You should not make fun of people who worship sky pixies, they are as founded and have as much proof of their belief as you have.
Quran is full of scientific contradictions, so it is more acceptable to worship invisible sky pixies than to worship Allah. That, and invisible sky pixies don't often demand bloody Jihad and the execution of apostates.
What the hell are you talking about? I have never made any link with Islam, all I said was that spanking can be effective. You people are completely incapable of discussing anything without resorting to emotional hyperbole nonsense about totalitarian facism and BCM wants you to be "good pious muslims"
Look who's talking. You show up every now and then in COEM and FFI to plaster your delusions on the critiques of Islam. So, we are a bunch of atheist leftards who cannot see the inherent beauty of Islam? Poor, poor we.
Islam allows and even encourages child-beating and you come here to sing praises for "spanking your kids," what did you expect? You are saying that we are unable to discuss anything without referring to words like totalitarianism or fascism. Look at yourself: you cannot discuss anything without making childish attempts to exonerate Islam from the blame. You defend monogamy but it has nothing to do with Islam, you defend child-beating but it has nothing to do with Islam, etc. Yes, we totally buy it.
You always complain about hyperboles. For you, our criticism of Mohammad's pedophilia was also an hyperbole. Right?

atheist leftards? sing praises?
I dont know who you're talking to exactly but he seems like an interesting construct (strawman).
I think spankings are fine, irrespective of the evil Islamic consensus and thats about it. If you cannot fathom why some people on this earth think this is an acceptable form of discipline without assuming some underlying "islamic" factor than I think you're a simpleton.
I dont know what you meant by monogamy, I think you need to google me again as its possible you have me confused with another evil muslim. As for the charge of pedophilia, yes I think its ridiculous and part of an overall to paint everything he did as necessarilly evil. Over at Jwatch they're busy uncovering evidence of necrophilia; all thats missing is cannibalism at this point.
by the way I also like hamburgers but only because in Islam killing and eating animals is fun.