I'm not just talking about rape. I'm saying abortion in the earlier stages is not "killing a child" - that's a way to deflect the argument by injecting sensationalist anthropomoporphic bias into it.
Then why mention rape? Seriously, it's a good emotional argument, but that's all it is. As a logical moral argument for the right to choose it sucks-- because if it's not immoral to have an abortion in the first place, then, what, does rape somehow make is "less not immoral"? On the flipside, if abortion is indeed murder, then how would rape justify the murder of a third party. It's an argument designed to appeal to emotion, but it's a horrible, horrible argument logically speaking.
Ultimately, I just think it's nobody's problem if another person aborts or not... how is it anyone else but the woman's choice who is actually going to have to carry and give birth? Who has the right to tell me what to do with my body? Are women just VESSELS like the abrahamic religions say? If you don't think that, then you can't discount the woman's right to CHOOSE for herself the choices over her own body.
How is it? Well, if the fetus is considered a "person" then their right to live would trump the right for you to control your own body. I have the right to control my hands, but not if they're being used to strangle someone.
I'm actually unsure as to how I feel about abortion, but I err on the side of
Roe v. Wade. Before the fetus is outside the womb the law can't tell a woman what to do, but once the fetus is viable, the law can step in. Now I
err on that side, but I could be swayed to support abortion under any circumstances or under none (save the life of the mother being at risk), but unfortunately it seems everybody who has their mind made up on this issue is completely dogmatic and unwilling to reason.
Let me ask you, at what point does the fetus become a person with rights and why?