Love dat,,,

1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex
(a) It's Haram, Allah doesn't want it, didn't why...wouldn't mind it, but would feel a bit guilty.
(b) It's the nature and an inborn instinct. Males and females shouldn't really wait for marriage paper to have sex, never married, but feel sex b4 marriage is cool(er)...
2) Homosexuality
(a) It's wrong and Haram, no one should be homosexual, those who are, need to be helped, it's even harmful for both parties.
(b) All can choose the sexual orientation openly, all fine n happy, all good...being a hetero, i'd never understand the chemistry and psychology of homosexuality.
3) Pork
(a) Filthy, dirty, causes diseases....(Muslims who had tried it told me it's yummi, so this stuck in my head).
(b) Just like other red meat....and I like meat, so I like pork.
4) Alcohol
(a) Haram, started to drink it abt 7 yrs before leaving Islam (kinda heavy drinker), no big deal regarding guilts..
(b) It's awesome, became moderate drinker after leaving Islam.
5) Modest dress code
(a) Islamically it's haram, but thought it's BS.
(b) IT IS BS.
6) Suicide bombing
(a) 100% against all Islamic teachings.
(b) In some cases they're justified Islamically, I think Mu would have allowed it if he were to live in our time.
7) Jihad
(a) In the beginning thought it's awesome to fight kuffar, but later realized how awful it is..Even if Islam calls for it.
(b) Very controversial Islamic topic, Wahhabis present the most convincing proofs of it's validity in Islam.
8 ) Other religions
(a) Abrahamic are Allah's, Judaism n Xtianity are corrupted.....other religions are man-made.
(b) Agnostic about all of the ones I know.
9) Mohammed
(a) Kindest human being....most noble, most wise, smartest, loved the most by Allah, the only perfect one.
(b) His bads are way more than goods..simply put.
10) Allah
(a) Never was close to him, never understood him, rarely felt his presence.
(b) He doesn't exist.
11) Circumcision/FGM
(a) Mandatory for men, very rarely practiced in SA for females.
(b) Wrong for females, dunno for men, wouldn't do it for my kids definitely.
12) Young marriage
(a) Stupid and inhumane, yet Islamically allowed under conditions. Mu and Aisha were exempt for the known reason we always hear from Muslims.
(b) Stupid and humane, done for sexual, lustful, financial reasons
13) How you wish to be buried
(a) Islamically.
(b) Undecided.