yourselves from all kinds of harms and destructions which you people inflict upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by educating you people out of your harmful and destructive ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems to get you people involved into our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind to live and abide by through helping you people for becoming and remaining wise and knowledgeable people through learning and knowing what you people did not learn to know before this call towards our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by our this prophet and messenger to you.

    152] Therefore you people should also proclaim to all the human populations throughout the human world in my kingdom my this message so that thereby I establish and maintain you people as a purpose based proper human community in a place in my kingdom and for that purpose you people should use my provisions purposefully properly and for that reason you people should never use my provisions improperly and inappropriately let alone for inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gain from each other at each other’s expense.

    153] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom according to my this purpose based proper guidance for mankind, gain strength and firmness there from with steadfastness for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in my kingdom. Certainly set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah strengthen, help, support and back up those who are steadfast in carrying out his assigned mission for them.

    154] Moreover never speak dismissively or ill about those who are fought against and they are temporarily defeated or suffer any set back or they are killed just because they campaign, struggle and fight only for accomplishing the mission assigned for them by Allah that their efforts are in vain or are gone to waste rather their efforts are for giving life to humanity and maintaining it which is worth living for mankind by bringing about blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for them in a place in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them as a purpose based proper human community but many from among you the mankind have not yet prepared yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly so you people have not yet learned to value their efforts, hard works, campaigns, struggles and fights for the success of our assigned mission for them.

    155] We will surely give chances to many of you also to put yourselves through similar campaigns, struggles, fights and wars for the very same end goal due to which you too will face danger, hunger, loss of livelihood and fruit of your labour as well as your lives but glad tiding of successful accomplishment of our assigned mission is only for those who will remain constantly and consistently steadfast throughout this campaign, struggle and fight for the success of this mission till its purpose based proper completion.

    156] Such as those who when they face any kind of hardship, difficulty or problems during this process which involves campaigning, struggling and fighting for the success of our assigned purpose based proper mission for them they say, we work for the success of the mission assigned by Allah for mankind so we will continue our campaign, struggle and fight for success of this mission regardless of any kind of hardship, difficulty or problems that comes in our way during this process for accomplishing this mission by continuously referring to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    157] These like purposefully properly determined people are those whose success is assured through help, support and backing of set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by their creator and sustainer as promised by him in his revealed purpose based proper guidance for mankind because they are a people who are guided by him purposefully properly and they live and abide by his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and faithfully as they are supposed to.

    158] So it should be clearly and distinctively obvious for those people from among mankind who have purposefully properly prepared themselves for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind  purposefully properly from all these pointed out evidences and provided explanations that purpose based proper understanding of our assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind as well as of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind and their own sincere and solid as well as purpose based proper commitment for accomplishing, establishing and maintaining them are the main requirements of Allah of people who wish to sincerely and purposefully properly commit themselves for campaigning, struggling and fighting for the establishment and maintenance of a place in his kingdom as a purpose based proper human community according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. For this reason there is no blame upon people who need to take time for preparing themselves for this purpose based proper campaign, struggle and fight before getting fully and purposefully properly involved in this process for making our assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind successful for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for humanity. However, those who become and remain fit and suitable for carrying out our assigned benevolent purpose based proper mission for mankind, in due course set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will assist them purposefully properly with all the needed necessary logistics based upon his comprehensive knowledge of all things.

    159] As far as the opposing groups of dominant and leading people are concerned who keep themselves ignorant by not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, they not only keep themselves unaware and ignorant about our purpose based proper program for mankind which is for them as well to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines but they also hide these things from other people as well from among themselves who are submissive to them so they are under their sway and control despite the fact that we have made these vitally important things for their purpose based proper guidance which they hide from others clearly obvious for the whole of mankind through our revealed purpose based proper book. Such are the people whom set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah let remain distant from blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom because they think, plan and act against others from among themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that is how they are kept away from our blessings all by themselves.

    160] However those of them who turn to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for their purpose based proper guidance by learning sense of making purpose based proper sense of real world realities as well as of our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind in light of each other and therefore they repent by giving up their existing ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind and they let other people know about our purpose based proper program for mankind for carrying it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines purposefully properly and faithfully with clarity, we too let our set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place shower our blessings upon them because thereby we help those who decide to live by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind.

    161] However those who reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind and they continue living by their self invented and self imposed ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems therefore they end up destroyed by hands of each other due to their struggles for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and yet they continue their rejection and opposition to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, it is people like these whom according to their own wishes, desires and decisions set up purpose based proper system and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measure put in place by Allah keep away from his missionaries as well as from purpose based proper human community and thereby from blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a consequence of their own thoughts, plans and actions against each other as well as against the rest of human populations in the human world in contravention of our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    162] These like people enter and remain in agonizing painful state of existence by hands of each other and their suffering is neither lightened by their inflictors of pain nor they get any respite by them unless they stop living by ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems they are living by and adopt our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind.

    163] The fact is there is no reason for you the mankind not to live your lives by purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for mankind by your only true God other than whom there is no God for you the mankind. The one who has already provided for you all things for your purpose based proper biological, psychological and sociological development and growth so that you people become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper  guidance for you with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly so that you people could reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here as well as in hereafter

    164] Surely in the creation based evolution of all the far away galaxies as well as in this galaxy and in all that which is within them as well as in between them and in the process whereby the night and the day are alternated as well as in the sailing of the ships through the oceans for the benefit of mankind and in the rain which set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah cause to come down from the clouds at heights with which he revives the earth after its death by growing and spreading in it all kinds of living things and also in the changes that occur in the atmosphere, environment and weather such as in the controlled formation of clouds between the sky and the earth there are evidences for oneness of God for people who have learned sense of making purpose based proper sense of things therefore they do not live by any way of life, rule of law and governing system other than the ones which are advised for mankind by Allah.

    165] Despite such clear evidences which are pointed out and despite such clear explanations which are provided that prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Allah alone is the creator and the sustainer of all the living and nonliving existing beings in his kingdom of creation therefore only and only by his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system mankind are supposed to live in this world, yet there are human populations in this world which keep themselves unaware and ignorant about them so they do not learn about them to adopt them purposefully properly because they do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly and instead they unquestioningly take others than Allah as their Gods, creators, owners and rulers but they live and abide by their own self invented and self imposed ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems which they attribute to their self invented Gods and they show loyalty to them to such degree as they should be showing their loyalty to Allah and his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. However those who truly and purposefully properly commit themselves in actual fact to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind they are staunchly and purposefully properly loyal only and only to Allah and his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind after they have purposefully properly examined his pointed out evidences and his provided explanations. Nonetheless those who do not bothered with preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly therefore due to their ignorance based arrogance they get involved in power struggles between themselves so they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense but only if they could imagine the terribly painful consequences for doing so to realise and become aware of the fact that all power rests only and only with Allah alone because terribly painful consequences for their such horrible thoughts, plots and actions are delivered to them by set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as process, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah alone.

    166] During the time period when terribly painful consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts, plots and actions against each other will actually face them those dominant and leading powerful and wealthy people who will have set up and adopted their own harmful and destructive ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems instead of living and abiding by purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah will leave those who will have supported them to suffer on their own, that is how even the most strong bonds between themselves which will have forcibly bundled them together will break down.

    167] And these supporters will say, if only it was possible for us to go back in time and start a anew then we too will break all ties with them as they have broken their ties with us today leaving us to suffer on our own. That is how set up purpose based proper system and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measure put in place by Allah will show them the results of their blind unquestioning support for each other like herds of animals which follow each other blindly that they will be full of regrets due to all this happening to them. However they will not be able to free themselves from the fire of hatred and animosity against each other unless they all repent by stop living by any harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system they are living by and they reform by adopting and abiding by purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system that are advised for them by their creator and sustainer.

    168] For that reason O you the mankind, participate, interact and take part freely in all the activities between yourselves which are constructive, beneficial and advantageous for you in this world according to our purpose based proper program for you for carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines through formation of a purpose based proper constitution and by legislating its purpose based proper laws for your purpose based proper organisation and regulation as a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom. However never think, plan and act according to suggestions of anyone who rejects and opposes our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for you, the mankind because such an opponent will surely prove an enemy for you.

    169] Such a rejecter and an opponent of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind will urge you the mankind only and only to think, plan and do what is harmful and destructive for humanity as well as such a one will make you people by his tricks and mechanisms to attribute all that harmful and destructive participation of yours to Allah about which you have no proof whatsoever nor any right at all to do so.

    170] Despite these like clear evidences and explanations when it is said to people by our missionaries, prepare yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah purposefully properly, they reply, no way, we will instead continue living by way of life, rule of law and governing system of our forefathers, predecessors, ancestors or past generations. Say to them, are you people going to continue living like your past generations even if they did not prepare themselves purpose fully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind purposefully properly?

    171] The likeness of our missionary proclaiming to such people our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and of their hearing about it from him without giving it its due purpose based proper attention and consideration is like that of a person who is telling something of vital importance to such a people from a great distance so they only hear it as a loud noisy cry that is to be ignored. Their response towards our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind is as if they are deaf, dumb and blind towards it because they lack sense of making purpose based proper sense of real world realities as well as of provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    172] So O you people who claim to have truly committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in actual fact as a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, interact, participate and take part in all such activities which are constructive, advantageous and beneficial for mankind for ensuring their well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly by using our granted provisions for this very purpose according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. That is how you should prove to each other as well as to the rest of human world that you are managing and handling our granted provisions purposefully properly for fulfilling your assigned mission by Allah if it is for accomplishment of his assigned mission that you are truly working for in actual fact.

    173] Therefore you the people of purpose based proper human community in our kingdom are strictly prohibited and forbidden to get involved in any kind of power struggle, interaction, and participation as well as from taking part in any activities among or between yourselves which could land you people in harm, danger, death and destruction through bloodshed by hands of each other which result from your conspiring, plotting and scheming against each other. You are also strictly prohibited and forbidden from declaring fights and wars against each other for enforcing and imposing upon each other any way of life, rule of law and governing system which are against the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for mankind by Allah. All such activities are made unlawful for you people in order to prevent and stop you people from becoming a lifeless and dead people through your falling victim to stagnation and regression by your becoming slack in carrying out our purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based guidelines. These our restrictions are not for individuals who are wrongfully trapped by their rivals and enemies and they do any such things for getting themselves out of any dangerous situations or set of circumstances who do not intend to rebel against our prohibitions and humanity. Certainly purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for mankind by Allah are for ensuring their own safety and security thereby.

    174] Surely those who due to their ignorance based arrogance and haughtiness neglect, avoid and ignore preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly and therefore they end up hiding from each other what Allah has revealed for mankind for their purpose based proper guidance for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by using it as a tool of manipulation, exploitation and abuse, so they are such a people who are filling their bodies of human populations with nothing other than fire of hatred and animosity against each other whereby they will end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. Due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires they have such mindsets, attitudes and behaviours about purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind, so purpose based proper guidance of Allah cannot make sense to them for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it so it cannot free them from troubles, problems and difficulties they have created between themselves as human populations in the human world and as a result they end up in a terrible painful and agonising state of existence by hands of each other.

    175] Such are the people who work for replacing our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom with a way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby they end up in power struggles against each other for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other and so they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. How eager they are for making lives each other a living hell.

    176] The reason they are bound to end up and stay in such terrible states of existence unless they repent and reform is because Allah sent his book for guiding mankind purposefully properly in light of real world realities about their rights and responsibilities regarding each other in light of or in context of his assigned purpose and his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for them for fulfilling that purpose yet these people instead due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly created disputes and conflicts about the book due to their baseless and aimless conflicts and fights with each other which had nothing at all to do with our revealed purpose based proper scriptures for purpose based proper guidance of mankind.

    177] The fact is, there is no freedom from self created ills between themselves for such human populations in the human world as adopt ideologies and practices which set them up against each other for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in contravention of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. Instead freedom from all self created ills from between themselves is only possible for such human populations which sincerely and firmly as well as purposefully properly adopt ideology and practice which are told about by Allah for mankind so they live according to his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for fulfilling the purpose for which he has created them, which is they are to bring about and maintain a brilliant period of time in the future for themselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. This is why they work as his missionaries for his assigned purpose based proper mission for them according to the book of Allah for them just like the earlier prophets and messengers from Allah who were sent to people before this era or period of time. This is why they are a people who fully and purposefully properly as well as freely share fruits of their labour with each other out of love for Allah as well as for love of each other and rest of humanity, distributing what they have among the members of their own purpose based proper community who are within their easy reach as well as those who are at a distance, be they settled or on the move and any people who are in need of help and support such as people who are held as prisoners for ransom to free them from their captivity. This is how they bring about and establish as well as maintain a purpose based proper human community and strengthen as well as expand it with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. This is how they fulfil their declaration of faith in this purpose based proper mission which is assigned for them by their creator and sustainer after they have made the declaration. They prove to be steadfast in time of any war and infliction as well as hardship or difficulty. Such are the people who prove themselves dependable, reliable and trustable who back up their words with their deeds because they are the people who guard against being proven false in their promise to Allah and the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    178] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, abiding by principle of help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly is prescribed for you for ending all kinds of your self-created conflicts between yourselves so that you people could come together and remain together as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of your creator and sustainer and so that then you people could help all other human populations in our kingdom to end all their self created similar kind of conflicts from between themselves so that then they too could come together and remain together and so that then you all could come together and remain together as parts of purpose based proper human community in kingdom of your creator and sustainer. It is because only a human population that is free itself from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense can work towards freeing other human populations from this mindset, attitude and behaviour of inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense just like a human population which decides to live by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind that frees itself from taking any other human population as slave can work for freeing other human populations from taking any other human population as slave and just like a human population which frees itself from harms, ills, lacks, weaknesses and disadvantages can work towards freeing other human populations from harms, ills, lacks, weaknesses and disadvantages. So any human population which removes any harm, ill, lack, weakness and disadvantage from its fellow human population it has followed the beautiful course of thoughts, plans and actions for ensuring its well being and thereby well being of whole of humanity. That is how your creator and sustainer makes things easy for you people through his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for your blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. So any human population that goes against these principles of help and support through complementing each other purposefully properly, for any such human population there is terrible painful suffering by hands of each other in due course as a result of its own harmful and destructive thoughts, plots and actions against each other.

    179] So O you people who have prepared yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, all these pointed out evidences and provided explanation clearly show you people that your abiding by principle of help and full support of each other by way of your complementing each other purposefully properly according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as according to the best of our granted abilities to you can ensures your survival through best state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom so you people should become and remain fully consistent with our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other.

    180] Therefore your leaving as a legacy our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind  behind yourselves faithfully and purposefully properly is prescribed or advised for you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working the purpose e of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in our kingdom before death approaches any of you just as it was prescribed for people of purpose based proper human community before you, so leave this purpose based proper legacy behind you faithfully and purposefully properly for those who depend upon you about it in form of community adults and children within your circle and reach or area of responsibilities in a way that it is purposefully properly understandable by them. This burden of responsibility is upon all of you but particularly upon those of you who truly want to be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other in actual fact as a purpose based proper human community for ensuring well being of whole of mankind.

    181] If any people change information given in this legacy after receiving it then any harm or destruction that results from that will be upon those who will change this given information in the legacy. No doubt set up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes, mechanism and measures put in place by Allah will make obvious for all to see results of peoples’ harmful and destructive thoughts and plots against each other through their very own actions against each other in due course and this is for assuring mankind about the fact that nothing escapes his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures which he has put in place for this very purpose.
    182] However, there is no restriction on the recipients of the legacy if they among themselves make corrections to the wrong or mistaken information given to them instead of the original if they fear any harmful or destructive outcome for the individuals or the purpose based proper human community from acting upon it in its given or received form. It is because purpose of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community through his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for their very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.

    183] For that reason O you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind, abstaining from all kinds of harmful and destructive thoughts, plans and actions against each other is prescribed for you just as it was prescribed for those before you so that you people could become and remain consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly as well as with each other as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    184] For that purpose as an ideological group of people you people should set apart some needed time periods as well as purpose based proper education and training centres, institutions and places for all people to have needed necessary and compulsory purpose based proper education, training and skills to bring about and maintain a purposefully properly organised and regulated human community in a place in our kingdom through formation of a purpose based proper constitution and legislation of its purpose based proper laws according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for organisation and regulation of a purpose based proper human community. However if during any education and training session any of you people are ill, unfit, unsuitable, incapacitated or unavailable due to being already engaged in some other needed and necessary works or activities then you should complete this necessary and compulsory education and training program during other sessions. As for those who have completed their compulsory eduction and training sessions successfully and purposefully properly their task is to work hard for satisfying all purpose based proper needs and wants of the residents of the place or state in our kingdom to ensure their well being. So each and every such person should try one’s best according to our granted abilities to be purposefully properly consistent with our this program mentally and physically for ensuring well being of mankind which is in fact a way of ensuring one’s own well being, so getting purpose based proper education, training and skills is best for you for ensuring your own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but only if you people could realise by thinking about it at that higher, wider and deeper level.

    185] The constant state of disputes, rivalries, animosities, campaigns, struggles, strives, fights and wars for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense between people is the one in particular for the ending of which the Quran is revealed by us as a purpose based proper guidance for mankind with clear evidences and explanations as the criterion for judging and distinguishing the truth from the falsehood as well as the right from the wrong for ensuring their own well being through their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity with their own help and full support of each other by way of their complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it. Therefore if any of you the mankind comes across such situations between groups of people that are full of harms and destructions, bloodshed and bloodsucking between themselves then you should be purposefully properly educated, trained and skilled as well as purposefully properly prepared to manage and handle as well as be able to cope and deal with them appropriately and purposefully properly in order to put an end to them. This is why you people must undertake and complete the advised compulsory purpose based proper education and training program unless any of you are ill or are engaged in other necessary works but then such people from among you must complete this education and training program at another time that suits the educators and the trainers as well as the learners and the trainees. Allah only intends to make your lives purposefully properly easy and comfortable and he does not intend to put you through needless and unnecessary hardship and difficulty so complete the education and the training program for a period of time prescribed by your organisers and regulators or managers and administrators so that you people could adopt, establish and maintain his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind in a place in his kingdom based upon his purpose based proper guidance for you the mankind and thereby you people should make his glory purposefully properly manifest for the rest of mankind to see as he has guided you purposefully properly so that you could use his granted provisions purposefully properly as he has advised you the purpose based proper human community for fulfilling his assigned purpose as his assigned mission for you according to his advised purpose based proper plan and way of life, rule of law and governing system.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #219 - January 23, 2025, 06:32 AM

    186] Since you people have been assigned a program or a task to carry out as a mission so you are supposed to be working for bringing about and maintaining a worldwide purpose based proper human community in a place in my kingdom according to my provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for fulfilling my assigned mission for you therefore if any people in my kingdom ask you people about the time period this project for bringing about and maintaining such a place in my kingdom will take to complete. Tell them, as far as I am concerned, I have provided you the mankind my purpose based proper guidance for this purpose so there is no delay from my side about coming about of such a place in my kingdom for such a people rather it is up to you the mankind yourselves to come together and help and purposefully properly support each other for becoming and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in my kingdom by calling and inviting each other to my purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for this very purpose. My set up purpose based proper universal systems and law as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by me are always purposefully properly ready and standing by to respond to your thoughts, plans and actions for this purpose. So go ahead and carry out your assigned task for fulfilling this objective so that you people could end up with a worldwide purpose based proper human community in my kingdom according to my purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring your own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.

    187] During the time period of darkness of ignorance before starting of our revelation of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind it was made acceptable for you the mankind by each other by your dominant and leading people through their programs for education, training and skills for their human populations whereby they brainwashed, indoctrinated and conditioned themselves and their human populations in such a way that people in positions of power from among you exploited, manipulated and used ignorant, illiterate, uneducated and untrained, weak and downtrodden people from among you abusively for securing their own individual petty personal gains from them at their expense despite the fact that safety and security of people in position of power from among you depended upon weak and downtrodden people just as safety and security of weak and downtrodden people from among you depended upon people in positions of power. However due to results of your participation and interactions with other things as well as with each other in shape of your thoughts and actions for and against each other, through set up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah it was made obvious for you the mankind that you both the groups of people were not giving any rights to each other nor were you people respecting any rights of each other due to having no sense of universal purpose therefore no sense of any purpose based proper universal responsibilities towards each other due to not having universal moral values. However our set up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place gave you people more and more chances so after receiving our purpose based proper guidance for mankind from then onwards you people have been getting together every now and again by seeking that for each other and from each other as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah which he prescribed for you instead of what you people used to think, plan and do for and against each other. Therefore keep eating the food for thoughts from our tree of knowledge and keep drinking from our fountain or sea of knowledge till the light of knowledge of this self evident truth becomes clearly obvious and distinct for you from the darkness of ignorance and falsehood. After completing your this purpose based proper education and training program take it to the rest of humanity to educate and train those people of them who are still living in time period of darkness of ignorance in distant lands and places in our kingdom and they are willing to put their efforts into learning and putting this knowledge into practice. However do not give them invitation to purpose based proper education and training program just as yet the while you people yourselves are still learning and working out the instructions in light of our purpose based proper guidance for their implementation in your own institutions in the piece of land you live in or you will become entangled in troubles, problems and difficulties among yourselves as well as with other human populations by misinterpreting our message and misrepresenting it to each other as well as to other human populations. These are the limits set by Allah for mankind therefore do not approach or cross them with intentions to harm and destroy each other or rest of humanity. That is how Allah explains in detail his purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out purposefully properly as his assigned mission for you people by accomplishing its set out goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines for fulfilling it so that rest of humanity also becomes and remains consistent with them as well as with each other as a purpose based proper human community on their basis in our kingdom.

    188] Therefore from now onwards you people should no longer use whatever fruits of your labour you people have as individuals among yourselves against each other instead you people should use them for helping, backing and fully supporting each other purposefully properly if you truly desire to live as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly by helping and fully supporting each other through your complementing each other purposefully properly in actual fact according to our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind so you people should no longer live as you people used to live by your own self invented and self imposed harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby you people used to use fruits of your labour against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. That way you people used to work as official front men of people who had power and wealth which you people passed onto them through their own set up networks and you people were aware of all these processes and mechanisms. This is how some of you people were exploited, manipulated and abusively used by others whereby some of you ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of others.

    189] After knowing all this information people will soon ask you about information for gaining abilities for setting up and running of purpose based proper human community institutions based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Tell them, for setting up and running these institutions purposefully properly people will need time for preparing themselves purposefully properly through their purpose based proper education, training and skills to be recruited for the needed tasks in the institutions so they will need to work very, very hard for meeting this end result or objective. It is because members of purpose based proper human community cannot become free of all harmful and destructive activities, interactions and participations between themselves merely by bringing about institutions in the name of community which do not serve their purpose based proper function or by their making entry in them the way whereby purpose of setting up and running those institutions is not served purposefully properly for freedom from all ills in the purpose based proper human community due to inconsistency and discrepancy between our provided purpose based proper program for mankind, its goals and guidelines as well as what people think, plan and do in response to them. Therefore you people should ensure people enter your community institutions through their purpose based proper doors and channels by meeting set up criteria and conditions for entry in them and that way you people should be purposefully properly consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring well being of yourselves as a purpose based proper human community as well as of rest of mankind so that all of you the human beings could end up united in peace for making progress to end up prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    190] This is how you the helpers, supporters and backers of this purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind should campaign, strive, struggle and fight for inviting rest of humanity to purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for mankind by Allah their creator and sustainer for the purpose of their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom even if it leads to fights and wars against those who reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by campaigning, striving, struggling and fighting against you people but never go beyond equity when you retaliate against any people who transgress against you people. It is because Allah certainly does not like any people who transgress against others in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    191] So keep up your campaigning, struggle, striving and fighting against such harmful and destructive dominant and leading people as well as their helpers, backers and supporters who reject and oppose our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind because they not only reject and oppose it themselves but they also try their utmost to stop, hinder and prevent it from freely reaching the rest of humanity so keep on campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting very, very hard against these like people no matter whenever and wherever as well as in whichever state of existence you people come across them so that you people could move them away from their harmful and destructive desires and ambitions against humanity to get them out of their this harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour against you people as well as against the rest of humanity just as they campaign, struggle, strive and fight very, very hard against you the helpers, backers and supporters of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind  to get you people away from them so that then they could think, plan and do whatever they like to humanity at large. For that reason by your strong and effective retaliatory measures make it obvious to them that their plots, schemes and conspiracies for warmongering and causing and creating mischiefs, troubles, problems, fights and wars between mankind for securing their own individual petty personal gains from them at their expense are worse than actual fighting and wars between people because thereby more and more harm and destruction is bound to take place as time goes on and for a much longer time period. However when you retaliate even against such like people still do not fight them within the land you are all living in all together according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but if they do end up fighting with you in there then do fight them back effectively because that is how such ungrateful rejecters and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance and enemies of humanity are supposed to be dealt with in response to their needless unreasonable aggression against you people.

    192] However if they stop and give up their enmity, hatred and hostilities against you people the while they can before you people overpower and defeat them then you too should stop your retaliation against them because Allah is protector of whole of mankind through his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    193] But if they stop not their enmity, hatred and hostilities against you people and instead they keep going then keep your campaign, struggle, fight and war against them going till the strength in their campaign, struggle, fight and war against you people is completely gone and they are no longer able to oppress and suppress you people or cause mischiefs, troubles and problems for you people and the way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah become purposefully properly established in his kingdom for ensuring their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. However if they stop their enmity, hatred and hostilities against you people then you people do the same because retaliation is only allowed against those who inflict harms and destructions upon others for securing their own individual petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    194] This is why enmity, hatred and declaration of wars against any people are strictly forbidden for you people who help, back up and support as well as propagate our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of and governing system for mankind save in response to such a people who take you as their enemies and hate you as well as attack you people because they want to impose upon you and rest of mankind their self invented harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system but even then your response to their such thoughts, plans and activities should be on the basis of reciprocity that is justifiable for you people. Therefore if any people transgress against you people in any way then you too may take a similar retaliatory action against them as they took against you but you should remain consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other for fulfilling the purpose for which he created and evolved you, which is to bring about a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. So become and remain aware about the fact that set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah only help, back up and support those people who are consistent with his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    195] For this reason you people should show open mindedness as well as open handedness towards each other by sharing fully but purposefully properly the fruits of your labour with each other for ensuring well being of each other as a purpose based proper human community for the success of this mission of Allah which is assigned for you to accomplish purposefully properly. So do not bring upon yourselves harms and destructions by hands of each other by thinking, planning and doing against each other what is harmful and destructive. Instead think, plan and do what makes life of all of you beautiful as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by helping and fully supporting each other through complementing each other purposefully properly. Surely set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah back up only and only such people as think, plan and do for each other what makes their life beautiful as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    196] Therefore work very, very hard by campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting very, very hard to the best of your abilities granted to you by Allah to complete his assigned mission and task of bringing about and maintaining a place in his kingdom by building and maintaining or by bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in it according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. However if you people are stopped, hindered, prevented or held back or become restricted then abide by his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as much as you can. However no matter what never sit idle around your teachers and trainers or leaders till the course of actions relating the mission has reached its completion to its intended end purposefully properly. As far as any person from among you people who is incapacitated or restricted by some illness, problem or difficulty or one is deemed not fit or suitable for the task intended for the mission by one’s teacher and trainer or leader then that person should learn and train yet more or go for something one can prove competent for or one can devote one’s time to something for which one can be more useful, productive and suitable. Moreover when you people are at rest due to an interval or a respite or break then reflect upon the benefits and advantages the person with full and purpose based proper education, training and skills has for striving for building and maintaining a purpose based proper human community for establishing and maintaining a place in kingdom of Allah based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind as compared to the person who becomes limited and restricted due to lack of such knowledge, training and skills. Nonetheless if any of you people cannot hold back yourselves for completing the needed, necessary and compulsory education, training and skills program for a period of multiple or three or more sessions in one go for striving for establishing and maintaining a place in kingdom of Allah based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly then such people from among you may return to education and training sessions as many times as they need to or as and when they can. This is how you people can enable yourselves to complete building and maintaining or bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community to bring about a place in kingdom of Allah based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. These concessionary steps are for those who for some genuine reasons cannot carry out normally required steps for bringing about and maintaining a place in kingdom of Allah based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. However be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other by being aware of the fact that set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah are strict and quick in catching up with people for making them face consequences of their thoughts and actions against each other.

    197] The main reasons for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind are made self evident, obvious and well known for them through their very own direct observations, so any people who take upon themselves as a duty to campaign, struggle, strive and fight hard for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind they certainly reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly because they do not blackmail, manipulate, exploit and use each other abusively, nor they create disunity through disputes, divisions, rivalries and animosities between themselves for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so they do not cause fight with each other during the campaign, struggle, strive and fight for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. This is why no matter whatever you people will think, plan and do for ensuring well being of each other as a purpose based proper human community, the set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will make all that obvious through results and outcomes of your thoughts, plans and actions for each other. So keep thinking, planning and doing all that is good for ensuring well being of mankind more and more, because all that which is thought, planned and done by any people and it is consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind then it is certainly constructive, beneficial and advantageous for whole of humanity also, for that reason become and remain consistent with my purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other, O you people who have learned sense of making purpose based proper sense of things by preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon my provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    198] Therefore there is no restriction upon you people when you people undertake the journey of learning for having needed necessary and compulsory purpose based proper education, training and skills according to purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer for mankind so that you could fulfil your assigned mission by him purposefully properly. However when you people return from a place of education and training after completing your education and training program then strive very, very hard for making evident and manifest glory of purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for mankind by Allah through your thoughts, plans and actions by establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Therefore make his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind manifest purposefully properly the way he has guided you people. No doubt before completing this purpose based proper education and training program you people lived your lives in ignorance, confusion and chaos due to which you people inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    199] So after having benefited yourselves from this purpose based proper education and training program purposefully properly from the purpose based proper place of education and training benefit rest of humanity purposefully properly so that thereby Allah saves and secures all of you people from all kinds of your self-created troubles, problems and difficulties between or among yourselves. Purpose based proper program of Allah surely saves and secure mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by leading them to their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.   

    200] For that reason when you people have completed your purpose based proper education and training program purposefully properly as required then campaign, struggle, strive and fight very, very hard as a purpose based proper human community for making manifest and obvious glory of purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing which are advised for mankind by Allah for rest of humanity so that they too work very, very hard for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for the rest of humanity to see, as you used to campaign, struggle, strive and fight very, very hard for making manifest glory of your own predecessors, forefathers and ancestors or with yet stronger motivation and yet more courage. Despite all this explanation there are still people among mankind who say, our creator and sustainer, let us have all we can have for ourselves individually to the exclusion of all others and that is why there is no and there cannot be brilliant future for any such people.

    201] However there are also people among mankind who say, our creator and sustainer, guide us purposefully properly to have all we can have as a purpose based proper human community for a beautiful life at present as well as in the future and that way keep us free from the fire of hatred, rivalry and animosity between ourselves which results from living by a way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby some dominant and leading people try to secure their own petty personal gains from the rest at their expense.

    202] Therefore for each of these people is an outcome according to their own thoughts, plans and actions based upon their way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby they have chosen to live and that is the way Allah has set-up his purpose based proper systems and laws as well as his processes, mechanism and measures he has put in place in his kingdom to deliver results and outcomes to people for their very own thoughts, plans and actions.

    203] So complete your purpose based proper education and training program purposefully properly during the time periods that are set apart for this very purpose for the purpose of campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting hard for manifesting glory of purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for mankind by Allah. However if any people complete their purpose based proper education and training program quicker within a couple of sessions let there be no obstacle or restriction in the way of such people and if any people need to stay on for longer to complete their purpose based proper education and training program purposefully properly then let there be no obstacle or restriction in their way either so long as the group of people which is learning achieves consistency with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. It is because no matter what become and remain aware about the fact that all of you the mankind will be gathered together as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    204] After getting and understanding all this information be alert and on your guard because among human populations there are dominant and leading groups of people whose flowery talk is highly deceptive regarding the way you the mankind should live your lives in this world because they claim to speak sincerely on behalf of Allah but they cause divisions by disputes through rivalries and animosities to cause fights and wars between mankind.

    205] This is why when they do get support and backing of other people through their deceptions then they end up causing disputes, troubles and problems between people through rivalries and animosities between people whereby people end up in fights and wars with each other due to which human beings and their livelihood end up destroyed by hands of each other. However due to all this, set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah do not let such people take over full control of human world in order to safeguard humanity and rest of the things from them to save them from total destruction.   

    206] However when such mischievous and troublemaking people are asked by those who campaign, struggle, strive and fight very, very hard for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to be consistent with his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with rest of human beings, their ignorance based arrogance and haughtiness makes them cause yet more mischiefs, troubles and problems between mankind in the human world. So they deserve a terribly painful state of existence to be in and they will end up in that state of existence unless they repent by giving their way of life and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    207] However among mankind there is also such category of people who purposefully properly dedicate, devote and commit themselves to working for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind in order to fulfil his purpose of creation according to his plan. All because purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind can ensure their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom through their own help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    208] Therefore O you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, think, plan and do all you need to do to reach heights of excellence to enter blissful, dignified and secure state of existence all of you together wholeheartedly and purposefully properly by not adopting and living by ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems which are invented and imposed upon rest of mankind by harmful and destructive dominant and leading people in human populations to suit themselves. This is why such dominant and leading people are your open enemies because they work for securing their own individual petty personal gains from the rest of human beings whereby humanity ends up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other due to power struggles between themselves.   

    209] Yet if you the mankind will ignore, avoid and neglect his provided purpose based proper guidance for you people instead of preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly then be clearly informed that Allah is almighty and all wise God, creator, owner and ruler of his kingdom of creation so ignoring, avoiding, neglecting and moving away from his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind is going to have terribly painful and detrimental result for you the mankind as a consequence.

    210] So by not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and therefore by staying away from it, are mankind waiting for that terrible painful state of existence in which they exist already to take full control of them or to come upon them to cover them up completely due to their continuous power struggles between themselves for dominating each other by undermining each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they are bound to end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other completely or are they ready to welcome his missionaries to carry out their assigned mission by him for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind whereby all their activities will have to be performed by them according to his provided purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines for mankind so that his purpose for creation of mankind is fulfilled according to his plan?

    211] Ask those people who claim to be helpers, backers and supporters of a person who worked for fulfilling his God assigned mission before you people how many times we provided them with information about self evident facts for carrying out our provided purpose based proper program for mankind for accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines? However, they traded our provided blessed purpose based proper program which could lead them to their very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for the state of existence in which they live now. This is how any people who trade purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for mankind by Allah after they have been delivered to them purposefully properly for any other way of life, rule of law and governing system suffer because set up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah make such people face the consequences for their doing so.   

    212] It is because to dominant and leading people who reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind because of their ignorance based arrogance and haughtiness due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity which give them mindsets, attitudes and behaviours which prove to be harmful and destructive for mankind seem pleasant to them for their own living in this world because of which they invent and impose upon rest of mankind ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems which suit them because thereby they secure their own petty personal gains from them at their expense through various exploitative, manipulative and abusive processes and mechanisms whereby they dominate rest of human beings by undermining them. This is why and this how they campaign, struggle, strive and fight very, very hard against those who claim to have committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in order to undermine them. However during the time period when through them our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind will become and remain established worldwide purposefully properly they will have overcome them. That is the time period when purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah will deliver to mankind all things of their need and want freely over and above their need and want.       

    213] For your information O mankind, in the beginning before we started providing mankind with our purpose based proper guidance for them all of human beings were a group of people with similar ambitions and desires which gave them alike mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other but over a period of time due to their interaction with each other as well as with other things within their environment some became and remained different from others due to their preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for them and that is when we started sending our scriptures for them through our prophets and messengers from among themselves, which pointed out relevant self evident facts as evidences for them as well as which contained our purpose based proper explanations for them about their purpose of existence as well as how they could fulfil that purpose so that thereby mankind could settle their issues, differences and problems with each other in order to end their disputes, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves. However some of them still kept themselves ignorant and unaware about our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so they kept alive their disputes, conflicts, fights and wars even after our provision of our purpose based proper guidance for them due to their rivalries and animosities between themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Nonetheless Allah guided those who prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly so they settled their disputes and conflicts and ended their rivalries, animosities, fights and wars against each other. This is how Allah guides to his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind those who truly show their desire for his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly in actual fact by preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    214] Or do you people of this age think that you can end up in a place in our kingdom based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind that will give you people blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community without you people campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting very, very hard for it purposefully properly, while you people have not yet been put through needed necessary struggle and hard work by each other for getting purpose based proper education, training and skills for thinking, planning and doing the needed works like people who passed before you people who brought about such places in our kingdom wherein they had blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as purpose based proper human communities because they prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind? During their campaigns and struggles they suffered hardships, troubles and problems as well as they were afflicted even with persecution, torture and war by their opponents to such degree that they were shaken to their very cores till our prophets and messenger sent to them and those who committed themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly along with them to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind cried out, when will set up purpose based proper system and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will help and back us up according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind? They were told, there is no doubt in the fact that help of Allah is always with you in form of his provided purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines but to do so you people need to undergo an intense purpose based proper education and training program first to prepare yourselves for fulfilling this mission purposefully properly that is assigned to you.

    215] After all this explanation they will still ask you our prophet and messenger to them what should they spend their energy for? Say, use your energy and your labour for whatever beneficial, constructive and advantageous you can think, plan and do for ensuring well being of members of the purpose based proper human community such as people who rely or depend upon you people regardless they live near you or at a distance from you and regardless they are residents or settled people in this place wherein you people are settled or they are passing as travellers through this land wherein you people are settled. No matter what you people will think, plan and do for ensuring well being mankind set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will make evident its results for you to see in due course.

    216] It is because for this very reason striving hard is prescribed or advised for you people of the purpose based proper human community for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper place in kingdom of Allah based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for your very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in there even though some of you people due to your lack of full awareness about full benefits and advantages for you people for doing so may dislike doing this therefore you may show hesitation, reluctance and resistance for coming out of your comfort zones to work hard for achieving this very goal or objective but the fact is, you the mankind may dislike therefore you people may be hesitant and reluctant for thinking, planning and doing something like this yet it could be greatly beneficial and advantageous for you people as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom the while on the other hand you people may love thinking, planning and doing whatever attracts and interests you people personally as individuals yet it could prove greatly harmful and destructive for you people because that could make you people become and remain a purposeless and aimless human population which thinks, plans and does things which take it away from the goal or objective which is prescribed or advised for you people. That is why and that is how by delivering results of your very own thoughts, plans and actions set up purpose based proper system and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah make purposefully properly obvious for you the mankind that which you do not know or lack awareness about in order to educate you people to equip you with needed necessary information and its purpose based proper understanding purposefully properly.

    217] After receiving this convincing explanation from us time is coming when your people themselves will ask you our prophet and messenger to them about declaration of open warfare against enemies of establishment and maintenance of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind in a place in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence due to their repeated breach of treaties by their naked aggressions against you people within the durations of the time periods of the treaties. Tell them, declaring war by any people even against any treacherous and deceptive people can prove very harmful and destructive for humanity but stopping and hindering people from accepting and adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind in a place in our kingdom which is for their very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as well as opposing them and committing naked aggressions against them such as driving them out of their homelands is even more harmful and destructive for mankind because scheming, plotting and conspiring for spreading mischief and thereby rivalries, animosities and wars between mankind instead of unity, peace, progress and prosperity for them is even more harmful and destructive for humanity than creating and causing fights and wars between them through scheming, plotting and conspiracies for no good purpose at all. Moreover your enemies will continue their secret and open warfare against you always and if they gained power over you they will do their best to turn you people away from living by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind back to their own self invented way of life, rule of law and governing system which they try their best to impose upon rest of mankind by force. However if any of you people willingly turns away from our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind and goes back to their way of life, rule of law and governing system and dies in that state of existence then works of such like people will come to nothing at all in this world as well as in the life to come because such people are bound to be consumed by fire of hatred and animosity against others and they will remain in this state of existence for rest of their lives in this world as well as they will end up in hell of their own making in hereafter as well and remain in there for as long as they will deserve it.

    218] Surely those who have committed themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and those who have migrated ideologically or physically or ideologically and physically and they have campaigned, struggled, strove and fought for establishing and maintaining his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system in a place in his kingdom for mankind purposefully properly, only and only they can hope to end up in blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, because set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah only and only ensure blissful, dignified and secure state of existence of only and only such like people in here as well as in hereafter. This is why and this is how purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind ensures their well being as well as their safety and security. 

    219] They will also ask you about such people within the purpose based proper human community who ignore, avoid or neglect preparing themselves purposefully properly for campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom purposefully properly so they take our assigned this cause for them very lightly by taking things easy. Tell such people, having this kind of mindset, attitude and behaviour may benefit and give temporary advantage to you people for the time being but having such mindset, attitude and behaviour as members of purpose based proper human community is seriously harmful and destructive for purpose based proper human community. They will also ask you about how hard they should work for producing fruit of their labour for ensuring well being of each other as a part of a purpose based proper human community. Tell them, at least work as hard as can help you people fulfil our assigned purpose based proper mission for you people satisfactorily and purposefully properly. This is how Allah makes his purpose based proper program for you the mankind obvious to carry it out purposefully properly by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines so that you people could think, plan and do things sensibly and purposefully properly

    220] for benefitting from them in this life as well as in life to come in hereafter from the start of the process to its completion. They will ask you about how they should deal with individuals and groups of human populations who come to join them. Tell them, it will be for the best of all of you people that you people help and fully support each other for removal of all obstacles, hurdles and barriers in the way of your unity for peace to make progress to be prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly through purpose based proper education, training and skills so that then you all could organise and regulate yourselves for thinking, planning and doing all that which needs to be done for this purpose purposefully properly. Even if you people do have any reservations or concerns about each other the set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will make them obvious in due course because your harmful and destructive thoughts and plans against each other will become very obvious for each other to see through your very own actions should either of you people intend to create any troubles, problems, disputes, divisions and fights among yourselves by thinking, planning and doing what is harmful and destructive for the purpose based proper human community. The very same set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will also make very obvious from among you people who will cause problems among you as well as those people who will truly intend to ensure harmony between you people in actual fact by thinking, planning and doing what ensures your well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Had Allah not intended and desired your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom then he could have left you people on your own in your disputes, conflicts, fights and wars with each other based upon your, rivalries and animosities with each other without providing you people with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for your purpose based proper guidance and the result will have been terrible painful suffering for you people by hands of each other but Allah is almighty and all wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation, so he provided for you the mankind his purpose based proper guidance to live and abide by purposefully properly if you people truly want to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for yourselves in actual fact.

    221] So any human populations, groups or individuals can join and become one with you people for accepting and carrying out our provided purpose based proper program for mankind for accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines for them but you people should never join any human population, group or individual to become one with them for carrying out their agendas or programs for accomplishing their goals according to their guidelines because people who join you people on our provided terms to become one with you people purposefully properly are bound to ensure well being of mankind purposefully properly whereas people who join each other on their own self invented terms for imposing upon each other their own harmful and destructive agendas only and only create and cause disputes and divisions through rivalries and animosities which lead them to power struggles, fights and wars between themselves whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense no matter how attractive they make their terms and agendas appear in the eyes of each other. So never join those human populations, groups and individuals who take for Gods, creators, owners and rulers other than Allah or others along with Allah to whom they attribute their adopted beliefs and practices as well as their adopted ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems they live by unless and until they repent by giving up their these beliefs and practices as well as their ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper beliefs and practices as way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind freely and purposefully properly. It is because only and only a human population, group or individual that commits itself wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly can ensure well being of humanity purposefully properly in actual fact in comparison to any human population, group or individual that works for creating and causing disputes and divisions through rivalries and animosities and thereby fights and wars between mankind can only and only harm and destroy humanity by hands of each other no matter how attractive it makes its ideas and practices in the eyes of others. Such people only and only invite humanity to fire of hatred between themselves through struggles for power and wealth against each other whereas purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind invites people towards blissful, dignified and secure state of existence of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom through their own help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why he has provided them with brilliant explanations as well as pointed out to them self evident facts for their convincing each other purposefully properly so that they could become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    222] However despite all these provided explanations and pointed out evidences some of the people from among purpose based proper human community will seek yet more information from you for yet more clarification about human populations, groups and individuals that desire to join purpose based proper human community to become and remain one with it but they are still involved in bloodshed and corruption for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense among themselves. Tell them, letting them join you people in their this state of existence will prove harmful and destructive for you people also so keep away from such human populations, parties and individuals that are involved in bloodshed and corruption among themselves. For that reason you people should not let them join you to be one with you people till they become free of bloodshed and corruption among themselves. However you people can join them to become and remain one with them once they have become free of bloodshed and corruption among themselves and they start living by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind no matter whoever they are and wherever they are from. No doubt Allah loves those who repent by giving up their harmful and destructive ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems and reform by adopting his advised purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly by becoming and remaining free of bloodshed and corruption among themselves.

    223] As for human populations, groups, parties or individuals who truly desire to join you people to become and remain one with you people in actual fact due to their preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly they are of your own kind so approach your kind as you people should for helping your kind with their purpose based proper education, training and skills as you wish according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. So take purpose based proper steps to educate and train as well as civilise and cultivate your kind as you people should and as you people deem appropriate and proper in light of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as in light of ground realities and that is how you people should ensure bright future for whole of your human kind purposefully properly. So all of you the mankind become and remain one by being purposefully properly consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other and also become and remain aware of the fact that a purpose based proper standard has been set for you people by Allah to meet it purposefully properly. Therefore O our prophet and messenger to mankind give good news of great future to mankind for only and only those people who will commit themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    224] That is why you the mankind should never use purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as a tool for excuses and justifications for avoiding, neglecting or ignoring your contractual, constitutional and legal obligations and responsibilities towards each other so that thereby you people could free yourselves from ensuring well being of each other by not being consistent with it as well as with each other by not bringing about and maintaining unity, peace, progress and prosperity for harmony among yourselves by removing disputes, rifts, tensions, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars from between yourselves. So if you the mankind will misinterpret, misrepresent and misuse purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind then you people are bound to end up in a terribly painful state of existence by hands of each other and that is because purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is based upon comprehensive knowledge of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom provided people make purpose based proper use of it.

    225] So even though Allah will not hold you the mankind accountable, answerable, responsible and liable for your errors and unintended mistakes in your works for fulfilling your commitments to his assigned purpose based proper mission to you but he will hold you people accountable, answerable, responsible and liable for any deliberate wrongs in your thinking, planning and action which hinder and prevent fulfilment of his purpose based proper mission purposefully properly which he has assign to you. It is because Allah is constantly consistent with his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for mankind provided they too are purposefully properly consistent with his provided purpose based proper guidance for them.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #220 - January 30, 2025, 10:33 AM

    226] So as for those human populations which work as trainees with purpose based proper human community organisers and regulators for becoming and remaining one with it as a part of it when it is decided that they should start working on their own they should hold back and wait till their purpose based proper education, training and skills program is completed successfully and purposefully properly and they have gained the needed knowledge, skills and confidence to continue working on their own. However even after gaining the needed knowledge, skills and confidence they should still work under the shadow of their organisers and mentors for a short time period to be fully sure about their performance on their own. That is how purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind ensures their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.

    227] Therefore if all goes well and on that basis you people decide to let them work on their own then set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will still keep on monitoring their thoughts, plans and actions to deliver to them the outcomes of their very own thoughts, plans and actions for or against each other which should help them keep on steering on the right course through this feedback system.

    228] For that reason human populations which have been deemed fit, suitable and satisfactory for working on their own due to their completion of the purpose based proper education, training and skills program they should still hold back and work under shadow of their administrators, managers and mentors or organisers and regulators for a short time period so that teething problems which result in any human population due to working on their own could be avoided or minimised. Moreover it is not right, lawful or purpose wise proper for them to hide from each other what Allah has created of things of use for mankind within the places of their settlements under their own regulatory or governing bodies or jurisdictions if they have truly committed themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in his kingdom for their brilliant future in here and in hereafter according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind in actual fact. It is because it is purpose based proper responsibility of each and every human population to work together and return good turns to each other as of their right for their administrators, managers and mentors or organisers and regulators if they truly want to mend, fix and repair their fractured, broken and severed connections between themselves which broke between them due to disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between them so that they could become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. No doubt people have mutual responsibilities towards each other but those who have been blessed with more advantages they have more responsibilities towards people who are advantaged to a lesser degree than themselves, so be or become and remain aware about the fact that Allah is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    229] After completion of the purpose based proper education, training and skills program the separation between involved parties should be in two phases, ways, steps or stages, first temporary if successful then permanent or first partial if successful then complete. In case of temporary and partial separation parties involved with each other should be able to rejoin each other to overcome any problems which do not let separated parties work on their own permanently and completely according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind but if separation between parties proves successful then it should be allowed on permanent and complete basis so that separated parties continue their works for making lives of their members beautiful according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and so that they could then take on the role of mentors for other human populations in turn when they can which desire to join purpose based proper human community. It is not lawful for you the administration and management from among the purpose based proper human community to take back from the separated parties their delegated rights and responsibilities after they have been allowed to be on their own and you have delegated to them their due rights and responsibilities purposefully properly unless the separated parties become a cause for concern for you people that they may not be able to faithfully and purposefully properly establish and maintain the advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind by Allah. Even if you the purpose based proper human community have any concerns about the organisers and regulators from among you the purpose based proper human community and the separating parties under their care that they will not be able to work according to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind yet there should be no restriction upon the involved parties that they should decide the matters between them about transfer of authority all by themselves by way of a purpose based proper mutual arrangement. It is because in any case there are limits set for mankind by Allah so they should not be transgressed by them regarding each other, because those who transgress the limits set by Allah they are the ones who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    230] However once the teams or parties which have mutual concerns about each other have separated from each other permanently and completely then it is not lawful for them to hinder or prevent each other from joining other teams or parities for completing the purpose based proper education, training and skills program as they deem suitable and fit between themselves. However if other joined parties also separate from them on similar or better grounds then there is no any restriction upon them to rejoin each other again provided they have improved themselves by learning from their mistakes respectively and therefore they think they can complete purpose based proper education, training and skills program purposefully properly this time according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. Such are the limits set by Allah for mankind for ensuring their well being through their own help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly, which he makes obvious for those who prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    231] Moreover when you the purpose based proper human communities and the human populations that wish to join the purpose based proper human communities have reached the completion of their contractual period of education, training and skills program then either hold onto them for a short time period for ensuring their well being if they have completed their education, training and skills program purposefully properly for being part of the purpose based proper human communities or let them go on good terms if they have failed to complete their education, training and skills program purposefully properly for being part of purpose based proper human communities till next time if they so decide or desire. However you should not try to hold onto them against their wishes or by force in order to take undue advantage of them or to inflict hardship or harms upon them. If any purpose based proper human community will do that then that human population will destroy its credibility and consistency with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with rest of purpose based proper human communities and also with rest of human populations by inflicting harms and destructions upon its own people as well as upon other human populations as a purpose based proper human community. So never take contractual, constitutional or legal rights and responsibilities set by Allah for mankind lightly or as if they are of no importance or serious consequences for you the mankind. So keep in forefront of your minds always purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for you the mankind by Allah for ensuring your very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom because the book of guidance is granted to you people for learning lessons from it and for teaching them to each other and rest of humanity. Therefore be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other and become and remain aware of the fact that Allah certainly has knowledge of all things.

    232] So when any contractually involved guest human populations, communities, teams or parties decide to separate from any contractually involved organising and regulating teams of purpose based proper human communities after the completion of their education, training and skills program then let them be on their own to carry on working on their own if they prove themselves capable after a short time period for observation and monitoring so do not hinder them from entering new contracts with any other parties that mutually agree for their similar mutual benefits. This is an advice for each and every person from among you the purpose based proper human communities who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for the brilliant future of humanity. This way of conflict resolution gets rid of troubles for all of you people and helps you grow and increase in strength as a purpose based proper human community because it is the purpose based proper way of dealing with problems that arise between human beings. That is because Allah knows things purposefully properly whereas you people do not know them unless you people prepare yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly.
    233] Therefore the host communities, teams or parties that sincerely desire to fulfil or meet the nurturing needs of guest communities, teams or parties they should nurture their contractual, constitutional or legal relationships to the full in every way and they should do so in both cases whether the guest parties remain in contract or not as the need be. Nonetheless main obligation and responsibility for ensuring well being of individuals of the communities is of the main administration and management of the host community that is put in place for this very purpose so it should meet its obligation and responsibility to the best of our granted abilities to it. No party in the contract should be charged with more obligations and responsibilities than it can truly handle and deliver in actual fact and no valid obligation and responsibility should be placed upon any party but only and only for helping it develop and grow. None of the communities, groups, parties or teams should be made to suffer on account of their individual members, nor any individual members of any party or team should be made to suffer on account of their groups, parties, teams or communities. The inheritors of this arrangement from among the involved parties or teams are also under the very same obligations but if by mutual agreement both parties decide to terminate or change arrangement then there is no any restriction upon either of the parties involved. However if you the communities decide to have any alternative arrangements for maintenance of your individuals there is no any restriction upon you provided you people maintain the standard that you have agreed to uphold or to make it available in an honourable and dignified way, so be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other by becoming and remaining aware of the fact that Allah makes obvious for all of you all that which you people need to know, plan and do to help you grow, develop and prosper as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    234] So those of your communities, administrations, managements, parties or teams which sincerely desire to fulfil their contractual, constitutional and legal obligations and responsibilities to their guest communities, parties or teams and they sincerely wish to further develop their people purposefully properly by bringing unity, peace, progress and prosperity to them to bring about a yet better human society or community even after their contracts have expired there should not be placed any obstacles or hurdles in their way by you the managements of host communities so that they could voluntarily and freely think, plan and do whatever good they think they can do to ensure well being of their own guest communities in their own capacity and ability by keeping in forefront of your minds the fact that Allah is aware of all that you people need to think, plan and do to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom so stick to provided purpose based proper guidance for mnakind.

    235] Moreover there should not be any undue obstacles and hurdles in the paths of any parties or teams from among you if any of them wish to make known any proposals to any other parties in the guest communities for any new contracts the while the other parties are still engaged but are waiting for completion of their existing contracts or meanwhile keep your worthy intensions for ensuring their well being to yourselves till the other parties have become free from their existing contracts just in case they continue or renew their existing contracts with each other. Set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will surely let them know in due course that you meant to strive for ensuring their well being but never enter any contracts regarding community matters in private or in secret instead speak to the other parties openly in the manner that is appropriate when time comes. No matter what do not confirm contracts until the engaged parties are free to enter the new contracts at the end of their contract periods. However be aware of the fact that set up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah expose or make obvious what is within yourselves or in your hearts and minds about each other as a population of human beings through your very own actions. So be consistent with his purpose based proper program for mankind by carrying it out by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines so that the set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah ensure your well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    236] Moreover there should be no restriction or hurdle in your way if you the host communities decide to terminate contracts with the contracted guest human populations, teams or parties for some unforeseen situations and circumstances even before actually engaging with them in their education, training and skills program in practice or any other duties but do fulfil their rights to them as a duty regarding nurturing them purposefully properly. This duty is binding according to the state of existence of purpose based proper human community itself so if the community is prosperous it should fulfil its duty according to its state of existence and if the community is limited in its state of existence then again it should fulfil its duty according to its state of existence. In any case livelihood rights should be delivered faithfully and purposefully properly in an honourable and dignified way to the contracted parties. This is right of people upon each other who sincerely desire to make their existence beautiful with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind in his kingdom in actual fact.

    237] Therefore if you the people of purpose based proper human community are forced to terminate contracts due to some unforeseen situations or circumstances before the completion of the contracts with the contracted parties even before engaging with them in practice, it is necessary that you people fulfil your agreed responsibilities and obligations to the parties involved so that you keep yourselves right regarding any obligations and responsibilities that you may have taken upon yourselves regarding them unless you are let off by the parties or the party in whose hands rests the decision about the contract. To let go is more suitable and fitting in such unforeseen situations and circumstances because you should not forget to show good will towards each other to have and to keep a good working as well as social relationship between yourselves for the future. Surely Allah advises you to act sensibly in light of insightfulness rather than being foolish in dealing with each other due to your shortsightedness.

    238] That is how you the people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind should stand guard over rights and responsibilities of all the human communities and particularly over the rights and responsibilities of the purpose based proper human community itself which is of central importance and keep working constantly and consistently with full commitment, dedication and devotion for its purpose based proper and full establishment and maintenance in the human world in the kingdom of Allah for fulfilling his mission assigned to you people purposefully properly.

    239] So if you the concerned people from among mankind are truly worried about well being of all the people in the human world then organise and regulate yourselves first into a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of your creator and sustainer and when you have done that and you are satisfied with it then campaign, struggle, strive and fight hard to spread purpose based proper message of Allah for mankind yet wider as he has taught you people which you people did not know before receiving it.

    240] For that reason those who are charged with fulfilment of missionary duties from among you so that they could lead fellow human populations to unity, peace, progress and prosperity according to way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah they should assist their people to better their culture, environment and atmosphere without causing them to leave their settlements or places of residence or stay, but if any of them leave on their own wishes and decisions then there is no restriction upon you for what they choose to think, plan and do for themselves in a way that is appropriate and purposefully proper for them but not unduly detrimental for others. That is how Allah demonstrates strength of his wisdom as the rational and wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation for ensuring well being of the whole of mankind.

    241] Reasonable provisions must also be made in a dignified and honourable way for the human populations which are settled at a distance or remotely. That is an obligation upon those who want to be purposefully properly consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with rest of fellow human beings.

    242] That is how Allah makes obvious his provided purpose based proper program for you the mankind purposefully properly to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines so that you people could learn sense of making purpose based proper sense of things to think, plan and do things which need to be done purposefully properly for fulfilling his assigned mission for you.

    243] Are you people not aware of the results of thoughts, plans and actions of thousands upon thousands of such people in the human world who thought, planned and acted against each other in contravention of his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to their ignorance based arrogance and haughtiness because they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly due to which they refused to live and abide by his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind therefore they ended up fleeing from their places of stay fearing death and destruction by hands of each other due to their living by their own self invented and self imposed ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby they ended up in terribly harmful and destructive power struggles and wars for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? So Allah said to them, if you are not going live and abide by my provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly then do as you like and keep becoming harmed and destroyed by hands of each other if you must due to avoiding, neglecting and ignoring my purpose based proper guidance for mankind. However at length many of them decided to repent by giving up their ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems and they reformed by adopting his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind and that is how he revived them as purpose based proper human communities in their places of stay or settlement in his kingdom. No doubt Allah bestows upon people from his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as ways and means for acquiring needed information and its purpose based proper understanding through their personal direct and indirect life experiences yet most of mankind do not bother to learn and act upon his provided purpose based proper information and its purpose based proper understanding for using his provisions purposefully properly for ensure well being of each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    244] Therefore you people should not think, plan and act like those people instead you people should campaign, strive, struggle and fight very, very hard for installing and abiding by purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah that is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for you the mankind if you people truly want to free yourselves from all kinds of self created ills from between yourselves in actual fact so be, become and remain aware of the fact that Allah advises you the mankind by taking into account harmful and destructive effects of your thoughts, plans and actions against each other.

    245] So which of you the mankind will invest purposefully properly and whole heartedly their labour and its fruits in the hope of making the purpose based proper mission assigned for mankind by Allah purposefully properly successful, so that set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah reward their efforts many folds? That is how set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah manage things in his kingdom, so you the mankind should also think, plan and do things according to his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind by turning to his provided purpose based proper guidance for you the mankind.

    246] Are you people not aware of the desires and ambitions therefore of mindsets, attitudes and behaviours of dominant and leading people and their touts and supporters after Moses - from among a people who claimed to be helpers, backers and supporters of a person who worked for the purpose based proper mission of Allah purposefully properly long before them - when they said to our prophet and messenger to them after Moses, appoint for us an administrator or a manager and coordinator of affairs so that we could campaign, strive, struggle and fight for establishing and maintaining purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system  advised for mankind by Allah? He said, are you people not going to cower if he tells you people to campaign, strive and fight for fulfilling the mission assigned to you by Allah? They said, how can we refuse to campaign, struggle, strive and fight for the fulfilment of the mission assigned by Allah especially when we have been driven out of our places of stay and settlements and we have been deprived of things upon which depend our lives? Yet when they were told by their manager or commander to campaign, struggle, strive and fight for fulfilling the mission that was assigned to them they all refused except a minority of them. That is how set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah make obvious for the people to see those who contravene his commandments by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    247] Controversies and disputes between them emerged when our prophet and messenger to them told them, Allah has appointed Taaloot as your leader, manager and supervisor. The dominant and leading people from among them replied, how can he be more fit and suitable for this leading position among us when we are more deserving than him to be in position of leadership because he as an individual does not have abundance of his personal wealth like we have as individuals? Our prophet and messenger to them said to them, Allah has appointed him for leading you people because he has found him blessed with better sense of making purpose based proper sense of things according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so he has better sense to organise and regulate you people into a strong bodily of people as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Moreover Godship, ownership, sovereignty and rulership of this kingdom of his creation only and only belongs to Allah alone so he lets only and only such a person manage things purposefully properly in it who makes himself most suitable for accomplishing his assigned mission for achieving his pointed out objectives purposefully properly. It is because knowledge of Allah is comprehensive.

    248] Their prophet and messenger from us also told them, the evidence that appointment of Taaloot is purposefully proper as a leader and manager for you people is that he will bring forth from among you people such an organised and regulated body of people by means of purpose based proper education, training and skills in which will be the ability to carry out the mission assigned by your creator and sustainer purposefully properly with full confidence, that is how will be restored the legacy which the people of Moses and the people of Aaron left behind as a duty to be carried out by the people who were charged with carrying out this mission purposefully properly. Surely therein is an evidence for you people if you people have truly committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    249] Thereafter TaaLoot along with his selected people separated from the rest of their human population to provide them with needed purpose based proper education, training and skills for fulfilment of the mission that was assigned to them by Allah. He said to people he had chosen for fulfilling the mission, surely Allah is going to put you people through a very, very hard struggle that involves settlement of disputes between yourselves due to rivalries between yourselves which lead to fires of hatred, animosities and bloodshed through fights and wars between yourselves, so anyone who will take part in spreading fires of hatred therefore animosities and bloodshed among us through rivalries between us for securing one’s own petty personal gains at our expense from now onwards will be ostracised or barred from my force because only and only a person who will not participate or take part in spreading fires of hatred through rivalries which lead us to animosities and bloodshed between ourselves for securing one’s own petty personal gains at our expense will be part of my force, especially the one who uses all that is in his power and capability to bring people out of this harmful and destructive situation or set of circumstances. However despite all this explaining when it came to religious and secularism based infighting for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense all participated therein save a minority of them. For this reason when he and some of those who claimed to have committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community with him took stock of the situation they said, as things look at present we are not a suitable people just now to take on forces of Goliath. However others from among them who were purposefully properly knowledgeable who had committed themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working along with him for the success of the mission for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind who knew they will have to match the standard set by Allah replied, it has often happened that many of the small groups through support of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind have overcome a mighty army. That is how Allah inspires with ideas those who arm themselves with purpose based proper education, training and skills to be steadfastly consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind when working for the successful accomplishment of his assigned mission.

    250] So it happened at the time that when they advanced to face Goliath and his warriors at length they loudly expressed their desire to Allah saying, our creator and sustainer, we wish that you fill our hearts and minds with courage thereby make our steps firm and that way help us against the people who reject, oppose and declare wars against your advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind.

    251] That is how they managed to defeat them due to their completion of purpose based proper education, training and skills program purposefully properly according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as according to his set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by him and that is how David ended up defeating or killing Goliath so Allah let David have a place in his kingdom to manage it purposefully properly according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to his ability of reasoning for figuring things out for himself purposefully properly and taught him all that he worked hard for learning in order to establish and maintain the place in his kingdom based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. This is how Allah stopped some people through others from destroying humanity for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense otherwise they could have brought about total destruction of humanity due to all sorts of worldwide troubles, problems, conflicts and wars all the time between themselves. Such total destruction of humanity did not take place and will not take place by hands of each other because Allah has protected it throughout his kingdom against such total destruction by way of such like foolproof safety mechanisms based upon his purpose based proper knowledge of things.

    252] Behold! These explanations as well as pointed out facts and evidences are from Allah which we have proclaimed to you our last and final prophet and messenger for proof of your prophet-hood and messenger-ship from us. So no doubt you are indeed one of our prophets and messengers to mankind.

    253] You are one of those prophets and messengers from us to some of whom we provided with more information than others because to each of them Allah spoke through his medium of communication and raised some of them in ranks above others according to their own efforts for making our assigned mission more successful. Just as to Jesus successor of leadership of community of Mariam we provided our explanations as well as pointed out self evident facts and other evidences and that is how we helped and supported him with our perfect purpose based proper program to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines. Had Allah found all of those people willingly living and abiding by his purpose based proper guidance for mankind after his these prophets and messengers had come to them with his explanations as well as his pointed out self evident facts and other evidences due to preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly then they will not have disputed and divided due to rivalries, hatred and animosities between themselves because of which they ended up in conflicts, fights and wars between themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. However they chose to differ with each other so some of them chose to commit themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind but others chose to reject, oppose and fight against his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and against its helpers, backers and supporters. Had Allah chosen to enforce his will by not giving them freedom to choose so that they did not differ with each other then they will not have differed and fought with each other but Allah chose to give mankind freedom to choose to think, plan and do what they like and that is what they have been thinking, planning and doing to each other due to their avoiding, neglecting and ignoring his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    254] So O you people who claim to have devoted, dedicated and committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, spend your energies to work your hardest as a team to the best of your granted abilities by us to keep open for ensuring well being of mankind ways and means of sustenance which we have granted for all of you as a purpose based proper human community with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for ensuring your own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence before your social culture, environment and atmosphere deteriorates to such a dangerous level in due course due to your own harmful and destructive thoughts, plots and actions against each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense as a result of which a terrible time period arrives during which such ways and means of production and distribution of provisions become most difficult or even impossible for you people. Because during that time period there will not be any friendship between people nor any real intervention by any people for ensuring well being of any other people and there will not be any brotherhood based human community as none of the human populations will be working for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom based upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, for the reason that those who reject, oppose and fight against purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system based upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind will have regressed to such a degree of cruelty and barbarity for oppressing and suppressing each other through inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.

    255] That is why remember always that it is purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind whereby you all should live because there is no God, creator, owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than him, the ever existing creator and sustainer of all that exists. He is neither prone to error and negligence nor can be undermined or over powered. To him alone belongs all that is in all the far away galaxies as well as all that is in this galaxy and all that is within them as well as in between them. Who is there who can interfere in his kingdom of creation unless one participates, interacts and takes part therein according to his own purpose based proper program as planned by him? He has made known for mankind what has already happened according to his purpose based proper program for them as planned by him before them and what is yet to happen according to his purpose based proper program for them as planned by him after them. However, no matter what mankind can never access any bit of his provided purpose based proper information for them about his program as he has planned it for them unless they struggle very, very hard for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. His control extends over and comprehends all the far away galaxies as well as this galaxy yet preservation and protection of all this vast kingdom of his creation fatigues him not because he is supreme in his power and capabilities.

    256] This is why there is no need for use of force by him to bring people to his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind to adopt it and to live and abide by it purposefully properly. It is because that which can ensure blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for mankind has been made clearly distinct and self evident in contrast to that which can cause them harm and destruction by hands of each other. Therefore any person who rejects, opposes, campaigns, struggles, strives and fights against any way of life, any rule of law or any governing system that is harmful and destructive for mankind and instead commits oneself wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly he has grasped a firm hand-hold that is unbreakable and indestructible to anchor oneself firmly and purposefully properly thereby. All because knowledge of Allah is comprehensive whereby Allah guides mankind purposefully properly in order to lead them to heights of excellence.

    257] This is why and this is how Allah through his provided light of knowledge in form of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind leads those of them who firmly attach themselves to it into the brilliant state of existence from all kinds of depressing states of existence in which they are due to being submerged in depths of darkness of ignorance. However those who reject and oppose therefore campaign, struggle, strive and fight against his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and instead they firmly attach themselves to their dominant and leading harmful and destructive people to live by their self created and self imposed ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby they lead them away from his light of knowledge into depths of darkness of ignorance and keep them there. Such are the people who end up in a state of existence wherein they are consumed by fire of hatred and animosity against each other due to rivalries and power struggles between themselves for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. They fall in that state of existence and remain in it or perish unless they repent by giving up their ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind.

    258] So should you people not consider the response of a dominant and leading person and his backers and supporters in a place in our kingdom to our call and invitation towards our purpose based proper guidance for mankind who argued with Ibraheem against the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which were provided and advised for mankind by his creator and sustainer for ensuring their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom despite the fact that he left him free on his own to dominate a human population in a place in his kingdom and he took control of them so they were about to perish due to rivalries, animosities and fights between themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense but thereby he saved them? At the time Abraham said to him, the purpose based proper guidance of my creator and sustainer for mankind if understood purposefully properly and adopted faithfully by a people then it can raise them to heights of excellence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom so they can have a brilliant state of existence with help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly but if a people avoid, neglect and ignore it due to their ignorance based arrogance and haughtiness because of their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly then it lets them fall into oblivion and obscurity to perish through their own harmful and destructive thoughts, plots and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. He replied, my way of life, rule of law and governing system can also raise people to have a brilliant future and if any do not accept and live by it then it too can cause them to perish. Abraham said to him, but for sure way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah can bring about for any people in any bad state of existence a brilliant future so if you are so sure about your way of life, rule of law and governing system then bring all these people in this place under your government who are fallen into a terrible poverty trap or living in a terrible state of existence a brilliant future thereby. Thus was confounded and rendered speechless by explanation of Abraham the rejecter and opponent of Allah’s provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so he repented and reformed. However Allah’s provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind does not guide any such people as do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly and that is why due to their ignorance based arrogance they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and so they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other instead of working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    259] Or consider the case of a person who made journeys at various times through a piece of land in our kingdom wherein a people lived by our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community but then at length they became slack in keeping up with it so they gradually fell away from it and as a result their dominant and leading people slowly took over the control of their place and its institutions so they brainwashed, indoctrinated and conditioned them to live as rivals and enemies by their self invented and imposed way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby they began to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of living as a purpose based proper human community so they ended up at the brink of total inhalation and obliteration due to being torn apart by their fights with each other. So the person passing through this place this time when he saw the terrible state of existence of its people he said in his mind, how is Allah going to bring back this place in his kingdom to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as it previously was after it collapsed to this degree due to rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between its people? However at length set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah for delivering results of peoples’ own thoughts, plans and actions for or against each other according to or against his provided purpose based proper guidance for them and their purpose based proper living by it or not living by it caused the return of the brilliant state of existence again for those people due to their learning from their mistakes and correcting themselves in due course. Seeing this place thriving then ruined and then again thriving this old person during his final journey through the place asked the young people of the place in our kingdom, do you know for how long you people had lived in a terrible state of existence and why before your arriving back at the current blissful, dignified and secure state of existence? They said to him, we think we people of this place lived through that terrible state of existence for a generation or less or just for a very short while. He said to them, no, rather you the people of this place had lived through a terrible state of existence for generations or over a very long time period before reaching this current blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community. However In order to understand what has been happening or going on during this terrible time period look at your diet or food for thought upon which you people have been fed by your dominant and leading secular and religious people (ie rulers, money lenders and priests as well as your learning institutions in the land from which you had been made to take in information about harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system which have disappeared by now without any trace. Moreover look at the ignorance based arrogant mindset, attitude and behaviour of your religious and secular leadership and dominant elite. They replied to him, we the people of this place will make them an example for rest of humanity so that dominant and leading people of other human populations do not think, plan and do to their people what these people thought, planned and did to this human population in this place. They also said to him, look carefully at our newly set up ideological, social, political, cultural and economic systems, structures, procedures and practices as to how we put the whole project together in due course and implemented it through needed processes and mechanisms to fulfil thereby its set out purpose which was to ensure our own well being as a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Then when all this was clearly explained to him by these young people of this place he said to them, now I have become better informed and aware of the fact that Allah has indeed set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and he has also put in place measures for governing operations of all things so that they work purposefully properly as intended by him for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #221 - February 06, 2025, 03:13 PM

    260] And consider also what Abraham said to his creator and sustainer before starting his purpose based proper missionary work purposefully properly. He said to him, explain for me how you raise to heights of excellence the human populations that are devastated by disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves? He said to him, are you in any doubt that I can do that through my provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that I have done it before for the human populations before you people? He said, no, I do not doubt that at all rather I too want to know the purpose based proper way for making this mission purposefully properly successful just like others who have done all this before me so that I too could learn the purpose based proper way of doing so and become fully confident about using it for the purpose it is fit for. He said to him, take some people from among the highly insightful, courageous and energetic people under your direct supervision then provide them with purpose based proper education, training and skills purposefully properly as a group to be able to carry out your given purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals or set out missionary objectives according to my provided purpose based proper guidelines then separate them into individuals and place them each over each of the people of influence among the human populations near about you to provide them with purpose based proper education, training and skills then invite them all to abide by my advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind. They will accept your invitation and start working very, very hard on this project of building and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in my kingdom right away. That is how it will become obvious for you the human beings the fact that set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah for delivering to mankind outcomes of their very own thoughts, plans and actions for or against each other are purposefully properly effective due to being firmly founded in his mighty wisdom in actual fact.

    261] This is why likeness of those who use whatever they have gathered of his provisions with their very, very hard works for the success of the mission of Allah is like that of a grain that sprouts into many ears, each bearing hundreds of grains. That is how Allah gives manifold increase to whoever shows this desire by working very, very hard for it because Allah has comprehensive knowledge of all things because of which he is able to guide mankind purposefully properly.

    262] They are such a people as use whatever they have of his provisions due to their very, very hard works for the success of the mission of Allah purposefully properly for fulfilling his assigned objective and purpose and they do not use what they have as a personal favour for others as a charity for them so that then they could exploit, manipulate and use them abusively for furthering their own petty personal agendas to harm and destroy them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense so that there does not come about a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom. For such people their full reward on top of what they are given here in this life rests with their creator and sustainer in hereafter. This is why they will have no fear or worry for their future nor any regrets for their past. 

    263] Their advice for each other is, it is better to be what ensures well being of purpose based proper human community purposefully properly, to have what ensures well being of purpose based proper human community purposefully properly, to use what ensures well being of purpose based proper human community purposefully properly and to do what ensures well being of purpose based proper human community purposefully properly in a place in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind rather than helping others for exploiting, manipulating and using them abusively thereafter. Remember always the fact that Allah alone is blessed comprehensively with all that is good.

    264] So O you people who claim to have devoted, dedicated and committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, do not make your contributions towards campaign, struggle and fight for the establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind invalid by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense just like a people who only pretend they are participating or taking part in this campaign, struggle and fight just for show for display to other people to make fool of them because in actual fact they have not at all committed themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for bringing about the period of brilliant future for them. Their example is like that of a very hard rock or stone which is covered by a very thin layer of soil whereupon nothing can grow because as rain drops falls upon it, they wash off the soil from it leaving it just a bare stone. Such people do not enable or prepare themselves purposefully properly for being able to accomplish and maintain what needs to be accomplished and maintained for ensuring well being of mankind by their thoughts, plans and actions. That is why purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind cannot guide such people as reject, oppose, campaign, struggle and fight against it due to their ignorance based arrogance and haughtiness

    265] In contrast to them the likeness of those who spend their energy and whatever fruit of their labour they have for seeking full purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind by accomplishing its goals or objectives according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines for ensuring their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom is like that of garden that is in such a fertile place that when rain falls upon it it bring double the fruit but even if rain does not fall upon it, it still produces normal amount of fruit due to whatever moisture or wetness is available to it. That is how set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah keep an eye upon all that you the mankind think, plan and do for or against each other and so they deliver to you results and outcomes of your very own thoughts, plans and actions for or against each other.     

    266] Does any of you like that his very fertile and very productive garden - which is full of palm trees, grape vines and many other kinds of fruits and which is watered by him by running streams of fresh water for which one has worked very, very hard all one’s life to maintain it purposefully properly when one was younger therefore strong enough to do so for his own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence - be ruined by lack of care and maintenance at the time when one has become old therefore too weak to work in it to maintain it purposefully properly and his help, support and backing is weak due to lack of purpose based proper education, training and skills therefore unable to work therein to maintain it purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence? That is why Allah makes obvious for you the mankind vital importance of his assigned mission for you people for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. This is how Allah explains for you his provided purpose based proper program to carry it out by accomplishing its goals and objectives according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines so that you people could think, plan and do what needs to be done for your very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.

    267] Therefore O you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, use faithfully and purposefully properly according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring well being of each other out of that which the earth produces for you the mankind for which you people also work very, very hard and do not even think about using his provided things to cause harms or destructions to others when you people yourselves will not like at all to receive similar harms and destructions by hands of others without having tears flowing down from your eyes due to terrible painful suffering because of that sort of treatment by others. For this reason become and remain well aware of the fact that Allah is full of blessings and he has enriched mankind only and only for fulfilling the purpose for which he has created them so that they use his ample provisions according to his provided wonderful purpose based proper guidance for them.

    268] Become and remain aware also about the fact that the harmful and destructive dominant and leading secular and religious elites among you the human populations invite you the masses of human populations to live by their self invented ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby they exploit, manipulate, blackmail and use you people abusively for securing their own petty personal gains from you people at your expense which leads you to disputes, divisions and fights between yourselves through rivalries and animosities whereby you people end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and that way you become and remain trapped in stagnation and regression, seriously lacking things of your need and want. That is because purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is based upon his comprehensive knowledge of all things.

    269] And he bestows his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as its purpose based proper understanding only and only upon a person who works very, very hard for getting it by preparing oneself purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. So any person who is granted purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as its purpose based proper understanding is bestowed with the most blessed thing. This is why no people can benefit from it other than those who learn sense of making purpose based proper sense of things.     

    270] So you people as individuals and as teams produce and distribute not a thing as your contributions for ensuring well being of purpose based proper human community from your provided things by Allah for ensuring well being of each other according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and you fulfil not a contract or any constitutional or legal obligation or responsibility towards each other for carrying out his purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals and objectives according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines but set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah make its results and outcomes obvious for you people to see in form of well being of your purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. In contrast to that those who struggle and strive against each other for dominance over each other for undermining each other and therefore they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they have no true helpers, backers and supporters at all in actual fact instead they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    271] This is how your case is very different from them because you have purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind to rely upon for your purpose based proper guidance that brings you help and full support and backing of each other by way of your complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom therefore if you people will keep on proving true your contracts or constitutional and legal obligations and responsibilities towards each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by fulfilling them publicly and openly as well as privately and secretly then that will keep on ensuring your very own well being because that will help you reach stronger and stronger communal bonding and cohesion as well as harmony and that is how harms and destructions which you people could otherwise inflict upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense are kept away from you people due to being a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. This is how Allah makes obvious to you the mankind that he is fully and purposefully properly aware of all that which you people ought to be thinking, planning and doing for continuously ensuring well being of each other.

    272] It was never possible for you the mankind to guide each other purposefully properly because you had no such deepest and widest awareness and understanding of things whereby you could do so therefore it was not made your responsibility to do so either, however Allah does have such power and ability so he guides mankind by way of his provided purpose based proper guidance for them and its purpose based proper understanding but he guides thereby only and only such people as prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. This is why whatever fruits of your labour you people use for ensuring well being of each other due to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring well being of your own purpose based proper human community in his kingdom it is only and only for the good of your own human kind. Moreover you people will not use fruits of your labour for carrying out and fulfilling purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines but you will be rewarded for it in here as well as in hereafter and also as a result you people will not be inflicted with harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    273] As for the needs and wants of those individuals who are purposefully properly engaged individually with purpose based proper mission of Allah for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom, the while there is no such purposefully properly functioning purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind they need to be taken care of by those who can because they are not free to move about in the land to work for their livelihood. Those who are unaware of vital importance of their work for the success of the purpose based proper mission of Allah they think these like people who need all the help and support they can get are self-sufficient so they do not need help and support of others. However, you the people who are purposefully properly aware of vital importance of their work and you are also able to help and support them because you recognize the situation they are in for that reason you people should help them purposefully properly even though they do not make any such requests to you people individually for your help. So you people should organise and regulate yourselves into fully functioning self sufficient teams for this purpose. You will not ensure well being of such people purposefully properly with anything at all but set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will make it manifest through results and outcomes of their very, very hard works for the success of our assign mission for mankind.

    274] So those who will freely but purposefully properly use fruits of their hard works at all times openly in public as well as secretly in private as the need be for the success of this mission to help each other they will have their rewards according to set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by their creator and sustainer in shape and form of their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind in here as well as in hereafter, wherein they will neither be anxious or worried about their future nor will they regret their past efforts they made for bringing about and maintaining such a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom.

    275] In contrast to them those who secure their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they do not have the needed solid universal foundation to raise, build and establish their stable and firm human society upon because such people have been taken over by ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems of dominant and leading people from among themselves who are harmful and destructive for humanity. That is why their dominant and leading people tell them, provision of goods and services of people to each other for allegedly benefitting each other on basis of contractual or constitutional and legally binding agreement which is allegedly based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is same as their exchanging or trading of goods and services with each other on basis of free trade whereby people can benefit and profit at will as they like from each other. But the fact is, there is a huge difference between these two ways of provisions of goods and services by people to each other that is why Allah has allowed provisions of goods and services by people to each other according to contractual or constitutional and legally binding agreement between themselves based purposefully properly upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind because thereby they only and only benefit each other for fulfilling his assigned purpose based proper mission whereas he has strictly forbidden free trading of goods and services by people with each other whereby people take undue advantage of each other and that way they create problems for each other and thereby end up in conflicts, fights and wars with each other. So any people who stop provisions of goods and services to each other by way of free trading after receiving purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind their case of earlier such trading rests with Allah but any who will continue providing goods and services to each other by way of free trading they are bound to end up in their self created fire of hatred and animosity between themselves to be consumed by it unless they repent by giving up their ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems and reform by adopting his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind.

    276] It is because set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah deprive each and every human population of blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom who live by any such way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereas they become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom those who live by his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which are purposefully properly based up his provided purpose based proper guidance for them. This makes very obvious for mankind the fact that set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanism and measures put in place by Allah do not favour those who reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.   

    277] Surely those who dedicate, devote and commit themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom and therefore they take all the needed steps to mend and repair fractured and broken or severed relationship between people to establish and maintain a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom as well as they do all they can to expand and strengthen it their reward is bound to be delivered to them by their creator and sustainer in here as well as in hereafter so they will have nothing to be anxious and worried about regarding their future nor they will have anything to regret for regarding their past efforts for fulfilling their assigned mission. 

    278] So O you people who claim to have dedicated, devoted and committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, be purposefully properly and fully consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom by repenting by stop living by any way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby people benefit from each other at each other’s expense and by reforming by adopting purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly if you people have truly committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in actual fact.

    279] However if you people will not give up living by ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense then become and remain fully aware about the fact that conflicts, fights and wars between you people will continue and they will never come to an end as Allah has made known for you people through his purpose based proper guidance for you via his prophet and messenger to you. However if you people will stop living by ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby you people secure your own individual petty personal gains from each other then whatever you people will provide for each other purposefully properly according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind will be fine for you people to make use of purposefully properly. This way you people will not inflict any harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore as a result you people will not be inflicted by any harms and destructions by each other.   

    280] That is why if any individual or party of people among you is facing any difficulty or hardship of any sort then concentrate upon helping and supporting such a person or party in a way to lead such a person or party to life of ease and comfort. This is how you people should confirm to each other by your very own thoughts, plans and actions the truth of your commitment, dedication and devotedness to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind because that is what can ensure your very own well being as individual members of the purpose based proper human community if you people could prepare yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly.

    281] That is how you people should become and remain purposefully properly consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other for bringing about the time period when all of mankind will fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly turn towards purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for their very own purpose based proper guidance for ensuring well being of themselves by helping and fully supporting each other purposefully properly by way of complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for them. It is from then onwards all individuals will start getting their full rewards for their purpose based proper efforts due to their very own thoughts, plans and actions for ensuring well being of each other and they will not be harmed and destroyed by each other anymore for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. This is how purpose based proper mission of Allah that is assigned for mankind to carry it out will become purposefully properly fulfilled by them.

    282] This is why O you people who claim to have dedicated, devoted and committed yourselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, when you people come together and assemble or get together other human populations for deciding to deal with matters of your mutual concerns such as purpose based proper education, training and skills and their related plans of actions for yourselves over a time period then have them purposefully properly documented. Let an experienced contractual or constitutional and legal document writer whom Allah has made capable to be able to do that, write down those mutually agreed things between you the involved parties faithfully and purposefully properly for keeping that as a record for future reference, consultation and referral. The scribe who is capable for this work should not refuse to write down this document rather he should write it down to the best of his Allah given abilities. Let the party that has been given the rights or responsibilities or both dictate what it has agreed to, which needs to be written down or documented but the party must remain consistent with the purpose based proper guidance for mankind by Allah its creator and sustainer as well as with other parties that are involved in this agreement and it should not omit or leave out anything from it nor add to it anything to what is agreed upon while dictating it to the scribe for writing it down for ensuring well being of the parties involved including the purpose based proper human community. However if the representative of the party that is given the right to put forth its proposal proves inefficient or ineffective or cannot put forth its proposal purposefully properly then let its more able representative that looks after its affairs put forth its case or proposal faithfully and purposefully properly. Also let two witnesses from among each of your involved parties’ official witnesses witness the statement in the document where need be, but if two of the official witnesses are not available or suitable then let one witness to be from among the party officials and two witnesses from among the general party members of their own choices, so that if either of the witnesses from among the general members of the involved party in the agreement goes missing or moves away from its statement by mistake then the other party member could remind and correct it or attest it through help of this attested document. The witnesses must not distort information or go against their own freely agreed witness statement when they are called upon to give evidence as witnesses or be the witnesses to the statements in the document. Also you people should not be averse to writing down and getting witnessed your contractual or constitutional and legal agreements or rights and responsibilities you people delegate to each other or receive from each other for any future time period whether the agreement is about something of least importance or of most importance or for a shorter term or a longer term. This course of action is purposefully proper for you people according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind because it facilitates the establishment of evidence and it is the best way to remove all doubts and disputes about things between yourselves later on. However if it is a matter that is concluded or dealt with satisfactorily on the spot and it has no future implications between yourselves then there is no obligation upon you people if you do not put it down in writing or do not use any witnesses for it. Nonetheless you people should always have witnesses whenever you enter agreements between yourselves regarding dealing with matters that concern future well being of yourselves as well as of your purpose based proper human community and you should not let any kind of harms come to the witnesses or the writers of the agreements by either or any of the parties involved in the contracts or agreements. But if you will try to inflict any harms or destructions upon them in any way then you will be guilty of contributing towards damage or destruction of your very own purpose based proper human community by going against your contractual or constitutional and legal obligations and responsibilities. So be or become and remain consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind  as well as with each other as a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring well being of your very own selves as members of the purpose based proper human community that is why Allah teaches you the mankind to conduct your affairs with each other purposefully properly because with Allah rests comprehensive knowledge of all things therefore he is able to guide you the mankind purposefully properly.

    283] However the while you people are in a transitional time period during which you people are on a journey for preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon Allah’s provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom purposefully properly by way of replacing your current ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby you people secure your very own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense with Allah’s advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind but as yet you people do not find someone sufficiently capable to write down a purpose based proper document for you as a purpose based proper constitution with its purpose based proper laws to implement, install and enforce that agreement in a place in his kingdom to carry out his provided purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines then do all you can to provide safety and security for each other through whatever means you may have available to you or are at your disposal as a team, so that when you people entrust some of you with needed necessary obligations and responsibilities as well as rights as a team of management and the managed people then all of you who are entrusted with obligations, responsibilities and rights by each other they must discharge their responsibilities towards each other faithfully and purposefully properly and you people as a team must ensure that they do because that is the only way you people as a whole can prove your consistency with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other purposefully properly according to your creator and sustainer. But when you people do have authenticated documentation by way of attestation of witnesses then you people should not hide it because whoever will hide it deliberately will slow down and delay the process for completion of this mission for changing things for the best possible result and outcome for humanity. Be aware of the fact that Allah is comprehensively aware of all that you people need to think, plan and do for ensuring well being of each other that is why to be faithfully and purposefully properly consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind is absolutely necessary for you the mankind.

    284] All this is explained for you the mankind in detail so that you people always keep in forefront of your minds the fact that to Allah alone belongs ownership and sovereignty of all that is in all the far away galaxies as well as all that is in this galaxy and all that is in between them. So never hide this purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind from anyone and never claim ownership or sovereignty over anything at all for yourselves nor ever accept ownership or sovereignty claim of anyone else over anything at all in this kingdom of his creation. Remember always that you the mankind are only granted right to manage things but only and only according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Regardless any of you the human populations make these facts obvious to each other or you hide them from each other set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will deliver the outcomes of your very own thoughts, plans and actions for or against each other. It is because set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah are put in place by him so that they govern operations of all things according to his purpose based proper plan purposefully properly. That is how Allah saves, protects and secures from harms and destructions any human population that desires to be saved, protected and secured due to its living and abiding by his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and that is how he lets a human population perish or destroy itself which refuses to prepare itself purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    285] It is due to this very purpose based proper guidance which is sent to him by his creator and sustainer, our this prophet and messenger to mankind as well as his helpers, supporters and backers who responded to his call have dedicated, devoted and committed themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom. The fact is, all unity, peace, progress and prosperity loving people always dedicated, devoted and committed themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as purpose based proper human communities in various places in our kingdom at various times to be consistent and to remain consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and with his officials as well as with his books and his prophets and messengers. All such people always said that we did not see any conflict between whatever messages were sent to us by Allah through any of his prophet and messenger throughout times and places. Moreover they all used to say, we have heard the message and we will live and abide by it, so save, protect and secure us our creator and sustainer because it is you who has assigned for us an ultimate goal as a mission to accomplish and fulfil purposefully properly.

    286] Through your provided purpose based proper explanations and pointed out evidences in your guidance for mankind our creator and sustainer we have become aware about the fact that Allah burdens not any human population with any tasks, targets, goals, objectives, responsibilities and obligations including working hard for gaining needed necessary purpose based proper education, training and skills for carrying out any and every task but only and only for helping it grow and prosper because for each and every human population for its efforts is only and only that outcome towards which it works. Our creator and sustainer, our understanding of your purpose based proper message is that if we will work very, very hard for accomplishing your assigned mission for us human beings according to your provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind then your guidance will not leave us to our limited understanding of things and to our limited thoughts, plans and actions based upon our incomplete or faulty thoughts, plans and actions. Our creator and sustainer, our understanding of your purpose based proper message is that if we will work very, very hard according to your provided purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly then your guidance will not let us fall under crushing burden of our self created problems for ourselves as it let happen to those before us who ignored, avoided, neglected and evaded it or subverted its message due to their ignorance based arrogance and haughtiness because of their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon your provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. Our creator and sustainer, we understand from your purpose based proper message that if we the mankind will come to know your purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and adopt it purposefully properly and faithfully then your guidance will save us from burdening ourselves with crushing problems between ourselves that will be beyond our capability of solving them. Therefore save, protect and secure us from terribly harmful and destructive results of our unintentional wrong thoughts, plans and actions which can damage and utterly destroy us human beings and that way make your purpose based proper guidance for mankind an ultimate blessing for us. You alone are our helper, backer and supporter through your purpose based proper guidance for mankind so we wish that through our purpose based proper understanding and acting upon it purposefully properly you help us win over the people who reject and oppose your advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind due to their ignorance based arrogance because of their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #222 - February 25, 2025, 03:50 AM

    Surah 3   Aali-Imraan

    AAL = family, clan, tribe, household, progeny, descendents, dynasty, blood-relatives, community, society, association, organisation, federation, circle, body, team, group, party, companionship, friendship, brotherhood, company, league, union, group, band, faction, section, following, fellowship, fraternity, alliance, confederation, supporters, promoters, partners, backers, population or people of.

    IMRAAN = the one who puts together or brings together, an organiser and regulator, builder, raiser, erector or assembler of a human population into a purpose based proper human community or society or brotherhood.

    The Quran is a special book from Allah for mankind of this last and final era which explains to them vital importance of their organisation and regulation into a purpose based proper human community for their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence with help and full support of each other through their own complementing each other purposefully properly. Their efforts for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind will get rewarded by him in here as well as in hereafter. This book tells about the people of the past who did this earlier and lived great lives with help and full support of each other and those who did not do so suffered terribly by hands of each other instead due to their securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly. According to the Quran Allah brings forth people from their own mothers knowing nothing at all but he has bestowed them with discerning faculty as well as senses to make sense of things purposefully properly. So if people will use their Allah granted brains, senses and bodies for learning about his purpose based proper creation as well as his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and they will make needed efforts worth making for doing what needs to be done then they will have a great life in this world as well as in the world to come. However their failure to do so will only and only leave them to suffer by hands of each other in here as well as in hereafter for doing so to each other in contravention of his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. The Quran is not a story book to tell people stories about past and future people but a purpose based proper guidance book from Allah for mankind regarding how they should live their lives and why they should do that. This is why people should not try to understand the Quran through stories told in other books which are written by people. Instead people should try to make sense of those books in light of real world realities as well as in light of the information that is told in the Quran. Otherwise people will keep going after worthless things one after the other and they will lead them away from what they actually need to know, plan and do so they will end up with nothing at all worth knowing and doing so they will keep on living with worries, anxiety and depression for their future as well as they will keep on regretting their past efforts which they will have made which they will see for themselves going to waste. This is why the Quran is mainly about how people should live their lives and why they should do that. They should do so to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here as a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind with help and full support of each other through their complementing each other purposefully properly so that they could have a great life in hereafter as well as a reward for doing so.

    000] So O our prophet and messenger to mankind, deliver this purpose based proper message from Allah to them for their purpose based proper guidance as a purpose based proper program for them to carry it out purposefully properly as a project and task as an assigned mission for them by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines for which he has already provided for them all things for their purpose based proper biological, psychological and sociological development and growth so that they become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly so that they could reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here as well as in hereafter.

    001] ALIF, LAAM, MEEM

    002] Allah is he save whom there is no God. The ever existing and self-sustaining as well as creator and sustainer of all that he brought in to existence out of nothingness for a set purpose according to his plan.

    003] He sent this special book for you the mankind of this era as a proof of his own existence as well as, as a proof of the purpose for which he has created you the mankind as well as all the other things in his kingdom of creation. It confirms all that which was ever sent by him for the very same purpose before it throughout times and places, such as the Towraat as well as the Injeel

    004] which he sent before it for the purpose based proper guidance of mankind so that they become and remain a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom according to it to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. Likewise he has sent this Quran for people of this last and final era as the sole criterion and standard for mankind to judge what is purpose wise true and right and what is purpose wise false and wrong in light of his purpose based proper plan for existence of mankind and his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for them to fulfil that objective and purpose by. No doubt those human populations which will reject and oppose purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind by refusing to accomplish its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines for their very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom, for them life will become greatly painful by hands of each other due to their adopting of harmful and destructive ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because of which they inflict terrible harms and destructions upon each other. However set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah are mighty powerful in delivering to mankind the outcomes of their very own thoughts, plans and actions for or against each other whereby they too can cause mankind to come back to the right track after they have gone away from it unless they refuse to respond to them also appropriately and purposefully properly.

    005] Certainly, for the set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah there is nothing hidden or secret or out of purpose based proper control in this galaxy nor in the rest of cosmos that is full of all the other galaxies which are far, far away from each other.

    006] It is he who by means of his these set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by him he shapes and forms you the mankind in the bodies and wombs of your mothers as you have to be as dictated by the genes from your parents as well as the environment you are nurtured in as he has planned things for serving his purpose. There is no God other than him who alone is the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    007] He it is who has sent this purpose based proper guidance for you the mankind as a purpose based proper program to carry out in form of a book in which are goals for you to accomplish according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines which will give you people a solid foundation for your firm anchorage and stability as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom through a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system for mankind. This purpose based proper program with its goals and guidelines are the main reason or purpose for the revelation of this book for you the mankind. As for any other ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems which are invented and imposed by dominant and leading people upon the rest they are confusing and destabilising so they are harmful and destructive for humanity therefore they do not and they cannot lead humanity to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence so they cannot serve this purpose which they claim they can serve for humanity. However those dominant and leading people who have harmful and destructive desires and ambitions against humanity due to their ignorance based arrogance and haughtiness which they develop because they do not prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind therefore they gain harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against humanity due to which they invent and impose harmful and destructive ways of life, rules of law and governing systems whereby they cause disputes, divides, conflicts, fights and wars through rivalries and animosities between mankind. This is what they seek to replace the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah. However, only and only Allah knows purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which can lead them to their very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom which he has disclosed for them to learn about and act upon purposefully properly. This is why those who are firmly and purposefully properly grounded in knowledge about purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind they say, we commit ourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind because all that which can make our existence purposefully properly beautiful could only and only come from our creator and sustainer alone. However, only and only such people learn sense from each other and teach sense to each other for making purpose based proper sense of things those who have developed the strongest desire to be a community of sensible people.

    008] This is why they say, our creator and sustainer, since you have provided us the mankind with your purpose based proper guidance if we work hard to understand it purposefully properly and act upon it purposefully properly then due to that do not let our minds wander off from your advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind instead lead us thereby to blissful, dignified and secure state existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in your kingdom. No doubt you have provided us the mankind with your wonderful and marvellous as well as purpose based proper guidance as well as with things to fulfil your assigned purpose based proper mission.

    009] Our creator and sustainer, there is no doubt about it at all that on the basis of your this purpose based proper guidance for mankind you are indeed going to bring mankind together during a period of time to be a purpose based proper human community in a place in your kingdom. Of a surety your word never fails to fulfil and your promise never breaks.

    010] No doubt such dominant and leading people and their supporters and backers as reject and oppose purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind by campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against it due to their ignorance based arrogance because they do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly their power and wealth cannot save, secure and benefit them at all in comparison to way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah due to their living by ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in contravention of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind so they are bound to become fuel for the fire of hatred and animosity due to rivalries which are bound to lead them to disputes, conflict, fights and wars between themselves.

    011] Their example is like that of the people or backers and supporters of Pharaoh (FIROWN = a person who looks down upon someone with disdain and holds him or her in contempt or despises them) and those before them. They rejected and opposed our purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines for mankind which was for their very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom therefore set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah delivered to them the results, outcomes and consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts, plots and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. So become and remain aware of the fact that set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanism and measures put in place by Allah are strict in going after such people in order to deliver to them the consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts, plans and actions against each other.

    012] Therefore inform those who reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for their very own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom that they too will soon become and remain involved in yet more fights and wars with each other for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they will become and remain trapped by each other in a place which will become and remain full of fire of hatred and animosity between themselves. So it will become and remain a terrible place and a terrible state of existence for them to be in.

    013] This is why Allah started sending his messages as revelations for the purpose of purpose based proper guidance of mankind throughout times and places to get them out of this like situations and to keep them out of this like situations due to which there came about a clear ideological dividing line or demarcation between mankind, which clearly separated them into two opposing factions as if arranged against each other in a battleground formation. Since then one side always campaigned, strove, struggled and fought for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah as advised by him for mankind for their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom and the opposite side which rejected and opposed it by campaigning, striving, struggling and fighting against it due to its ignorance based arrogance because it did not prepare itself purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly. This separation took place because the rejecters and opponents of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind due to their ignorance based arrogance saw his missionaries as if they were their enemies instead of seeing them as their well wishing brothers in humanity. However, set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah supported and backed up only and only those people of them who desired their backing by thinking, planning and doing things according to the standard that was set for them by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. No doubt in this is a lesson to learn for those who have learned sense of making purpose based proper sense of things.

    014] Nonetheless despite our providing mankind with our purpose based proper guidance for them the dominant and leading people in human populations who reject and oppose it campaign, strive, struggles and fight against it due to their ignorance based arrogance and haughtiness this is why and this is how they get involved and remain involved in disputes, rivalries, animosities, hostilities, atrocities, fights and wars for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in various ways including deluding, deceiving, alluring, enticing, blackmailing, manipulating, exploiting and using people abusively from among weaker sections of their human populations who are linked, joined or connected to them and who are advantaged to lesser degrees than themselves by making harmful and destructive use of our purposefully properly provided things for them for their purpose based proper use of them for fulfilling our assigned mission to them due to their excessive greed for having and using things of need and want without actually needing or wanting them just to have their hold over weaker people or over people who lack value, weight or importance or influence over others thereby and that is why they invent and impose harmful and destructive ideologies, ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems upon others whereby they deceive them by means of their rosy rhetoric by painting rosy pictures for them for their future. However the actual fact is, blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for mankind is only and only possible for them if they live by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind so they should prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.   

    015] Therefore say to dominant and leading people as well as to their helpers, backers and supporters, should I not inform you people who secure your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in order to have a great state of existence for yourselves as individuals about yet more beautiful state of existence than that for which you people fantasise, wish, long and yearn due to which you people deceive, entice and allure each other and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other due to disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between yourselves? It is a state of existence which only and only such people can attain who are wholeheartedly and purposefully properly consistent with purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind as well as with each other as a purpose based proper human community who settle down in various places in his kingdom because due to their purpose based proper organisation and regulation for managing our provided things purposefully properly therein flow things of their need and want for them like rivers wherein they abide along with their fellow human beings of like minded who are purposefully properly supportive of each other so their minds are free of disputes, rivalries and animosities against each other. This is how they earn approval of Allah by meeting his set standard for them. This is how set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah prove constant and consistent in monitoring thoughts, plans and actions of human being for and against each other in order to deliver to them their appropriate results and outcomes respectively.

    016] They are such a people who make a promise to us and each other in presence of and in front of each other saying, our creator and sustainer we commit ourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in your kingdom according to your provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, so protect us because of that from thinking, planning and acting against each other for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way save us from fire of hatred due to rivalries and animosities between ourselves.

    017] They are a people who are purposefully properly steadfast, who turn their promises into realities, who wholeheartedly and purposefully properly commit, dedicate and devote themselves for fulfilling our assigned mission for them, who wholeheartedly and purposefully properly spend fruits of their labour for the success of our mission and cause, who protect themselves purposefully properly against all kinds of falsehood, deception, cheating and treachery by those who take them for their enemies.

    018] All because Allah through his provided this purpose based proper guidance for mankind testifies that there is no God save him and so bear witness to this fact all his prophets and messengers as well as his missionaries and those who have learned sense of making purpose based proper sense of things in light of real world realities and on that basis of purpose based proper information and its purpose based proper understanding they take this just stand. So keep in your minds always this fact that there is no God, creator, sustainer, owner and ruler of all that exists save Allah, the mighty wise ruler of whole of this kingdom of his creation.

    019] This is why without any doubt whatsoever according to Allah only and only AL-ISLAM alone is purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which can lead mankind to heights of excellence as well as to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom provided mankind prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly. This is why throughout times and places all people who prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly they were provided with his scriptures for their own purpose based proper guidance but some people from among mankind rejected and opposed them after they were delivered to them due to their own ignorance based arrogance because of which they already got involved in power struggles against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and all because they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon them purposefully properly. However whichever people reject and oppose purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind with his set goals and provided guidelines his set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by him soon deliver to such people results and outcomes of their very own thoughts, plots and actions against each other.

    020] So if despite all these provided explanations and pointed out  evidences any people including those people who claim to have received scriptures from us before this still argue with you people regarding our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which can lead them to heights of excellence and blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom then inform all of them again about these facts and say to them, I and those who help, support and back up this mission along with me, we have devoted, dedicated and committed ourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to work for the success of purpose based proper mission assigned for mankind by Allah due to these self evident facts. Therefore ask those people who claim to have received our scriptures already as well as those who do not make such a claim, do you people also commit yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly like us to working for the success of this mission? If they do then they too have accepted living and abiding by our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly but if they turn away from making such a commitment then your duty is only to deliver to them our message purposefully properly. However set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah are monitoring all that which human being think, plan and do for or against each other and they are there for delivering to them results and outcomes of their very own thoughts, plans and action for or against each other.

    O21] Surely those people from among mankind who reject and oppose purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind and therefore they campaign, struggle, strive and fight against his prophets and messengers without any purpose based proper justification and they also fight against their missionaries who tell them to establish and maintain a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom, give them the sad and grievous news about their terribly painful state of existence by hands of each other that is to become and remain a reality for them as a result of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts, plots and actions against each other for securing their very own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    022] It is harmful and destructive thoughts, plots and actions against each other by these like people which bring nothing good for them to ensure their well being as an outcome here in this world or in hereafter. This is why they end up in a situation wherein they have none to help and support them in the end.

    023] Have you people not considered mindset, attitude and behaviour of dominant and leading people and their supporters and backers from among those who have been provided with purpose based proper scriptures from us before this that when they are invited to their scripture from Allah for them so that their disputed matters over which they differ and fight with each other could be decided and settled between them? The party of dominant and leading people from among them refuses to accept this invitation because they have moved away from our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    024] This is because they have invented and imposed such secular and religious beliefs and practices upon the masses of their human populations whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from them at their expense and as a result their become ignited between themselves fires of hatred and animosity but instead of repenting by giving up their ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems and reforming by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind to overcome this situation they tell each other, the fire of hatred and animosity will only last for a number of days so it will not reach us to trouble us. This is how through their self invented and imposed ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems they deceive the masses in their human populations and that is how they keep them away from our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind by means of what they have invented, fabricated and concocted in our name as their secular and religious baseless as well as harmful and destructive beliefs and practices.

    025] But what like will be the situation and feeling of human beings when through our missionaries we will bring together all of mankind in the human world to live and abide by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for them during a time period in coming of which there is no doubt at all because during that time period each and every person as well as each and every human population will be delivered their deserved outcomes in full for their thoughts, plans and actions for ensuring well being of each other as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom and they will not be wronged by each other at all on purpose intentionally and deliberately even in the least degree?

    026] Therefore O mankind, admit openly this truth among yourselves so that you people could reach that beautiful time period of existence sooner rather than later by saying before each other, O Allah, you alone are God, creator, owner and sovereign of this whole kingdom of your creation. You let any people gain and maintain the position of management of people and resources as well as means of production and distribution in your kingdom whichever people work very, very hard for gaining and maintaining that position as well as you let any people lose that position of management of people and resources as well as means of production and distribution whichever people fail to work for gaining and maintaining that position. You let any people rise to heights of excellence by meeting your set standard for their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence who work very, very hard for it and you let any people fall into humiliating state of existence or perish who fail to work for meeting and maintaining your set standard for their very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. It is because blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for mankind as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom rests only and only upon your provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and their purpose based proper understanding of it as well as their purpose based proper and faithful living and abiding by it and following of it. No doubt you have set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as you have put in place processes, mechanisms and measures for purpose based proper working of all things according to your purpose based proper plan.

    027] That is how through your set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and their very, very hard works according to your provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind you turn their dark periods of existence into their brilliant periods of existence and you let turn their brilliant periods of existence into their dark periods of existence when they fail to maintain their brilliant state of existence by becoming ignorant and arrogant therefore unproductive and useless. Likewise you let a dead people become alive who rise to heights of excellence and you let a people at the heights of excellence fall into oblivion or perish or become a dead people who fail to meet or maintain the standard set for them for their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. On similar grounds you provide sustenance in abundance for a people who work very, very hard for it according to your provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and your set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms.

    028] This is why you the mankind should never join those people who reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind instead of joining those who wholeheartedly and purposefully properly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. So any people who will join the rejecters and the opponents of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind then such people will not get the benefits which they could get by living and abiding by purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah for mankind. However there is no restriction upon you to keep a working relationship with them. This is how Allah informs you about things you need to know. It is because the authority to set purpose based proper goals and guidelines for mankind rest with Allah alone.

    029] Say, regardless you the mankind conceal what is in your hearts and minds or you make it known to each other, it is all known to Allah, for he knows all that is in all the far away galaxies as well as all that is in this galaxy and all that is in between them. Remember, it is Allah who has set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms for governing workings of all things according to his set measures he has put in place for them for this very purpose.

    030] There is to come a time period when each and every party from among mankind will find each and every thing it will have thought, planned or done for or against each other. Such people who will have thought, planned or done anything harmful and destructive against others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense they will wish there was an infinitely long distance between their-selves and the consequences or penalties of their harmful and destructive thoughts, plans and actions against others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense. This is why Allah himself is informing mankind about all this well in advance so that they think, plan and do nothing against others to save themselves from the consequences or penalties of their those thoughts, plans and actions against others. This is why purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah will be found most beneficial and effective for ensuring their very own well being should they understand and adopt them purposefully properly and faithfully as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    031] Say to people who claim to love Allah, if you people truly love Allah then you people should stick to and be loyal to way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah for mankind in actual fact and in that case you people should back me up with your help and full support so that Allah too shows his loyalty to you by leading you people to heights of excellence by leading you to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that thereby he prevents you people from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. That is how Allah protects human populations from harms and destruction by hands of each other through his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind which can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom if they understand and adopt it purposefully properly.

    032] Say, if you people truly want blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom then be constantly consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind along with his prophet and messenger. However if they refuse and turn away from working for this purpose then set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah do not back up and support those who refuse to live and abide by his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and instead they deliver them the results or outcomes of their very own thoughts, plans and actions against each other.

    033] Of a surety purpose based proper understanding and adopting of way of life, rule of law and governing system advised by Allah for mankind distinguished people of Adam, Noah, Abraham and Imran in comparison to all other people in the human world in their time periods respectively.

    034] The fact is, some of them were successors of others. Allah tells you all this information because he is all hearing and all knowing.

    035] So call to mind the time when human population of Imran (imraan = a party of people which wishes to bring about a purposefully properly organised and regulated human society in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind) rose up likewise to bring about a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind by saying, my creator and sustainer, I along with my helpers, supporters and backers take on the burden of responsibility for sorting out and settling all the disputes and fights that are within or between my body of people for uniting them into a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom according to your provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for furthering your assigned mission by dedicating and using all that is within my power, ability, capacity and strength for it, so I wish you let my thoughts, plans and actions for this purpose be successful. No doubt you are all hearing and all knowing so you observe peoples’ motives and make them obvious for them through results of their very own actions for or against each other.

    036] At length when people of Imran brought forth a missionary team it said, my creator and sustainer, I could bring forth only a small party of people for the missionary task from the whole of BANI ISRAEL (people who claimed they were helpers, backers and supporters of the one who lived by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind) but Allah made evident for all of bani Israel to see what it had brought forth because no team or section or party of any human population was like that team in its knowledge, commitment, dedication and devotion to his assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind. So leadership of team of Imraan said, I name or call this missionary team Mariam (an unmatched or an unparalleled spotless and brilliant team of people) and I commit, dedicate and devote it and its future ideological helpers, backers and supporters to work for the safety and security as well as protection of mankind according to your purpose based proper guidance for mankind from any such leadership that has distanced itself from your purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to its ignorance based arrogance because of its not preparing itself purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly and therefore its living by a way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby it inflicts harms and destructions upon rest of mankind for securing its own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    037] So set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by its creator and sustainer fulfilled its desire due to its true commitment, dedication and devotion because they were backed up by it with its deeds in actual fact for furthering his assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind for bringing about and maintaining their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in his kingdom. That is why he let it develop and prosper to increase in its capability, capacity and strength through a suitable purpose based proper education, training and skills program and thereby into an appropriately balanced beautiful team by giving it under the care or attention of Zachariah (The one who is full of something most valuable and useful and who can fill others with it) for its purpose based proper education and training to gain all the needed skills according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Each time Zachariah entered into its education and training place to educate and train it for carrying out its assigned mission, he found it ready with all its needed materials for its education and training for gaining needed skills. One day he asked it, O Mariam, from where did all this material come into your possession? It replied, it was offered by the wider community for the purpose of fulfilment of mission of Allah for mankind. Surely set up systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah deliver to people whatever they need or want in abundance beyond measure if they work hard for them purposefully properly.
    038] Thereupon Zachariah realised he is getting old and he cannot continue his missionary work as it ought to be carried out so he called upon his creator and sustainer saying, my creator and sustainer, my wish is that you grant me a purpose based proper successor for carrying out this assigned mission of yours for mankind, surely you are granter and fulfiller of such wishes of mankind as are consistent with your purpose of creation of things including mankind.

    039] At length the while he was busy in delivering education and training to people in the education and training camp or centre trying to educate and train people for campaigning, striving, struggling and fighting for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, some missionaries called upon him (whom he sent away in search of a suitable person who could replace him) saying, Allah gives you good news of a successor by name of Yahyah (the one who is lively and energetic oneself and is capable of helping others to become energetic and lively also) who will prove true this mission assigned by Allah for mankind by fulfilling and accomplishing it according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so he will be the most suitable and appropriate teacher and trainer for this committed, dedicated and devoted team of people because he is an approved person by Allah as his prophet and messenger to people so he will be from among those who mend and repair broken, severed and fractured relationships between people which prevent them from becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom.

    40] He said to his creator and sustainer, my creator and sustainer, from where will this person come who will be my successor because I surely am reaching my old age and my team is not yet that capable and productive just now to produce such a person to lead these people to accomplish this assigned mission of yours successfully? He said, it is so but set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah work according to his purpose based proper plan for fulfilling his set out purpose for creating all things including mankind.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #223 - March 01, 2025, 03:31 PM

    41] Zakariya said, my creator and sustainer, if I am getting a successor then in that case advise me about the way for handing over the responsibility to him. He was told, you are hereby advised that you should not effect this changeover of leadership for people for a period of at least three more education and training sessions and instead see them through yourself along with your successor and keep working very, very hard for the success of this mission of your creator and sustainer by working night and day till this mission reaches its completion successfully and purposefully properly.

    42] And this is what the team officials said to their newly formed missionary team, O Mariam, surely Allah has chosen you people for accomplishing his assigned mission for mankind therefore through purpose based proper education and training he has freed you people from harming and destroying each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense like the rest of people in the human world and that is why he has pointed out you people as an exemplary people for the rest of human populations in the rest of human world as a role model of your time to look up to and to join you as part of this purpose based proper human community.

    43] Therefore O Mariam, take a firm stand for fulfilling this purpose based proper task and be steadfast for establishing and maintaining purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by your creator and sustainer in a piece of land in his kingdom by committing yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly for this mission for carrying it out faithfully and purposefully properly by modelling, bending, moulding and preparing yourselves according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind just like those who prepared themselves for this very purpose as they were supposed to in the past before you people for carrying out this mission successfully as well as purposefully properly.

    44] This information about the past events is of unseen nature for you people of this era which we are telling you through our last and final prophet and messenger to you O mankind as you people were not present with the leading knowledgeable people of people of Imraan at the time when they were discussing with each other as to who is most suitable and capable for ensuring purpose based proper development and growth of missionary team called Mariam, nor were you people with them at the time when they were involved in a lively debate about it with each other.

    45] Also call to mind the time when officials of Mariam team said to it, O Mariam, worry not about your future regarding your missionary task because Allah gives you the good news of another energetic young successor from himself at some point in future to succeed your current guide, leader, director or teacher, he shall be known as Jesus (the one who can save mankind from harming and destroying each other) the officially appointed successor of Mariam, he will be a successful guide who will lead people of his time period to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom in this life as well as in the life to come because he will be of those who firmly stick to purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah.

    046] That is why he will communicate with people in an appropriate tone and language and that way he will complete his assigned mission because he will be of those who work for removing disputes, hatred, animosities, rivalries, conflicts and wars from between human beings in a human population as well as from between human populations in the human world in order to help them become and remain a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    047] Hearing all this information from the officials of the team the missionary team asks its creator and sustainer through its guide or leadership, when and how am I going to get such an active, energetic and lively successor so that I do not come to harm and destruction and remain safe and secure from the harmful and destructive elements from within this human population as well as from any other human populations which take me for their rival and enemy because they oppose and work against me just now and they may continue opposing and working against me in the future as well? The guide replied, so it will be as you are told because set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah bring about whatever he plans for fulfilling his purpose, objective or goal by way of doing things the way he always does and that way is, when he decides about a project to make it take place, happen or come to pass, he initiates the processes and mechanisms for it in the natural world to bring about his intended end product, result or outcome and so the project completes or it happens or takes place or takes shape or form as it should to become a reality.

    048] He also informed the missionary team about Jesus that he will teach him his purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines with needed all necessary logically consistent rational explanations and evidences for organising and regulating people into a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind in form of his scriptures namely Toraat and Injeel

    049] for preparing him to be sent at his chosen or appointed time as his prophet and messenger to all of those who claim to be helpers, backers and supporters of the one who used to live by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind who will say to them, for sure I have brought for you people from your creator and sustainer a purpose based proper program to accomplish its goals according to his provided guidelines through forming a purpose based proper constitution and legislating its purpose based proper laws for its purpose based proper understanding and for adopting it purposefully properly for organising and regulating yourselves into a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom. I will bring forth for you people out of your undermined and weak people such a team as will rank the highest in excellence like a soaring bird by inspiring and blowing into it a breath of new life through purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. That is how I will free you people from your blindness of ignorance due to your ignorance based arrogance because of which you people are in disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars with each other as well as I will end your isolation from each other because of which you are keeping away from each other instead of coming together as if you people have a fatally infectious skin disease and that is how I will raise you the human population that is like a dead people back to life through purpose based proper plan of Allah purposefully properly. Moreover I will clearly explain to you people as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom how to participate, interact, partake or take part in community based economy as to what you should produce and distribute and what you should keep in your community storage houses so that you never face poverty or lacking of things of need and want as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom. Surely in this message is a lesson for you people to learn and do what needs to be done if you are truly willing to commit yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly along with me to work for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    050] That is how I will prove true by fulfilling what was told before me in the Toraat already and that is how I will free you people from many of the undue restrictions which dominant and leading secular and religious people such as rulers, money lenders and priests have imposed upon you people because I have brought for you from you creator and sustainer a purpose based proper program to carry out by accomplishing its goals according his provided guidelines purposefully properly so be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other and also be consistent with me by helping and supporting me with your full backing purposefully properly.

    051] Surely Allah alone is my creator and sustainer as well as yours therefore campaign, struggle, strive and fight very, very hard for fulfilling his assigned mission for you the mankind so that you people could live by his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind because only and only that way you the mankind can reach heights of excellence as well as blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom.

    052] However after delivering purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind to those who claimed to be helpers, backers and supporters of the one who lived by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind when Jesus sensed rejection and opposition from their dominant and leading secular and religious people and their helpers, backers and supporters he asked his own purposefully properly educated, trained and skilled companions, who will help and support me for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom? His helpers, backers and supporters responded by saying, we are your helpers, backers and supporters in this campaign, struggle, strive and fight for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. It is because we are wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. So you be our backer as a witness before Allah that we have purposefully properly committed ourselves as well as submitted ourselves to living and abiding by purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah.

    053] They also said, our creator and sustainer, we have wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in your kingdom according to purpose based proper guidance with which you have provided us and we backup and support the prophet and messenger you have sent for us for our purpose based proper guidance so count us from among those who bear witness to that truth before all of mankind to see and hear clearly and purposefully properly.

    054] However after seeing and hearing all this the dominant and leading secular and religious people and their helpers, backers and supporters from among those who claimed to be helpers, backers and supporters of the one who lived and abided by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind conspired against Jesus and his helpers, backers and supporters but set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah responded to their this move and the response of set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah is always the best possible.

    055] So call to mind or consider what Allah said to Jesus at the time in response to conspiracy of dominant and leading secular and religious people and their backers and supporters from among those who claimed to be helpers, backers and supporters of the one who lived by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. He said, O Jesus, I am going to let you and your supporters fulfil my assigned mission for you people purposefully properly so that thereby I raise you people above all other human populations in the human world in your state of existence as a purpose based proper human community due to my purpose based proper guidance for mankind by your helping and supporting each other through your complementing each other purposefully properly and that is how I will distinguish you people from those people who reject and oppose my advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind by campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against it. That is how I will let your purposefully properly educated, trained and skilled helpers, backers and supporters rise above those who reject and oppose my advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind till the time period when my advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind become fully and purposefully properly as well as firmly established and maintained in the whole of human world. From then onwards all of you the mankind will turn to my purpose based proper guidance for mankind for settling all your disputes, conflicts, fights and wars between yourselves which will then help you decide and settle all your issues about which you people differ with each other. That is how in the end you all will become members of a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom according to my purpose based proper guidance for mankind. 
    056] However till then or till all disputes, conflicts, fights and wars are done between yourselves as for those who due to their ignorance based arrogance because they do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon my purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly so they keep on rejecting and opposing it therefore they will always be afflicted with severe consequences by hands of each other at present as well as in the future due to their continuously living by their self invented and self imposed ways of life, rules of law and governing systems whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other expense. That is why they will have no helpers and supporters from among themselves due to living that way till they repent by giving up that way of living and reform by living according to my purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    057] In contrast to those who reject and oppose my purpose based proper guidance for mankind those who commit themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom according to my provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and therefore they actively remove obstacles, hurdles, rivalries, animosities, disputes, conflicts, fights and wars between people by mending, repairing and fixing severed, broken, fractures and damaged relationships between them to help their unity, peace, progress and prosperity so that that way they could become and remain a purpose based proper human community in a place in my kingdom, they will have their full rewards in form of coming about of a such places in my kingdom which will be managed by them according to my provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly as well as they will have a great life in hereafter as well. For these like reasons mankind should always remember that Allah never approves thoughts, plans and actions of such people and human populations which inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    058] This beautiful message which can make lives of mankind beautiful through their own complementing each other purposefully properly according to it with which we have furnished you people through our last and final prophet and messenger to you, is a purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out purposefully properly by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines, which is a proclamation of the wise creator, owner and the ruler of this kingdom of his creation for mankind to help them rise to heights of excellence as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom so that they could have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here as well as in hereafter.

    059] Surely the likeness of preparation, bending, designing, carving, moulding and modelling of Jesus for carrying out his assigned mission in sight of Allah is like that of moulding and modelling of Adam into shape and form through his provided purpose based proper education, training and skills for the very same goal, target, objective, reason and purpose. He evolved his prophet and messenger Adam as a character for his purpose based proper plan like purposeful moulding of a piece of clay into a particular or required shape or form that is why like Jesus he told Adam to be the model based upon his own provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so he started working at it and in due course he became what he was required by him to become.

    060] This is that purpose based proper explanation from your creator and sustainer which points out self evident facts for you the mankind about raising his prophets and messengers from among mankind for guiding them therefore you people who have received this message in form of this Quran you people must not be of those who are in confusion therefore in doubt about such things due to lack of this type of revealed purpose based proper information and its purpose based proper understanding.

    061] However after receiving all this purpose based proper information from your creator and sustainer should any people still disagree, dispute and argue with you people concerning purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind then say to them, come let us all get together and earnestly examine reliability and strength of our own foundations upon which we all claim to stand individually as a people respectively. Our foundations upon which we people claim to stand as well as your foundations upon which you people claim to stand and on that basis we should examine state of existence of our weaker members of our human population and your weaker members of your human population along with state of existence of ourselves and state of existence of yourselves and then let us declare faithfully and purposefully properly which of us people are distant and far removed from the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and therefore they are suffering harms and destructions by hands of each other due to living and abiding by a way of, rule of law and governing system whereby we secure our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to rejecting and opposing living and abiding by purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah.

    062] No doubt this Quran is a purpose based proper explanation of all needed necessary things from Allah for mankind regarding his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for the purpose of fulfilment of his assigned mission for mankind for which he has created all that exists including human beings so there is no God, creator, owner and ruler of all this save Allah for that reason no doubt with Allah alone rests all the power and all the wisdom.
    063] Despite all these provided explanations and pointed out evidences as to why mankind must necessarily adopt purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system as advised for them by Allah for fulfilling his assigned objective as his assigned mission if they still stay away from them instead of adopting them purposefully properly then set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will keep on delivering to them outcomes of their very own harmful and destructive mischievous thoughts, plots and actions against each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    064] Therefore say to people who claim to have received our scripture from us before the Quran, O you the people who claim to have been given a scripture in form of a book by Allah before this, in that case you people should be coming to the ground which is common between us all, so that we all could work together for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system as advised for mankind  by Allah through his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind throughout times and places therefore none of us should adulterate, mix and confuse this way of life, this rule of law and this governing system by joining anything with them from already existing secular and religious ways of life, rules of law and governing systems so that we do not end up accepting some of us human beings as rulers over others along with Allah or other than Allah and that way we end up securing our own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. But if they stay away from accepting and adopting this method for working together then say to them, you people are our witnesses before Allah that we have delivered to you people his purpose based proper message for mankind purposefully properly because we are wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed, dedicated and devoted to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. 

    065] Moreover because some people who claim to be Jews and Christians they dispute things about Ibraheem say to them, O you people who claim to have been given the scriptures by Allah, why do you people argue with us over way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby abided Abraham and lived his life when the fact is, the Towraat and the Injeel were not sent before him but after him which clearly make things plain in this regard? Have you people not bothered to learn sense to figure out these facts purposefully properly from them?

    066] Because you people claim to have scriptures from Allah so you people are expected to be such a people who argue about issues on the basis of explanations you people have been provided with and the evidences you have been pointed out due to your preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly. However you people seem to be a strange folks who have fallen in dispute with us regarding things about which you people have no purpose based proper information and no purpose based proper understanding at all because you did not prepare yourselves purposefully properly for seeking receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly, so how can you people be expected not to dispute about things concerning which you have no purpose based proper information and no purpose based proper understanding at all? Surely Allah has informed you people about his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system Abraham abided and lived by but you people due to your ignorance based arrogance have not bothered to learn sense to figure out things purposefully properly from your God sent scriptures for yourselves for purpose based proper guidance of mankind.

    067] The fact is, as we understand our Allah sent scripture for purpose based proper guidance of mankind, Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian like you people who have no purpose based proper knowledge about your Allah sent scriptures instead he was a person who was sincerely, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind therefore surely he was not of those who have committed themselves to living by ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems which are invented and imposed by those who claim to be rulers other than Allah.

    068] For this reason no doubt truly consistent people with Abraham in actual fact are only and only those people who purposefully properly support and back up his Allah assigned mission with their thoughts, plans and actions, such as this prophet and messenger of ours and those who have wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed themselves along with him to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, so it should be obvious to all as a matter of fact that purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and his set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by him only and only supports those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    069] A dominant and leading group of people from among the people who claim to have scriptures from Allah, which is ignorant and arrogant therefore it still lives by any way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby it secures its own petty personal gains from others at their expense desires very much to lead you people away from the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah but the fact is, such people cannot lead away anyone from the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah other than the people of their own kind of mindset, attitude and behaviour who due to their ignorance based arrogance realise not so they are unaware of what sort of problems and troubles they are going to land themselves in or going to end up in after they have given up or abandoned living by purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah.

    070] So O you the dominant and leading ignorant and arrogant people from among the people who claim to have received the book from Allah, for what other reason than the way of life, rule of law and governing system which you people have invented yourselves and imposed it upon others whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from the rest of human beings at their expense are you people rejecting and opposing and therefore campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against the purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind in order to prevent it from being carried out by them by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines when your own state of existence as a people in shape and form of terrible painful suffering bears witness or is self evident for all to see that you people are not understanding and living by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly?

    071] So O you the dominant and leading ignorant and arrogant people from among the people who claim to have received a book from Allah, for what other reason than the way of life, rule of law and governing system which you people have invented yourselves and imposed it upon the rest of people for securing your own petty personal gains from them at their expense you people are masking, hiding, clothing and replacing the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah with your harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system when you people should be knowing this fact purposefully properly from your scripture from Allah but due to your ignorance based arrogance you do not bother to prepare yourselves purposefully properly for seeking receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly?

    072] Despite his provided such clear explanations and pointed out evidences about advantages and benefits of his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind and despite pointed out disadvantages, losses, lacks, harms and destructions of their own self created, self imposed and self adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense this group or party of people from among the people who claim to have received a book from Allah conspires, plots and schemes against the way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah by telling each other, accept living by their way of life just for sake of better living for yourselves the while it lasts and give it up when the period of better living ends and the things get difficult or hard with hope that they too may then turn away from their way of life, rule of law and governing system by giving them up and adopting our ways of life, rules of law and governing systems.

    073] Do this superficially not sincerely to fool them because you people should never actually commit yourselves to living with any people by any way of life, rule of law and governing system anyone says unless one conforms to your own way of life, rule of law and governing system. Say to such people, the only purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system to live one’s life by in actual fact is that which is based purposefully properly upon the actual purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. Are you people hating us for the reason that people other than yourselves should also be bestowed with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind like of that which was bestowed upon you people by Allah for purpose based proper guidance of mankind or are you people hating us because we engage you people in debates and discussions regarding that which is with us as well as with you people from your creator and sustainer for the purpose based proper guidance of mankind? Say, surely to raise a people to heights of excellence through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind is up to Allah alone who grants his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to any people who prove themselves to be deserving it by way of their thoughts, plans and actions in comparison to rest of human populations in the human world, for Allah advises mankind through his purpose based proper guidance for them on basis of his knowledge that is purposefully comprehensive.

    074] Therefore he grants a distinct advantage to a deserving human population over all other human populations through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, for Allah is mighty great source of knowledge that lifts and raises mankind to heights of excellence.

    075] This is why among the people who claim to have a book from Allah for purpose based proper guidance of mankind who actually live and abide by our provided scripture to them are people of such great moral character that if you entrusted them with a huge burden of responsibility for ensuring well being of mankind by way of a promise or an accord or agreement, they will readily respond by fulfilling it for you the mankind regardless of your ideological differences between yourselves because they have prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind whereas there are also other people from among them who are so characterless and morally bankrupt that if you trusted them even with a single minor responsibility for ensuring well being of mankind according to Allah’s advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind through a promise or an agreement they will still fail to fulfil it unless you stood guard over them permanently. It is because these dominant and leading ignorant and arrogant people due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly claim, we are not held answerable, accountable, responsible and liable according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind which is with us for our dealings with people outside our own ideologically interconnected human population. That is how they attribute lies to Allah but they ought to know better because they have his purpose based proper guidance for mankind with them but due to their ignorance based arrogance they bother not with preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    076] Of course lies attributed to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind by such people regarding accords and agreements between people cannot save them from terrible consequences in here as well as in hereafter of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts, plans and actions against others for securing their own individual petty personal gains from them at their expense. In contrast to them those who fulfil their promises and covenants with each other they surely prove their commitment for living and abiding by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind true in actual fact by being consistent with it as well as with each other for ensuring success of his assigned mission to them. For that reason set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah deliver to them outcomes of their very own thoughts, plans and actions for ensuring well being of each other according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    077] This is why people from among those who claim to have received scriptures from Allah due to their ignorance based arrogance promote and support their own self invented and self imposed ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from others at their expense instead of promoting and supporting his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind therefore they do not fulfil his imposed contractual, constitutional and legal obligations and responsibilities to rest of mankind according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for them and for that reason they do not have the needed necessary moral character and basis for achieving and accomplishing goals and objectives of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. It is for this reason Allah no longer sees them suitable and fit for continuously receiving his purpose based proper messages for purpose based proper guidance of mankind because he does not find them preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind because of which they cannot change their these mindsets, attitudes and behaviours as a people till the time period when his missionaries will purposefully properly establish and maintain his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind therefore his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind cannot free them from their disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves so they are bound to remain in their self created painful suffering state of existence unless they repent by giving up their ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems and reform by adopting his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind purposefully properly.

    078] However they are prevented, hindered and obstructed from repenting and reforming by the fact that there are groups from among people who claim to have received his scripture for guidance of mankind which due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purposefully properly they misinterpret and misrepresent and that way they pervert its message by twisting it out of its purpose based proper context by misusing their languages. This is how they attribute their religious and secular beliefs and practices which are harmful and destructive for mankind because thereby they justify rule of some people over others in the very name of our scriptures which are not from our scriptures and that is how they attribute harmful and destructive beliefs and practices to Allah which are not from him. This is how they attribute their lies to Allah despite the fact that they ought to know better due to having received his scriptures from him.

    079] It is because it is made absolutely clear in his scriptures for mankind that it is not right at all for any human being whom Allah grants his prophet-hood and messenger-ship as well as his scripture as a purpose based proper program for mankind for carrying it out by accomplishing its goals purposefully properly according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence that he should tell people, be my subjects and slaves and live by my way of life, my rule of law and my governing system instead of telling them to live by Allah’s advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind. In fact he ought to tell them, be a people who are wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensure their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly because you people are such a people who have prepared yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly so you ought to know very well what the book demands and requires of you people.

    080] This is why a prophet and messenger from Allah will never ask you the mankind to take your officials, missionaries and prophets and messengers from Allah for purpose based proper guidance of mankind as your Gods, owners, rulers and masters. Will any true prophet and messenger of Allah to you the mankind ask you to reject and oppose his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind and declare war against it after you people have wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed yourselves to working for the purpose of unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind because he himself invites you to do so in the very name of Allah in the very first place?

    081] No, he will never do that because Allah took the pledge of all his prophets and messengers individually during their own time periods in their operating zones precisely for this reason saying, when I bless you people with a book as well as needed wisdom for its purpose based proper understanding as a purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to my provided guidelines for formation of a purpose based proper human community in a place in my kingdom according to my purpose based proper guidance for mankind and in due course there comes to you or your people any prophet and messenger from me who confirms whatever of my message is left with you people of my original message then you people should commit yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully along with him to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom according to my provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind to him and that is how you should help and fully support him. Allah asked them, do you promise to do that? All of them individually during their own times and places replied, yes, we promise to do that. There upon Allah said, very well then bear witness about it to your present as well as the coming generations and I too bear witness about this matter along with you.

    082] This is why, if any of the following of any of the prophets and messengers from Allah to mankind turns back on this agreement by accepting living and abiding by any way of life, rule of law and governing system of anyone other than that of Allah for mankind then such a people will be taken as breakers of this very promise and agreement so they are bound to face terribly painful consequences for doing so by hands of each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    083] So are these people who claim to have received their scriptures from Allah for purpose based proper guidance of mankind before this by not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his this last and final purpose based proper message for mankind purposefully properly through this last and final prophet and messenger of Allah to mankind then not in breach of that accord and covenant with Allah which their prophets and people entered that they are looking for living by a way of life, rule of law and governing system of other than that of Allah for mankind whereas to his set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by him alone are bound all existing things that are in all the far away galaxies as well as in this galaxy and all that is within them as well as all that is in between them willingly and dutifully because it is only and only his right alone to provide for all of them purpose based proper programs to carry them out purposefully properly for accomplishing his set out objectives, purposes, targets and goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines.

    084] Say, therefore we the people who have accepted the message in the Quran as a verifiable truth from Allah for the purpose based proper guidance of mankind  have also committed ourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper community in his kingdom on the basis of what is sent to us by Allah and what was sent by him to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac (the one who gets deeply and widely involved in something highly worthy and of value), Jacob (the one who investigates things thoroughly and purposefully properly) and their most generous successors as well as on the basis of that which was given to Moses (the one who is very intelligent), Jesus (the one who is most suitable or fitting for a purpose, a person of great character) and many other prophets and messengers of their creator and sustainer not mentioned or told about and we do not find any conflicts between any of their God given messages at all, that is why we have wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed, dedicated and devoted ourselves to working for the purpose of unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    085] Therefore any human population which accepts and adopts any way of life, any rule of law and any governing system other than the one from Allah namely Al-Islam which leads to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom it will not meet this requirement for those people therefore such people will always remain in a loss due to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense till they give up their that way of life, their that rule of law and their that governing system and adopt Al-Islam the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah purposefully properly.

    086] How can this purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind guide any such people to heights of excellence as well as to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom who reject and oppose by campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system based upon his this provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind after their declaration of their commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to it because many of them bore witness thereby that this prophet and messenger is consistent with his claims of prophet-hood and messenger-ship from Allah for purpose based proper guidance of mankind because there came to them through him a purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines like of those which were already with them as clear evidences? So this purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind cannot guide such people as ignore, avoid and neglect it due to their ignorance based arrogance and they are stubbornly bent upon inflicting harms and destruction upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    87] The consequences of harmful and destructive thoughts, plans and actions of such people against each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense distance them from purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and from his officials and missionaries as well as from the whole of purpose based proper human community in his kingdom that is based purposefully properly upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind.

    88] So in that state of existence they remain by keeping each other in that state of existence unless and until they repent from that way of life, rule of law and governing system and reform according to purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah or there is not going to be any let or respite for them in their hardship and painful state of existence as a people by hands of each other because such people do not give or let each other have any respite from that state of existence and no one cares about them or their plight,

    89] save for those of them who stop living their lives the harmful and destructive way after their this bad experience and so they choose his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for living their lives because Allah purposefully properly protects mankind through his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom which can purposefully properly satisfy all their psychological, sociological and biological needs.

    90] As for people who reject and oppose way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind by their thoughts, plans and actions after declaring their commitment to it and then they keep on rejecting and opposing it, they will never be able to reach and accomplish their own self chosen goals towards which they have directed their attention due to being hindered, prevented and stopped by each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because these are a people who are divided because they have gone far away from the path that could lead them to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah for their very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    91] The fact is, any people who reject and oppose purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind therefore they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other because of their harmful and destructive secular and religious beliefs and practices due to their securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and yet they remain unconvinced about the truth of the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah then even if they give away all they have of the treasures of the earth to gain freedom from the harms and destructions they suffer by hands of each other they cannot gain that freedom ever. It is because for people with such mindsets, attitudes and behaviours the end result can only and only be terrible painful suffering by hands of each other because there is none who can help them out of the situation they have gotten themselves into other than they themselves by changing the way they live their lives by giving up their harmful and destructive ways of life, rules of law and governing systems for the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah.

    92] The actual fact is, you the mankind cannot attain freedom from harms and destructions which you people inflict upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense unless and until you people are ready to stop all that carry on and use all that you people love the most for yourselves only to have and use for ensuring well being of each other as explained to ensure your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. You people use not a thing for ensuring well being of each other but set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah make results of your such thoughts, plans and actions obvious for all of you to see.

    93] Thinking, planning, having, using and doing each and everything for fulfilling our assigned purpose based proper mission according to our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind was always legal and lawful for all who claim to be successors of the one who lived by our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, nonetheless secular and religious minded dominant and leading groups of people from among them themselves made things illegal and unlawful all by themselves for their people to suit their own secular and religious agendas even before the revelation of the Toraat. Say, bring the Toraat and read it before us if your claim about the prohibition of thinking, planning, having, using and doing certain things by Allah is true.

    94] However if any people still attribute lies and falsehood to Allah after all these clarifications and pointed out evidences then they are only and only those people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    95] Say, that is how Allah proves the truth verifiably true, therefore support by your thoughts, plans and actions purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah whereby Abraham built and brought about as well as maintained his purpose based proper human community in his kingdom who was totally inclined towards community based way of life because he was not of those who accept and adopt any way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby some people secure their own individual petty personal gains from others at their expense because they reject and oppose purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #224 - Today at 10:35 AM

    96] That is because the very first safe haven, sanctuary, refuge, asylum, shelter and safe and secure home that was made available for mankind by Allah was in form of his purpose based proper program for them to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines to gather them into a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to a purpose based proper constitution and its purpose based proper laws due to their terribly sad state of existence by hands of each other at the time in order to help and support them to turn their this terribly sad state of existence into a blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for all the human populations in the human world.

    97] That was the original purpose based proper guidance of Allah that was given to mankind through Adam in the very beginning, in which were provided brilliant program, goals and guidelines for mankind to form a purpose based proper constitution and to legislate its laws purposefully properly to organise and regulate themselves into a purpose based proper human community according to that in a place in his kingdom and that was the standard upon which stood Abraham wholeheartedly, faithfully and uprightly as well as purposefully properly. This is why whichever human population sincerely and purposefully properly accepted this standard and they wholeheartedly and purposefully committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom it found for itself blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. It is because it was only and only up to Allah alone to provide mankind with his purpose based proper guidance for them and to invite them to his advised purpose based proper program as a safe haven for them for the purpose of ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other through their own complementing each other purposefully properly but it was left up to mankind themselves to accept this invitation and go through the needed necessary process to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence, for that reason all people should do their best according to their Allah granted abilities to enable themselves to come to it but if any people will reject and oppose or campaign, struggle, strive and fight against it instead then their terrible painful suffering by hands of each other will continue due to their own harmful and destructive thoughts, plans and actions against each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Mankind must become and remain aware about the fact that Allah is free from inflicting harms and destructions upon human populations in the human world in reaction to their thoughts, plans and actions against each other because they can do no harm to him but they are made to suffer consequences of their very own thoughts, plans and actions against each other in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    98] Therefore say to the dominant and leading groups of people from among the people who claim to have received scriptures from Allah for the purpose based proper guidance of mankind, O you the people who claim to have the book from Allah, why are you people continuously rejecting, opposing, campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against the purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind instead of carrying it out by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines when set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah are continuously making obvious all that you are thinking, planning and doing through results of your very own thoughts, plans and actions against each other?

    99] Say, O you the dominant and leading secular and religious groups of people from among the people who claim to have the scriptures from Allah, why do you people become and try to remain a hurdle and a barrier between the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah and any people who want to know them to adopt them purposefully properly by showing people through your own thoughts, plans and actions as if there are faults in them when you people yourselves testify that this message that is with you is truly from Allah in actual fact for the purpose based proper guidance of mankind? So become and remain aware about the fact that set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah are never fail in exposing your motives through results of your very own thoughts, plans and actions against each other in contravention of his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    100] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, become and remain aware and alert constantly and consistently in actual fact by working hard at it because if you people will fail in preparing yourselves and being always ready for any facing challenges purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly then you people will remain vulnerable and exposed to influences by dominant and leading groups of people from among the people who claim to have received scriptures from Allah and that way they can turn you people into mischievous warmongering people like themselves through ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense even after you people have declared your commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    101] So how can you people afford to turn mischievous warmongers like them again against each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense as you used to be and suffered terribly by hands of each other as a result by not preparing yourselves purposefully properly for meeting all the facing challenges for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind when his purpose based proper program for mankind is constantly and consistently explained for you people repeatedly for carrying it out by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines because his prophet and messenger as well as his missionaries are among you so any people who will remain stuck firmly with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind they will be led to and kept firmly stuck to purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah which are firmly and purposefully properly balanced for leading mankind to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in his kingdom as a purpose based proper human community.

    102] For those reasons O you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other as you people are supposed to be, as you people ought to be and as you people should be according to it, so die not but in the state of being wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    103] For these reasons and purposes, hold purposefully properly as well as firmly all of you people together as a purpose based proper human community onto the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly for carrying out his provided purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines purposefully properly and do not remain divided nor end up divided due to continuously living by your self-invented and self imposed ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby you people secure your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which you people end up in disputes with each other because of rivalries and animosities between yourselves which lead you people to fights and wars between yourselves and that is how you people should show to the rest people in the human world your appreciation for the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind.  Call to mind the fact that you people used to be open sworn enemies of each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense but it put compassion, love and respect in your hearts and minds for each other instead and by way of that highly valuable purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind you people turned into a purpose based proper brotherhood of humanity. Even though before this purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind you people were on the brink of a pit of fire of hatred and animosity against each other ready to fall into the pit of fire yet he saved and secured you people from falling into it and being consumed by it. That is how Allah makes it an obvious reality for you people the value of his provided purpose based proper guidance for you the mankind due to your carrying out his provided purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines so that you the mankind become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom as a purposefully properly guided people.

    104] For these reasons and purposes you people should become and remain such a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah which calls and invites the rest of human populations towards the beautiful purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by him therefore you people should advise them about thinking, planning and and doing what is consistent with the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah because that will ensure their own well being and you should also advise them about not to think, plan and do what is against purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah because that will harm and destroy them by hands of each other. That way make it clear to them the fact that only and only those people will be successful in reaching heights of excellence for having blissful, dignified and secure state of existence who will become and remain a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah by being consistent with each other as well as with his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    105] So you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind should never become or remain like those people who claim to have received his provided purpose based proper scripture for mankind yet they divided themselves into religious and secular groups and parties and fought each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense even after brilliant purpose based proper guidance from Allah had come to them for their purpose based proper guidance. This is why life is always terribly painful by hands of each other for such like people unless and until they repent by giving up their harmful and destructive ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and reform by adopting purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah which ensure their well being.

    106] A time period is coming for human populations when some of them will start living by purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah who will pursue his advised brilliant goals according to his provided brilliant guidelines because of which their faces in due course will become lively and bright due to being full of happiness but faces of the rest of them will remain gloomy full of grief and sadness due to being depressed and regretful because they will still not pursue brilliant course of thoughts, plans and actions so those with gloomy faces will be asked by those with lively faces, did you people remained stuck to ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby you people secured your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense even after you people declared your commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind? In that case keep on tasting, experiencing and undergoing the consequences of your very own harmful and destructive thoughts, plans and actions against each other by hands of each other for securing your own individual petty personal gain from each other at each other’s expense because such ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems only and only bring life of terrible pain and misery because people like you in actual fact reject and oppose Allah advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which could lead them to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    107] As for people with lively and happy faces they will be in blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah due to purposefully properly living and abiding by his advised purpose based way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind wherein they will live for as long as they will maintain their that state of existence purposefully properly.

    108] These are brilliant goals of purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind to accomplish according to his provided guidelines for them which we proclaim to you our prophet and messenger for purpose based proper guidance of mankind as the verifiable and confirmable truths. It does not serve the purpose based proper plan of Allah to inflict harms and destructions upon human populations in his kingdom rather people suffer the consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts, plans and actions against each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to their own choice of living by harmful and destructive ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems instead of living by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which can ensure their well being with help and full support of each other by their own complementing each other purposefully properly.

    109] Allah never inflicts mankind with harms and destructions even though all that is in all the far away galaxies as well as all that is in this galaxy and all that is within them as well as in between them belongs only and only to him alone and for that reason all decisions about all affairs about all things rest with him alone.

    110] You people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind have been brought forth by him to be a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for ensuring well being of the rest of the human populations in the human world. For this reason you people ought to be telling the rest of human populations also what they ought to be thinking, planning and doing for ensuring their own well being and what they should not be thinking, planning and doing in order to save them from harming and destroying themselves. This is why it is necessary that you people yourselves are wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. How nice it will have been had those dominant and leading people from among people who claim to have received scripture from us had also committed themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind by preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. However there are among them a small minority of people who are wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind but a great majority of them are mischief makers and warmongers who cause disputes, fights and wars between people through rivalries and animosities through ways of life, rules of law and governing systems whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from other at their expense.

    111] Regardless of their intentions based upon their hatred and animosity against you people they will never be able to hurt or wound you people fatally but they will keep on trying to hurt you for as long as they can but should they decide to fight you to eliminate you people altogether, they will soon turn round and flee because they will never have the ways and means at their disposal to help them carry through their ultimate harmful and destructive intentions against you people.

    112] It is because life without their self earned respect and dignity as well as life of harm and destructions by hands of each other is certain for such people for all their lives who live by ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense no matter wherever they may live in the kingdom of Allah so they can never reach ultimate heights of excellence therefore they can never have most possible blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and that is because purpose based proper state of existence of mankind depends upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as upon unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind themselves as a purpose based proper human community through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly, so those people who move themselves away from purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as from purpose based proper human community they end up in life of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other, the terrible painful suffering which sticks with them all their lives and that is because they reject and oppose purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind rather than carrying it out by accomplishing its goals purposefully properly according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines and instead they campaign, struggle, strive and fight against his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as his prophets and messengers to them without having any right to do so and without any justifiable reasoning. They do all this because they fail to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly so due to their ignorance based arrogance they end up transgressing against his set limits for mankind.   

    113] Nonetheless not all people from among those who claim to have received their scriptures from Allah are like majority of their dominant and leading people rather among them is a staunch small team of people who are always wholeheartedly and purposefully committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom because they proclaim to rest of mankind purpose based proper program of Allah for them to carry it out purposefully properly according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines no matter how hard and difficult time period of darkness of ignorance they find themselves going through but they remain purposefully properly committed to working for the success of our assigned mission for them.

    114] They commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring their future well being by informing people to think, plan and do what is consistent with his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind so that they could have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as well as they warn people against thinking, planning and doing anything which could harm and destroy them by hands of each other. This is how they encourage people to work for making things better and better for mankind through fixing, mending and repairing their severed, broken and fractured relationships due to disputes between them because of rivalries and animosities between themselves which lead them to fights and wars between themselves so that they could become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. 

    115] So whatever of the great works those people of the book do for ensuring well being of humanity they will not be denied fruits of their those thoughts, plans and actions because Allah is purposefully properly aware of their motives and actions therefore his set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by him make obvious their consistency with his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind to see.

    116] In contrast to them those who reject and oppose by campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against Allah’s advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for ensuring their very own well being and they instead invent and adopt ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, fruits of their such works as well as their ideological backing and support or following cannot save them at all from the harms and destructions by hands of each other as the results and outcomes of their very own such thoughts, plans and actions are delivered to them by set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah. These are the type and kind of people who ignite, trigger and kindle fire of hatred and animosity between mankind and they land and remain in it themselves as well forever unless they repent by giving up their ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems and reform by adopting Allah’s advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for ensuring their own well being.   

    117] The likeness as an example of what they have as fruit of their hard works and use it to harm and destroy others in life of this world due to their inventing, imposing and adopting ways of life, rules of law and governing system whereby they secure their own individual petty personal gains from others at their expense is like that of a dangerous atmosphere and environment that is gradually spreading wherein is devastating destruction that strikes at them as well as their future generations. That is how human populations destroyed themselves as well as their future generations by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. It was not Allah who harmed and destroyed them rather they rejected and opposed his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and thought, planned and did things as they liked so they ended up with the consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts, plots and actions against each other.

    118] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, never let those who openly campaign, struggle, strive and fight against what you stand for infiltrate your body of people or community and its administration to become part of you because they will not miss any opportunity to try to harm or destroy you from within because they intensely yearn for your total destruction. Their hatred against the way of life, rule of law and governing system advised for mankind by Allah as well as humanity is very much obvious and self evident from their so far ideas and practices or thoughts and actions or words and deeds against you people but that which is still in their minds but not yet obvious from their actions against you is their intention of yet greater harm and destruction of you people. Regardless of what you people think, plan and do in response to them, we have made our purpose based proper program for you the mankind clearly obvious to carry it out purposefully properly by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines should you people bother to use your brains and senses to learn sense of making purpose based proper sense of things and become and remain a sensible purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    119] Surely you people, who have wholeheartedly and purposefully committed yourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, are such a people who love working for ensuring well being of others even though they love you not and instead they hate you and take you for their enemies therefore they desire your total destruction just because you people claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah accordance to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind throughout times and places in form of all his scriptures including this Quran in their entirety instead of just a parts of them. However many others from among the people who claim to have received scriptures from Allah for purpose based proper guidance of mankind plot, scheme and conspire against you people in different ways which is made obvious by them because when they come to you people they say, we too have committed ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind but when they go away and they have their privacy they bite off their finger tips in rage against you people. Say to them, perish in your rage, hatred and enmity against us if you must due to your love for ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby you people secure your own individual petty personal gains from others at their expense. Surely Allah is comprehensively aware of what you people hide in your hearts and minds about his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind as well as against humanity so he makes this fact about you people obvious in due course for rest of human beings to see through your own words and deeds.

    120] Due to their hatred and animosity against you people because you people live for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by Allah’s advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for humanity if your state of existence becomes beautiful as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom as a result of that, it brings hopelessness and despair upon them but you people experience or undergo any setback due to any mistakes you people make then they rejoice over it. However if you people will continue working hard steadfastly and consistently to the best of your Allah granted abilities towards unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and therefore you will stay away from ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby these people secure their own individual petty  personal gains from others at their expense due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon them then their scheming, plotting and conspiracies against you will never bring you harms and destructions. That is because all they think, plot and do is within the grasp of Allah to make it obvious for you people in due course through their own words and deeds.

    121] So when you our prophet and messenger to mankind along with your helpers, supporters and backers take further steps for the process for furthering and expanding our assigned project as your mission from Allah for you people, prepare, arm, equip and decorate purposefully properly for the missionary work those who have wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind with all the needed necessary purpose based proper education, training and skills for campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting all types, kinds or sorts of battles and warfare. Remember Allah is all hearing and all knowing that is why he is telling you people about all these things well in advance.

    122] Allah is advising you his prophet and messenger to mankind because in the past in a step of the process for furthering his assigned mission two of your parties made obvious their weakness in the needed necessary education, training and skills for furthering the mission even though purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind supported them therefore upon purpose based proper advice of Allah for mankind should rely faithfully and purposefully properly those who are wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    123] The fact is purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind always helped, supported and backed you people by making things fully obvious for you before you needed them even when you people were only a small group of unsettled people without even being sufficient in needed necessary things, so be consistent always with purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind by carrying it out purposefully properly by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines as well as be consistent always with each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom so that you people could use his provisions purposefully properly for ensuring your own well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom as well as for ensuring well being of rest of human populations in his kingdom.

    124] Call to mind the time when during an education, training and skills session you our prophet and messenger to mankind were asking those who have committed themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, is it not sufficient for building and raising your confidence to encourage you people to remain steadfast and consistent with your assigned purpose based proper mission of Allah for mankind that your creator and sustainer helps and supports you people with three thousand purposefully properly educated, trained and skilled missionaries for furthering his assigned mission for mankind?

    125] Not only that but if you people will continue working harder and harder by remaining steadfast and consistent for the success of his mission for mankind then despite your opponents' constant strong opposition your creator and sustainer will soon add to your support five thousand more purposefully properly educated, trained and skilled missionaries ready for vigorous campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for his mission along with you people.

    126] Allah has made this news nothing less than a great positively encouraging thought for you people so that with that he raises confidence in your minds to motivate you thereby to work even harder for the success of his assigned mission for mankind. Surely there is no purpose based proper source of help, support and firm foundation at all save Allah’s advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for them who is the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    127] So that thereby he wins over a part of those who reject and oppose by campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind and so that thereby he overwhelms them and that way they fail in their campaign, struggle, strive and fight against his assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind.

    128] However it is not your decision to make but theirs whether Allah should turn to them in response to their turning to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for their own purpose based proper guidance for ensuring their own well being as a part of purpose based proper human community in his kingdom or should he leave them to themselves to continue on their own self-invented, self imposed and self adopted ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems if they so desire to continue their living by for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they end up inflicting terrible harms and destructions upon each other as a consequences of their such thoughts, plans and actions..

    129] No matter whichever way of life, rule of law and governing system they choose for themselves to live by, rest assured they own nothing at all in this kingdom of our creation rather despite their claims that they own things in this kingdom of Allah’s creation, only and only to Allah alone belongs all that is in all the far away galaxies as well as all that is in this galaxy and all that is within them as well as all that is in between them. He bestows blissful, dignified and secure state of existence upon whichever people desire and work hard for it according to his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind and he lets suffer the consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts, plots and actions against each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whichever people desire and work hard for that. No doubt set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah protect and secure only and only those human populations which adopt his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which can lead them to their very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    130] Therefore O you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, do not get involved in power struggles against each other for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing and increasing your individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because therein lies your downfall, so be purposefully properly consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other so that you people could become and remain the most successful people as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    131] This is how you people should guard yourselves against fire of hatred and animosity between yourselves about which are forewarned well in advance those who reject and oppose by campaigning, struggling and fighting against our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind.

    132] For that reason be purposefully properly consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind along with his prophet and messenger to you people as well as be consistent with each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom so that you people could reach heights of excellence as well as blissful, dignified and secure state of existence through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    133] So work very, very hard towards that target, goal and objective with all your creator and sustainer granted strength, abilities and provisions to reach heights of excellence from your starting point to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence by bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly because for those who will be consistent with his pointed out objectives for them his vast kingdom of creation has been brought about and maintained by him.

    134] Such people as will use fruits of their hard works in time of plenty after bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah as well as in time of scarcity at the start of mission for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom before its coming about and establishment for ensuring unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind with their help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly for this purpose for removing hardships and difficulties from each other as well as for ensuring their own well being and they will also direct their strength and energy towards betterment of the rest of humanity because that is the reason set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah approve and support such people who work hard to bring about a beautiful human world for themselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as they will try their best to ensure well being of the rest of humanity by inviting them to his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind.

    135] They are such a people who when they do something wrong by mistake due to their ignorance which contravenes Allah’s provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind whereby they end up harming their own people and thereby themselves, they turn to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that they could overcome its ill effects on their purpose based proper human community and themselves but what can truly protect mankind in actual fact from harmful and destructive effects of their own harmful and destructive thoughts, plans and actions against each other save their very own purpose based proper living by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind with their full awareness about things? However such people who make any such mistake they never persist in inflicting harms and destructions upon each other knowingly and deliberately or intentionally by planning for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    136] Reward for such thoughts and actions of such people is their safety and security or protection from harms and destructions from their creator and sustainer by way of a place in his kingdoms under their own management in which flow things of their need and want like rivers wherein they abide for as long as they live by his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, what a beautiful and bountiful outcome for those who live by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind.

    137] Passed away many generations of human traditions, ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems which were invented and imposed and adopted by various people before you people whereby they secured their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in contravention of Allah advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind. For that reason travel throughout the human world and see with your own eyes what was the end of those rulers, money dealers, priests, their touts, supporters and backers who rejected, opposed and fought against his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which were based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind by denying its benefits and advantages to each other so that they could gather and secure their own individual petty personal gains from them and hold onto them at their expense.

    138] This book the Quran contains clear explanations and points out evidences for mankind as to how they should live their lives and how they should not live their lives in this world by learning lessons from what is told in it to be consistent with it as well as with each other.

    139] Therefore you people who have purposefully properly prepared yourselves for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon this purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly should never despair or become hopeless nor become worried or anxious about anything because in time to come you will indeed overcome all the barriers, obstructions and hurdles in your path for establishing and maintaining a place in kingdom of Allah based upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom provided you people remain truly, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    140] If you people are forced by people who oppose you to work harder for achieving your assigned objective about establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, likewise are forced by you people your opponents to work harder for holding onto their ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems to stop you people from accomplishing your goal. That is how throughout times and places people interacted to force each other to change for the betterment of themselves. That is how set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah made obvious those who were in actual fact committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that thereby they could be pointed to mankind as examples to witness as evidences to copy them because set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah do not approve thoughts, plans and actions of those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    141] For that reason all this difficult and hard work is to be carried out by those who have truly committed themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that that way he could free them from all kinds of intended and planned harms and destructions by hands of each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and so that through them he could win over the rest of human populations and that way eliminate those who reject and oppose as well as campaign, struggle, strive and fight against his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    142] Or is it that you people thought that you can become and remain a purpose based proper human community in a place in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for having blissful, dignified and secure state of existence without any needed hard works and without set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah making obvious those of you who actually campaign, struggle, strive and fight very, very hard for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community and those who are actually steadfast and consistent in their efforts for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind?

    143] Call to mind the fact that before you people faced this very, very difficult situation in actual reality and made any real hard efforts for getting rid of it according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind, you people used to long for ending the ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby people due to their ignorance based arrogance inflicted harms or destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Now that you people have actually experienced this situation therefore you have become fully aware of the fact how demanding it is for your very, very hard work for removing human painful suffering caused by people to each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, so now you people know for sure that you should prepare yourselves very, very well and purposefully properly for this needed very, very hard work and task or you will not succeed in getting rid of harmful and destructive ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems which are invented, imposed and adopted by dominant and leading people and their helpers, backers and supporters throughout the human world.

    144] This mission which is assigned for you people is neither a new one nor a walk over but a most demanding and a most dangerous one for human beings to undertake as missionaries for it and Muhammad is just another human prophet and messenger from Allah for you the mankind and the very last and final one at that who is not a being with supernatural and extraordinary powers. All prophets and messengers of Allah for mankind throughout times and places have already passed away before him who were also just ordinary human beings without any supernatural and extraordinary powers so he too will pass away just like all the rest of our prophets and messengers before him. So will it be that if he dies or passes away like them or he is fought against like them then you people who claim to be his helpers, supporters and backers will lose courage, give up and turn back on your heels from his assigned mission for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind back to your old harmful and destructive ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems whereby you people used to secure your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other? Be warned that any people who will turn back from their God assigned mission for establishing and maintaining unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind will do no harm to mission of Allah but only and only to themselves just like you people used to do earlier before joining this cause and movement. However should you people continue mission assigned for you by Allah till its completion and fulfilment then set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah will soon reward you people with a place for your own settlement and management in his kingdom wherein you people will be able to have and use his provisions purposefully properly according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    145] that is because It is not possible for a purposefully properly organised and regulated human community in kingdom of Allah which is purposefully properly based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind to perish unless it moves away from his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind which are for ensuring its own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence because of which it ends up harmed and destroyed according to set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanisms and measures put in place by Allah as explained in his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. It is because any group of people that lives according to its own self invented, self imposed and self adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby its people secures their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense then we deliver to it results for whatever it thinks, plots and does against each other but if any group of people thinks, plans and works purposefully properly for ensuring well being of each other by living according to our advised purpose based proper way of life rule of law and governing system for mankind which are purposefully properly based upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for a long term brilliant future then our set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes mechanisms and measures put in place by us grant it whatever it thinks, plans and works for to ensure well being of each other as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. Nonetheless we reward with maximum possible outcome for their thoughts, plans and actions only and only such people as use our provisions according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    146] There was not a single prophet and messenger of Allah who campaigned, struggled, strove and fought for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for their very own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as his assigned purpose based proper mission from him but alongside him campaigned, strove, struggled and fought very, very hard many Godly people who helped, supported and backed up mission of Allah for establishing and maintaining his advised purpose based proper way of life, rules of law and governing system for mankind purposefully properly. They cowered not because of the hardship and difficulties which they faced, experienced and underwent for trying to establish and maintain a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly, nor did they lose their courage or gave up working for this mission. That is how purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind inspired and motivated those who remained constantly and steadfastly consistent with purpose based proper mission of Allah for mankind.

    147] That is because their objective was nothing other than what they declared by saying, our creator and sustainer, we truly desire in actual fact to be saved and secured from harms and destructions which we human beings inflict upon each other for securing our own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by adopting your provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind therefore save and secure us from any excesses and transgressions against each other in our efforts for fulfilling your assigned mission for us, so help us through your purpose based proper guidance for mankind to take steps that are firmly founded upon your provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and thereby help, support and back us up so that we could win over the people who reject and oppose by campaigning, struggling striving and or fighting against your advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in your kingdom.

    148] That is why Allah rewarded them with beautiful life in this world and he will reward them with even more beautiful life in hereafter because Allah approves thoughts, plans and actions of only and only such people who think, plan and do what makes life beautiful for mankind according to his purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly.
    149] O you people who claim to have committed yourselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, should you people fail to keep up with your preparing yourselves purposefully properly constantly and consistently as well as steadfastly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly and listen to those who reject and oppose by campaigning, striving, struggling and fighting against establishment and maintenance of his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind  in a place in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly then they will try their utmost to make you go back on your commitment for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for mankind but if you people will go back on your commitment then surely you too will become of those who are already in a terribly great loss due to living their lives that way because they are being harmed and destroyed by hands of each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.
    150] So no, you people should never go back on your commitment for carrying out purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind purposefully properly for accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines because only and only Allah alone is your helper, backer and supporter through his set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes, mechanism and measures put in place by him according to his provided purpose based guidance for mankind because he alone is the ultimate helper, backer and supporter of those who work for ensuring well being of mankind.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
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