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 Topic: To smack kids or not to smack..........

 (Read 89936 times)
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  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #60 - March 04, 2009, 09:40 PM

    Quote from: ArabWannabe
    The idea that spankings are bad is a product of the 1960's counter-culture, the very same "liberalism"so abbhored by the anti-Islam movement.

    Yes, isn't it odd that the anti-liberal movement which so abhors Islam, has so very much in common with it?

    You'd almost be tempted to think that both ideologies were just man made bullshit. 

    Aren't all ideologies man made bullshit by definition?

    Are you going to tell us next that Islam is not an ideology?  Islam is the exception, everything else is man made but Islam is a divine truth which comes from God.   That's why there's so much science and wisdom in the Qur'an.  Cheesy

    Religion is hilarious.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #61 - March 05, 2009, 08:51 AM

    Generally muslims are very biased into accepting corporal punishment against kids. Even those who do not beat their kids. The culture permits (teaches) beating the wife if she is disobedient. That means beating the Mother of the house. If beating 'number 2' is permissible and ordered, then how can anyone claims that beating everyone else below number 2 is absolutely wrong? or simply that beating is absolutely wrong.

    You will notice that AWB is exactly reflecting and sticking to his teachings. Hit. But don't beat the fvck out of them. A little tap every now and then is the conclusion he will *always* reach.

    And you can argue with him about child beating, till he is blue in the face. But you are generally wasting your time, you might get to him by like 10-20%. Because his need to defend child beating stems from his need to defend a koranic teaching and/or a cultural custom that will not go away anytime soon. To agree with you that a little tap every now and then is wrong, means to admit his religious-backed-culture is wrong. That is what you really should be discussing with him if you want to get somewhere.

    However my better advice is to avoid discussing things with him. He has what is in my opinion this personality flaw, he has a strong need to never  state his opinions and instead to set himself as a judge of other people's opinion. He will get boring very quickly and you will not get anything of substance out of him. That is an observation reinforced by ~2yrs of reading his posts. To clarify, the only 'opinion' you will get out of him, will be a judgement made on other people's and/or their work.

    Also my advice against anyone backing up an islamic-based culture, is to remind them that the koran does not state 'a little tap every now and then'. That this koran orders a beating every time and continuously until obedience (slavery) is re-established.

    This is the stupidest trite I ever heard where every act boils down to "he's a muslim, what do you expect?"

    All I said was that spanking is not bad in itself and has proven effective in all cultures. The link everyone here is trying to make with some koranic injunction is not only stupid, its unfounded. Parents in every country have different methods in how they raise their kids, some spank and some don't. My father spanked me when I stole ten bucks from his wallet and I never did it again. Maybe this canadian small town farmer was a secret Muslim or maybe he was just a regular dad, the kind you would find across Canada in the 1970s.

    And Baal, you conveniently forget that the only judgements made here were against me for my defense of spanking, but thats to be expected from someone who defended the sentences "it is not an insult to say Muslims are not human"

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #62 - March 05, 2009, 09:00 AM

    A tap on the ass is just fine for small transgressions, if its something serious like "fuck you mom, you stupid cunt" then it should be a nice slap.

    Thinking that all spanking is horrible and wrong is the reason why many kids simply do not respect their parents. These are not little adults or your friends, they are your kids and need discipline once in a while.

    Exactly the kind of reply I'd expect from an apologist of Islam. We should teach these arrogant little bastards the lesson they deserve, right? Also, "thinking that all spanking is horrible" is the reason why so many pious, innocent Muslim kids join the Kuffar, right? If we just had the guts to "spank" them, they would be good pious Muslims right? Welcome back BCM, we missed you a lot.

    I abhor any creature who can defend child beatings. One of the reasons I've turned away from Islam when I was very young was something I saw on an Islamic calendar/almanac. This great masterpiece of pedagogy explained that if your children reach the age of 10 and still do not pray to Allah regularly, it is permissible to beat them. I was 9 years old by then. My parents never beat me but I was threatened with "a good beating" at times, and that page of Islamic calendar alienated me from Islam forever.

    Children are rational beings, if you cannot treat them like that, don't have any children please!

    What the hell are you talking about? I have never made any link with Islam, all I said was that spanking can be effective. You people are completely incapable of discussing anything without resorting to emotional hyperbole nonsense about totalitarian facism and BCM wants you to be "good pious muslims"

    Come back when you grow up son and watch your mouth next time or Ill spank you as ordered by my Islamic teachings

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #63 - March 05, 2009, 09:02 AM

    Quote from: ArabWannabe
    The idea that spankings are bad is a product of the 1960's counter-culture, the very same "liberalism"so abbhored by the anti-Islam movement.

    Yes, isn't it odd that the anti-liberal movement which so abhors Islam, has so very much in common with it?

    You'd almost be tempted to think that both ideologies were just man made bullshit. 

    Aren't all ideologies man made bullshit by definition?

    Are you going to tell us next that Islam is not an ideology?  Islam is the exception, everything else is man made but Islam is a divine truth which comes from God.   That's why there's so much science and wisdom in the Qur'an.  Cheesy

    Religion is hilarious.

    For me of course it isnt an ideology (although political islam certainly is).

    For you, we're all bunch of crazies, worshipping sky pixies.

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #64 - March 05, 2009, 09:04 AM

    However my better advice is to avoid discussing things with him. He has what is in my opinion this personality flaw, he has a strong need to never  state his opinions and instead to set himself as a judge of other people's opinion. He will get boring very quickly and you will not get anything of substance out of him. That is an observation reinforced by ~2yrs of reading his posts.

    Yeah he's already boring me and I don't like being bored so that's why I just told him to do as he likes with his kids, it's not my problem, they're his kids and he and others like him just make their own old age beds when they abuse their kids, especially as more growing evidence shows all the problems of the old-fashioned, pre Boomer ways of rearing kids.

    Ultimately Muslims' are disgusted by "appearing weak" and that's where this sense of entitlement stems from, really. But what they don't understand is the weakest person is the one who is most violent, most abusive, most rigid. The strong don't have to act macho because they know their self worth.

    Ok, its all about Islam and nothing else; subject closed.

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #65 - March 05, 2009, 01:50 PM

    Are you going to tell us next that Islam is not an ideology?  Islam is the exception, everything else is man made but Islam is a divine truth which comes from God.   That's why there's so much science and wisdom in the Qur'an.  Cheesy

    Religion is hilarious.

    For me of course it isnt an ideology (although political islam certainly is).

    Political Islam is Islam.  Economic Islam is Islam. Please dont portion the parts off that you find uncomfortable, such as political Islam and call them an ideology.  If so, what do you call the backbone behind political Islam, Shariah Law?

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #66 - March 05, 2009, 02:33 PM

    For you, we're all bunch of crazies, worshipping sky pixies.

    Bunch of crazies is too harsh.  I wouldn't go that far, just a bit silly and maybe a bit more gullible than average in some peoples' cases.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #67 - March 05, 2009, 02:47 PM

    For you, we're all bunch of crazies, worshipping sky pixies.

    You should not make fun of people who worship sky pixies, they are as founded and have as much proof of their belief as you have. 

    I dont think they are crazy, nor are you - just blind believers lacking in common sense.

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #68 - March 05, 2009, 05:21 PM

    Quote from: IsLame
    You should not make fun of people who worship sky pixies, they are as founded and have as much proof of their belief as you have.

    Quran is full of scientific contradictions, so it is more acceptable to worship invisible sky pixies than to worship Allah. That, and invisible sky pixies don't often demand bloody Jihad and the execution of apostates.

    Quote from: Arab-Wannabe
    What the hell are you talking about? I have never made any link with Islam, all I said was that spanking can be effective. You people are completely incapable of discussing anything without resorting to emotional hyperbole nonsense about totalitarian facism and BCM wants you to be "good pious muslims"

    Look who's talking. You show up every now and then in COEM and FFI to plaster your delusions on the critiques of Islam. So, we are a bunch of atheist leftards who cannot see the inherent beauty of Islam? Poor, poor we.

    Islam allows and even encourages child-beating and you come here to sing praises for "spanking your kids," what did you expect? You are saying that we are unable to discuss anything without referring to words like totalitarianism or fascism. Look at yourself: you cannot discuss anything without making childish attempts to exonerate Islam from the blame. You defend monogamy but it has nothing to do with Islam, you defend child-beating but it has nothing to do with Islam, etc. Yes, we totally buy it.

    You always complain about hyperboles. For you, our criticism of Mohammad's pedophilia was also an hyperbole. Right?

     Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #69 - March 06, 2009, 10:03 AM

    Quote from: IsLame
    You should not make fun of people who worship sky pixies, they are as founded and have as much proof of their belief as you have.

    Quran is full of scientific contradictions, so it is more acceptable to worship invisible sky pixies than to worship Allah. That, and invisible sky pixies don't often demand bloody Jihad and the execution of apostates.

    Quote from: Arab-Wannabe
    What the hell are you talking about? I have never made any link with Islam, all I said was that spanking can be effective. You people are completely incapable of discussing anything without resorting to emotional hyperbole nonsense about totalitarian facism and BCM wants you to be "good pious muslims"

    Look who's talking. You show up every now and then in COEM and FFI to plaster your delusions on the critiques of Islam. So, we are a bunch of atheist leftards who cannot see the inherent beauty of Islam? Poor, poor we.

    Islam allows and even encourages child-beating and you come here to sing praises for "spanking your kids," what did you expect? You are saying that we are unable to discuss anything without referring to words like totalitarianism or fascism. Look at yourself: you cannot discuss anything without making childish attempts to exonerate Islam from the blame. You defend monogamy but it has nothing to do with Islam, you defend child-beating but it has nothing to do with Islam, etc. Yes, we totally buy it.

    You always complain about hyperboles. For you, our criticism of Mohammad's pedophilia was also an hyperbole. Right?

     Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

    atheist leftards? sing praises?

    I dont know who you're talking to exactly but he seems like an interesting construct (strawman).

    I think spankings are fine, irrespective of the evil Islamic consensus and thats about it. If you cannot fathom why some people on this earth think this is an acceptable form of discipline without assuming some underlying "islamic" factor than I think you're a simpleton.

    I dont know what you meant by monogamy, I think you need to google me again as its possible you have me confused with another evil muslim. As for the charge of pedophilia, yes I think its ridiculous and part of an overall to paint everything he did as necessarilly evil. Over at Jwatch they're busy uncovering evidence of necrophilia; all thats missing is cannibalism at this point.

    by the way I also like hamburgers but only because in Islam killing and eating animals is fun.

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #70 - March 06, 2009, 11:44 AM

    For you, we're all bunch of crazies, worshipping sky pixies.

    You should not make fun of people who worship sky pixies, they are as founded and have as much proof of their belief as you have. 

    I didnt, I wrote "we" as in I include myself in that group.

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #71 - March 06, 2009, 12:27 PM

    Quote from: Arab-Wannabe
    I think spankings are fine, irrespective of the evil Islamic consensus and thats about it. If you cannot fathom why some people on this earth think this is an acceptable form of discipline without assuming some underlying "islamic" factor than I think you're a simpleton.

    I dont know what you meant by monogamy, I think you need to google me again as its possible you have me confused with another evil muslim. As for the charge of pedophilia, yes I think its ridiculous and part of an overall to paint everything he did as necessarilly evil. Over at Jwatch they're busy uncovering evidence of necrophilia; all thats missing is cannibalism at this point.

    Would you please bother to create a new thread about Mohammad's pedophilia? I don't want to hijack the thread, but your casual revisionist comment about Mohammad's pedophilia deserves some more attention. As ignorant ex-Muslims, we would like to be enlightened about this particular subject, namely how you came to the conclusion that Mohammad cannot be a pedophile despite "marrying" a nine-years old child.

    As for polygamy, you were whining about how liberal Western society has to accept monogamy a while ago. But that had nothing to do with Islam, of course. You always drag your baggage of strawmen around, even in this post you are accusing me of "confusing you with another evil muslim" suggesting that we consider all Muslims as evil. It's very cheap and nobody buys it.

    Quote from: Arab-Wannabe
    yes I think its ridiculous and part of an overall to paint everything he did as necessarilly evil.

    Bingo! We are all evil drones trying to paint everything Mohammad did as evil. Poor, poor Mo. Shame on these evil ex-Muslim drones who keep accusing him of pedophilia.

    How do you explain the fact that there are so many ex-Muslims who have independently rejected Islam in this forum? May it have something to do with the consistent despicable behaviour of a certain Bedouin bandit?

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #72 - March 06, 2009, 01:46 PM

    For you, we're all bunch of crazies, worshipping sky pixies.

    You should not make fun of people who worship sky pixies, they are as founded and have as much proof of their belief as you have. 

    I didnt, I wrote "we" as in I include myself in that group.

    By this, can I assume you more or less agree with my comment above?  If you can, then there is hope for you yet!

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #73 - March 06, 2009, 02:16 PM

    Quote from: Arab-Wannabe
    I think spankings are fine, irrespective of the evil Islamic consensus and thats about it. If you cannot fathom why some people on this earth think this is an acceptable form of discipline without assuming some underlying "islamic" factor than I think you're a simpleton.

    I dont know what you meant by monogamy, I think you need to google me again as its possible you have me confused with another evil muslim. As for the charge of pedophilia, yes I think its ridiculous and part of an overall to paint everything he did as necessarilly evil. Over at Jwatch they're busy uncovering evidence of necrophilia; all thats missing is cannibalism at this point.

    Would you please bother to create a new thread about Mohammad's pedophilia? I don't want to hijack the thread, but your casual revisionist comment about Mohammad's pedophilia deserves some more attention. As ignorant ex-Muslims, we would like to be enlightened about this particular subject, namely how you came to the conclusion that Mohammad cannot be a pedophile despite "marrying" a nine-years old child.

    As for polygamy, you were whining about how liberal Western society has to accept monogamy a while ago.

    Could you provide a link please, I really dont remember

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #74 - March 06, 2009, 02:18 PM

    For you, we're all bunch of crazies, worshipping sky pixies.

    You should not make fun of people who worship sky pixies, they are as founded and have as much proof of their belief as you have. 

    I didnt, I wrote "we" as in I include myself in that group.

    By this, can I assume you more or less agree with my comment above?  If you can, then there is hope for you yet!

    lol, there's no "hope", all I mean is that I understand why an atheist would view religious people as a bit kooky or even crazy.

    To them we are people who believe in imaginary sky pixies

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #75 - March 06, 2009, 02:29 PM

    lol, there's no "hope", all I mean is that I understand why an atheist would view religious people as a bit kooky or even crazy.

    To them we are people who believe in imaginary sky pixies

    I don't view theists as crazy, I understand why they have a faith as I used to too, I'm sure many ex-theists can understand too.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #76 - March 06, 2009, 02:35 PM

    Could you provide a link please, I really dont remember

    Your memory is rather poor. Now can you please create a thread to explain why Mohammad, the founder of the one glorious cult which is the divine word of Allah as opposed to all other man-made ideologies, was not a pedophile? We look forward to being enlightened.

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #77 - March 06, 2009, 03:11 PM

    Quote from: Arab-Wannabe

    As for polygamy, you were whining about how liberal Western society has to accept monogamy a while ago. But that had nothing to do with Islam, of course.

    So I went to the link you so graciously provided (complete with your little snide about my bad memory) and my only comments were 1) asking why the fact that Akon has three wives would be cause to dislike him 2) asking why poligamy would devalue a woman who agrees to such an arrangement

    Thats all I said, I didnt say anything "how liberal Western society has to accept monogamy", YOU DID - unless you can show me where I said these things (and Im willing to entertain the thought that such a thread exists) you Sir are a fucking liar.

    Until you find this evidence, Im going to ask you nicely to 1) Stop being disingeuous and 2) Stop putting words in my mouth.

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #78 - March 06, 2009, 03:17 PM

    Quote from: Arab-Wannabe
    Until you find this evidence, Im going to ask you nicely to 1) Stop being disingeuous and 2) Stop putting words in my mouth.

    Why? Isn't this always what you do? Now, will you please deign to explain to us why Mohammad wasn't a pedophile?

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #79 - March 06, 2009, 03:20 PM

    Could you provide a link please, I really dont remember

    Your memory is rather poor. Now can you please create a thread to explain why Mohammad, the founder of the one glorious cult which is the divine word of Allah as opposed to all other man-made ideologies, was not a pedophile? We look forward to being enlightened.

    Why? Do you think I can convince or anyone else of the contrary? Come on man, you have already made up your mind about the bloodcult and its founder being evil. You know how the debate will end? you'll say something like "well, despite all the evidence, BCM refuses to admit that mohammad was a pedophile, which makes him a supporter of pedophilia and pedophile worshipper". How could it be otherwise? you've heard all the arguments already about keeping in mind the historical and cultural context of 7th century arabia and summarily rejected them because if you believe Islam and the Prophet to be evil then EVERYTHING about Islam must be evil.

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #80 - March 06, 2009, 03:22 PM

    Quote from: Arab-Wannabe
    Until you find this evidence, Im going to ask you nicely to 1) Stop being disingeuous and 2) Stop putting words in my mouth.

    Why? Isn't this always what you do?

    No, I provide direct quotes, always.


    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #81 - March 06, 2009, 03:22 PM

    For you, we're all bunch of crazies, worshipping sky pixies.

    You should not make fun of people who worship sky pixies, they are as founded and have as much proof of their belief as you have. 

    I didnt, I wrote "we" as in I include myself in that group.

    By this, can I assume you more or less agree with my comment above?  If you can, then there is hope for you yet!

    lol, there's no "hope", all I mean is that I understand why an atheist would view religious people as a bit kooky or even crazy.

    To them we are people who believe in imaginary sky pixies

    I am glad you can see this.   Just dont lock your mind with what we tell you, nor what your parents/culture have told you. Keep thinking & reading and use the intelligence you obviously have, and you may get there eventually.

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #82 - March 06, 2009, 03:25 PM

    For you, we're all bunch of crazies, worshipping sky pixies.

    You should not make fun of people who worship sky pixies, they are as founded and have as much proof of their belief as you have. 

    I didnt, I wrote "we" as in I include myself in that group.

    By this, can I assume you more or less agree with my comment above?  If you can, then there is hope for you yet!

    lol, there's no "hope", all I mean is that I understand why an atheist would view religious people as a bit kooky or even crazy.

    To them we are people who believe in imaginary sky pixies

    I am glad you can see this.   Just dont lock your mind with what we tell you, not what your parents/culture have told you. Keep thinking & reading and use the intelligence you obviously have, and you may get there eventually.

    My mind isnt locked at all dear friend, I understand the arguments against religion and they're quite convincing.

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #83 - March 06, 2009, 03:26 PM

    Quote from: Arab-Wannabe
    Until you find this evidence, Im going to ask you nicely to 1) Stop being disingeuous and 2) Stop putting words in my mouth.

    Why? Isn't this always what you do?

    No, I provide direct quotes, always.


    No. You always complain about how people stereotype Muslims, it's your default accusation. I have asked you proof about where I was stereotyping Muslims, did you provide any direct quotes?

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #84 - March 06, 2009, 03:28 PM

    Quote from: Arab-Wannabe
    Until you find this evidence, Im going to ask you nicely to 1) Stop being disingeuous and 2) Stop putting words in my mouth.

    Why? Isn't this always what you do?

    No, I provide direct quotes, always.


    No. You always complain about how people stereotype Muslims, it's your default accusation. I have asked you proof about where I was stereotyping Muslims, did you provide any direct quotes?

    Did I say you were stereotyping Muslims?

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #85 - March 06, 2009, 03:31 PM

    lol, there's no "hope", all I mean is that I understand why an atheist would view religious people as a bit kooky or even crazy.

    To them we are people who believe in imaginary sky pixies

    I don't view theists as crazy, I understand why they have a faith as I used to too, I'm sure many ex-theists can understand too.

    Im referring to organized religion where there's a definite entity with specific charateristics etc..

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #86 - March 06, 2009, 03:32 PM

    lol, there's no "hope", all I mean is that I understand why an atheist would view religious people as a bit kooky or even crazy.

    To them we are people who believe in imaginary sky pixies

    I don't view theists as crazy, I understand why they have a faith as I used to too, I'm sure many ex-theists can understand too.

    Im referring to organized religion where there's a definite entity with specific charateristics etc..

    I'm including those too.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #87 - March 06, 2009, 03:33 PM

    Could you provide a link please, I really dont remember

    Your memory is rather poor. Now can you please create a thread to explain why Mohammad, the founder of the one glorious cult which is the divine word of Allah as opposed to all other man-made ideologies, was not a pedophile? We look forward to being enlightened.

    Why? Do you think I can convince or anyone else of the contrary? Come on man, you have already made up your mind about the bloodcult and its founder being evil. You know how the debate will end? you'll say something like "well, despite all the evidence, BCM refuses to admit that mohammad was a pedophile, which makes him a supporter of pedophilia and pedophile worshipper". How could it be otherwise? you've heard all the arguments already about keeping in mind the historical and cultural context of 7th century arabia and summarily rejected them because if you believe Islam and the Prophet to be evil then EVERYTHING about Islam must be evil.

    Since you self-report to always provide them, can you please provide any "direct quotes" where I said, or demonstrated, that I believe everything about Islam must be evil.

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #88 - March 06, 2009, 03:33 PM

    lol, there's no "hope", all I mean is that I understand why an atheist would view religious people as a bit kooky or even crazy.

    To them we are people who believe in imaginary sky pixies

    I don't view theists as crazy, I understand why they have a faith as I used to too, I'm sure many ex-theists can understand too.

    Im referring to organized religion where there's a definite entity with specific charateristics etc..

    I'm including those too.

    and you are an atheist correct?

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #89 - March 06, 2009, 03:34 PM

    Could you provide a link please, I really dont remember

    Your memory is rather poor. Now can you please create a thread to explain why Mohammad, the founder of the one glorious cult which is the divine word of Allah as opposed to all other man-made ideologies, was not a pedophile? We look forward to being enlightened.

    Why? Do you think I can convince or anyone else of the contrary? Come on man, you have already made up your mind about the bloodcult and its founder being evil. You know how the debate will end? you'll say something like "well, despite all the evidence, BCM refuses to admit that mohammad was a pedophile, which makes him a supporter of pedophilia and pedophile worshipper". How could it be otherwise? you've heard all the arguments already about keeping in mind the historical and cultural context of 7th century arabia and summarily rejected them because if you believe Islam and the Prophet to be evil then EVERYTHING about Islam must be evil.

    Since you self-report to always provide them, can you please provide any "direct quotes" where I said, or demonstrated, that I believe everything about Islam must be evil.

    Based on a thourough analysis of your posts, Ive come to the conclusion that you believe Islam is evil.

    Feel free to correct me, If ?m wrong I apologize.

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
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