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 Topic: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim

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  • Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     OP - July 22, 2009, 12:02 PM

    Please put down (a) for your thoughts on each subject as a muslim, and (b) for your views now.

    I think it will be interesting to see if we have moved away from any previous views we had due to leaving islam, or if our views are what drove us to leave islam in the end?


    • 1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex


      2) Homosexuality


      3) Pork


      4) Alcohol


      5) Modest dress code


      6) Suicide bombing


      7) Jihad


      8 ) Other religions


      9) Mohammed


      10) Allah


      11) Circumcision/FGM


      12) Young marriage


      13) How you wish to be buried


    I will post my reply so that you can quote this first post as a template to answer your questions.  Afro

    Looking forward to seeing how differing anyones views are.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #1 - July 22, 2009, 12:02 PM

    • 1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

      (a) As a muslim I could never really see what was so bad about it, I had sex before I was married because I was a pretty rebellious teenager, and I didn't see the harm in it, but because of Islam I felt bad because of it, I could be made to feel guilty and call myself filthy and bad because I had cheapened myself by having sex with someone who didn't care about, but I didn't care about him either, it was just sex and a fun time so no big deal.  Still though, Islam screwed up my acceptance of it for myself, even though I had no judgement on it for anyone else.  I felt desire for certain unislamic sexual acts, and had fantasies of group sex, but would never have acted on them because of Islam.

      (b) Post Islam, as a non muslim I have an even more open mind about it, I have now made a list of fantasies I do want to fulfill, and I don't feel ashamed of some of the things on there, just anticipation lol.  Tongue

      2) Homosexuality

      (a) Never had a problem with it as a muslim, I knew I was supposed to have a problem with it, but I can't judge people for who they choose to love, the only thing in life I truly abhor is cruelty to others, sex and love regardless of gender has never been an issue for me to accept. 

      (b) No different except now I don't have to feel guilty for not thinking like a good muslim.

      3) Pork

      (a) I had tried pork as a child so I never really had a distaste for it, I just had to carry the guilty weight of knowing that I had broken yet another islamic command, and I felt even less like a proper muslim because I didn't have the distaste for it, even when I gave it up for the sake of the religion.

      (b) As a non muslim I feed my children pork, and have no issues, or residual guilt over it.

      4) Alcohol

      (a) Never had a problem with it, couldn't understand what the big deal was, however nasty drunks could be used to explain to me why allah forbade alcohol, seemed like one of those rules that had a rational reason, but I still wished it wasn't a rule.  I drank alcohol as a teenager, in my rebellious phase, gave it up for my islamic years.

      (b) No problems with it as a non muslim, no guilt over my past drinking days as a teen, and no fears that my children will grow up to drink since I will teach them about moderation simply by being a moderate drinker myself.

      5) Modest dress code

      (a) Ok, as a muslim in my practising years I hated with a passion, being forced to cover up.  I felt like it was so unfair, I didn't understand why allah put the blame on us, why men couldn't be ordered by allah to be better and to control their own lust.  I was so angry about it.  However it's sometimes easy to make yourself feel better about not being part of the peacock race of women who feel pressure to look nice all the time.  Sometimes you could convince yourself that their was reason to the madness that was the hijab.

      (b) As a non muslim I feel much sadness for the women still covering up.  I feel no guilt about not wearing a hijab, or wearing a short skirt, it took me a little while to get used to it again, and sometimes the anonymous part of the hijab is something I miss, but I would never cover myself up again for anyone, let alone an imaginary being.

      6) Suicide bombing

      (a) As a muslim I thought this was haram based on suicide itself being haram, I did not support this as an islamic means of jihad and argued often defending my views on it.

      (b) As a non muslim I still think suicide bombing is anti islamc.

      7) Jihad

      (a) As a muslim I accepted that jihad against the kaffir would eventually happen, I did not agree with it and felt torn between my love of people regardless of religion, and my obedience to allah and desire to be a good muslim.  I could forgive myself for supporting jihad ONLY if muslims were attacked en masse in some way, but ultimately I had a live and let live attitude that did not gel well with islam.

      (b) I think it's wrong of course as a non muslim.

      8 ) Other religions

      (a) I thought Islam was the true religion, and all other religions were corruptions, by the devil, of what should have been Islam from day one.

      (b) I think all religions are man made bullshit.

      9) Mohammed

      (a) I used to think this man was the most gentle, most kindest humble peson the world had ever seen.  A role model, the kind of man you wanted to be your husband.  I didn't know any of the stuff I know now, I only knew he was good to his wives, that he loved aisha his youngest wife passionately, and that he defended the early muslims from persecution as he spread the word of allah.  I believed that jihad was self defence only.

      (b) As a non muslim I find him neither honourable, loving, nor kind and can not believe I didn't see this before.  finmad

      10) Allah

      (a) As a muslim I feared him, there was nothing I thought was compassionate about him, the compassion was all in mohammed, who would intercede for us on the day of judgement and try to save us from alla'hs wrath.

      (b) As a non muslim I understand why I never connected with the allah persona, it's because he isn't real lol.

      11) Circumcision/FGM

      (a) I didn't have any thoughts on it, the usual beliefs that it was cleaner and better, but I still wondered in the back of my head why allah would make someone imperfect with a need to fix it themselves.  I always thought FGM was wrong though, a cultural misinterpretation rather than coming from the religion, I wasn't aware of the hadiths supporting it.

      (b) I think it's wrong, for both men and women.  My fingers would be cleaner if I ripped off my fingernails so that dirty couldn't get trapped underneath it, but you don;t see me doing that?  so my second son is not cut, it will be his own choice when he is older.

      12) Young marriage

      (a) I thought there was nothing wrong or out of the norm when guys were asking my parents for my hand in marriage when I was 11, I just wasn't interested for myself.  However it was normal, and I didn't quite see the perversity in it because in islam it was better to marry young so that those teenage sexual urges could be dealt with in an islamic way.

      (b) I am very much against it, I can not believe that in this day and age of modern understanding that this can still happen.  Little girls are meant to be little girls, not women.

      13) How you wish to be buried

      (a) I never wanted to be buried the islamic way, but it made some sort of sense, going back into the ground, the circle of life, no coffin, just a shroud.  I still didn't want it though, but I did accept that I didn't have a choice in it.

      (b) I want to be cremated, and I feel no guilt over it now that I am a non muslim.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #2 - July 22, 2009, 12:44 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) Never saw anything wrong with it. Had oral and anal sex while I was a muslim (didn't want my hymen ruptured so had to use the backdoor Wink)
    (b) Still don't see anything wrong with it but now I feel less guilty about it.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) Never saw anything wrong with it.
    (b) Still don't.

    3) Pork

    (a) Swallowed all the crap about how unhealthy it was (but wanted to try it because it was so popular, I didn't though)
    (b) Love it! Grown to like bacon now too (didn't like it at first). Still don't like ham however.

    4) Alcohol

    (a) Understood why it was banned but hated the ruling.
    (b) Overrated, hallucinogenics are better Tongue

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) Hate it, hate it, hate it!!!
    (b) Still hate it and now I can finally wear what I want. I'm buying increasingly more revealing clothes too.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) Felt it was against Islam.
    (b) Feel it is against Islam still but understand how Islam can be twisted to support it.

    7) Jihad

    (a) Never looked into it much but felt it was against Islam.
    (b) Against it.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) They were wrong/misguided/corrupted.
    (b) They are all bullshit.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) Never knew much about him but had problems with his marriage to Aisha.
    (b) Hate him with a vengeance!

    10) Allah

    (a) Felt he was cruel
    (b) The God of the Old Testament (and Islam's god) is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) Wasn't too happy with circumcision. Felt FGM was against Islam.
    (b) Hate both. Learnt that Islam doesn't ban FGM, infact Mo gave a women who performs it some pointers!

    12) Young marriage

    (a) Against it. Deluded myself into think Islam was against it and refused to look into it.
    (b) Against it.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) I'd rather donate my body.
    (b) Same as above.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #3 - July 22, 2009, 12:47 PM

    Thanks for filling it in peru.  Afro

    I broke my hymen with a tampax lol so it was fine to have sex once I realised what I had done, it was already too late to prove I was innocent so why bother?

    My sister had an accident when she was younger climbing over a spike fence (you can guess what happened lol) so her hymen was broken, and my parents inisisted she had a medical note, so she was having sex as a teenager knowing she was backed up a certificate when her day for marriage finally came.

    I couldn't prove mine was a tampax.  Ah well.  Smiley

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #4 - July 22, 2009, 12:52 PM

    "My sister had an accident when she was younger climbing over a spike fence (you can guess what happened lol)"

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #5 - July 22, 2009, 12:54 PM

    What is nature's purpose for a hymen?

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #6 - July 22, 2009, 12:56 PM

    I was the one who was beaten for it, since she was following me climbing into the churchyard to play in the willow tree. But yeah, it wasn't nice for her, and we both tried to hide it as much as possible, she was in pain and we didn't tell our parents until it got too bloody, because we knew what was going to happen.

    I was the one beaten for it though.  Good thing there was no permenant damage for her anyway.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #7 - July 22, 2009, 12:57 PM

    What is nature's purpose for a hymen?

    Oooh good question.  wacko

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #8 - July 22, 2009, 12:58 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a)I used to really want to have sex before marriage, but I was shit with women which is one of the reasons why I started to take more interest in religion. then I thought it was wrong and the right place for sex is in the stable environment of marriage blah blah blah
    (b)As long as it doesn't harm anyone, its fine.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) I never had a problem with gay people and would talk and associate with them. However, I never tried to make the haram halal and always thought it was wrong.
    (b)Again, as long as it doesn't harm anyone, its fine.

    3) Pork

    (a) First  I didn't really understand the taboo with pork and used to make excuses as to why it is haram; "Diseases, unclean animal, eats its own shit" etc.  I eventually realised that was bullshit pseudoscience and started saying that I don't eat it because Allah has forbidden it.
    (b) I don't see anything wrong with eating pork. It is no different to eating a cow, or a fish, or a dog. And I am finally totally free from that pseudoscience about pork! Eating pork does not make you susceptible to diseases, and the reason it is the most popular meat in the world is because it cures so well and keeps for a long time. And pigs are not dirty; they are the only farms animals that separate their latrine areas from their living areas.

    4) Alcohol

    (a)Abhorrent, many ills of society were to blame on alcohol etc.
    (b) Nothing wrong with it, unless you are ridiculous.

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) All the usual bullshit; Islam requires women to dress like that because it protects women; if women's bodies are covered up, they can be judged on their intelligence and personalities rather on their looks blah blah blah
    (b) Modesty in dress is relative.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) I used to think it was haram on account of suicide being haram, but thought that the Palestinians did it out of desperation. I disagreed with it but I sympathised with Palestinian suicide bombers. I didn't agree with other suicide bombers.
    (b)I still think it is haram in Islam, but I don't sympathise with suicide bombers anymore.

    7) Jihad

    (a) It needed to be done to combat oppression and aggression. Palestine and Kashmir were legitimate jihads. I did not agree with 9/11 and the jihad against the west, however.
    (b) I believe that people have the right to defend themselves against oppression and aggression.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) They were all false apart from Islam. I also thought they had great immoral elements.
    (b) They are all false.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) Role model for humanity, never did anything wrong etc
    (b) I now believe that he was a normal human being and a product of his time. He was an amazing political and military leader and his achievements in uniting the tribes of Arabia under one banner was immense. However, I believe that like many other amazing political and military leaders like Genghis Khan or Stalin, he achieved a lot politically but the morality was not there, and many people paid the price. He is not a moral role model for humanity till the end of time!

    10) Allah

    (a) I can now honestly say that I didn't have a love for Allah, even though that it what I used to say, but it was a relationship of fear; fear of what he might do to me when I die.
    (b) Now, I can see that Allah, as described in Islamic texts, is clearly a man and not an omnipotent god.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) Again, with pseudoscience, I used to make excuses as to why Islam required boys to be circumcised; foreskins are dirty etc. I always disagreed with FGM because there was only one very weak hadith about it, and it was not a nice experience for girls.
    (b) Being circumcised has not affected my life in any way, and if parents want to circumcise their boys at birth, I have no problem with that. However, If I had a son, I would not have him circumcised. FGM, I still think is extremely wrong.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) I didn't agree with it; did not believe it at first when a Hindu told me that Muhammad married a six year old, and then made excuses for it "it was a different time" etc.
    (b) I still don't agree with it, but I don't make any excuses about it any more.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) Buried in the Islamic way, with lots of people at my funeral prayer.
    (b) I couldn't give a crap. I think it would be quite cool to be pecked at by vultures, like in the Zoroastrian tradition.

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #9 - July 22, 2009, 01:13 PM

        * 1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

          (a) Frowned upon it but I had sex before marriage with a Muslim  Roll Eyes
          (b) I'm not judgemental about casual sex in if one of my friend wants to sleep around, I don't preach to them.

          2) Homosexuality

          (a) Never had a problem with it, in fact I knew I was bi when I was quite young, as weird as that sounds.
          (b) Don't have a problem with it now.

          3) Pork

          (a) Always tried to avoid it.
          (b) Still avoid it when I can, but I think BBQ'd pork is delicious ...just don't like the smell/taste of bacon.

          4) Alcohol

          (a) Never touched it before, even when I was only Muslim by name...
          (b) I drink socially now.

          5) Modest dress code

          (a) Because I lived with my parents, I always had to dress conservative, however I would often go out clubbing and wear skirts and stuff underneath my jacket and went out before my parents could see...
          (b) I wear whatever I want now, provided I've shaved/waxed my underarms and my

          6) Suicide bombing

          (a) Always thought it was wrong, and unislamic too.
          (b) Still think it's wrong.

          7) Jihad

          (a) Always thought that the Jihad that the Westerners wanted the world to see was wrong, demonizing Muslims.
          (b) Don't like how it is moulded to support the tenats of Islam.

          8 ) Other religions

          (a) Always had tolerance for other religions.
          (b) Don't care for any religion now.

          9) Mohammed

          (a) Always doubted his character, but was sort of drilled into me to respect him so I did.
          (b) Can't stand him now.

          10) Allah

          (a) Was always devastated that he wouldn't answer my prayers.
          (b) Now I know why he didn't... Tongue

          11) Circumcision/FGM

          (a) Always was against it in females, but trying my best to justify it in boys...
          (b) Now I know how wrong I was and I'm against it in both baby boys as well as baby girls.

          12) Young marriage

          (a) Against it.
          (b) Against it.

          13) How you wish to be buried

          (a) Always thought of a typical burial.
          (b) Now I want my healthy organs donated and the rest of me cremated.

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #10 - July 22, 2009, 01:28 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) still up for it, despite it being wrong
    (b) fine, as long as its done between consenting adults

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) no problem
    (b) no problem

    3) Pork

    (a) a dirty animal
    (b) a dirty, yet tasty, animal (I still have a phoebia)

    4) Alcohol

    (a) thought it was problematic for those addicted to it, or those who over indulged
    (b) no change

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) More conservative
    (b) Less conservative

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) felt sorry for palestinians who could do little else other than blow themselves up
    (b) can see both sides of the story

    7) Jihad

    (a) wrong
    (b) wrong

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) false, other than islam
    (b) all false

    9) Mohammed

    (a) a leader
    (b) a fake

    10) Allah

    (a) creator of man
    (b) created by man

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) Made it look nice.  Didnt understand why it was done, didnt matter though - just something we had to do.  Against FGM
    (b) Still think it looks better and makes you go for longer, so no change there.  Still against FGM.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) Didnt know that Mo married a girl
    (b) Since denouncing Islam, in particular through COEM, I have learned a lot more about Islam.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) Islamically
    (b) Humanistically

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #11 - July 22, 2009, 01:29 PM

    My sister had an accident when she was younger climbing over a spike fence (you can guess what happened lol) so her hymen was broken, and my parents inisisted she had a medical note, so she was having sex as a teenager knowing she was backed up a certificate when her day for marriage finally came.

    If anyone wants to get their repaired and become a virgin again, you can get Hymen Restoration Surgery see

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #12 - July 22, 2009, 01:32 PM

    ?1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) a Sin
    (b) as long as the two are in love, it's fine.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) a sin
    (b) as long as the two are in love, it's fine.

    3) Pork

    (a) a sin
    (b) a food that can be eaten.

    4) Alcohol

    (a) a sin
    (b) a type of drink that can be drank.

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) all people must wear.
    (b) people have the right to wear what and how they want.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) depends on the objective, if it is about islam, it is ok but rather then do suicide, better to just throw the bomb at the enemies.
    (b) a no-no.

    7) Jihad

    (a) I want to join in someday...
    (b) I don't want to join in...

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) Peoples that follow other religions will go to hell, eventually.
    (b) People have the right to observe their own religion as long as they don't force feed in other people's throat and no, i don't think having a different belief a reason for you to end up in hell, it is your good deeds here towards mankind not having a different belief.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) a true prophet from God
    (b)a lunatic.

    10) Allah

    (a) The God as describe in the quran
    (b) If he does exist, he cannot be the god that is described in the quran

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) must be observed
    (b) it is up to individuals; but for the female, a no-no.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) as long as you are ready, it is ok, but not too young (as in below age), though.
    (b)  as long as you are ready, it is ok, but not too young (as in below age), though.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) as a muslim.
    (b) as a non-muslim.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #13 - July 22, 2009, 01:40 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) I don't remember.
    (b) Hell yeah.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) I didn't know what it was.
    (b) Why not?

    3) Pork

    a) I thought pork was unclean when I was a child.
    b) I love pork now.

    4) Alcohol

    (a) Strange and bitter liquid.
    (b) Hell yeah.

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) I used to dislike the the Islamic code-dress, the more restrictive versions especially.
    (b) I hate all kinds of Islamic dress now. They are cages made of cloth.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) I didn't understand why a person would blow himself up like that.
    (b) Brainwashed victims of an ideology.

    7) Jihad

    (a) I don't remember.
    (b) Violent imperialism.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) I was always curious about other religions.
    (b) Some fairy tales are more interesting and more ethical than others.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) Neutral. I didn't know much about Mohammad then.
    (b) A pedophile tyrant.

    10) Allah

    (a) I think I used to believe in some kind of God.
    (b) The idol of a dangerous and oppressive ideology.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) I didn't oppose male circumcision.
    (b) I oppose both circumcision and FGM now.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) This may be the reason why I left Islam. I remember discussing Aisha's marriage with Muslim adults.
    (b) It just shows how depraved Mohammad was.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) I wanted a simple burial.
    (b) I want to be cremated now.

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #14 - July 22, 2009, 01:43 PM

     1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a)Opposed, but I watched porno and repented
    (b)Whatever, it's all good.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a)Was ok with it before Islam, grew to oppose it.
    (b)Ok with it again

    3) Pork

    (a)Gave up tasty bacon and everything pork related fee sabeel Allah.
    (b)Don't care if my beans have lard in 'em, but still shy away from direct pork.

    4) Alcohol

    (a)Wasn't interested even before I was muslim.
    (b)Still not keen on it, but I tried it on Cinco de Mayo (split half a margarita with a friend at the bar her mom tends)

    5) Modest dress code

    (a)Didn't have to worry about it for myself, I'm a guy. But was really angry when I saw my sister go outside without hijab on.
    (b)Doesn't matter, micro bikini's are hawt.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a)Haram, argued with those for it with Qur'an and Hadith

    7) Jihad

    (a)Had strict preconditions that are unable to be met at this time

    8 ) Other religions

    (b)Misguided, but some are ok Cheesy

    9) Mohammed

    (a)Greatest Man Ever, etc.
    (b)Good and Evil

    10) Allah

    (a)Was my purpose in life, salafi view.
    (b)The preferred word for God, when referring to him. Agnostic Atheist.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a)See my sig. Against FGM, unislamic
    (b)Circ doesn't matter, still against FGM

    12) Young marriage

    (a)I wanted to marry a 16 yr old girl (legal in my state)- of course I was 19 at the time Cheesy And there were a few other girls a little younger I would've waited for, in accordance with state law. had a hard time trying to accept old men marrying young girls, but thought kids marrying kids was ok
    (b)opposed to old men marrying young girls, but kids marrying kids is ok, if it's legal where they live.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a)islamically. within three days, no formaldehyde, preferrably just in the shroud, no grave marker
    (b)Donate my organs, after that it doesn't matter

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #15 - July 22, 2009, 01:57 PM

    The hymen does not appear to have any purpose in the human body. Just like the appendix and sexual organs presenet in babies, it's there but not necessary. People, through the times, have attached morals to it and use(d) it to judge the piety of a woman; if her hymen is intact till she gets married then she is a virgin.

          1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

          (a)As a Muslim I viewed sex to be the ultimate bonding between a man and a woman who love each other, an
              expression of their love. I believed non-Muslims were as capable of displaying such feelings as Muslims, with
              or without being married. I viewed casual no-strings-attached- sex as distasteful and somehow doing an
              injustice to the emotions one 'should' attach to it.
          (b)As a non-Muslim, my views haven't changed much. I am still uncomfortable with the idea of people sleeping
              around but that is a view I attach to myself and my own behaviour. Sex doesn't necessarily have to be
              sensual and loving and for many it can just be a rough and pleasurabily dirty experience.

          2) Homosexuality

          (a) As a Muslim, I made a distinction between the practice of homosexuality and the feelings/meaning of it. I did
              not think that homosexuality was a 'perversion' from nature (many animals display homosexual tendencies),
              however, religiously i believed that acting on such feelings was sinful. A Muslim may very well be born a
              homosexual (if argued in that manner), but he/she still retained free-will and therefore could choose whether
              or not to act on such feelings.
          (b) As a non-Muslim, I believe sexuality is fluid and therefore we are all born as bisexuals,

          3) Pork
          (a) I didn't buy into the 'pork is unhealthy and riddled with disease' nonsense; consumption of any uncooked
               meat products is dangerous. I believed it was wrong for Muslims to eat it because God had forbade it for
               reasons not always known to us.
          (b) As a non-Muslim, I do not think there is anything wrong with pork, bar the levels of fat in some cuts we
               should all be wary of (but that goes for high fat content in majority of meats too).Initially, I still hated the
               smell of pork. First pork I ate was a ham sandwich; I hated it. I hated the squishy texture of sausage. Bacon
              (initally unsmoked) was pallatable. A year on, I love pork. I think, the more you try something the chances of
               you liking it increases.

          4) Alcohol
          (a)As a Muslim, I believed it was wrong to drink due to it intoxicating nature when drunk in larger than average
              quantities. It was one of those things, like pork, you simply accepted in practice. But I still did not believe
              alcohol, per se, was harmful. A glass of red wine is actually recommended, to ward off cancer.
          (b) As a non-Muslim, I drink but I do not (usually) drink enough to get drunk. The health concerns related to
               binge-drinking and the increased possibility of doing things you would otherwise not do, whilst drunk, play
               on my mind.

          5) Modest dress code
          (a) As a Muslim, I believed all people, especially women, should respect themselves first and foremost. There
              was a period of time when I would judge a person's religiousity by the way they dressed but in general, I
              believed you could be modest without veiling.
          (b) As a non-Muslim, I still believe it is respectable to dress modestly. The low-cut-tops-and-tight-skirts-
              with-high-heels-business in the workplace is, imo, inappropriate. Dressing up when socialising is a different
              matter so context is important when considering one's attire, imo.

          6) Suicide bombing
          (a) As a Muslim I believed it was Haram to kill yourself however, I did not believe that all examples of suicide
             bombings were wrong. When fighting a known enemy ( and that did not mean a busy public market), I did not
             think int was wrong to use your body as a weapon and didn't class it to be suicide; suicide is an action of
             killing yourself for that reason only and not for another self-sacrificial cause.
          (b) As a non-Muslim, I can still understand why suicide-bombings is seen as a military tactic to fight one's enemy.

          7) Jihad
          (a) As a Muslim, I believed Jihad was of two forms: the one against your desires and the other against your
            oppressor. I did not believe in offensive Jihad.
          (b) As a non-Muslim, I believe people still carry out inner Jihad but we simply do not call it that anymore. I am
             against offensive Jihad.

          8 ) Other religions
          (a) As a Muslim I believed other religions were misguided and Islam was the only True Way.
          (b) As a non-Muslim, I view religions as fabrications of man in an attempt to explain things which may not have
              a reason.

          9) Mohammed
          (a) As a Muslim, I believed he was the perfect role model, caring for his neighbours, giving to the needy etc.  I
           had qualms with his marriage to Aisha but I reasoned that off with 'girls in the dessert matured faster in his
           time so we can not apply our definitions of 'peadophile' to the actions of Muhammad who lived in a different    
           climate and age to us'. Obviously I was wrong.
          (b) As a non-Muslim, I realise the error and injustice I did in attempting to excuse the inexcuseable. I believe
           Muhammed craved power, like lots of us do, and he milked the people who listened and obeyed him for what it
           was worth.

          10) Allah
          (a) As a Muslim, I believed in Him. I was brought up with belief in God so to an extent to accept him early on
          isn't surprising.
          (b)As a non-Muslim, I'm not sure He exists. Even if He does, I am not going to do everything He says if I think
          He is commanding evil. I'd rather burn in Hell (if that exists).

          11) Circumcision/FGM
          (a) As a Muslim, I did not think there was anything wrong with male circumcision; even Jews do it along with
          non-religious people due to it's health benefits. I thought, in majority of cases, that female circumcision was
          (b) As a non-Muslim, I think FGM is wrong. I was very shocked when I found out it's the standard practice in
          many Muslim countries.

          12) Young marriage
          (a) As a Muslim, I didn't believe getting married by a certain age was important.
          (b) As a non-Muslim, I still do not believe getting married by a certain age is important.

          13) How you wish to be buried
          (a) As a Muslim, I wanted a simple burial (in the ground).
          (b) As a non-Muslim, I still want a simple burial but I am undecided as to how.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #16 - July 22, 2009, 02:07 PM

    I didn't buy into the 'pork is unhealthy and riddled with disease' nonsense; consumption of any uncooked meat products is dangerous.

    Never had steak tartare or sushi?

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #17 - July 22, 2009, 02:09 PM

    The hymen does not appear to have any purpose in the human body. Just like the appendix and sexual organs presenet in babies, it's there but not necessary.

    Hmmm.  Natural selection and evolution ensures that everything is there for a reason.  The appendix and sexual organs are there for a reason too.

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #18 - July 22, 2009, 02:11 PM

    Never had steak tartare or sushi?

    Tartare? Don't you mean rare?
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #19 - July 22, 2009, 02:15 PM

    I wondered that too - the only tartare I know is the sauce.

    Secondly many meats are preserved by smoking, or in salt too e.g. anchovies, beef etc.  Cooking is not the only way that meat can be eaten safely.

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #20 - July 22, 2009, 02:16 PM

    Can I do this too? Only mine will be a) for when I was a humanist, atheist type thing. And b) for what I think now.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #21 - July 22, 2009, 02:16 PM

    go for it  Afro

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #22 - July 22, 2009, 02:22 PM

    Tartare? Don't you mean rare?

    No, rare steak is steak cooked very lightly. Steak tartare is a dish made of raw ground beef or horse meat with a raw egg on top.

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #23 - July 22, 2009, 02:25 PM

    Raw horse meat with an egg on top,  which nation eats that?  Its gotta be the Chinese

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #24 - July 22, 2009, 02:28 PM

    they eat it in europe, but its a gourmet dish and not an everyday thing. Have you not seen that Mr Bean where he orders a steak tartare and didn't realise it would be raw?

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #25 - July 22, 2009, 02:29 PM


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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #26 - July 22, 2009, 02:34 PM

    I've seen that episode, it's hilarious!

    This stuff sounds gross though. I'll pass on it Wink
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #27 - July 22, 2009, 02:34 PM

    I eat sushi, but I wouldn't eat raw meat.

    The first time I was taken to a restaurant, I ordered a rare steak because I thought it meant rare, as in not usual, something rare  Cheesy , when it turned up all bloody I started cracking up at my stupidity.  dance

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #28 - July 22, 2009, 02:35 PM

    I first thought that too Berbs when my bf ordered it lol. I still haven't tried steak, will have to give it a go sometime.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #29 - July 22, 2009, 02:40 PM

        * 1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

          (a) It never occurred to me that sex before marriage is wrong.
          (b) Now I will not do it, because the bible says it's a sin.

          2) Homosexuality

          (a) Yes. I used to go to gay bars because thought gay men were neat.
          (b) Now gay people make me sad for them, because the bible says it's a sin.

          3) Pork

          (a) I've always been a vegetarian.
          (b) Same answer.

          4) Alcohol

          (a) Everything in moderation.
          (b) Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine. Jesus turned water into wine. But the bible also speaks against drunkenness...or causing a weaker brother to stumble.

          5) Modest dress code

          (a) Sometimes it's sexy because it leaves something to guys imaginations. Also, guys like strippers that dress like librarians. That is a big money maker.
          (b) The bible says to dress modestly.

          6) Suicide bombing

          (a) I'd never heard of it.
          (b) Murder is a sin...and suicide is self-murder.

          7) Jihad

          (a) Pretty word. I hadn't heard it much.
          (b) It's not in the bible.

          8 ) Other religions

          (a) If a person can believe in something, that was fine with me.
          (b) They're wrong.

          9) Mohammed

          (a) I thought he was some guy in the bible.
          (b) Now I know alot more about him...and I also know he is not in the bible.

          10) Allah

          (a) The name for the god of islam....and just as good as any other god, if one believes in such things.
          (b) A demon.

          11) Circumcision/FGM

          (a) I never heard of female circumcision. That would have shocked me. Guys that aren't circumcized look weird
          (b) Female circumcision is wrong. I still think male circumcision looks good...though I haven't been going around looking or anything.

          12) Young marriage

          (a) It's best to wait until you have a house and other stuff. As far as forced marriage, that was not a part of my culture and i never thought about it.
          (b) People married young in the bible. I think Mary was young.

          13) How you wish to be buried

          (a)  I always though a pyramid would be kind of neat.
          (b) In the ground. Nothing fancy.

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