Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
Reply #174 - April 04, 2009, 12:43 AM
Time to add my 2 cents before these discussion goes out of hand
Now, I do not understand fully what BMZ and the kafirs are arguing about, nor that I want to understand it anyway, I had this debate with K F on FFI before and this is what I believe should be the right understanding regarding the throne of Allah
1- Allah has a physical throne
2- Any throne must have a chair
3- Because the throne of Allah is physical, then the chair of the throne must be physical
Now, for the kafirs, who rant by saying, that how come god has a throne and a chair?
Then I say to them, and why not God should not have a throne and its chair? And I say, Are His throne and His chair been described as being like the humans' thrones and chairs?
They also say, then god sits down.
I say, why not God should not sit down? Is His sitting down like how the humans sit down? Simply we do not know how God sits down.
The bottom line of this:
If you open the Quran verses for a metaphorical understanding WITHOUT any merit, then it should be opened for any sort of metaphor that a mind can come up with, which is ridiculous, therefore, everything in the Quran should be taken literally UNLESS there is a compelling reason within the words or the context that it should be taken metaphorically, and in such case we still took it as literal because the literal meaning of a metaphor, is a metaphor
An example of such type of compelling metaphors, is when the sun was called "A lamp", of course the lamp is a lamp as we know it, however because the sun acts as a massive lamp, then we should literally take the metaphor of the lamp as being the sun itself in all such verses.
Now, I do not think that Allah needs to use a throne or a chair, to refer to His power or His authority, this is because He already told us about His power and His authority in clear words, like, for example: Allah does what He wants, or, Allah cannot be questioned concerning what He does, or, Allah is over everything Capable. So many times in the Quran, therefore His unlimited power and authority are clearly defined in plain words.
It is safer to go for a literal meaning, because a solid argument may rise which is, this is what it is literal, so what I did wrong?
But for the others who go for a metaphor without any merit, they won't have such argument, in the case of the throne and chair for example, it can be simply said to them:
Why not God should not have a throne and a chair?
Are the throne of God and His chair, like those we know for humans?
The answer for the above two simple question were given in the Quran
Indeed Allah said that He has a throne and a chair
And indeed, He also told us that His throne and His chair are not like any other thing we know of
Very simple indeed, and should shut up those kafirs who dispute about the signs of Allah