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 Topic: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #180 - January 16, 2011, 11:53 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex
    I thought gay sex was ok. Only thing haram was straight sex.


    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #181 - June 28, 2011, 09:01 PM

    spot for later. damn these long threads and my current need to bake.  Wink

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #182 - June 28, 2011, 09:21 PM

        * 1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

          (a) Taboo sex is haram but up to you as an adult. Allah will judge.  Unless you're a pedophile. Marriage makes the sex halal. And halal is beautiful.
          (b) As long as it's consenting adults it's all good. Sex before marriage gives thawab.

          2) Homosexuality

          (a) God will judge. I did not have a problem wit it.
          (b) Go on be your queer self!

          3) Pork

          (a) Haram. But bacon looks and smells so gooood.
          (b) Bacon is fucking great. Muslims been missing out like a motherfucker.

          4) Alcohol

          (a) Haram. It makes people stupid. I don't wanna lose control.
          (b) Don't drink and drive but losing control is what it's about. *Makes out with a lamp shade. Pukes in someone's salad bowl. Wrestles one of those pink plastic flamingos*

          5) Modest dress code

          (a) Mashallah so much shine of faith from your face zizter.
          (b) Mm hot pants make me all blubbery down in my danger zone.

          6) Suicide bombing

          (a) Haram. Suicide haram but I can understand fighting enemy combatans with few resources.
          (b) Fucking idiots. Unless you're killing enemy combatants with no civilian casualties.

          7) Jihad

          (a) Inner struggle. Killing civilians is wrong, end of story.
          (b) Killing civilians is wrong, end of story. Cringeworthy term for inner struggle.

          8 ) Other religions

          (a) If they believe in God then they are brothers and sisters.
          (b) -__-

          9) Mohammed

          (a) Perfect. Kiss the soles of his shoes.
          (b) Don't get me started.

          10) Allah

          (a) My savior. Noor of my heart.
          (b) Allah, are you there? It's me KK.

          11) Circumcision/FGM

          (a) Circumcision makes penor clean. FGM haram.
          (b) Fuck outta here. Child mutilation.

          12) Young marriage

          (a) No. Wait until you're adults.
          (b) What the fuck are you thinking? MARRIAGE?

          13) How you wish to be buried

          (a) Muslim burial. Let Abdul-Bassat “rock” it.

    Bury me smilin'
    With G's in my pocket
    Have a party at my funeral
    Let every rapper rock it
    Let tha hoes that I usta know
    From way before
    Kiss me from my head to my toe
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #183 - June 28, 2011, 11:30 PM

    *note to self: fill this in the morn.*

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #184 - June 29, 2011, 12:30 AM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

      (a) Didn't care (although I wouldn't do it for fear of hell
      (b) Do what you like, don't care

    2) Homosexuality

     (a) same as number 1
     (b) same as number 1

    3) Pork

      (a) Haram
      (b) Some pork products are tasty

    4) Alcohol

      (a) Haram
      (b) Acceptable from time to time

    5) Modest dress code

      (a) Didn't care
     (b) Wear what you want (within the law)

    6) Suicide bombing

      (a) Not acceptable personally (although I did understand why some would use it against soldiers in war)
      (b) Not acceptable-but the topic of suicide bombing in war is too complex to just label with a 'yes' or 'no'.

    7) Jihad

      (a) Jihad was some stuff that we had to do to spread Islam through various colourful types of Jihad, but I CBA myself, I hoped never to have to get involved
      (b) Fuck that.

    8 ) Other religions

      (a) I was drawn to christianity, not as strict as Islam, everything else seemed like bullshit
      (b) I'm an agnostic/atheist-but religion is very complicated

    9) Mohammed

      (a) I hated the guy (even as a Muslim) but I knew I had to like him because he was God's go to man
      (b) Probably not even real, rather, an amalgamation of many Arabian war lords

    10) Allah

      (a) Like Muhammad
      (b) Obviously I don't believe in Allah, but I like to compare Allah's Quranic personality to that of Yahweh.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

      (a) I never knew about FGM til apostasy, circumcision I didn't like, but it's part of Islam so I had to like it.
      (b) Personally don't agree, but some people do-as for FGM, I don't think it should be acceptable-purely on health reasons

    12) Young marriage

      (a) Never heard of it happening IRL, pretended that it didn't happen with Aisha
      (b) Obviously statutory rape.

    13) How you wish to be buried

     (a) boring Islamic way
     (b) the NHS can have any bits they want, everything else should be turned into something useful (maybe even fuel? Or McDonalds?)

    "Nobody who lived through the '50s thought the '60s could've existed. So there's always hope."-Tuli Kupferberg

    What apple stores are like.....
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #185 - June 29, 2011, 12:32 AM

        1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

        (a) Meh wasn't against it but wasn't for it either
        (b)Why not ?

        2) Homosexuality

        (a) Opposed to it, but never attacked anyone or questioned them
        (b) lesbians are hawt :(

        3) Pork

        (a) disgusting

        4) Alcohol

        (a)my friends used to drink and i never did i was like astaghfar allah
        (b)beer ? where is my damn beer

        5) Modest dress code

        (a) Didn't care
        (b) still don't care

        6) Suicide bombing

        (a) eejits
        (b)still fucking eejits

        7) Jihad

        (a) if it was like taliban and these morons i was against them, but normal jihad is fine !
        (b) against it

        8 ) Other religions

        (a) 109/6 "For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
        (b) I don't like religion at all, brainwashing fairy tails.

        9) Mohammed

        (a) Praise be to mohamed peace be upon him
        (b) Pedophile mohamed i see why abo lahab did what he did to you Tongue because you are a murderer, sexist, none human piece of work

        10) Allah

        (a) Cry when i think deeply about allah
        (b) who is allah ? its just creation of mohamed so mohamed gets all the blame ;p

        11) Circumcision/FGM

        (a) against fgm
        (b)against fgm, don't care about male circumcision but wouldn't do it to my kids, they have to choose for themselves when they are old

        12) Young marriage

        (a) If fatwas were for it then I don't see a problem
        (b) pervs

        13) How you wish to be buried

        (a) next to my family
        (b) First i'm donating my body for science, and if they don't need it anymore Tongue just incinerate the sucker

    [13:36] <Fimbles> anything above 7 inches
    [13:37] <Fimbles> is wacko
    [13:37] <Fimbles> see
    [13:37] <Fimbles> you think i'd enjoy anything above 7 inches up my arse?
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #186 - June 29, 2011, 05:02 AM

    My Thinking Through Smileys
    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a)  ohmy
    (b) Just do it

    2) Homosexuality

    (a)  victory
    (b) victory

    3) Pork

    (a)  no
    (b)  Yum Yum
    (but im a veggie now)

    4) Alcohol

    (a)  Undecided
    (b)  cheers

    5) Modest dress code

    (a)  Muslimah
    (b)  Flaming mad

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a)  idiot2
    (b) idiot2

    7) Jihad

    (a)  Undecided
    (b)  Undecided

    8 ) Other religions

    (a)  hugs
    (b) hugs

    9) Mohammed

    (a)  Angelic
    (b)  suckers
    (just another person who let power get to him)

    10) Allah

    (a)  worship
    (b)  Believe that crap

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a)  sad finmad
    (b)  sad finmad

    12) Young marriage

    (a)  no
    (b) no

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a)  goodnight
    (b)  ghost
    (doesn't matter)

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #187 - June 29, 2011, 12:36 PM

    Allah who? Oh, the Muslim God, the one who literally screwed up my relationship with my family.  I hate this imaginery thing.

    +10000. I like you more for saying that

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #188 - June 29, 2011, 03:27 PM

    • 1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

      (a) Tried not to think about it. Also clung to the idea of "You shouldn't judge, Allah will judge them on the DoJ" so I didn't have to think about it. I'm very, very good at not thinking about things. The fact that I was fairly young when I was still Muslim helped too.

      (b) Have made a mental note to try some of that taboo stuff.

      2) Homosexuality

      (a) The bane of my existence. Being a pansexual (yet homophobic) adolescent Muslim is not fun, especially when your teacher sees fit to put pictures of scantily clad hot women around the classroom. xD

      (b) After battling my internalised homophobia and winning - I still think my fourteen-year-old self was awesome for accomplishing that feat - I'm perfectly fine with pretty much everything consensual adults can do (apart from incest when there's a chance of a kid being born).

      3) Pork

      (a) Never really cared either way. What was annoying was the whole gelatin issue, 'cause it meant that I could only eat the crappy Halal sweets.

      (b) I fully intend to eat pork one day, just as a "fuck you" to Islam.

      4) Alcohol

      (a) Was mainly a non-issue for me 'cause it would've been illegal for me to drink it in any case, but never wanted to get drunk, ever.

      (b) Have gotten drunk.

      5) Modest dress code

      (a) Wanted to wear the hijab from ages 8-11. It made me feel speshul.

      (b) I loathe it, utterly and completely.

      6) Suicide bombing

      (a) For most of my time as a Muslim, I thought suicide bombing was not Islamic, apart from a short time as an adolescent repressed pansexual and hardcore Muslim... Allah would forgive me about the wrong and dirty and disgusting and haraam thoughts I was having about girls and boys and... trannies... if I did jihad in his name, right? Plus, I get to kill myself too? None of that killing-oneself-forever-in-Hell thing?

      (b) Don't care whether it's Islamic or not... just want it to stop.

      7) Jihad

      (a) See my bit on suicide bombing. I think I was more excited at the prospect of being able to die 'lawfully' and dramatically rather than any religious shit.

      (b) If they start a fight, I fight back.

      8 ) Other religions

      (a) Islam was the true religion IMO, and everything else simply "corruptions of Islam" or completely random shit.

      (b) I'm a Discordian, which is completely random shit, but it's supposed to be.

      9) Mohammed

      (a) I tried to be like him. Specifically, heterosexual.

      (b) If he weren't dead, I'd kill him myself.

      10) Allah

      (a) I tried and failed to not imagine him as a humanoid, and felt utterly ashamed at insulting Allah's Allahness by comparing him, however subconsciously, to the lowly human race.

      (b) Whatever. There is only one Goddess and She is my Goddess.

      11) Circumcision/FGM

      (a) Something that happens to other people. (I'm pretty egocentric.)

      (b) It's wrong IMO, for all sexes.

      12) Young marriage

      (a) Was very adamant that I would not get married until I was twenty-five.

      (b) Am very adamant that I will not get married until I want to.

      13) How you wish to be buried

      (a) Didn't care.

      (b) I want a Tibetan sky burial, but have accepted that that's probably not going to happen, so I'll just get cremated instead.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #189 - June 29, 2011, 05:01 PM

    Quote from: SunbulRocket

    (b) I want a Tibetan sky burial, but have accepted that that's probably not going to happen, so I'll just get cremated instead.

    Evertime I tell someone that I want a sky-burial and explain to them what it is, they look at me like I'm crazy. Now that I've found out you want the same thing... I think they might be right.

    Although I'm leaning more towards a forest burial these days... under a tree... giving back to the earth...all that jazz... and family/friends will have something to visit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #190 - June 29, 2011, 05:25 PM

    I'm not crazy. *keeps telling self that*
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #191 - June 29, 2011, 05:30 PM

    It's ok dear. People are just jealous that the voices are only speaking to us.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #192 - July 26, 2011, 04:34 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a)Astaghfirullah, why have sex before marriage, when you could just marry them and make it halal (oblivious to the fact that you could have multiple sex partners)
    (b) As long as it's safe and protected, why not? Afro

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) It's not their fault. It's just the way Allah made them. Felt pity for them Undecided
    (b) It's not a choice, it's completely normal, and there is nothing wrong with being homosexual, and they need no pity.

    3) Pork

    (a) Eeew, how disgusting, pigs are dirty animals, and are not halal! vomit
    (b) Yum Yum Still haven't had some. 015 but only cause I am not much of a meat eater.

    4) Alcohol

    (a) It's haraam, and anything that intoxicates you is a sin cause you are not in your senses to pray to Allah.
    (b)  cheers WKD! yay JD! cheers

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) Muslimah Girls are precious diamonds and should be covered, not exactly in a black rag, but modest enough to not attract any sexual attention.
    (b) Girls are not material objects, and they do not need protection, we are not inferior to man, and if a man can't control his sexual urges then he should go to the doctor, not have a woman covered in rags.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) It's the jews plotting agains the us. Muslims would never kill anyone, we're from the religion of peace.
    (b) It's a shame that some religions justify such crazy behaviour, and it's worse coming from the so called religion of peace.

    7) Jihad

    (a) Jihad is first and foremost fought within yourself, wit your nafs.
    (b) Jihad is the instigator of suicide bombers.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) They're all distorted, but should still be respected.
    (b) They're not half as bad as Islam made me think they were.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) The most perfect living example for humans.
    (b) Fucking racist bigoted pedo! finmad

    10) Allah

    (a) The most merciful, all knowing and all loving creator.
    (b) Nothing but a figment of schizophrenic Mo's imagination.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) Circumcision - it's sunnah, saves men from deseases, and they're clean. FGM - never heard of it.
    (b) Circumcision - Unnecessary, cruel of Mo to say it's sunnah but never got it done himself, fucking retard. FGM - painful, loss of pleasure and feeling & pointless.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) Age is just a number, some people mature early, and you should get married sooner as it's hallf of your deen.
    (b) Age is just a number, when the time is right, when you're with the right one, then go for it.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) Buried in my family graveyard with a Janazah at the mosque with all my family + relatives + friends.
    (b) Probably buried, donate my organs and don't really want a funeral at a mosque, but just a gathering of all my loved ones.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #193 - July 26, 2011, 04:39 PM

    pretty much everything , instead on seeing everything in the context of Islam I can now have my own opinion . My whole way of thinking had completely changed .

    "its fashionable to be an ex Muslim these days"
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #194 - July 26, 2011, 04:42 PM

    More importantly I can now eat mcdonalds without the guilt

    "its fashionable to be an ex Muslim these days"
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #195 - July 26, 2011, 05:38 PM

      (b) I want a Tibetan sky burial, but have accepted that that's probably not going to happen, so I'll just get cremated instead.[/li]

      OMG. I saw one of those performed on the documentary Human Planet.
      It really freaked me out and even the poor undertaker had to have a few stiff drinks, but eminently sensible if you live in Tibet!
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #196 - July 26, 2011, 05:39 PM

      Why'd it freak you out?
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #197 - July 26, 2011, 06:23 PM

      I suppose it was just something new to me and something I was not quite prepared for.

      I quite see that it is the norm there though and the best way of disposing of dead bodies.

      I want to have an eco-burial myself Smiley
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #198 - July 26, 2011, 06:46 PM

      1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

      (a)  haram
      (b)  whats wrong with sex? Nothing as long as all participants are consenting

      2) Homosexuality

      (a)  Never really saw it as a sin, but kept quiet about it.
      (b)  Have no problem whatsoever with it.  Again, in line with the wiccan rede,
      "And harm ye none, but do what ye will"

      3) Pork

      (a)  I had bacon withdrawals lol.
      (b)  I welcomed crispy bacon

      4) Alcohol

      (a)  Never
      (b)  Once in a blue moon, but usually only to help a cold/flu

      5) Modest dress code

      (a)  Very important
      (b)  Didnt see any reason to change much, escept i go swimming, but
      wear a t shirt and shorts instead of a bathing suit.

      6) Suicide bombing

      (a)  Heartbraking   Cry  I always get very riled when innocents are killed
      (b)  Heartbraking  cannot comprihend the mentality, and the bennies in a
      carnal jannah

      7) Jihad

      (a)  I was told I was practicing jihad with my hijab, that purposely killing
      and maiming was a fairytale, and jihad was misconstrued.
      (b) I hate war, violence, murder, and all that it encompasses.  I dont give
      a damn what the reason or excuse for it is.

      8 ) Other religions

      (a)  My dawagandists told me it was okay to have friends of other religions
      but i could NEVER marry anyone but a muslim.
      (b)  Folks are in the same brain vacuum I was in, how can I hold it against them?
      Its also difficult to let go of something that has that has been the reason and
      purpose of your life for so long.

      9) Mohammed

      (a)  Honestly? I couldn't wrap my mind around how amazing he was lol.
      I always asked, "why do you always say blessings and peace be upon him?
      He's dead, and somewhere in jannah, you think he cares?"  It finally came
      out from a couple of muslims that maybe Mo would put in a good word for
      them in jannah  Roll Eyes  I never really trusted him and wasnt going to go all gaga
      over him until i knew more about him.  His virility was not impressive to me
      at all  Cheesy

      (b)  ohhhh hell no!  

      10) Allah

      (a)  Devoted most of my life to him, as a xian and muslim.
      (b)  Son of a bitch!  He doesnt even exist!  

      11) Circumcision/FGM

      (a)  FGM... that fact that so many women will never know the bliss
      of a sexual relationship burns my hide BIG TIME!   finmad finmad
      I was quite indifferent to male circumcision.

      (b)  Ive learned the most about circumcision since Ive been on this
      forum.  I had no idea the angst it causes amongst ment.  But please,
      dont EVEN compare it to FGM unless its a full castration (balls, penis
      and all)

      12) Young marriage

      (a)  ONLY if they are 16 and above
      (b)  ONLY if they are 16 and above

      13) How you wish to be buried

      (a)  Cremated, much to my dawagandists' objection. Told me it
      "wasn't green"   Cheesy
      (b)  Cremated.  The least burden on anyone having to decide.

      When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
      Helen Keller
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #199 - July 26, 2011, 06:51 PM

      1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

      (a) Will get you stoned according to Islamic jurisprudence, therefore really bad.
      (b) Whatever.

      2) Homosexuality

      (a) Will get you stoned according to Islamic jurisprudence, therefore really bad.
      (b) Whatever flings your ding.

      3) Pork

      (a) Oh what gloriuos wisdom of Allah that he prohibited consumption of such a vile animal.
      (b) Bacon is tasty.

      4) Alcohol

      (a) Universally haram according to Islamic jurisprudence, therefore really bad.
      (b) Still not a good idea for a person of my temperament.

      5) Modest dress code

      (a) Oh my god, shorts are so sinful.
      (b) We don't really need clothes.

      6) Suicide bombing

      (a) It's fucking retarded.
      (b) It's hoorribly wrong and fucking retarded.

      7) Jihad

      (a) Neccessary depending on the situation.
      (b) Any aggressive war is almost universally unjustifiable.

      8 ) Other religions

      (a) They're so dumb.
      (b) "           "   "

      9) Mohammed

      (a) he is a pretty cool guy. he fights kuffar outnumbered and doesn't afraid of anything.
      (b) Typical medieval barbarian, albeit a particularly charismatic and creative one.

      10) Allah

      (a) He is the hope of the universe, the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. He is protector of the innocent, the light in the darkness. He is Truth. Ally to good, nightmare to kuffar like you!
      (b) A figment of billions of people's imagination.

      11) Circumcision/FGM

      (a) It sucks/feels bad man.
      (b) It sucks/feels bad man.

      12) Young marriage

      (a) It's probably not a good idea for me to get married yet.
      (b) Still probably not read... wait you're talking about sex with children, wtf!?

      13) How you wish to be buried

      (a) Islamically.
      (b) Who gives a fuck.

      I can't really point to any sort of causation as to whether changes in views led to change in religion or vice versa. Those things evolved pretty much simultaneously and changes in views continue to do so. Still, leaving Islam has left me more open to new ideas, because I'm not constantly having to check these ideas with a strictly pre-defined and immutable moral framework. Also I no longer have to make mental contortions to reconcile Islam with humane systems of living, so thats also pretty cool.

      how fuck works without shit??

      Let's Play Chess!

      harakaat, friend, RIP
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #200 - July 26, 2011, 08:21 PM

      (a) he is a pretty cool guy. he fights kuffar outnumbered and doesn't afraid of anything.

      I haven't seen that meme for two years. Wow, blast from the past and all that...

    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #201 - July 26, 2011, 10:52 PM

      (a) Never saw anything wrong with it. Had oral and anal sex while I was a muslim (didn't want my hymen ruptured so had to use the backdoor Wink)

      As a hot–blooded, heterosexual male, let me say that women willingly having anal sex is freakin’ AWESOME! bunny
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #202 - July 27, 2011, 02:10 AM

      1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

      (a) Unavoidable, but felt guilty. Not as guilty as it was supposed to be tho, kind of felt like God wouldn't mind that much
      (b) It is great, as long as it is consensual it can be a one night stand or romantic relationship, dont care or judge

      2) Homosexuality

      (a) Never could make myself hate homosexuals, but kind of feel ashamed by them. I thought God would take them to heaven in the end. I have always been naturally humanist for some reason dont know
      (b) It doesn't concern or bother me, anyone can do as they want, and gays can be really cool Smiley

      3) Pork

      (a) Haram and disgusting
      (b) Haven't tried it yet, I wouldn't ask for it specifically just to say fuck you Islam- it is ok but would be childish a little bit-- but if it comes in a dish i would try, dont think i will like it tho, we 'll see

      4) Alcohol

      (a) Haram, but always curious about it, wanted to try it a lot but didn't
      (b) Drink time to time for fun, to get drunk, but wouldn't prefer a drinking life style.

      5) Modest dress code

      (a) Never liked, often hated it, but obeyed --fucking still obeying!--, it has always been hard on me, felt it was unfair to women. Always hated the burqa, niqab tho, only accepted moderate style, always felt like Islam isnt that harsh as to ask us to wear burqas or even if it did, a reform was natural and good, we were the children of our times after all. It isolates one so much, hate it!!
      (b) Hate it, the Islamic kind of imposed moderation I mean, otherwise I find it silly to wear like a stripper at the office or an official ceremony.

      6) Suicide bombing

      (a) Felt it was against Islam, even if wasn't against it I still never could approve it. It was a means to manipulate some naive people into serving your own retarded agenda
      (b) Find it stupid, a tool exploited by some bad people who have some sort of agenda, even they really had good intentions-- except the killing innocents as a result-- i can't understand how they can't see that it never worked nor will ever work.

      7) Jihad

      (a) Thought it was misinterpreted, it was meant to battle with your ego and non-Muslims in science, technology etc. But then again, I later came to understand that Quran really means the Jihad as in killing kaffirs, i was disgusted by the idea, hated being part of thing that favors it
      (b) Horrible, wish there was a way to make people see how they are being brainwashed

      8 ) Other religions

      (a) They were corrupted, but had empathy for all the members of Religions of the Book, it was the atheist who were the true idiots lol, look at me now. Didn't bother much about it tho, didn't mind having foreign friends, couldn't  make myself hate others despite the teachings that I should stay away from non-Muslims as much as possible.
      (b) All religions are man made bullshit, but it is true Christianity is more peaceful, doesn't make it any good in my eyes yet

      9) Mohammed

      (a) God created the universe for the love of him. Felt cheated as he didn't earn that love, just born to it. Why I couldn't be the one God loved? He was our role model, the perfect example of humans.
      (b) Hate him with a vengeance! He was smart though, shaped, started this bullshit, but the imams, hodjas after him did far more damage actually

      10) Allah

      (a) I loved him but always thought he was really harsh and doesn't explain anything. Believed he would put me in heaven in the end no matter what, cos he loved me Tongue
      (b) Agnostic atheist just for the sake of a maybe, otherwise purely atheist. Don't think he does but if he exists he is either an entity who doesn't give a crap to anyone or anything, so no test, afterlife etc or he is the God Islam defines, but he isn't merciful or great, instead he is a cruel, spoiled, imperfect God who is also a liar.

      11) Circumcision/FGM

      (a) Was ok with circ.. Thought there wasn't such a thing as  FGM in Islam. Found the idea horrible.
      (b) Circ. is still ok but must be left to choice, wouldn't force my child to do it, should be up to him. I myself prefer it circumcised. FGM is still horrible and should be banned.

      12) Young marriage

      (a) Against. I was aware that Islam encouraged it but didn't like the idea still. Hated when girls of 11 -12 or smt. were forced into marrying perverts, always thought of it was a cultural thing rather than religious --based on the regions where it was most applied-- but religion provided them the perfect excuse.
      (b) Even when it has nothing to do with religion I am against it, I would try to stop my child from doing it, in a good way if i can

      13) How you wish to be buried

      (a) Like a Muslim, usual ceremony, but if possible in Madinah lol:P
      (b) I would like to be cremated after donating my organs, but it wont happen unfortunately.

      God = King of Despots
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #203 - July 27, 2011, 02:28 AM

      I remember the exact point my mind shed the idea i will get married off...

      i was writing in my diary about the bf and back of my mind thinking 'what if my 'future husband' finds this....' And i stopped in my tracks and the true realisation came that i have the right and power to choose who i marry and if i marry at all...(i was even an ex-muzzie then, wih a bf too) and how stupid it was to have the mindset of 'random other future husband' when i had a bf at that point.

      "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

      'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #204 - July 27, 2011, 01:40 PM

      1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

      (a) Never, just hugging my bf felt so sinful.
      (b) Yes, as long as its with someone I love.

      2) Homosexuality

      (a) Thought its wrong and sinful.
      (b) Absolutely fine with it although it did take me a few months to get to that stage.

      3) Pork

      (a) Haram, only had it once as a muslim because I was hungry.
      (b) I'd like to try it again, I just keep on forgetting to try some >_<

      4) Alcohol

      (a) Haram, but I drank occasionally, sin could be forgiven  Tongue
      (b) Nothing wrong with it.

      5) Modest dress code

      (a) Always dressed modestly without covering my hair.
      (b) Dress the same as I did as a muslim but now I don't have a problem with short skirts etc.

      6) Suicide bombing

      (a) Legitimate form of warfare as long as its targeting a military/govt. target. Had they had F-16s and drones they'd use them too  Tongue
      (b) Feel the same.

      7) Jihad

      (a) Being part of a struggle  to "enjoin the good and forbid the evil" verbally and physically.
      (b) People have a right to resist occupation and oppression, muslim or non-muslim.

      8 ) Other religions

      (a) Islam is the one true religion as muslims are the only ones who adhere to pure monotheism. Every other religion (and sects like shiaism) are false.
      (b) They all try to explain God, life and how we should live in their own way. Don't have a problem with any of them as long as they're not imposed on others.

      9) Mohammed

      (a) A man chosen by Allah to lead the greatest and final ummah. Perfect in his worship but a man capable of making mistakes and being wrong (muslims who claimed he was THE perfect man pissed me off, they should read his seerah!!!)
      (b) I don't think he was evil or anything, revolutionary for his time. Less naive about his political moves, controversial in some ways. 

      10) Allah

      (a) I was very monotheistic (I was told that even thinking about Mohammed during salah was shirk) so Allah to me was something very important, loved referring to 'him' by his names, I memorised about 30 of them  Tongue My favourites were Al-Quddus, Al-Wakil and Al-Muhaymin  grin12
      (b) Seeing as I'm agnostic atheist with sufi leanings I prefer referring to God as Allah.

      11) Circumcision/FGM

      (a) Didn't see anything wrong with circumcision. FGM wasn't part of Islam and should be stopped.
      (b) Feel the same.

      12) Young marriage

      (a) Nothing wrong with it, I wanted to marry aged 22-25.
      (b) Feel the same.

      13) How you wish to be buried

      (a) Simple burial with a tiny headstone.
      (b) Don't care.
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #205 - July 27, 2011, 03:06 PM

      I haven't seen that meme for two years. Wow, blast from the past and all that...


      I never forget.  cool2

      how fuck works without shit??

      Let's Play Chess!

      harakaat, friend, RIP
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #206 - July 27, 2011, 05:37 PM

      they eat it in europe, but its a gourmet dish and not an everyday thing. Have you not seen that Mr Bean where he orders a steak tartare and didn't realise it would be raw?

      LOVE steak de tartar... ate it at  a place called Pub Cardinal in downtown tokyo.
      (In ropongi) 

      I wonder if one develops immunity to certain things if they eat things like this from
      a young age.  I have never had a problem after eating VERY fresh, raw meat.

      However, in the last few decades, if I do pinch a hunk of hamburger meat, i eat
      it with a bit of soy sauce, and then eat a few pieces of sushi ginger afterwards to
      ensure I dont get sick. 

      When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
      Helen Keller
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #207 - July 31, 2011, 08:47 AM

      3) Pork

      (a) Haram and disgusting
      (b) Haven't tried it yet, I wouldn't ask for it specifically just to say fuck you Islam- it is ok but would be childish a little bit-- but if it comes in a dish i would try, dont think i will like it tho, we 'll see

      4) Alcohol

      (a) Haram, but always curious about it, wanted to try it a lot but didn't
      (b) Drink time to time for fun, to get drunk, but wouldn't prefer a drinking life style.

      I notice a lot of ex–muslims (I include myself in this) share this tendency: drinking alcohol comes more easily than eating piggy.
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #208 - July 31, 2011, 08:53 AM

      I noticed that ages ago.  I've always found it so strange since of the 2, you can eat pork if you are starving as a muslim and have NO other option, but at no stage is alcohol acceptable, so how come the pork creates the strongest taboo?  one that lasts beyond belief in some?

      Its probably because alcohol is just forbidden but it is not insulted at every turn, whereas the pig is called every name they can think of, and seen as the most disgusting animal of all.

      Crazy how you can condition an aversion to specific foods in a child, to the point that when that child becames an adult, they refuse to even change that conditioning.

      Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
    • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
       Reply #209 - July 31, 2011, 09:28 AM

      I notice a lot of ex–muslims (I include myself in this) share this tendency: drinking alcohol comes more easily than eating piggy.

      The Muslims I know always give the reason for their disgust as being that pigs eat their own poo, which I agree is pretty off putting and enough reason not to eat them. However I think pigs only eat their own faeces if there is nothing else to eat. They are intelligent animals and know the difference between poo and food.
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